the cogs(text only)
Archive: 8 posts
A large majority of my friends have collected the cogs in LittleBigPlanet and they have inquired upon their use. A major quirk to note before beginning is that the cogs are not actually the shape which their physical appearance implies. To materialize an inverted version of the actual outline, simply copy the cog into a block of material. Auto-centering the bolts does not give accurate results, so don't use that technique for now, though I'll explain it later on in this post. If you happen to hear a straining noise being projected from the area which the cogs occupy, it is an indicator that they are at their breaking point. And now for the actual correct cog placement: Step One: Select your cog and turn on the Big Grid Mode. Step Two: Select the cog and push up on the right stick so that the cog grows slightly. Step Three: One or two more pushes of the right stick should be satisfactory for this test. Step Four: Place a material of your choice in the layer directly behind the cog. Step Five: While Big Grid Mode is still on, place a motor bolt directly in the center of the cog. (It is important to note that when the motor bolt is at it's maximum speed setting, the cog should appear to pulsate radially at the center. Step Six: Turn off Big Grid Mode and resize the gear to where it is optimal for your level. That concludes the tutorial, but here a few other useful cog tips: If you plan on placing two cogs together, make sure to leave enough space that Sackboy does not get crushed when going through. This will drastically lower the chance that the cogs' movements become erratic and jittery. You need to find a good balance of speed. Too fast will break the cogs and possibly disrupt the level. I think I have adequately expressed all that I have to say, so I will bid you a "Good Day" and converse with you at a later point in time. | 2009-10-25 03:56:00 Author: solid-snake ![]() Posts: 212 |
SO MANY SPELLING MISTAKES! *has nervous breakdown* Sorry, I'm a grammar geek. Anyway, thanks for this, I find cogs hard to make, they always delete themselves! | 2009-10-25 09:56:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
SO MANY SPELLING MISTAKES! *has nervous breakdown* Sorry, I'm a grammar geek. Spelling mistakes??? AAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! make sure your grammar is impeccable when 49DRA is around ![]() Should be useful though, so, meh. | 2009-10-25 14:00:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
ok ok sorry for my grammer im trying my best you know. if i had microsoft word id fix my mistakes but i cant so(not trying to be mean)you got to live with it![]() | 2009-10-25 14:12:00 Author: solid-snake ![]() Posts: 212 |
A large majority of my friends have collected the cogs in LittleBigPlanet and they have inquired upon their use. A major quirk to note before beginning is that the cogs are not actually the shape which their physical appearance implies. To materialize an inverted version of the actual outline, simply copy the cog into a block of material. Auto-centering the bolts does not give accurate results, so don't use that technique for now, though I'll explain it later on in this post. If you happen to hear a straining noise being projected from the area which the cogs occupy, it is an indicator that they are at their breaking point. And now for the actual correct cog placement: Step One: Select your cog and turn on the Big Grid Mode. Step Two: Select the cog and push up on the right stick so that the cog grows slightly. Step Three: One or two more pushes of the right stick should be satisfactory for this test. Step Four: Place a material of your choice in the layer directly behind the cog. Step Five: While Big Grid Mode is still on, place a motor bolt directly in the center of the cog. (It is important to note that when the motor bolt is at it's maximum speed setting, the cog should appear to pulsate radially at the center. Step Six: Turn off Big Grid Mode and resize the gear to where it is optimal for your level. That concludes the tutorial, but here a few other useful cog tips: If you plan on placing two cogs together, make sure to leave enough space that Sackboy does not get crushed when going through. This will drastically lower the chance that the cogs' movements become erratic and jittery. You need to find a good balance of speed. Too fast will break the cogs and possibly disrupt the level. I think I have adequately expressed all that I have to say, so I will bid you a "Good Day" and converse with you at a later point in time. Just a few tiny fixes. ![]() There's a lot of good information in there. ![]() | 2009-10-25 14:53:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
thank you for that revision. I copie pasted it to fix the original post. It looks alot better![]() | 2009-10-25 17:59:00 Author: solid-snake ![]() Posts: 212 |
thank you for that revision. I copie pasted it to fix the original post. It looks alot better![]() It may look better, but a good portion of that was written with overly complicated language to make it sound fancy. ![]() | 2009-10-25 23:12:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Lol... Well, thanaks for the tutorial. Those crazy cogs drove me nuts, but I won't have a problem anymore. | 2009-10-26 20:54:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
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