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I'm getting this to play with a friend on XBox. Yay.2009-10-21 19:03:00

Posts: 2391

I'm not really worried about getting this game. It just looks like a worse version of Fallout 3, and I don't even like Fallout 3

I haven't really seen many previews of Borderlands though so I can't really talk.
2009-10-21 19:27:00

Posts: 1341

I am hoping that I'll get this for my Christmas... looks awesome.2009-10-21 19:32:00

Posts: 1576

I'm not really worried about getting this game. It just looks like a worse version of Fallout 3, and I don't even like Fallout 3

I haven't really seen many previews of Borderlands though so I can't really talk.

You would only say it looks like a "worse" version of FO3 if you don't know what you're talking about. It's not an RPG and the shooting mechanics look like they actually work. On top of that, there are vehicles and 4-player co-op. If anything, it's more like Mad Max: The Game than FO3.

I plan on getting this game this weekend on PS3. Feel free to add me if you want to play.
2009-10-21 20:15:00

Posts: 3664

You would only say it looks like a "worse" version of FO3 if you don't know what you're talking about. It's not an RPG and the shooting mechanics look like they actually work. On top of that, there are vehicles and 4-player co-op. If anything, it's more like Mad Max: The Game than FO3.

I plan on getting this game this weekend on PS3. Feel free to add me if you want to play.

Interesting, I'll look it up online. I just meant FO3 theme-wise though.
2009-10-21 20:25:00

Posts: 1341

I'm fairly excited for it- I may get it when I go to get Ratchet and Clank, and if not I'll probably get it for christmas.2009-10-21 21:08:00

Posts: 10882

I got my copy yesterday, its excellent fun.

It is more shooter than RPG, but finding the is addictive to find. The guns feel meaty as well, and theres some great ones to get. And the sound and graphics are excellent to.

I'd recommend picking it up.

I've got it on Xbox to Basketsnake if you want to add me as a freind, GrantosUK is my gamertag
2009-10-22 11:21:00

Posts: 1754

Was gonna get it but I've got Uncharted 2 now so that's all I'll be needing for awhile 2009-10-22 12:13:00

Posts: 1330

The split-screen of this game, if you only have one account, will the second player be the same level as your account or just level 1?

I think this game would kick-*** in split-screen.
2009-10-22 12:18:00

Posts: 3701

The split-screen of this game, if you only have one account, will the second player be the same level as your account or just level 1?

I think this game would kick-*** in split-screen.

Definitely. Why have open-world games never been able to get offline co-op right?
2009-10-22 19:57:00

Posts: 3664

so excited to get this might go pick it up tomorrow!2009-10-23 02:40:00

Posts: 1246

Definitely. Why have open-world games never been able to get offline co-op right?

I know right?

Ordered it just now, got a mate coming over next week, this is going to rule so much.
2009-10-23 12:30:00

Posts: 3701

My 360 Red ringed this morning. Borderlands was very fun while it lasted.2009-10-23 15:06:00

Posts: 1754

Got the game 1st day. I did get some problems with my local retailer because he said he never got the pre-order copy. But everything went fine once he found the copy that comes with the mercenary guns. (They're good at the beginning, but you'll definitely gonna be selling them once you reach past level 5-6)

Also I got to say this game is fun. Using Brick and pounding/dashing to enemies and punching the hell outta them while equipped with incindiary makes every punches looks like fireworks.

Also got some crazy guns.
-gun shoots Shotgun shells and then shoots rockets o_O
-Rocket launcher that shoots 5 rockets every press of the trigger..
-Gun that revives team..

Game is crazy. And also can't wait for the Zombie DLC. (check my blogsite)
2009-10-23 17:20:00

Posts: 315

I find everything about it fun except for the actual shooting and cover mechanics. It's boring and the AI is stupid. But playing with a friend and chatting while playing more than makes up for it. I love the artstyle and the RPG elements. Great game.2009-10-23 21:53:00

Posts: 2391

Got this game today. It's awesome. Vehicles control like a unicycle with a flat tire on ice, but it's fine when you get used to it. There's a bit of grinding, but it's always rewarding because enemies always drop new stuff. Loot and enemies (including bosses) respawn too, so grinding is easy.

If you don't have this game, get it.
2009-10-25 03:17:00

Posts: 3664

UGHHH! the game was sold out at my local Gamestop, so I guess it's time to wait2009-10-26 01:22:00

Posts: 1246

Ordered it on Play.com, its been packing for 4 days ARRRRRRGGGGHHH!2009-10-26 08:51:00

Posts: 3701

I don't know whether I should get this game or not. If I did, I'd probably get it with my new PS3.

Anyone mind telling me a little more about the game? I only know a little bit about it.
2009-10-26 09:02:00

Posts: 2079

You do main story mission which consist of killing certain things, obtaining certain items, doing tasks.
Like over a hundred side quests.

4 different classes consisting of:
A berserker with a berserk ability which send him into a fit of rage were he punches EVERYONE.
A Hunter with a pet falcon that attacks enemies with high hits.
A Siren who can turn invisible slow time.
A Soldier with a turret that attacks enemies and draws their attention.

Each class has a skill tree consisting of 3 sections that improve different aspects of that class. For example for the hunter these three are:
Sniper (improves efficiency with sniper rifles)
Rogue (improves falcon)
Gunslinger (improves efficiency with guns)
You upgrade these skill trees as you level acquiring one skill point every level past level 5 with the level cap being 50.

You gain exp from killing, doing quests/side quests.
There are SO many guns, as well as mods that improve your chosen class.

4 player online co-op
2 player split-screen co-op
2009-10-26 09:17:00

Posts: 3701

I'll probably pick this up using money I get from my birthday. As well as AC2 of course.

