(If you only play one level today make it..) 'The Tube' - *Photos*
Archive: 14 posts
The Tube - London Underground Train *EDIT* If anyone is struggling to find this level just search 'skyway73' then click one of my other levels, then 'Find more from this author' I've spent way too long creating this level but enjoyed every minute of making it. Well, every minute except for the several I wasted trying to get all the cameras just right. ![]() Anyway, would love to get some feedback be it positive or otherwise. Overview Guide Sack through the Underground riding trains and collecting bubbles. There is only really one section where you may die, the main gameplay emphasis is on achieving the High score. I've set up combo/multiplier potential where I can as this is one aspect of LBP I really enjoy. Pulling off a nice points combo can be satisfying. There's a few hidden surprises too, the clues are fairly obvious but can you collect everything?.. Difficulty I would say the average player will ace this after 2 or 3 attempts. I didn't want to make it too hard as I want as many people to enjoy it as possible. Hopefully you will want to show your skill by beating the Top score. I realise most players only play through a level once or twice so tried to make it that you can see everything possible on the first go. I would love to have kept some things more of a surprise so that only a few would find them but then you risk players not seeing your hard work so... Design I started by making a simple Tube train that went back and forth, then added some sliding doors, a few hand-made stickers and a platform and I realised I could make a whole level based round this idea. I got a bit addicted to making stickers for this level ![]() ![]() I built this level with a much better understanding of the thermometer than I had when making my others, I would recommend any budding creators to suss that out first as it makes life so much easier when you realise what makes your level overheat. Enough rambling from me, I will add a Youtube video when I get round to it but in the meantime hopefully these pics will entice you to give it a spin. http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/2976/aphoto.jpg http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/701/aphoto6.jpg http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/2415/aphoto14.jpg http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/1340/aphoto1p.jpg http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/6103/aphoto2.jpg http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/9272/aphoto3.jpg http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/2252/aphoto8.jpg http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/6502/aphoto10.jpg http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/2973/aphoto11.jpg http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/6117/aphoto12.jpg http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/5478/aphoto13m.jpg If you can't be bothered to comment on the level I would still be interested to hear if you find anything broken etc. I have play-tested it pretty thoroughly but not with more than one player, it should be ok with two or more I'm guessing though. Some (made up) reviews: "Wow, this creator really has wasted too many hours on this! Play it before his wife divorces him due to his LBP addiction and burns his PS3" :star::star::star::star::star: "Great. I really wanted to re-live my hellish journey to work everyday. I can almost smell the body odour of my fellow passengers. Thanks a lot." :star: "All that's missing is a tone-deaf busker trying to get some of my hard earned cash. Hang on, there is one in there! He even sounds better than most of the real ones I have heard." :star::star::star::star::star: Have fun everyone! ![]() | 2009-10-30 21:16:00 Author: skyway73 ![]() Posts: 37 |
I'll check it out. Looks interesting | 2009-10-30 21:24:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
I really like the amount of design you put into this level! Very intricate! especially the atms, the cameras and the newspapers! There were a few bugs though. -Right when you see the first train, you can enter the gap between it and the wall and get stuck under the train. -The right side of both doors on the first train got stuck. -Moving through the train was tough, sackboy kept hitting things/ stopping. -The light at the top of the escalator before going into the vents gets stuck at the top. -If you fall of the train during the first section of the "surfing" segment. You fall into an out of bounds area. (On top of the other parts of the level.) What I played wasn't perfect, but it showed excellent potential! I hope to see more! :star::star::star::star:/Satisfying F4F: Can you please play my new Halloween level? It's SIREN: The Lost World [Episode 3- Holes]! Thanks and enjoi! | 2009-10-30 21:47:00 Author: Noroibito ![]() Posts: 211 |
I really like the amount of design you put into this level! Very intricate! especially the atms, the cameras and the newspapers! There were a few bugs though. -Right when you see the first train, you can enter the gap between it and the wall and get stuck under the train. -The right side of both doors on the first train got stuck. -Moving through the train was tough, sackboy kept hitting things/ stopping. -The light at the top of the escalator before going into the vents gets stuck at the top. -If you fall of the train during the first section of the "surfing" segment. You fall into an out of bounds area. (On top of the other parts of the level.) Thanks Noroibito, very useful input. I knew there may be a few bugs but it's annoying as I thought I had ironed out some you have mentioned. Should be able to remove them though. I guess it goes to show when you play-test your own levels you tend to move about them in a similar fashion and may miss even simple problems. Will also definitely check out your levels too, thanks again. | 2009-10-30 23:22:00 Author: skyway73 ![]() Posts: 37 |
Nice level, I like all the architecture, vehicles and guitar bloke lol. The rats and other blokes on top of the train fall apart was fun. A great little platformer really, good job. :star::star::star::star: | 2009-11-02 10:29:00 Author: LordMagicPants ![]() Posts: 187 |
this looks pretty good will check this out when iget a chance | 2009-11-02 11:07:00 Author: lbpholic ![]() Posts: 1304 |
