Hardest Survival Challenge Ever Help
Archive: 5 posts
Hey Guys i couldn't decide where to post this so i thought i would post it here, i am the creator of "The Worlds Hardest Survival Challenge Ever" you may seen it on the search area in lbp but any way at the momnet it is not that hard all that happens is meteors get flung down in random locations each time and so do points and the meteors speed gets faster and faster until they are moving at 0.2 seconds now this is pretty hard but still my bes score it like 15,000 and that's a lot for me but two people have played my lvl and gotten in to the hundreds of thousands of points and have posted comments saying it is not very hard one of them got 600,000 and i thought wait this gets really hard but how can he have so many points but anyway my question is. What can i add to my level that would make it even harder? now remember this is supposed to be super hard so anything could work i am trying to incorporate a skipping method where once the door closes after 30 seconds a panel of electrified metal goes across the floor that you have to jump over while dodging the meteors but i am finding this really hard so please could you help me out by posting what you think it need anything could work and remember it is supposed to be the hardest please play my level then post what you think it needs just search my PSN: ShakeMeUpJudy thanks a lot | 2009-10-21 11:34:00 Author: lbpholic ![]() Posts: 1304 |
Have buttons that you have to press floor moving, Turrets that you have to shoot at and this way you have to keep them moving, however the points are given out make it so they have to work to get them have bubble and creature barains , remove the floor and give tiny platforms. Anything really that makes it hard. | 2009-10-21 13:03:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
ty but what do you mean about the buttons that make floor moving? and how do i make turrets i am quite new to the whole mgs theme even though i completed mgs 4 twice ? | 2009-10-21 13:12:00 Author: lbpholic ![]() Posts: 1304 |
no the buttons are timed and if you don't press them a bomb goes off and turrets you just need to emit the plasma ball. | 2009-10-21 13:19:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
sorry can u explain in more detail i am qite confused | 2009-10-21 13:29:00 Author: lbpholic ![]() Posts: 1304 |
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