Cheers, Boomy.
2009-10-26 09:32:00

Posts: 2079

GOT IT! Mate is coming over at 8am... Cannot wait.2009-10-26 19:04:00

Posts: 3701

I actually got it today, I also got another copy of U2 to sell and Need for Speed SHIFT. Anyway, I've only played Borderlands a little bit, but I'm loving it's graphics and it kinda reminds me of WoW quest wise.2009-10-26 19:10:00

Posts: 2079

I can imagine playing this with a friend on the same couch must be awesome if both like it. Playing with a friend over xbox live and we're having a blast.2009-10-26 21:23:00

Posts: 2391

I can imagine playing this with a friend on the same couch must be awesome if both like it. Playing with a friend over xbox live and we're having a blast.

There is going to be so many laughs.
2009-10-26 21:43:00

Posts: 3701

I have this game as well on the PS3. It's a very good game, and though it is a FPS, it feels far more like a role playing game than the traditional death match generic rubbish that is out there. If you are a fan of Resistance 2's class mission co-op mode (I can't remember it's proper name right now) then you will likely love this.

I have one of each of the classes now, the highest being a level 18 Hunter (the sniper weilding class). I've played it in co-op split screen as well. The screen splits down the centre in a left/right fashion, which means you have to scroll the inventory menus around to see them completely. The friend I was playing with is not the best at FPS (not everyone does well with the potential vertigo it creates) but we did have some fun together.

All in all, I'd say it's a well polished and fun/funny game. The RPG elements really enhance things as well, leading to bigger guns and better upgrades to kill even bigger monsters. It's just very addictive.

For those that don't know the game, it's not like Fallout 3. Fallout 3 can pause the game mid shot to aim at body parts with guns, and you can almost get away with hardly having to manually aim at all. The crits in the game are all stat based, meaning depending on your character sheet skill you will do a crit.

Borderlands however uses player skill based crits. If you hit someone in the head (the most likely critical area) by aiming, then you score a crit. If you can't aim that well in the head of battle, then you don't get a crit.

The guns are realistic in their firing as well. Although the stats of the guns vary, the generally do what you expect. Sniper rifles are slow, but very accurate at long range, especially if you slowly aim. If you try to use say a SMG at 400m (when a sniper rifle would be better) you can still line up things if you have a scope, but the bullets do a big spread, just like in real life. So different weapons do different things at different ranges, and are better suited to certain enemies at certain ranges.

One more misconception I need to clear up as well. The game is not "open world". There are large areas, but each is seperated by a load screen. You can't just walk anywhere you want, no matter how powerful you are, as certain areas can be locked out until quests are done to open access to that area.

Everything does get completely reset when you load a game, however, meaning that you need to kill everything around you again, the bosses will re-appear, and all the chests and loot sections will be restocked. You could theoretically go to a safe area with a lot of chests and a reload point and just keep getting new stuff, practically it's just easier to keep going in whatever quest area you are in rather than trying to pick up and kill everything in the game each time you log on.

The game uses spawn points, so even if you have killed all the enemies in an area, if their dens are nearby, say caves for skaggs (the dog like easiest monster) or houses for bandits, then they will respawn back there if given enough time. The game can sometimes glitch out, which can make it easier to kill harder mobs or bosses. Most of the time it's more skill based "glitches" like climbing to a high place or shooting through a small gap where you can see the enemy. I hardly call it game breaking or cheating, but they can take the frustration out of very difficult fights.

What else is there to share? To give an idea of how good the game is, after getting it I started playing around 8 or 9pm, and finished playing about 5am. It's just that good.
2009-10-27 06:42:00

Posts: 1280

Well, I've been playing a bit more this morning and I'm finding it really quite a lot like World of Warcraft in a few ways.

I'll probably play with a friend in the future, although it'll be quite boring having to start the game again so they can learn the story etc.
2009-10-27 10:43:00

Posts: 2079

POLISHED game? No. It has tons of bugs and baaaaad A.I. I'm not going to call this a polished game. Both my friend and I found out that when we are to select the weapon on the RIGTH d-pad we need to press LEFT. And vice versa. What the ffff....still a lot of fun though.2009-10-27 18:40:00

Posts: 2391

Any character can join any game at any time. The plot only advances in terms of player one I believe, unless the characters have started simultaneously. That being said though, it might be a bit silly having a level 20 plus character going back to level 1-5 quests, at least initially. The higher level player might need to hold back a bit. I'm not sure how the experience or money is divided up, but I think money and items picked up are kept to the character, and each player gets individual for each shot they make. Quest hand ins give the XP, gold and loot equally I suspect. I just haven't tested it yet in great detail. You can't trade money or ammo between characters, but you can drop items which others can pick up and then equip or sell.

From my small experience with the characters, the Hunter and Solider seem to work better at range, while the Siren and Beserker work better close up. That's not an absolute rule, but the special abilities of the characters work better at those ranges so it makes sense to tend to be more at that distance.

Still though, there is a great variety in the perks you choose. Some work great in group play (like the Soliders ability to heal other players health when they shoot them) while others work better solo (like the Hunter talent that heals himself every time he kills). Even playing the same class again, I am sure there is plenty of variety in terms of how you play them, so I can't see things getting too boring. You could take them through the first few missions, and then loan them a character you have spare at a higher level and jump around some of the story.

I haven't noticed the AI being completely useless. Sometimes the Skaag will run around into walls, but they are stray beasts and I don't expect them to be logical all the time. The pathing enemies take is not always the best for them as well, but then so be it. Still though, humans can shoot (most of the time) and beasts can jump or burrow, so there never really is a completely safe spot.

