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Are You Too Old To Trick-or-Treat?

Archive: 23 posts

Hello Happy Gadders! I know all of you don't know my age, and I'm not going to say, but I like Halloween a lot. But then there's the question you wonder about, "Are you to old to trick-or-treat?" I really need help.

I went trick-or-treating for 20-minutes, thinking **** my age. But as I stayed longer on the streets, I felt quite ashamed of my child-like antic. So I stopped. Now there's 1 hour left or me to get out there, but I don't know if I should. So here's where you come.

Post your answer about this topic. I'm not looking for, "I'm to old for it." or "What's your age?". I'm looking for,"Any age would do" or "This is when everybody stops". I hope I can find this helpful, along with anybody who also feels the same.

So post now, and thanks for reading. Happy Halloween!

2009-11-01 03:49:00

Posts: 5551

Dude, I have seen 16 and 17 yr olds trick r treating. I think I seen a couple of grown ups as well. I'm 26 and people were handing me candy just because I was in costume and have kids.
I say go for it and never be embarrassed about how young you want to act. Your only gonna get older, why not act someone else's age. (just try to take a friend so you don't look stupid)
2009-11-01 03:56:00

Posts: 479

If you want to go then go.

If one of the people in the homes you go to for candy tries to deny you for being too old, then kick him, take the candy, and run. I'd like to see him try and report you.

I didn't go this year, just because my friends didn't want to go. If they wanted to, I would have went. I'm just not going to go ringing on doorbells all by myself lol.
2009-11-01 04:05:00

Posts: 431

I've never been trick or treating and I've only gone to two halloween parties (probably never again either) so I don't know. It's up to you though, I agree with thefrozenpenquin too; take a friend and it shouldn't be embarrassing at all. 2009-11-01 04:20:00

Posts: 1606

So basicly, you're saying: Together is cool,but alone you're a fool.

Thanks! I went with my baby cousin and it worked... until we split up for 3 minutes and ended up as a fool for 20 seconds. Not too bad, but I should have stuck to the plan. FAIL!
2009-11-01 05:14:00

Posts: 5551

I went trick or treating when I was 20, with a bunch of other 20 year olds. But we were students so it's OK we got nearly a crate of beer and two bottles of wine. Plus some sweeties.2009-11-01 11:16:00

Posts: 6497

I stopped trick-or-treating when I was 10... I don't like candy, don't like dressing up in a costume, and don't like pumpkins.

Pumpkins are icky.
2009-11-01 15:32:00

Posts: 305

I never even started. 2009-11-01 15:39:00

Posts: 3193

Well, your are never really too old.
I mean, it's not me anymore that asks for candies but I still take part, dress up (disguise) and accompany the children in their night.

2009-11-01 15:54:00

Posts: 3901

My parents wouldn't let me go trick or treating because they thought that our neighbors were going to poison my candy. Mind you, I live in a good neighborhood.

So, I don't know how old is too old to trick or treat. I know this, though. I am 31, and I'd still dress up in a costume in a heartbeat.
2009-11-01 16:07:00

Posts: 2569

Thanks. I will say though that a guy did almost ran over a bunch of people, including me, due to his drunk driving. So ya... that was kind of hectic. :eek:2009-11-01 17:52:00

Posts: 5551

Any age, any gender, any "whatever".
I'm in it for the free candy and socalness, and you are never too old to have friends and free sweets.

-Is socalness a word? IT IS NOW.
2009-11-01 18:39:00

Posts: 1063

I'll be 13 in a couple months.

Probably my last year. Now for scaring children.
2009-11-01 18:41:00

Posts: 542

im 13 and i trick or treat. i go with a couple of friends. We ussauly get a ton of candy but to be honest i eat like 1/25 of it. I find it fun going house to house for candy but i dont eat any of it weird right O.o2009-11-01 19:41:00

Posts: 6419

lol im not allowed but i don't really mind not a big fan of candy 2009-11-01 19:44:00

Posts: 2701

im 18 and i went trick-or-treating last night!!!! it was fun!!!!2009-11-01 19:49:00

Posts: 119

Awesome! No one tried to kill you? 2009-11-01 20:59:00

Posts: 5551

A fine example of this question is my dad. He "Trick-Or-Treat"ed for so long that my grandma had to finally yell at him and say "YOU'RE TOO OLD FOR THAT!! YOU'RE A FULL-GROWN MAN NOW!!!". In fact, if it weren't for my dad, I wouldn't have ended up with about 6-7 (8-9, idk.) pounds of candy.

Just make sure you bring a bottle of water if you intend to bring friends.
2009-11-01 22:14:00

Posts: 5757

Just make sure you bring a bottle of water if you intend to bring friends.

Why? To soak them for a not sharing their candy?
2009-11-02 01:40:00

Posts: 5551

Definitely but when I visited my grandma she still had plenty of candy for me 2009-11-02 03:05:00

Posts: 2278


Everyone's a kid when it's Halloween.
2009-11-02 03:09:00

Posts: 3664

A fine example of this question is my dad. He "Trick-Or-Treat"ed for so long that my grandma had to finally yell at him and say "YOU'RE TOO OLD FOR THAT!! YOU'RE A FULL-GROWN MAN NOW!!!". In fact, if it weren't for my dad, I wouldn't have ended up with about 6-7 (8-9, idk.) pounds of candy.

Just make sure you bring a bottle of water if you intend to bring friends.

First off, your dad is AWESOME. Just saying.
The bottled water is to makes the kids stop crying about being thirsty.
2009-11-02 03:40:00

Posts: 479

I went with my friends, and we're 16. We were out for two hours, dressed up as Persona 3.

Yes. We shot ourselves with toy guns many times. :3
2009-11-02 12:09:00

Posts: 306

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