Ninja's Cube
Archive: 6 posts
OMG this levels is super awesomely amazing!:star::star::star::star::star:!! Ok so basically it's a Cube that Spins within a Circle. The Objective is to grab all the green squares that appear. After you grab all the green squares, you have to go back and grab the platform where your checkpoint is. After that you move onto the next level. Each level has a new obstacle to dodge while you are spinning around, hanging from a grabbable platform trying not to touch the cube's electric outline and trying to grab all of the green cubes. After you complete a level, a protective outline will be emited to keep the cube from shocking you. Then you must grab the new Checkpoint platform to strt the level, the protective outline will disappear, and the new cubes and obstacle will spawn inside the cube. There are 12 "Rounds" or levels that are very challenging. You start off with 1,000,000 points so the point is to try not to lose any points by dying (Clever!). This Level Is a definite must play so go play it. And If anything is not very clear it will all make sense when you play the level! | 2009-11-01 05:30:00 Author: SupaSack34 ![]() Posts: 180 |
I can't find the level. You never posted an author, and searching "Ninja's Cube" doesn't come up with anything. I checked your hearted levels page, but it wasn't there either. | 2009-11-01 15:59:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
I can't find the level. You never posted an author, and searching "Ninja's Cube" doesn't come up with anything. I checked your hearted levels page, but it wasn't there either. Do a search for the author guneye. It should show up. I've had the opportunity to play it in 3 player mode and had a blast. (Obviously you'll lose more points with multiplayers) and probably better played 1PL. Looks like guneye put a lot of work into it and I'll definitely give it a try alone when I get a chance. | 2009-11-02 17:57:00 Author: SHENOA77 ![]() Posts: 184 |
Ninja's Cube was quite fun and challenging mini-game, if your up for a good challenge this levels for you. | 2009-11-03 02:18:00 Author: EviLPaNda ![]() Posts: 51 |
Yeah sorry for not giving the authors name, I couldn't remember it at the time lol. | 2009-11-03 16:49:00 Author: SupaSack34 ![]() Posts: 180 |
Played this level again, this time on my own. Challenging, fun. Tests your precision jumping skills and swinging capabilities. I ran into some trouble trying to grab the blue base platform at times (most difficult when your upside-down) which in turn gave me some unneccessary deaths. Other than that, 5 of 5 stars and many hearts. One of my new favorites. Btw gun, it would be interesting if you could add an option for 'race mode'. Step up the challenge a notch and see who can finish the cube the fastest. | 2009-11-05 20:35:00 Author: SHENOA77 ![]() Posts: 184 |
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