Ok, made a few adustments to iron out the few bugs, should be ok now but please let me know if you find anything else. Made the wall thicker near the first train to stop sack from jumping in between and falling under train. Fixed the sticking doors, changed material from cardboard to something heavier and fiddled with the piston settings- seems to have cured it now. Smoothed out the train interiors slightly, you will still have to jump sometimes to get through the carriages, should be straightforward. Re-built the light at top of escalator so it all works as it should now. I like that bit of the level. ![]() If you fall off the final train anywhere now you won't find yourself in an out of bounds area. You will get zapped. Added a few more strategically placed bubbles to enable even more combos for those point-freaks out there! Added extra check-point near end. Hope you all enjoy playing it and, again, please let me know of any issues. Ta. | 2009-11-02 12:27:00 Author: skyway73 ![]() Posts: 37 |
Haha! Just played it again after the fixes you mention. I actually enjoyed it more this time! Nice to see that you listen well and fixed the problems. Still quite good and hope to see more! P.S. Still waiting for feedback on my level SIREN: The Lost World [Episode 3- Holes] | 2009-11-08 23:07:00 Author: Noroibito ![]() Posts: 211 |
hmm this lvl looks really cool ![]() ![]() | 2009-11-09 00:02:00 Author: Joey ![]() Posts: 758 |
Since you were so kind to leave some feedback on mine and I still have F4F turned on.... I felt I should visit and leave some feedback even though you didn't ask!! Really amazing setwork. Loved the amount of detail in everything. Especially nice was the custom sticker work! ![]() Fun little level actually.. though I wish there was a bit more platforming so we could jump around and play more in around and through that incredible world you built!! A few nitpicks.. I think what might be fairy lights in the train are a bit of a distraction in that you cannot walk through easily. ...although they do help you get up on the seats for bubbles. I had to give it 4 stars though, I would have easily given it 5 had there been more to do, but I did give you a well deserved heart just for all the detail!! Great job and hope to see more from you!! | 2009-11-09 16:12:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Since you were so kind to leave some feedback on mine and I still have F4F turned on.... I felt I should visit and leave some feedback even though you didn't ask!! Really amazing setwork. Loved the amount of detail in everything. Especially nice was the custom sticker work! ![]() Fun little level actually.. though I wish there was a bit more platforming so we could jump around and play more in around and through that incredible world you built!! A few nitpicks.. I think what might be fairy lights in the train are a bit of a distraction in that you cannot walk through easily. ...although they do help you get up on the seats for bubbles. I had to give it 4 stars though, I would have easily given it 5 had there been more to do, but I did give you a well deserved heart just for all the detail!! Great job and hope to see more from you!! Ah, thanks for playing and the feedback jwwp. Yes, I agree there certainly could be more platforming. I think I got carried away with trying to make it look realistic and also making all the mechanics function correctly. Though if anyone is intending to collect ALL the bubbles then some serious platforming will be required ![]() And yes, I did become a tad obsessed with making stickers... ![]() As for walking through the trains, I realised after I was a long way into the level that I shouldn't have made it quite so tricky. Though when you realise that there is only one block either side of each door to jump over it's not too bad really. I could remove them but then you couldn't get up on the seats, they also stop sack from sliding about too much on the faster train. Also, for some reason if I go anywhere near the sliding doors they start to fail and need re-building! I dare not fiddle too much... ![]() Oh and thanks for the PM regarding 'the missing bubble' on your level. I'm sure that is the one I couldn't find and will have another go to make sure. | 2009-11-09 17:26:00 Author: skyway73 ![]() Posts: 37 |
Haha! Just played it again after the fixes you mention. I actually enjoyed it more this time! Nice to see that you listen well and fixed the problems. Still quite good and hope to see more! P.S. Still waiting for feedback on my level SIREN: The Lost World [Episode 3- Holes] Thanks for trying it again, glad you enjoyed it. I also made a few adjustments to make the level more 'multi-player friendly' such as adding an extra light to grab and adding a few more check-points. I will feedback on your level, promise. ![]() | 2009-11-09 17:58:00 Author: skyway73 ![]() Posts: 37 |
I played this level a few days ago and got stuck somewhere and quit. Today I gave it another go and made it all the way. Getting through the train was problematic and I couldn't figure out how to get the bubbles on the seats. Other than that it was a good ride. Very nice details and setpieces. Simple gameplay but fun stuff to see and do. I always like searching for every stash of bubbles in a level. Have you played the After the Rain series by Faith_rip? The first part has a very detailed subway scene. | 2009-11-17 21:04:00 Author: Kipmonlin ![]() Posts: 251 |
Glad you gave it another go Kipmonlin, if you walk through the carriage sack will stop every now and again as I put in a couple of small blocks either side of the doors. Move sack to the front layer of the train and jump off these blocks to get on the seats. Can be a bit tricky and is sometimes easier when the train has stopped. I too am a bit of a bubble obsessive, I like to get them all and with the highest multiplier ![]() I actually posted the high score today when I was having a run through, stupid of me as I meant to quit before uploading it. I don't want to be near the top of my own level, at least I know that the score is easily beatable by someone willing to put in a bit of effort. Thanks for the suggestion about After the Rain, no I haven't heard of those levels but will definitely try it, along with yours too. | 2009-11-17 22:18:00 Author: skyway73 ![]() Posts: 37 |
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