If you shoot an enemy from a long enough distance, say 500m with a sniper rifle, it won't immediately react as they don't know where you are, being a small spec on the horizon. I would call that a sense of realism rather than a bug.
2009-10-28 13:03:00

Posts: 1280

Any character can join any game at any time. The plot only advances in terms of player one I believe, unless the characters have started simultaneously. That being said though, it might be a bit silly having a level 20 plus character going back to level 1-5 quests, at least initially. The higher level player might need to hold back a bit. I'm not sure how the experience or money is divided up, but I think money and items picked up are kept to the character, and each player gets individual for each shot they make. Quest hand ins give the XP, gold and loot equally I suspect. I just haven't tested it yet in great detail. You can't trade money or ammo between characters, but you can drop items which others can pick up and then equip or sell.

If player A picks up:
A revolver
Money - $50

Player B will get:
Money - $50

So effectively you pick up double the money, ammo is not shared, loot is not shared.

If player A kills a monster and gets 500xp player B will also get 500xp

2009-10-28 13:18:00

Posts: 3701

I love this game so much.

For those that have it, if you jump on the roof and then onto the building with the vendors in Fyrestone, there's a secret Robot guy in the rocks!
2009-10-29 05:24:00

Posts: 542

I love this game so much

Level 22 Hunter and loving online co-op!
It's so fun hanging back and sniping, covering your team while they go up close.

The guns are so cool, mine are:
Got my revolver that electrocutes when it hits and also has a knife on the end,
My shotgun that fires ROCKETS,
My alien sniper that has insanely high damage,
Awesome SMG.

Then there's my flaming Bloodwing

This game kicks so much ***.
2009-10-31 16:14:00

Posts: 3701

ughhh, so excited to get this game!!!2009-11-01 16:56:00

Posts: 1246

My freinds found a cool way to get on top off stuff.
You need two players and Sledge's Shotgun:
1.) You duel eachother
2.) Whoever has the shotgun, duck down
3.)The other person jumps while in front of the Shotgun wielder, and then the other person shoots them. They should go flying.
__________________________________________________ _______________

Cloning weapons and items:
1.) Have one person host a game (who DOESN'T have the desired cloned item)
2.) Get another person to join and drop the desired item
3.) Go to (Xbox) Dashboard or (PS3, not sure if it works on this) Starting PS Dashboard.
4.) Then, go back to the same game. You should have the item still, while the other player has the item you dropped previously.

Hope I help some one.
2009-11-01 22:07:00

Posts: 542

I found my first Alien gun today. It shoots little balls that track enemies. I love this game. 2009-11-02 00:58:00

Posts: 3664

I loved this game until I got to the end of my first playthrough, as it all went downhill from there...

The final boss was a let down and the ending was stupid and anti-climatic. So I'd thought I'd go to playthrough 2, which makes all the enemies tougher and have new names. I thought it would be fun, until I joined me friend. Then it happened. The worst glitch in the game that just ruins it. It glitched, and I lost ALL of my skill points. I can't use my Bloodwing anymore, not until I level up and get ONE skill point. Then I would have to get them all again, even though I won't be able to as I'm level 37 and the level cap is 50 so I would only get 13 skill points, which is NOT enough for anything good. I went to Gearbox's forums and there were tons of threads with people saying how the same thing happened to them. The only thing Gearbox said was: We are working on it. All you can do is back-up your saves until it is fixed.

Oh thanks Gearbox! >_< So I'm supposed to know this was going to happen, and should've backed up my save files to it doesn't screw up? Gah... I'm trying to now get a program that will let me change my character however I want, but it keeps crashing so I may have no way to get them back.

How hard is it for the game to recognize the characters level, and if they don't have the appropriate amount of skill points and then give you them.

The fix better come soon.
2009-11-02 05:09:00

Posts: 2358

Did that happen on 360 or Ps3 cog?

I'm a member of that forum too
2009-11-02 07:59:00

Posts: 3701

I hate myself for reading this topic, now i'm hyped for this as well!

This is what i get for being impatient and wasting all of my money on a load of PSN downloads that i never really wanted
2009-11-02 08:36:00

Posts: 2100

I got this game yesterday!!!
It's amazing, I am the bruiser. (the exact opposite of me in real life xD)
I'm in the very beginning of the game but took on my first scar!!!
It was pretty intense!!! I love the Shotguns and so on.....
I'm level 9 as well.
2009-11-02 14:09:00

Posts: 1576


Now i have the money to get this but i'm not over 18!

I don't think my parents get back from work earlier than when the game stores close around here xD
2009-11-02 15:55:00

Posts: 2100

Did that happen on 360 or Ps3 cog?

I'm a member of that forum too
I have it for the PC, and I got the program working so I gave myself back all the points I lost. I can now give my self unlimited money skillpoints and XP!
2009-11-02 22:53:00

Posts: 2358

For those that have it, if you jump on the roof and then onto the building with the vendors in Fyrestone, there's a secret Robot guy in the rocks!

I had a look around and could not find a an extra robot guy. I did find an extra secret chest, but no robot dude.

Can you be a bit more specific in describing the building, like the one with the medical vendor in it or the second one on the left as you walk into the complex past the gas tank or something like that...

I finally killed that head honcho guy, Sledge or whatever his name is, which you need to kill around level 16-20. That sure was a tough fight. Looks like I am getting even closer to saying goodbye completely to the first area.
2009-11-03 03:26:00

Posts: 1280

I had a look around and could not find a an extra robot guy. I did find an extra secret chest, but no robot dude.

Can you be a bit more specific in describing the building, like the one with the medical vendor in it or the second one on the left as you walk into the complex past the gas tank or something like that...

