LBP Blog/Sam Info
Archive: 42 posts
http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=littlebigplanet&thread.id=31149 I tried copying it but it wouldn't work | 2008-09-21 22:30:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=littlebigplanet&thread.id=31149 I tried copying it but it wouldn't work Nice spot mate! Great to read the (sometimes) new info.. For me it's great to read that we can replace an already uploaded level! ![]() Cheers mates! | 2008-09-21 22:40:00 Author: WiZZiE ![]() Posts: 28 |
Nice spot mate! Great to read the (sometimes) new info.. For me it's great to read that we can replace an already uploaded level! ![]() Cheers mates! Thanks, took me a while to make that thread | 2008-09-21 22:42:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
Wow, great collection of the official info, there. Very detailed, which is nice. | 2008-09-21 22:44:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
nice thread you got there keep it updated![]() | 2008-09-21 22:44:00 Author: BerkleyJ ![]() Posts: 110 |
Wow tonnes of info, thanks for sharing. | 2008-09-21 22:47:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=littlebigplanet&thread.id=31149 I tried copying it but it wouldn't work Wow, GREAT find. Just read pretty much ALL of it ![]() | 2008-09-21 23:19:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
wow great info!! thanks' | 2008-09-22 00:38:00 Author: ea9492 ![]() Posts: 444 |
Nice job shahchip! Great stuff | 2008-09-22 00:40:00 Author: Drop ![]() Posts: 46 |
Thanks for this![]() | 2008-09-22 02:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The lag issue is slightly troubling. There are several times where there's something that will be "fixed" but never really is... | 2008-09-22 02:21:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
No online create mode at launch???? This is dissapointing to say the least! | 2008-09-22 03:53:00 Author: Abs1nth3 ![]() Posts: 49 |
So many words... | 2008-09-22 04:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Really nice thread. Good read. Still dissapointing about no online create at launch. But at least it is coming! | 2008-09-22 11:09:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I think it'll be alright. He said that they were mainly working on lag issues for awhile before LBP went gold. | 2008-09-22 13:49:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
Hmm. I can see why the lag could be bad though. I've heard people complain that Xbox Live is laggy, but in my personal experience, PSN is worse, here's hoping they can get something fixed. | 2008-09-22 13:57:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
lucky for us you found our forum ![]() | 2008-09-22 14:17:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
Brilliant collection of info snippets - the online creation update was news to me! | 2008-09-22 15:34:00 Author: mrbobbyboy ![]() Posts: 304 |
No online create mode at launch...... sadface initiate. | 2008-09-22 16:15:00 Author: GuyWithNoEyes ![]() Posts: 1100 |
Also, I'm satisfied that you can change the color of your personal PopIt. GREEN POPITS FTW | 2008-09-22 16:40:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
Also, I'm satisfied that you can change the color of your personal PopIt. GREEN POPITS FTW yeh i just thought it was random colours. there is so much custimisation. | 2008-09-22 16:45:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
purple pop it methinks. | 2008-09-22 17:01:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
Dude. Black, shiny black *gets excited*.. | 2008-09-22 17:02:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
yeh i just thought it was random colours. there is so much customization. fixed lol, but yeah, awesome. I prefer color | 2008-09-22 18:12:00 Author: BerkleyJ ![]() Posts: 110 |
I perfer color 'perfer' lol ![]() | 2008-09-22 18:37:00 Author: J4M35 ![]() Posts: 19 |
fixed lol, but yeah, awesome. I perfer color Please don't drag up the pointless battle over the spellings of words that vary by region. | 2008-09-22 18:59:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
aww, no online in launch![]() | 2008-09-22 20:00:00 Author: Killa_5150 ![]() Posts: 227 |
'perfer' lol ![]() prefer "never correct someone when you can't spell yourself." lesson learned ![]() | 2008-09-22 20:02:00 Author: BerkleyJ ![]() Posts: 110 |
Also, I'm satisfied that you can change the color of your personal PopIt. GREEN POPITS FTW Dude. Black, shiny black *gets excited*.. It's either Black for me... Or maybe Orange Depending on what looks better with my SackBoy costume :hero: | 2008-09-22 20:55:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
prefer "never correct someone when you can't spell yourself." lesson learned ![]() But that was me pointing out the spelling mistake! Aw well never mind!! Only thing I care to be able to spell is 'where is LBP beta?' ! | 2008-09-22 21:54:00 Author: J4M35 ![]() Posts: 19 |
Alright its updated guys :arg: | 2008-09-23 00:12:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
whats updated? | 2008-09-23 00:24:00 Author: J4M35 ![]() Posts: 19 |
There should be indications with lines It should say ***NEW*** and ***Update******* | 2008-09-23 00:26:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
What is new and updated, something to do with the LBP Beta - am I being silly? Did I miss something? | 2008-09-23 00:29:00 Author: J4M35 ![]() Posts: 19 |
