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Custom Costumes (No not customize)

Archive: 5 posts

Why not CUSTOM costumes? And/or community costumes, like here is what you would do: First you would go all the way over where the Randomize costume, Save Costume, etc. is, and click the "Custom Costume" button and then you will have the Pop-it right next to your Sackboy (as usual) and have this list of options:




-Advanced (For example a stick with a glowing orb a the end of it)

The customization would be the article of clothing, the width wrinkles in the clothing, and etc. its endless possibilities! Comment on what you think would be cool!
2009-10-30 00:05:00

Posts: 606

sounds good, but also a bit complicated. Maybe in LBP2?

But yeah, they gotta do something with costumes that is a bit more innovative, I love the game but I am not the one that will spend hours on a level, but I love dressing up my sackboy(even though my current one is very simple)
2009-10-30 00:47:00

Posts: 10

Perhaps I'm missing the point here, but can't you already do pretty much all of that with what we already have, like stickers. That can give you any colour you want, just about, and more complex things can be done with decorations; I once made a mechanical arm out of a variety of pipes, coins and gold motifs. This slightly homemade look is half the appeal in my opinion. A good example of this is the little visible cardboard edges on the WipEout costumes.

As I said, if I am missing something please tell me, but I don't see the point.
2009-11-08 12:41:00

Posts: 16

Perhaps I'm missing the point here, but can't you already do pretty much all of that with what we already have, like stickers. That can give you any colour you want, just about, and more complex things can be done with decorations; I once made a mechanical arm out of a variety of pipes, coins and gold motifs. This slightly homemade look is half the appeal in my opinion. A good example of this is the little visible cardboard edges on the WipEout costumes.

As I said, if I am missing something please tell me, but I don't see the point.

Ok, I think I should have made the more like "Create your own costumes" but what i was thinking is "create" your own costume. Y'know, make the torso, pants gloves, etc. 'make' the costumes is what I had in mind, because were only limited to so many costumes. (That is, costumes like the pirate, ninja, robot, costumes)
2009-11-08 20:05:00

Posts: 606

Yeh i'd like things to make your sack fatter/muscular etc.2009-11-08 21:49:00

Posts: 1266

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