I finally killed that head honcho guy, Sledge or whatever his name is, which you need to kill around level 16-20. That sure was a tough fight. Looks like I am getting even closer to saying goodbye completely to the first area.

Thar ya go. I am FILLED with Easter eggs.

2009-11-03 03:53:00

Posts: 542

Seems like hopefully my retailer will have some import copies of Bayonetta from JPN.
If it will be expensive I will have to wait before buying Borderlands, but I really want to play it soon.
2009-11-03 08:43:00

Posts: 5112

I am now level 15 after playing a session of it yesterday and am at that mine after you get that key in Sledge's lair.2009-11-03 14:24:00

Posts: 1576

Level 43 Hunter on my second playthrough, wow it gets ALOT harder lol

Badass's are now Badmutha's and all the other enemies have new names, as well as being a pain to kill ^^

Ending was a huge let down
2009-11-03 15:24:00

Posts: 3701

Ahhh I want to get this so badly now!

EDIT: Well, I went ahead and ordered it on impulse, hooray!
2009-11-03 15:29:00

Posts: 3280

I just picked this up today. I went into EB Games, and was going to get either:

- Brutal Legend
- Borderlands
- Demon's Souls
- DJ Hero

They had Brutal Legend and Borderlands in, so I had to make a decision, and went with the one that had split-screen multiplay support.
But with the possible exception of DJ Hero, I'm sure I will end up owning all of these games in due time.
2009-11-04 06:09:00

Posts: 1937

Ahhh I want to get this so badly now!

EDIT: Well, I went ahead and ordered it on impulse, hooray!

Good man!
2009-11-04 11:04:00

Posts: 3701

It arrived at my dad's work today, got it back at 9:30pm, started to play at about 10:20, 20 minutes of patch and install, 10 minutes actual play, kicked off by parents. Still looks awesome in prospect.2009-11-05 23:12:00

Posts: 3280


This game is like gold! I love it so hard I think I made my disk pregnant.

I just did the Skagzilla mission. I ran out of ammo when he had about 5 mm of health left, ran around looking for some, and turned back - he'd healed to 1/3 health! So...I...kinda spent 20 minutes mel?eing him to death. Good times.
2009-11-15 21:43:00

Posts: 3280


This game is like gold! I love it so hard I think I made my disk pregnant.

I just did the Skagzilla mission. I ran out of ammo when he had about 5 mm of health left, ran around looking for some, and turned back - he'd healed to 1/3 health! So...I...kinda spent 20 minutes mel?eing him to death. Good times.

I still haven't fought Skagzilla and even though I'm level 33.

I finally, finally got my first GOOD Orange weapon. It's the first normal Orange weapon I got, not light orange (I have 4 light oranges) and found another Erridian Weapon today. Oh, and I fought the Rakk Hive.

Apparently I've almost beat the game. Would have done it sooner if LBP, MW2, and Dragon Age hadn't been distracting me.

I love this game...
2009-11-15 23:34:00

Posts: 3664

its awesome, completed it twice now, lv 50 hunter :o love this game so much!2009-11-17 06:22:00

Posts: 3701


I got my first Pearlescent yesterday, the Thanatos.

Boomy, I'm adding you so we can pWn nubs together.
2009-11-28 14:36:00

Posts: 3664

Does anyone remember the first trailer for this game? I still have it saved on the Ps3...

The half-faced woman speaking out over a vast expanse to the player... It promised Mad Max/The Road Warrior stylings... with lots and lots of Guns. I know the latter remains but what of its stylings. Visually, it looks like they cheaped-out...

That trailer is what initially intrigued me. I need to know how the game stands up to that?
2009-11-28 14:56:00

Posts: 1308

Does anyone remember the first trailer for this game? I still have it saved on the Ps3...

The half-faced woman speaking out over a vast expanse to the player... It promised Mad Max/The Road Warrior stylings... with lots and lots of Guns. I know the latter remains but what of its stylings. Visually, it looks like they cheaped-out...

That trailer is what initially intrigued me. I need to know how the game stands up to that?
Oh it does, the game definitely is like Mad Max, just with a more cartoony feel, that fits perfectly with it's funny and goriness.
2009-11-28 20:08:00

Posts: 2358


I got my first Pearlescent yesterday, the Thanatos.

Boomy, I'm adding you so we can pWn nubs together.

I might go on abit today or tomorrow but at the moment AC2 is taking up all my attention, stabbing is more fun than shooting

Wow that sounded bad..
2009-11-29 09:10:00

Posts: 3701

I just platinumed this game. The trophies for this game are surprisingly easy to get. Besides leveling up and the class-specific trophies, the trophies are all pretty easy and you should get them from just playing through the first time.

<a href="http://profiles.us.playstation.com/playstation/psn/visit/profiles/Awesomemans"><img src="http://fp.profiles.us.playstation.com/playstation/psn/pid/Awesomemans.png" width="230" height="155" border="0" /></a><br/><a href="http://www.us.playstation.com/PSN/SignUp">Get your Portable ID!</a>

2009-12-06 06:27:00

Posts: 3664

I traded in AC II (amazing sequel, enjoyed every minute of it) and Demon Souls (best RPG I have played in years, PS3 GOTY contender for sure) a couple of weeks ago for Borderlands and Dragon Age. Before I picked it up I was playing a lot of MW2 but since then Borderlands has not been taken out of my PS3 lol.

This is the best game I have played all year (yes, even compared to the aforementioned games as well as UC2 and whatever else was worth playing in 2009). The idea of taking the concepts from Diablo and combining them with a hardcore shooter is simply genius. The art style is unique, the graphics are slick, the violent gunplay is exciting, the MILLIONS of RANDOMLY GENERATED GUNS keep things fresh, the sense of humor is some of the best I have ever seen in a video game and the four character classes are all very unique and play differently. The ability to play 4 player co-op and jump in and out of other peoples games seamlessly is just the icing on the cake.