Update - Online Create mode is not in the game right now but will be available pretty soon: Link I may be wrong but it seems like there's some misunderstanding over what this means. As ever, here's a mini FAQ. Is online create in the game from launch? No it's not, however it will be included in the first game update after launch. We're working on making this available as quickly as possible, but want to make sure it's right before releasing it. What does online create actually mean? Online create, quite simply, is the ability to use the create side of the game in an online multiplayer fashion. So I can still share my levels? Absolutely. All of the sharing features of the game are up and running. And I can still play multiplayer? Yes. Online multiplayer for playing the game is still very much there. And I can still create levels with my friends offline? Totally. Up to 4 players can work together on a single PS3 to create levels. Also, you can still work collaboratively with friends to build levels by exchanging them through the share portion of the game. From my perspective, which you can take or leave, it is well worth getting some practise in with the create side of the game before trying to use it in a multiplayer fashion as it can be somewhat frustrating to get things done if everyone you're working with is still getting used to all the functions. While it's not ideal to have to wait for this feature to be released, it might actually be beneficial to creators until it happens as you'll be able to work out the tools entirely, and figure out how best to work with others on your projects. New - We can play with the Developers!!! Link We'll be around And you can bet we'll be creating some levels for you to play with, so even if you don't get to slap yours truly into a flaming pit, you can at least abuse my creations. How much HDD space do we need? Link With the release version of the game, you'll need just under 500MB of space to be off and running. After that it will depend entirely on how many levels you create and download, and how much extra content you add to the game. Details about the "First Week Updates" Link There hasn't been a specific thread on this subject but it merits a little more information. There's been some queries about exactly how long is meant by "first week" given that the game releases on different days in various countries. We want to make sure that everyone who gets the game early can grab their additional Sackboy goodies (if they want to) so we'll make sure these are available for long enough for people to do so. The important thing to note here is that both of the below items will only be available at game launch, after which they'll be gone forever, so if you want to be one of a select few, get in there early. The first item offered will be absolutely free; the Sackboy Spacesuit costume. Not only does this come in multiple parts, so you can mix and match it with other costume parts you have, but it also takes on the colouring of your Popit. This should allow plenty of variation in Spacesuits as many people will be bouncing around to celebrate launch! The second item we're offering is the first in a series of rare LittleBigPlanet costume parts - the Week One Tshirt. We'll detail much more of upcoming content for the game closer to game launch. | 2008-09-23 00:37:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
Ok cheers!! | 2008-09-23 00:40:00 Author: J4M35 ![]() Posts: 19 |
THANKS i'm loving this intense amount of info. | 2008-09-23 07:32:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
Update - Online Create mode is not in the game right now but will be available pretty soon: Link I may be wrong but it seems like there's some misunderstanding over what this means. As ever, here's a mini FAQ. Is online create in the game from launch? No it's not, however it will be included in the first game update after launch. We're working on making this available as quickly as possible, but want to make sure it's right before releasing it. What does online create actually mean? Online create, quite simply, is the ability to use the create side of the game in an online multiplayer fashion. So I can still share my levels? Absolutely. All of the sharing features of the game are up and running. And I can still play multiplayer? Yes. Online multiplayer for playing the game is still very much there. And I can still create levels with my friends offline? Totally. Up to 4 players can work together on a single PS3 to create levels. Also, you can still work collaboratively with friends to build levels by exchanging them through the share portion of the game. From my perspective, which you can take or leave, it is well worth getting some practise in with the create side of the game before trying to use it in a multiplayer fashion as it can be somewhat frustrating to get things done if everyone you're working with is still getting used to all the functions. While it's not ideal to have to wait for this feature to be released, it might actually be beneficial to creators until it happens as you'll be able to work out the tools entirely, and figure out how best to work with others on your projects. New - We can play with the Developers!!! Link We'll be around And you can bet we'll be creating some levels for you to play with, so even if you don't get to slap yours truly into a flaming pit, you can at least abuse my creations. How much HDD space do we need? Link With the release version of the game, you'll need just under 500MB of space to be off and running. After that it will depend entirely on how many levels you create and download, and how much extra content you add to the game. Details about the "First Week Updates" Link There hasn't been a specific thread on this subject but it merits a little more information. There's been some queries about exactly how long is meant by "first week" given that the game releases on different days in various countries. We want to make sure that everyone who gets the game early can grab their additional Sackboy goodies (if they want to) so we'll make sure these are available for long enough for people to do so. The important thing to note here is that both of the below items will only be available at game launch, after which they'll be gone forever, so if you want to be one of a select few, get in there early. The first item offered will be absolutely free; the Sackboy Spacesuit costume. Not only does this come in multiple parts, so you can mix and match it with other costume parts you have, but it also takes on the colouring of your Popit. This should allow plenty of variation in Spacesuits as many people will be bouncing around to celebrate launch! The second item we're offering is the first in a series of rare LittleBigPlanet costume parts - the Week One Tshirt. We'll detail much more of upcoming content for the game closer to game launch. Thanks for keeping things up to date! ![]() | 2008-09-23 07:46:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
