The Last Day
Archive: 4 posts
The Last DayFertileDecline Hey everyone I have a series of levels I'd like you guys to try out and see what you think. I don't think they function too well in 2 player mode unless the sackboys remain relatively close together so here it goes. I can Guarantee you that my little series is unlike any level you've ever played. Get ready for some deep plot lines and such. I want the main focus of this level to be discovery. Feel free to explore my levels there are many hidden things in them. The series is called "The Last Day" and they get better as they progress on. So far there are 3 pretty epic levels so check them out and give me some feedback. Thanks ![]() all | 2009-10-22 06:21:00 Author: Fertile Decline ![]() Posts: 91 |
Hey, thanks for the review of the Gas Factory, time to return the favour! I've played through three of your Last Day series and reviewed them, and will probably end up playing the last two as well. Level 1 - This level has a really distinctive design to it, I particularly like the pointy house with the lit windows and the orange colour scheme. The rocky pit towards the start was also very good, I don't know if you used any effects but it was certainly much more interesting than other pits I've fallen down. I think the problems with it at the moment are that in some places it is too hard or impossible to get past obstacles. When you used the catapult to launch up through the chimney onto the roof, the gap was small and I couldn't fit through all that well. And the crab monster thing, though very well designed, proved impossible for me to get past. Maybe get rid of the poisonous gas so it makes grabbing onto the clouds easier. Level 2 - Once again the visual design is amazing, with different lighting effects for different places. I like how you used them subtly, such as the global lighting change as you descend in the lift to the underground village. The people down here are awesome, with great attention to detail, and I like how you've made a great story to go with the level. The only problem is there's a dead end. What do you do after you meet the bloke who says he has the factory materials? I've looked over the whole underground and been unable to locate them. I don't know if I'm being thick or anything, but that's as far as I got on this one. Level 3 - Like the fact you didn't use clouds from MM, really added your own stamp to the level. Gameplay flow was a little better here, although it was still quite hard to find out where you're going at some points. And manoeuvring the box into the slot on the elevator is a tad tricky - try making it fall a little further from the edge so sackboy can grab onto the pad on the right hand side. There are several points where you fell out of the scenery (when jumping into the final rocket) but once again awesome aesthetics and appearance. Overall, a great story and excellent decoration. Some sticky platforming bits could be cleaned up, though - players will often give up and rate stupidly low if they think certain obstacles are impassable. Hope this helps! ![]() | 2009-11-19 21:13:00 Author: Holguin86 ![]() Posts: 875 |
Hey there! Id love to trade some f4f with you! so ill start from the top. Part 1: Visually i thought your level was quite impressive. It had a unique design and a great atmosphere. There were some fun platforming segments too, but after you got onto the roof of the building next to the bug monster i got stuck. Firstly, the switch on the left had no visible effect on the level. If it controls something off screen i suggest you give a hint as to what because i couldnt figure out what it did. On the other side of the roof my guess is that yo wanted us to use the bugs pincers to jump over the gas, but i got too frustrated and had to stop the level there. Maybe make the gas a little easier to jump over? Part 2- Once again, very good visuals and use of lighting, smoke etc. I really liked the underground city. However this level has so much detail and so many different paths that it is easy to become lost. I know that you're purpose for these levels is adventure and discovery but the level wasnt linear enough to always know what to do next. After i pulled the switch at the bottom i once again couldn't figure out what it affected. Also, youve got a jumping glitch to the far east of your level. On the stairs theres a woman who is in front of the stairs that says "I can see the cloud from here man, god its terrible" When you try to climb those stairs i instead jumped onto her head and fell off the platform numerous times, and had to quit before the end. part 3- Lol, man you are an artist. each of these levels so far (i am writing this as i play it) have been very nice to look at. I liked this level alot more than the previous two because it was more linear and it was easier to know where you wanted the player to go. The only complaint i would have about this level is there was a little too much paintball action. Also, as a tip for future levels you have so many lifts that it got tiring to wait for them. maybe make them motion activated so the player doesnt have to wait? just a suggestion. overall, well done! Part 4- This level was instantly my favorite visually because of the kraken thing early on. very well designed! he was a little tricky to get over, maybe make that first jump a tad easier. The thing falling out of the sky was also very cool. However after i took the lift up and saw the thing fall into the black mist i couldnt figure out where to go. sadly, i had to end this beautiful level here. Part 5 - This was the best part of the series, hands down. The use of arrows kept me on the right path the entire time. The boss was awsome, the conclusion satisfying, and i loved the part that said " pull this to begin the cleansing" then it killed you. :star::star::star::star::star: Conclusion: Overall after playing the whole series I got a good feeling of how you designed your levels. I think that the quality really improves as the level goes on, and the last part is a blast. Sadly i could only finish two of the five levels because of the issues stated above, but overall, great job! after a couple of tweaks your levels will be absolutely awesome! I would really appreciate it if you could play and review my level "The Path to Nirvana", PSN ID: Duffluc. On the forums its named "the lost temple", but i decided to rename the level itself because the lost temple is too cliche. I look forward to hearing your feedback. Thanks again for the series of levels you created! | 2009-11-20 00:00:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
I've actually already played your "Nirvana" level today before reading your post. I'd have to play it again though so I can accurately rate it while I'm playing it. I was aware of the problems and knew people were getting lost or were capable of getting lost in those listed areas. The suggestions I was given were extremely beneficial and I will take them into mind when I go back and edit the series. You really need to read the text to know what to do or where to go but I know there is a lot of it, especially in the 2nd. I don't blame the player for eventually just skimming over some vital but unclear information. Since it seems like you both got stuck in the same places so I'll explain where to go. Part 1: As Duffluc discovered there is switch on top of the roof, that I by the way want to make more noticeable somehow...maybe even add another tower that you go into once on the roof where the switch is placed. The switch opens a wall in the building below that leads the way to the next part. The worm with the gas is really just there for decoration but many people think it is some sort of obstacle. I have learned a lot from when I first created this level so I plan to go back through and make it that much better like adding a cut scene camera to lead the player on where to go after you pull the switch. The part after that is a little confusing though so just bear with me as I make changes and improve this level. Part 2 After you pull the switch underground you're prompted to go to the highest level within the underground part. The way you do this is go to the 3rd "story" where most the activity is going on. The factory supplies is a joke, the character is dealing something to another, this is just some funny little thing I added. Again I wasn't very deliberate on where to go but you go in the cafe and then on the balcony to the other stands and press a button that opens the house near the stairs on the 3rd layer. The house doubles as a elevator which you take up to activate a way to open up the house gauarding the moutain and I am aware of this error and actions will be taken to correct it ![]() Part 3 Although a little more polished still has it's downfalls. This feedback is helping me greatly, it's great knowing what other people think in this sort of game. Once again I'll take the advice and use it to improve my levels. I feel like I'm starting to get more and more better, this being the end of my 10th level ![]() Part 4 There is a way to fall in the foreground at the edge of the cliff with the ship. Stay away from the black stuff lol. To say it differently there is a path on the side of where the ship disappears. I'm glad you 2 gave me such great and honest feedback, this place is a valuable community. I'll be sure to give you feedback on that level asap. | 2009-11-20 05:37:00 Author: Fertile Decline ![]() Posts: 91 |
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