El Dia de los Muertos! (The Day of the Dead!)
Archive: 3 posts
That's right Gadders! El Dia del los Muertos is closing in! And yes, I'm part Mexican (and legal,okay! ![]() El Dia de los Muertos is a year-round celebration of your loved ones passing. It's a day when you remember your dead relatives, friends, and other people important to you. You get to decorate Candy Skulls, build a some-what good looking burial thing, and you also make deserts for the rest of your family and friends who are celebrating, like Pan de Muertos (Bread of the Dead)! It takes place on October 31, all the way through November 3 (I think). It's seperated though. You see, on October 31, you celebrate the childrens' death by leaving toys and treats on their graves until November 1. Then you celebrate the adults' deaths (same way I guess) on November 2 until November 3. You mainly celebrate this by staying in the cementary (or where ever) they're buried until night. So if you're going to celebrate it, then post it here. Other than that, Happy Dia de los Muertos, and good day (or good night) to you, and good luck to you're loved ones that passed away! Peace | 2009-10-23 23:47:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
I think that "El Dia del los Muertos" is a cool holiday but since I never lived in mexico, I don't celebrate or really know much about. ![]() | 2009-10-24 00:10:00 Author: PurpleAddiction ![]() Posts: 119 |
I think that "El Dia del los Muertos" is a cool holiday but since I never lived in mexico, I don't celebrate or really know much about. ![]() Anybody can do it, and it's easy! Just remember and celebrate your friends and relatives who passed away by visiting their graves. Oh, and partying! It's on the same day of Halloween, but it last until November 3. Happy Dia de los Muertos! | 2009-10-24 00:34:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
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