Mountain Rescue
Archive: 3 posts
Mountain RescueLeuraZ http://i839.photobucket.com/albums/zz320/LeuraZ/LBP%20Creations/LBP%20Mountain%20Rescue/Mountainrescue2.jpgA group of mountaineers are missing. A search is on. all I thought that it was time to show you one of my levels: Mountain Rescue. It's actually a level that me and my friend created for one of my early vehicle models. I wasn?t planning to make a gameplay level for one model, but my friend persuaded and helped me to make the level, so there it is now. It's not the most beautiful level since the main focus is on the model itself, and that somewhat reduces the depthness of the level. The model itself takes a fair bit of thermo, too. The mission is to find and rescue a group of mountaineers who have gone missing in the mountains. You get help by some of the level?s characters, who?ll tell you what to do. I?m quite happy for the result, since that?s the first real gameplay level that I've published. I?m also more into making independent models and machines. I've also got some pictures for you to look at. That?s if you can see anything, they?re quite dark? http://i839.photobucket.com/albums/zz320/LeuraZ/LBP%20Creations/LBP%20Mountain%20Rescue/Mountainrescue4.jpg http://i839.photobucket.com/albums/zz320/LeuraZ/LBP%20Creations/LBP%20Mountain%20Rescue/Mountainrescue6.jpg http://i839.photobucket.com/albums/zz320/LeuraZ/LBP%20Creations/LBP%20Mountain%20Rescue/Mountainrescue11.jpg http://i839.photobucket.com/albums/zz320/LeuraZ/LBP%20Creations/LBP%20Mountain%20Rescue/Mountainrescue14.jpg | 2009-10-25 01:04:00 Author: LeuraZ ![]() Posts: 20 |
Looks like a really good level but I could not find it when searching for it. | 2009-10-25 03:06:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
That's weird. I just re-published it, so let's see if that helps. It should be visible, since it has a few plays already. | 2009-10-25 11:19:00 Author: LeuraZ ![]() Posts: 20 |
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