Neon Fun Zone EXTREME(extreme fun)
Archive: 7 posts
Neon Fun Zone EXTREME(extreme ____) tRu3_sKiTz0 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=875&pictureid=7802This is a totally tripped out taste of the rainbow without the skittles! Its fun, its challenging and adventurous(kinda)! You owe it to urself to see it through to the end!!!! all Im excited to say the first build of this level was published this morning and working perfectly. I took all of the feedback from my first level and answered it this. If this level does well expect to see more levels with this theme. The first two additions will be extreme challenge and extreme panic for the elite players. These will just be harder versions. Then I will begin my adventurous levels that will be more story driven. So keep playing and I will keep making. Thanks ![]() EDIT: I just published the easy version and tonight will begin working on the hard version. This collection will consist of three versions total each with its own intro and obstacles. Each one will have the same basic layout but the hardest will actually require the collecting of the stars. The two that are up now are subtitled (extreme chillin) and (extreme fun). (extreme challenge) will be done soon. EDIT: Hard version is now up and running Its the only one wih a different button image. EDIT: I will no longer be working on solo projects... I am offering my assistnce to others who need a little creative insxpiration or just a whole cosmetic makeover lol... just so u know I will continue to honor my F4 post but for now am only working on demo levels so ppl can see what I am capable of... http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=875&pictureid=7801 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=875&pictureid=7802 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=875&pictureid=7803 | 2009-10-20 15:29:00 Author: tru3_skitz0 ![]() Posts: 114 |
Well i played it as i said i would in my post and i thought it was great! I like a challenging level. There was some nice obstacles to tackle, im pretty sure i died at least once on most of them lol. Also, i liked the way you decorated the red X's, i forget what their called, and that part where yo walk on the paint was coooool! ![]() I played your other neon one too, that was a good one aswell! Pretty sure i found everything, i was on it for about 25 mins and ended up 2nd. Good job on both. | 2009-10-21 18:12:00 Author: TonyTwoGunz ![]() Posts: 139 |
Very nice level tru3. ^_^ It was easy, but the theme and some of the obstacles were great. I've played it once on my own and got my current score at 1st place, and then played it multiplayer with willtang1134, brb_gymnastics, and will's girlfriend. When I went to see if someone has beaten my score today I noticed the level has 2 stars, which completely baffles me. I mean how in the world could a level of that quality get 2 stars?! It makes no sense to me. I gave it 5 stars both times I've played on my own and multiplay. I mean sure, if you made the level harder it would be extreme, as the obstacles leading to some of the stars are already extreme/elite/expert (whatever word you want to use), but still with the visuals it shouldn't be down to 2 stars. Then again, you don't put the same thing in your description that the expert community does asking not to rate low if level is too hard. Having that in description would probably help as it does many expert hard levels out there. Also, you say you're going to make 2 more higher difficulty levels, but how would that be possible? Your level already has a few elite/expert obstacles in it. Out of Easy, Normal/Average, Advanced, and Expert, it's already advanced level, except very few obstacles in it which might be considered normal. So I could really only picture one more version going by higher difficulty, unless you make a harder one with infinite checkpoints and one without. | 2009-10-22 12:07:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yeah thats exactly what Im gonna do... tighten a couple obstacles that even I can get throught without dying, add a hurdles here and there tweak the lighting and what not to make it a little more sinister and then just make 1 with and 1 without infinite checks. And yeah wtf is up with the two stars? I did put that in the description but ill edit it later so maby its more noticeable. IDK. Anyway thanks for the feed back. ![]() | 2009-10-22 13:24:00 Author: tru3_skitz0 ![]() Posts: 114 |
OK, I haven't seen the description in the level, but from the sounds of this thread, the "extreme" is related to the difficulty. From the level title I thought the extreme was relating to the amount of fun ![]() That's where your two stars are coming from. You could probably do with trying harder to push away the majority of players. | 2009-10-22 13:59:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Yeah Im sure your right but in the level description it says not to rate low u suck lol anyway I guess I don't really care for now about the two stars eventually people will get it and if not then they don't know what they are missing. For now I just keep helpin people thru it. | 2009-10-22 15:50:00 Author: tru3_skitz0 ![]() Posts: 114 |
OK I know that this may be a little against the rules but not if u consider the fact this could very well have been reposted as a collection or what ever and the fact that this is not a cry for more plays but simply the offering of my abiltity to create some rediculous effects in a level and the fact that I only did this cuz Im not sure where or how to post this... If I get an infraction or whatever then I guess its a small price to pay as I just now got my comp back and have only just published 3 levels under the main title and am using this collection as a portfolio of sorts to let the general public know that my sevices are available as of now... I will put any and all current projects on hold for anyone who needs and is willing to accept the help I am offering. I also will be posting a demo level here and there to give u all a taste of what I could bring to to your level project. Thanx to all who have read and or replied to this thred... the community will not be regretful in any way that this post took up a line of space on the main page. I PROMISE. Find a way to let me know that u need help and I will help u any way I can! Thanx!!!!! ![]() | 2009-10-25 22:34:00 Author: tru3_skitz0 ![]() Posts: 114 |
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