I just finished the Zombie DLC and it was worth every penny (killing zobies never gets old but killing them Borderlands style is especially satisfying!). New DLC is arriving Jan 7th which will add some fresh new gameplay that a lot of fans have been asking for:

New York, NY ? December 10, 2009 ? 2K Games announced today that the second piece of downloadable content for Borderlands?, Mad Moxxi?s Underdome Riot, will be available on December 29, 2009 from the Xbox LIVE? Marketplace for the Xbox 360? video game and entertainment system from Microsoft for 800 Microsoft Points and on January 7, 2010 from the PlayStation?Network for $9.99. The downloadable content will also be available on Windows PC. This explosive piece of action-driven content is in development at Gearbox Software and provides players with more methods of destruction as they tear through the denizens of Pandora.

Mad Moxxi?s Underdome Riot is an intense single-player or cooperative experience that expands the mayhem by adding three new Riot Mode arenas where players will endure an onslaught of Pandora?s baddest enemies. Working together, players will fend off the masses as they fight for fame, honor, and more importantly, loot. Mad Moxxi?s Underdome Riot also adds a new bank feature, which allows players extra storage capacity for when they encounter one of the more than 16 million weapons that Borderlands has to offer; and the ability to acquire two additional skill points as quest rewards, making their characters even more powerful than before.

Featuring extensive co-op integration that seamlessly blends the single-player and multiplayer experiences, Borderlands allows players to freely join or leave each other?s games at any time for collaborative mayhem or the freedom to choose to play in full single-player mode to experience the world on their own. Borderlands also includes a groundbreaking weapon generation system that offers a near infinite variety of weapons to the player. Borderlands combines these fan favorite features with addictive non-stop action to form a breakthrough experience that challenges the conventions of modern shooters and RPGs.

The bottom line is this: BUY BORDERLANDS (or at the very least rent it to see what you think)! It has earned a spot on my top 10 games of all time (Super Mario 64, FFVII and of course LBP are also on this list)
2009-12-11 11:05:00

Posts: 1536

Awesomemams sorry I ignored you, had mates round so we left the ps3 on for quite awhile, sorry 2009-12-20 11:12:00

Posts: 3701

Man borderlands is pretty neat. The DLC is cool too, even if it was a bit uneven on the PC.
Moxxis underdome looks (and sounds) great.

It's a real shame there's nothing like flamethrowers or gauss guns. But ah well. Enjoyable nonetheless, but it's somewhat dire when you solo it.
2009-12-20 16:43:00

Posts: 236

Im getting this on christmas i rented it before and it is soooo cool.

I really wish for a Weapon storage where you could store a unlimited amount of weapons or at least 100
2009-12-21 00:16:00

Posts: 6419

Im getting this on christmas i rented it before and it is soooo cool.

I really wish for a Weapon storage where you could store a unlimited amount of weapons or at least 100
The DLC mad moxxis underdome will actually feature such a thing.
2009-12-21 00:27:00

Posts: 236

Oh sweet how much $ will it be?2009-12-21 00:30:00

Posts: 6419

Oh sweet how much $ will it be?
Well the last one was $7.
It was pretty okay imo.

Shooting Zombies is always cool.
2009-12-21 00:34:00

Posts: 236

Hmm it comes out on xbox earliar than PS3 Yes! I will wait for it to come out then i will look up how much weapons the storage holds and that amount will determine if i buy it or not2009-12-21 08:34:00

Posts: 6419

It holds 20 guns apparently.2009-12-21 11:12:00

Posts: 3701

Alright im not getting that then XD2009-12-21 17:38:00

Posts: 6419

You can upgrade it to hold maybe 40-50 though2009-12-21 17:55:00

Unknown User

Oh really? Then its a maybe 2009-12-21 18:15:00

Posts: 6419

Yeh, just saw a video of it, was 21 but there were like 3 upgrades left available.

(You buy bank upgrades, like inventory sdu upgrades)

This female is the leader of the new upcoming DLC :o Moxxi
2009-12-21 18:35:00

Posts: 3701

I hesitated slightly when i found out you couldn't store guns (although i've already ordered the game ??). Nice to hear that it's being added though.

20 sounds like enough to me but i have no idea what range of weapons you can get yet
2009-12-21 19:15:00

Posts: 2100

I hesitated slightly when i found out you couldn't store guns (although i've already ordered the game ??). Nice to hear that it's being added though.

20 sounds like enough to me but i have no idea what range of weapons you can get yet

Well, if you are like me and continue playing till like level 50 online, you'll require a lot of space as the variety of good guns are huge
2009-12-21 19:26:00

Posts: 3701

yeah theres 17million guns in the game XD2009-12-21 19:36:00

Posts: 6419

Haven't played this game much so far but it isn't looking that good really :/
I started as a hunter and i'm just dieing constantly from endless groups of those skag things.

Gonna try making a soldier or something. Preferably something with a shotgun so i can get past the skags easily
2009-12-26 02:23:00

Posts: 2100

Haven't played this game much so far but it isn't looking that good really :/
I started as a hunter and i'm just dieing constantly from endless groups of those skag things.

Gonna try making a soldier or something. Preferably something with a shotgun so i can get past the skags easily

It gets tremendously better once you reach level 15, it starts slowly, why not do the missions online, its much more fun
2009-12-26 09:26:00

Posts: 3701

I'll give online a go but if anything i'd rather play through it with friends if anything, and i don't have any that play borderlands.2009-12-26 16:05:00

Posts: 2100

Yea got this game yesterday, be playin it with my friend.