NEW So why is online create not released yet? Link Essentially because it's not right yet. Online create works, but the team at Media Molecule felt that it wasn't everything it could be, so wanted to take some extra time to get it right. We want to make sure that the first time you join a collaborative creation session it encourages you to do it again, and there were some quirks in the system as it was that meant this might not be the case. How flexible is the overall level lighting? Link for the next 5 points Very. You have several controls which can affect the overall mood and lighting of a level, ranging from pitch blackness to very bright. When taking an in-game screenshot can it be exported to the XMB? Not at this time. Will the beta include multiplayer? Yes. Can different musical instruments be used with the game music system? Yes. I don't have precise details on the number, except to say that there are a few. Do I need to pre-order to be able to get the week one exclusive content? No. Doesn't matter where in the world you are, in order to be able to grab the Spacesuit and rare tshirt, all you need is the game and a PSN account. Whats with that "First 10 to complete a level trophy"? Link Here's the official response on this question - it means any one of the first 10 people to play any level, whether that's the original levels in the game or anything created by the community. There will be plenty of opportunity to be in the top ten. Updated I want some beta keys!!! Link PS sorry but beta keys and their distribution are actually entirely in the hands of Sony. MM have no control over this, so we can?t help if anyone wants to get on the beta trial, I am certain (100%) there are more keys coming SOON but we?d recommend checking the playstation forums and all the usual places for news. In fact, even MM hasn?t received our own full set of keys yet - we?ve only got about 10 between us all so far! (ok so we can play the game anyway, but, y?know, in case it makes you feel better!) | 2008-09-23 23:15:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
Unfortunately, while in your case you've done nothing wrong, this locking of a key is in place precisely to stop people using beta keys on more than one Playstation 3. I'm sure you can appreciate the need to limit numbers of people involved in a test if you're running a limited numbers approach. In this case there is little can be done, however I'll check to ensure that no automated "black mark" has been assigned to your account. The side affect I can't rectify however is that the beta code you were issued will now not work. There are more codes coming, on both sides of the Atlantic, so you may score another key to the game. http://community.eu.playstation.com/playstationeu/board/message?board.id=b_EN_GAMES_general_lbp&thread.id=8205&view=by_date_ascending&page=2 | 2008-09-24 13:37:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Update Beta FAQ Beta FAQ Link Hi all, I'll be updating this thread regularly today with information about the beta and where keys can be applied for in this thread only. I won't be responding to any others, simply because there are so many of them. Please note that the current information [September 24] is unlikely to be updated further today. How do I join the beta? Several thousand invitations are in the process of being sent out today by email. If you do not receive an email from SCE today, you will also be able to sign up over the next 5 days on a variety of popular gaming sites. I cannot name the sites here, however the LittleBigPlanet News Site will be giving out more details tomorrow. If any further places to sign up are made available I'll update this thread again. What if I don't get a key, I really want to play!? This beta is being released in order to test element of the online game. As such it should not be seen as a demo, a trial or anything more than helping us to ensure that the server architecture is running. If you don't get a key you are missing out on a version of the game which is extremely limited and not fully representative of the final Blu-ray release of the game. I saw a key for sale, should I buy it? Absolutely not. Any key which has been used already will be disabled as soon as it is used a second time. While some people may be selling unused keys it is firstly not worth the risk and secondly in violation of the EULA. If I ask for a key can you give me one? Please don't ask for keys here, it won't do you any good. Similarly don't ask for keys on the forum as a whole, it won't help your chances, and just makes the place look untidy. Sam's Best Post Sam's Best Post Link Well, the choice is yours, but I should point out that the beta is very limited, is only being used to test the online parts of the game, won't make you more attractive to the opposite sex, and isn't a new improved way to healthy living. That said, more codes are due to be released today, so the choice is yours. | 2008-09-24 23:03:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
Another Update Dont share the Beta! Link Firstly, there are more beta keys coming, so don't give up just yet. Secondly, this is absolutely untrue. If you share a beta key with anyone it will disable the key automatically. I appreciate that there is high demand for keys, but if you don't get one please do not seek to obtain a key from anyone else. | 2008-09-24 23:41:00 Author: shahchip ![]() Posts: 37 |
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