i'm sorry if i've been mean lately...
Archive: 7 posts
it was wrong...and i've been a spoiled brat at the sig exchange...its just that a lot has been happeneing...like my grandma is in the ER...and she might not make it to christmas...i know that doesn't justify anything but...i love her...and i can't stand to lose her!!!!!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() plz forgive me! ![]() | 2009-10-25 17:09:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
As much as I would love to forgive everything that you've done and cleanse your soul, leave my sympathies and give you a great big hug *cough* this isn't really News and Media material ![]() LOL just kidding, I do leave my sympathies, although I cannot recall you doing anything wrong =| Must admit...I know this sounds harsh, you really didn't need to start a thread about this... | 2009-10-25 17:27:00 Author: KoRnDawwg ![]() Posts: 1424 |
As much as I would love to forgive everything that you've done and cleanse your soul, *cough* this isn't really News and Media material ![]() I leave my sympathies, although I cannot recall you doing anything wrong =| (taking deep breaths...)i guess it should be generaol chat...sorry...:blush: | 2009-10-25 17:29:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
(taking deep breaths...)i guess it should be generaol chat...sorry...:blush: Don't worry I'm sure a mod can move it. Sorry to hear about the hard times. | 2009-10-25 17:54:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
I have no idea what meanness you have been up to, but I am horribly sorry to hear about your Grandma as well as your Grandpa. That is really sad and painful to hear. ![]() Life can be a cruel unfair mess at times and in those times your friends and family are your biggest source of strength and comfort. They are an asset and an amazing gift. So if you were cranky and mean, then you did yourself as well as others an injustice and you should PM each of those or simply post on that thread your apologies or as you suggest, move this to general discussion. My thoughts are with you and your grandparents. Wishing you all the best in these difficult times. Good luck. ![]() | 2009-10-25 18:05:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I have no idea what meanness you have been up to, but I am horribly sorry to hear about your Grandma as well as your Grandpa. That is really sad and painful to hear. ![]() Life can be a cruel unfair mess at times and in those times your friends and family are your biggest source of strength and comfort. They are an asset and an amazing gift. So if you were cranky and mean, then you did yourself as well as others an injustice and you should PM each of those or simply post on that thread your apologies or as you suggest, move this to general discussion. My thoughts are with you and your grandparents. Wishing you all the best in these difficult times. Good luck. ![]() thx...and yes i already did! | 2009-10-25 18:07:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
theswweet, I have lost many people in my life, including my mother, four years ago today, actually. It stinks that your grandma might not be around forever, but this, unfortunately, is life. You have to be with her as much as you can and make the most of the time you've got left, as life isn't forever. My thoughts and prayers will be with you, and I hope that things work out for the best, but if they don't, please remember that you can always post on these forums or in the fun and friendly group and we'll try to cheer you up. ^_^ | 2009-10-25 20:57:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
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