"The Experiment" by Sudesh
Archive: 5 posts
"The Experiment" by SudeshSeiryuki2002 Two scientists are having an experiment to test their latest creations (intelligent creatures) on any group of Sackfellas that enter at their own risk. all The scientists have been given a project to create simple Creatures, each with their own style of AI (Artificial Intelligence). One professor, gave them the idea of using Sackboys/girls (called Sackfellas) to test their creations for them which the scientists are unfamiliar with using. Because of this, the scientists have decided to modify the creature's enclosure to closely understand each Sackfella's intelligence and hence, how each one interacts with a type of creature. The title of the stage includes the quotes and the 'by Sudesh' ending. So you can search for that. However, it is easier to search for "Seiryuki2002". The level features a Secret Boss Creature, which can only be found if all four Sticker-Keys have been collected throughout the level. (Note: You must have "Collect Community Prizes" set to ON in order to collect the Sticker-Keys). This stage is really designed for me rather than for you. I needed to test the LBP's level thermometer so as to get a reference guide for my future levels that would be more focused on style/art/execution rather than this level's influences/features: Environmental Puzzles (like TombRaider/Ico) Creatures/Animals and their AI MetalSlug-styled gun-play Please note that there are many design-flaws that I cannot address because the level is maxed out, and I don't wanna delete anything. However, I do greatly appreciate your feedback on anything. This is mostly a single-player game, and try to aim to defeat the secret boss, whether by foot or by vehicle. http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/5882/theexperiment1.jpg http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/4964/theexperiment6.jpg http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/9971/theexperiment3.jpg http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/1859/theexperiment4.jpg http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/8062/theexperiment5.jpg http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/8780/theexperiment2.jpg | 2009-10-18 21:00:00 Author: Seiryuki ![]() Posts: 11 |
I've added some screenshots above. Hopefully they will make you interested in trying out the stage. Two of the screenshots show secrets in the level. | 2009-10-21 16:12:00 Author: Seiryuki ![]() Posts: 11 |
Okay, I have fixed an exploit to getting into the secret area using the tank's jetpack. With the exploit, a player could have used just 1 or 2 of the Sticker-Keys then use the jetpack to get over the wall. So that has been fixed. I've also used the corner-editor to help spare me some space. Some shootable objects required too much paintball shots so I've reduced those by half. I've also reduced the amount of shots needed to destroy the secret boss's top-piece by half (100 shots). If any of you find any exploits (or have any ideas), let me know. Don't forget to heart if you like the level. | 2009-10-30 20:02:00 Author: Seiryuki ![]() Posts: 11 |
I'll try this out now. Oh, and something you should have clarified is that the level's name is actually "'The Experiment' by Sudesh". I was there searching "The Experiment" and "Sudesh" for a while. ![]() EDIT: I haven't been able to finish the level all the way through yet because I got to the part where I have to deliver the red diamond to the skull's brother. Those enemies got me stuck, on the other side of the diamond, so I decided to kill myself. That was a bad decision, because then the game said "You have run out of all your lives!" even though you use infinite life checkpoints. I have a suggestion though. At the beginning, I was stuck because I didn't know where to go after getting that key. I think you should put some kind of visual cue to help the player. Anyway, I look forward to beating it and seeing the rest of the crazy creatures. Nice work on them. I'll give you more feedback when I finish. Fantastic premise btw. | 2009-11-03 00:46:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
Thanks for the feedback. I actually find it easier to search the author's name then select "Find more by this author" to get the levels. Also, I read on the net that the search is currently broken for LBP and that Mm is working on a fix. Those enemies got me stuck, on the other side of the diamond Yeah, they're supposed to clasp unto you a bit. A trick is to run back with the red-diamond then quickly dash into them....they should float a bit upwards giving an easy pass. However, there are many ways to deal with those miserable creatures. I sometimes grab them and tussle with them around to make space slowly, or just (spoiler) get the weapon up ahead and kill them. I'm sorry you killed yourself. It must have been frustrating after reaching so far. An option would have been to leave those black-creatures and see what's up ahead. Hint: those particular creatures are on the middle plane...and so you can step front and leave them, but leaving the red-diamond too. the game said "You have run out of all your lives!" even though you use infinite life checkpoints It is extremely strange that you can run out of lives from an infinite checkpoint....I'll have to check that. Very strange. Maybe it's a glitch? I get some of those weirdness when playing other people's stages sometimes, but rarely. At the beginning, I was stuck because I didn't know where to go after getting that key. Which sticker-key? There are two at the very beginning. I'm guessing that it's the red one as the the one before that is the blue. (I wonder if I spoiled anything there?) After the red-key, you have to cross a fire-flooring. That is a puzzle that I choose not to give hints for. Certain people find it rewarding to figure out those types of environmental puzzles without help. I choose to appeal to them as giving hints would spoil the feeling. Sorry, but I'm goona keep that one as it is. But you passed it?! May have took a while or not, but that was the purpose of that style of puzzle. Sorry if you don't like it, though. Thanks a lot and I will check out what you've mentioned. Hope you can play it out to find the Sudesaurus. The red diamond is not required to get there btw. | 2009-11-03 22:42:00 Author: Seiryuki ![]() Posts: 11 |
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