Its awesome.

Im only level 10, still havnt even bothered to go after Sledge,

Bone Head was difficult enough without an elemental sniper. (Which I got after later because that sniper was from the bladeflowerseedwhatever mission, I fought him again so both me and my friend could have a Bone Shredder)
2009-12-26 16:28:00

Posts: 435

Tried it online and i found it incredibly annoying. I just got an influx of people 40 levels higher than me.
Once i died just as someone who was the same level as me joined the game. They responded by logging back out and returning with a level 30 character.
No matter what the situation is i don't want people playing my game for me, and it seems like that's what you get when someone 4x more powerful "helps" you out.

Kind of disappointed that there's no keyboard support as well, i just don't understand why they never put it in games anymore :/
I got a keyboard attachment for my controller for Christmas, would be nice if there was a game i could use it with.

On the other hand though i've started playing as a soldier instead.
At first it wasn't very promising, but then i got a shotgun and this awesome clipper thing that sets enemies on fire. Finally trying out some guns other than the ones you start with has been really refreshing!
2009-12-27 14:51:00

Posts: 2100

Anyone here hex mod? I tried it out for a while but was kinda disappointed when it 1. Messed up my first LVL 50's game, now I can't play it, then 2. destroyed my will to play. When you have the best weapons, knowing that there's no chance you'll find a better one, it really bursts my enthusiasm.2010-01-02 23:27:00

Posts: 3664

I have this for Xbox.

I got banned by my parents for a week because I forgot about a track meet over the weekend and my parents think I "forgot" on purpose to skip it. So im being grounded because they think they're smart even though I only just forgot, I didnt try to skip it. -_-


Before i wasnt banned for the week, I was farming in New Haven.

Trying to get my weapon set for my Mordecai Gunslinger Build:

-Fire Hawk
-Pestilent Defiler
-Some high-powered Revolver or Repeater preferably with Shock or Explosive element

I got a pretty powerful PD and FH from a friend. He is a soldier so he doesnt need em'. He's proficient in Shotguns. Haven't found a Chimera yet.

Im only lvl 25 so I cant actually use my PD or FH yet. (PD is lvl 47 and FH is 44)

I still have a nice set of Revolvers under level 25, Maliwan Shock x2, Maliwan Fire x2 and Law Explosive x2. The last one is my favorite. XD
2010-01-05 00:44:00

Posts: 435

finished my first playthrough a level 36 soldier, Working on the 2nd playthrough now.

I got a really good SMG its like 70x5 damage
2010-01-05 02:49:00

Posts: 6419

I have this for Xbox.

I got banned by my parents for a week because I forgot about a track meet over the weekend and my parents think I "forgot" on purpose to skip it. So im being grounded because they think they're smart even though I only just forgot, I didnt try to skip it. -_-


Before i wasnt banned for the week, I was farming in New Haven.

Trying to get my weapon set for my Mordecai Gunslinger Build:

-Fire Hawk
-Pestilent Defiler
-Some high-powered Revolver or Repeater preferably with Shock or Explosive element

I got a pretty powerful PD and FH from a friend. He is a soldier so he doesnt need em'. He's proficient in Shotguns. Haven't found a Chimera yet.

Im only lvl 25 so I cant actually use my PD or FH yet. (PD is lvl 47 and FH is 44)

I still have a nice set of Revolvers under level 25, Maliwan Shock x2, Maliwan Fire x2 and Law Explosive x2. The last one is my favorite. XD

You seem to be really into elemental weapons. The Combustion Hellfire is an amazing gun. Seriously, I had a level 20 gun that was still incredibly useful in Playthrough 2.5.
2010-01-05 04:41:00

Posts: 3664

I'm around lvl 20 now on this!
I'm in the Dahl Headlands (not sure if that's the name) and i can't help but feel that this area was meant to be played with 2 people :/

It's pretty much impossible to take out any of the vehicle enemies that circle you, neither the machine gun or rocket launcher do any damage and they're almost impossible to aim while driving.

Tried giving co-op another try but still haven't gotten anywhere. There's always SOME problem, whether i can't connect or the other player thinks i'd prefer it if he relogged as a character 20 levels higher.
2010-01-05 07:45:00

Posts: 2100

I'm around lvl 20 now on this!
I'm in the Dahl Headlands (not sure if that's the name) and i can't help but feel that this area was meant to be played with 2 people :/

It's pretty much impossible to take out any of the vehicle enemies that circle you, neither the machine gun or rocket launcher do any damage and they're almost impossible to aim while driving.

Tried giving co-op another try but still haven't gotten anywhere. There's always SOME problem, whether i can't connect or the other player thinks i'd prefer it if he relogged as a character 20 levels higher.

You do know that you can lock on with the vehicles, right? Press X and then the rockets should be locked on.
2010-01-05 09:47:00

Posts: 3664

is there a playthrough 3 lol2010-01-05 21:46:00

Posts: 6419

It's pretty much impossible to take out any of the vehicle enemies that circle you, neither the machine gun or rocket launcher do any damage and they're almost impossible to aim while driving.

If vechicles arent really your favorite try and explosive elemental weapon. They're actually quite effective.

My using an explosive revolver with level 5 Gunslinger ability with Mordecai I can get some easy 300+ hits, so its takes around 2-3 to take out Runners.

You seem to be really into elemental weapons.

Yea elemental guns are my favorite. You get really attached to em. Especially fire after you see how it can take down level 15 Alpha Skags in a matter of seconds when youre only level 13. And also how shock can knock out a blue shield in one shot with a good hit.

The Combustion Hellfire is an amazing gun. Seriously, I had a level 20 gun that was still incredibly useful in Playthrough 2.5.

