An Idea for a Future Patch, Perhaps?
Archive: 18 posts
I thought of something just now. It's summed up below: LittleBigPlanet Remote Play PSP Wouldn't that be awesome? Now, I don't have one, but it would be very very useful for those that do to be able to work on their levels while they're away from home. And plus, the manual states that the right stick isn't used. So this could be very doable. Obviously, if this was added in a patch, it would be one of the last to be done. But still, what do you think about it? | 2008-09-21 21:46:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
I thought of something just now. It's summed up below: LittleBigPlanet Remote Play PSP Wouldn't that be awesome? Now, I don't have one, but it would be very very useful for those that do to be able to work on their levels while they're away from home. And plus, the manual states that the right stick isn't used. So this could be very doable. Obviously, if this was added in a patch, it would be one of the last to be done. But still, what do you think about it? I think you'll find the right stick is used in creation, and so are the triggers, which the PSP lacks. And Remote play doesnt mean that the PSP can play any PS3 game.. It's more like an extra periphal for a PS3 game, much like a windmirror in a racing game or whatever. Nice idea, but it'll never happen ![]() | 2008-09-21 21:49:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
Hmm. I was under the impression it actually meant the PS3 did the processing, and the PSP was the control input and was the display. Now, it could still be done. Some PSP titles do involve using a button to switch between set A and set B of controls. (Right/left stick, R-L1/2...) So it'd be slower and more methodical, but still usable. Also, thanks for the clarifying on the right stick create. For some reason, I had it stuck in my mind that the right stick was used (aside from the right-hand movement), and it seemed only logical that it would be, but since the manual said it wasn't...I was confused. | 2008-09-21 21:54:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
I think you can play Lair entirely with the PSP, so it might work. I'd love to be able to play LBP on the go. | 2008-09-21 21:56:00 Author: HobocidalManiac ![]() Posts: 117 |
Right stick is used for enlarging / shrinking and rotating objects. I think it'd be impossible for the PS3 to do the processing, and send information forwards and back between wherever you are with your PSP, and the PS3.. And the fact you'd need a wireless connection. | 2008-09-21 21:57:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
I think you can play Lair entirely with the PSP, so it might work. That's a fact. I don't have a PSP, but I will eventually. I don't know though, Miffy's right, it will be hard to adapt controls, because in fact, you can't just map the controls over from the PS3 as there are laking buttons and a joystick. But could it be possible? If enough of the community wants this, I think Mm could figure something out. Certainly won't be out anywhere near launch or even this year though! | 2008-09-22 00:25:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
What would be a very good use of the psp would be to be able to have the level creater in a simplified version![]() I think this could work as the levels are crunched down to small files which are basically just logged point on where things are that your ps3 creates using the rules. Even if you don't have the use of stickers you could just add them when you upload the level to the ps3 | 2008-09-22 00:39:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
What would be a very good use of the psp would be to be able to have the level creater in a simplified version![]() I think this could work as the levels are crunched down to small files which are basically just logged point on where things are that your ps3 creates using the rules. Even if you don't have the use of stickers you could just add them when you upload the level to the ps3 Yeah, I was thinking that as a possibility, as well. The problem is the PSP's much more limited hardware, which may pose a problem considering how LBP uses a lot of the PS3's capability. That's why I suggested Remote Play as a feature, because the PS3's still doing all the processing, it's just using the PSP for its display screen and input. | 2008-09-22 01:26:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
Can't speak for everyone on this but I tried remote play on Final Fantasy 9 and even with a direct wireless connection to the PS3 there was still some lag so it may not be worth doing with LBP if lags going to be an issue. | 2008-09-22 01:38:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Yeah, I tried it with Pixeljunk monsters and it had a lot of lag | 2008-09-22 01:39:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
They could probably fit in the pre-made levels or levels made by others, but there would definantly be no Create or Share modes. | 2008-09-22 01:42:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
They could probably fit in the pre-made levels or levels made by others, but there would definantly be no Create or Share modes. Yeah it would be nice to be able to download a selection of levels to the memorystick for play on the move. | 2008-09-22 01:47:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Yeah, I tried it with Pixeljunk monsters and it had a lot of lag You can actually set how much lag there is... you can change an option I think it may be refresh rate when you start remote play and the game runs much smoother then. I don't use remote play much and don't see it as a great feature... a better one would be to be able to connect your PSP to your PS3 via USB and be able to see the PSP screen on the TV (you can get a cable, but they're expensive and it's far more hassle). Or reverse remote play where the PSP games can be played with a PS3 remote on a big screen wirelessly... that'd be cool. I would probably use the create mode and play modes of LBP if they put it in for remote play, just because it's LBP but I don't use it for any other games. I'd far prefer a separate PSP game. | 2008-09-22 02:09:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
They could make little mini-games that you can play with your PSP | 2008-09-22 02:11:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Right stick is used for enlarging / shrinking and rotating objects. I think it'd be impossible for the PS3 to do the processing, and send information forwards and back between wherever you are with your PSP, and the PS3.. And the fact you'd need a wireless connection. any game is possible through remote play. it just send the picture and the psp sends the buttons presses. they could implement the online stuff and maybe some play. But it wouldn't be perfect so I highly doubt it. | 2008-09-22 02:24:00 Author: BerkleyJ ![]() Posts: 110 |
I'm not exactly sure how remote play works. What is the allowed range between you and your PS3? How would they make up for the missing buttons? | 2008-09-22 02:26:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Range is the PS3's built-in wireless (unless you have one of the original 20 Gig models), a wireless router it's plugged into's range, or your PS3 connected to the internet, or you being anywhere with wireless internet and your PSP. Which I'd say is rather nice, although I don't have a PSP. Also, most of the fixes for the lack of analog and secondary triggers that I've seen involve pressing Select (or was it another button?) as a mode-change button. So you normally have the left stick and L1 and R1 active. Press Select, and you get the right stick, L2 and R2. If anyone has a PSP and would like to confirm or deny, please do. | 2008-09-22 03:20:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
Sadly, I can't see it happening. So far, almost every game that has supported remote play has either done so since launch, or said before launch that it would eventually via patch. Could be a nice idea though. | 2008-09-22 07:45:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
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