The Hellfire is probably the best gun in the game. The bonus ignite damage is ridiculous and its 100% ignite chance.

is there a playthrough 3 lol

Nah. Lol

But...you can always just get to level 50 and farm for nasty weapons to brag about.

Or...start a new class

Or...buy the DLC
2010-01-05 22:14:00

Posts: 435

I'll give online a go but if anything i'd rather play through it with friends if anything, and i don't have any that play borderlands.

I do and would be happy to play.
2010-01-05 22:39:00

Posts: 1576

lol by the way the ending part of the game was really funny
2010-01-06 22:47:00

Posts: 6419

Is anyone else finding the Moxxi expansion a little ridiculous? XD

+ Awesome techno soundtrack
+ Item storage

- 5 consecutive rounds in 3 different arenas?!
It took me half an hour just to do round 1 of the first arena and it was stupidly hard!!
Not to mention all of that is just a starter mission.

So anyway how do i upgrade my storage space?
2010-01-08 01:17:00

Posts: 2100

Is anyone else finding the Moxxi expansion a little ridiculous? XD

+ Awesome techno soundtrack
+ Item storage

- 5 consecutive rounds in 3 different arenas?!
It took me half an hour just to do round 1 of the first arena and it was stupidly hard!!
Not to mention all of that is just a starter mission.

So anyway how do i upgrade my storage space?

i would guess by beating arenas
2010-01-08 01:49:00

Posts: 6419

It's good that it is hard, the entire game was too easy, try doing the arena's online 2010-01-08 09:11:00

Posts: 3701

I don't mind the arenas being difficult, but it shouldn't make you do 5 consecutive rounds!
If the first took 30 minuets then the rest will only take longer!
That'd be like almost 3 hours just for one arena, i can rarely play games for that long in one session anymore xD
2010-01-08 09:52:00

Posts: 2100

9 hours of gameplay for a DLC seems pretty good 2010-01-08 09:58:00

Posts: 3701

It is but i don't want to do it all 3 hours at a time

This is only for the first mission too!
It says doing that will unlock longer tournaments o_O
2010-01-08 11:18:00

Posts: 2100

Can you not save after every round?2010-01-08 12:31:00

Posts: 3701

Nope, I was almost 100% sure that it would act as a checkpoint since it took so long so i quit.
Now i have to do round 1 again :/

Maybe there is some way to save that i missed. If you can run off somewhere and resume from your last round it'd be awesome, i wouldn't mind if there was 100 consecutive rounds that way
2010-01-08 12:36:00

Posts: 2100

i'd be willing to play with anyone i love this game so addicted2010-01-08 23:49:00

Posts: 1246

For those who have the Moxxi Underdome DLC, I was wondering if any of you have ever been robbed by Moxxi? After exiting the Underdome, I have lost class mod, shield and grenade mod...3 times. I don't think there is a particular pattern as far as I can tell (they have all happened in slightly different circumstances and not to all players), but it is really frustrating seeing as how you would normally equip the best ones you have before taking on the Underdome challenges. Now, I just unequip before leaving just to be safe.

@Dexiro: I'm sure you've already figured this out by now, but with respect to the bank upgrades, I don't know which playthrough you are on, but it appears that the level upgrade made available to you for the bank space is different depending on which playthrough you are in. It only offers me an upgrade to 36 in playthrough 1, but offers me an upgrade to 42 when I am in playthrough 2. The upgrades are sold in the vending machine near the bank teller and cost a pretty penny.

Also, the larger challenges involve 20 consecutive rounds, for each arena. :eek:
2010-01-14 21:26:00

Posts: 63

and six months pass, and i finally buy this game. Try it 8x all 8 times it lock up my launch 60gb ... SO I go online and find hundreds of the same type posts with apparently no fix...I find this unacceptable and negligently irresponsible2010-07-29 04:38:00

Posts: 1308

its a good game gravel don't let that let you down!
I think all DLC is 50% of this week too. At least for Xbox it is
2010-07-29 05:01:00

Posts: 6419

Yes it is a great game that had me hooked for months, lots of fun online. Hope they fix that issue though.2010-07-29 08:54:00

Posts: 3701

I sold that game after a week, didn't drag me in 2010-07-29 16:15:00

Unknown User

Oh I'd love to give it- it's shot... but it wont allow me, and 2k customer service has yet to respond... so it would appear that I will not be playing borderlands. A shame really, the original trailer w/chick with scared face had me hooked.2010-07-29 17:01:00

Posts: 1308

your not gonna wait till they respond... well did you buy it used, cause i bought a used game once where it wouldnt launch2010-07-29 17:08:00

Posts: 6419

2k never responded, Sony customer service walked me thru some possible fixes...nada... will return to BEST BUY to try again...( but its not gonna work...) I am convinced after seeing all the internet posts, that this game is not compatible w/60gb launch unit... we will see... stay tuned!2010-07-30 20:00:00

Posts: 1308

But Gravel it is, i rented it before on Ps3 (i bought xbox360 version) i had the old 60GB and it worked =/2010-07-30 22:25:00

Posts: 6419

yah i platinum-ed the game with a launch 60GB, that's weird2010-07-31 21:48:00

Posts: 1246

Well unfortunately it did not for me... sad panda... that's ok... whatcha gonna do... I'll give the game to a friend of mine who gave me a force-feedback controller...hopefully it will work for him... because as it was opened I can't bring it back... if not.... trade-in money down onLBP2...

Actually I'm alittle scared. If my ps3 is dying, I can't afford to replace it... Oh that' ll be a sad day... but we're not there yet-- So buck up little campers, I'm over borderlands already!
2010-08-02 04:23:00

Posts: 1308

If you still have a 60gb elite PS3, from launch day, then you're incredibly lucky, mine died out on me over a year ago, I sent it in for repairs & they gave me a new 60gb. I'm able to play Borderlands on it so don't know whats up with your situation. I love the 60gb though, it plays SACD's, which isn't a dead format yet, just really a small niche format, they still make tons of jazz & classical SACD's.2010-08-02 04:55:00

Posts: 369

Borderlands is awesome. It's the only game I've ever got a platinum on. Level 61 Soldier.
Any word on a Borderlands 2 that would definitely fall in line with LBP2 and Fable 3 on my most wanted list.
2010-08-08 16:52:00

Posts: 464

I just got it a week ago for $19.99 @ amazon.com. A friend of mine and I put somewhere around 20 hours in it so far. I read up to page 4 or so of this thread and noticed some people were having bugs. I can report that I've only seen one bug so far with the PC version, and basically what happens is sometimes you can get stuck. This has happened to me twice when enemies pinned me up against a wall. Both times I was able to jump like crazy to get out of it.

Anyone have it for PC and still playing it? Just curious
2010-08-31 16:57:00

Posts: 668

Might as well use this to point out that there's a GOTY edition coming.

Borderlands Game of the Year Edition announced! Game + all FOUR DLCs and bonus map for 360, PS3, and PC. Available in October!

2010-08-31 17:05:00

Posts: 6728

Actually, I was just playing this last night. I'm trying to beat playthrough 2 and the General Knoxx DLC so I'm ready for the last DLC.

I must say this is one of my favourite games. I've put it well over 35 hours into it
2010-08-31 20:38:00

Posts: 2358

Does anyone know the EU release date for CLAPTRAP'S NEW ROBOT REVOLUTION dlc?2010-09-02 12:50:00

Posts: 464

No date yet just September.2010-09-02 13:37:00

Posts: 6728

I wish I found this thread earlier, I love Borderlands! My sister, brother, and I play it all the time. As of now, I'm a level 40 Berserker (I love the Berserker, his L1 skill is the bees knees! ), but I hope to reach level 61 soon.2010-09-03 22:59:00

Posts: 1800

Tell me this guys, I don't know which one to choose.

Borderlands or Fallout 3 or Oblivion?

I need a good RPG, and as you can see by me announcing the 3 "modern greats" I don't have any!
2010-09-04 11:09:00

Posts: 1114

Borderlands, Fallout to me just looks like a huge mission/timesink. Borderlands is a lot of fun online.

Just my opinion though.
2010-09-04 11:57:00

Posts: 3701

I think i'm going to dust off my Borderlands again; I regrettably never beat it. I started one game with a solider and he seemed too weak. so i rerolled berserker; had a lot more fun with him. the only thing with borderlands is, if you don't play it online it feels really empty and lonely , unlike fallout. but both games are great in different ways2010-09-16 18:48:00

Posts: 2551


Unfortunatly the DLC is not on the disc so thats a little over 3gb + what ever the size of next weeks dlc is to download.

Also the goty edition has a very nice ?29.99 RRP which goes down to ?24.99 or less after most retailers have applied their discounts.
2010-09-21 17:13:00

Posts: 6728

I LOVE THIS GAME. i came here, and i found the thread without using the search bar. YIPPY!

But i have a problem. my game crashes on my computer for the 1st half of any playthrough, in about 10-30 minutes. Its annoying. my computer parts are way above the recomended. i even set everything to low settings. I use an ATI graphics card but everyone with my EXACT problem (in every way i described) say it gets better with nvidia only. And i currently dont want to pay for another graphics card just for this. id rather get it for ps3. But computer rocks. Currently on playthrough 4.

Any replies to my problem should be PMed to me since i look at that and remember about the notification box more than a thread i posted in and forgot about.
2010-09-21 21:39:00

Posts: 101

Achievements and Trophies for Claptrap's New Robot Revolution are out.

Tourist 10 G - Bronze
Find all 6 Claptrap Statues

Muerte la robo-luci?n 70 G - Silver
Kill the INAC

The Collector 50 G - Silver
Complete a crazy request for Tannis

The Lubricator 10 G - Bronze
Find 25 oil cans

Bobble-Trap 10 G - Bronze
Collect 15 claptrap bobbleheads

It's so realistic! 10 G - Bronze
Collect 5 3D glasses

What a party! 30 G - Silver
Collect 3 panties, 5 fish in a bag, and 15 pizzas

Secret Achievement/Hidden Trophy 20 G - ???

Secret Achievement/Hidden Trophy 20 G - ???

Secret Achievement/Hidden Trophy 20 G - ???


2010-09-24 09:50:00

Posts: 6728

I'll make sure im the 1st guy to beat that DLC in the USA.2010-09-27 04:22:00

Posts: 101

Notice when I created this thread. My friend and I played about half of the game when it came out...picked up again later and last night we finished it. I'm ready to buy all the DLC except for that underdome crap.2010-10-16 11:39:00

Posts: 2391

Has the level cap gone up again yet?2010-10-16 12:11:00

Posts: 464

The patch for that should be implemented by now but we were at level 35 when we finished the game.2010-10-16 12:37:00

Posts: 2391

At the time of my last post it wasn't out, I checked.2010-10-16 17:02:00

Posts: 464

Latest on the patch

Update 10/12 - This is in final stages of QA right now.



Just ordered the GOTY edition ?22.99 from Amazon. Really hope this supports background downloading so the 4.5gb of extra can be acquired while I play.
2010-10-16 21:24:00

Posts: 6728

Patch is out http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=1136322010-11-02 19:21:00

Posts: 6728

Is there a third playthrough now then?2010-11-03 22:33:00

Posts: 464

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