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Guided Missiles!!!

Archive: 18 posts

I'm happy to announce that my guided missile level is online. Yeah, GUIDED missiles ... boys and toys eh. The level is called "GUIDED MISSILES: TRACKING OBJECTS". The demo consists out of a cart to emitt targets at random positions, and launch missiles after them. That way the player can verify for himself that there is no trickery. The missiles really aim for the targets all by themselves! the missiles are not shot from a cannon, just emitted in one spot.

EDIT: picture added. From left to right you see a rocket, the launchpad which consists of just one emitter (throws the rockets up a bit), and a target (for tracking players, just change all mag switches on rocket to player sensors)

EDIT: I also published a level demonstrating missiles that track players. Search for "GUIDED MISSILES: TRACKING PLAYERS"

P.S.: the general principle behind the tracking is demonstrated in my other level, "Demonstration: player tracking across a level". Check it out.
2009-10-16 23:01:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

lol great, just what we need- When the Guided Missiles Exploded . Anyway, I'll check this out soon. It sounds cool. I can see it useful in some cases...2009-10-17 17:32:00

Posts: 469

Ive seen this before in a player tracking missiles level...2009-10-17 18:08:00

Posts: 3251

I'll check this out soon! Sounds like it could be good :kz:2009-10-17 18:13:00

Posts: 1355

Ive seen this before in a player tracking missiles level...

Can you remember by who or what the level's called? Anyway, visit mine and let me know if it's the sae sort of thing.
2009-10-17 18:26:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

I tried making one with a brain, no success.2009-10-17 18:37:00

Posts: 29

I made player tracking plasma balls before, good fun for scaring people!2009-10-26 14:48:00

Posts: 572

I just published a level with sack-tracking missiles too. Again: it is not a cannon that aims and shoots rockets. The rockets themselves are guided. Level name is "guided missiles: tracking players".2009-10-26 17:11:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

Check out missil survival, or something like that by kcferrari. Also, I think I've actually played your level somehow, lol. If I'm right, they were really good. There were two cannons you could aim, one that fired the missiles and the other that fired the targets. Am I right? If not, then that's another guided missile level.... I'll check yours out though 2009-10-26 21:10:00

Posts: 3251

I checked out kcferrari's level. It's not bad, but I think I found a better way to do it. My missiles are much faster, more accurate and better looking. That guy has a lot of great ideas though (in his other levels). Also, I think you played someone else's level there. I've got twoon that subject, one on player-seeking missiles, and one on object-seeking missiles. The latter comes closest, but I didn't use cannons. There's one launchpad (which is only for looks, the rockets are just emitted there), and a cart you can drag around and spawn targets with. You should go see it. I'm pretty proud I got those things to work so well.2009-10-26 21:31:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

I checked out kcferrari's level. It's not bad, but I think I found a better way to do it. My missiles are much faster, more accurate and better looking. That guy has a lot of great ideas though (in his other levels). Also, I think you played someone else's level there. I've got twoon that subject, one on player-seeking missiles, and one on object-seeking missiles. The latter comes closest, but I didn't use cannons. There's one launchpad (which is only for looks, the rockets are just emitted there), and a cart you can drag around and spawn targets with. You should go see it. I'm pretty proud I got those things to work so well.

Uhm, I don't mean to be a butt here but. It's not a good idea to brag about your objects and basiclly say it's the best out there. I have a guided missile and I have a friend that has one, you're not the first here on this.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude on this but I've had this happen to me twice, both involving a guided missile.

There's nothing wrong with saying "hey look what I made" but when someone says there are others out there and the author says long story short "mines better" it get kind of anyyoing.

Don't mean any offense, just don't want toes to be stepped on.
2009-11-01 02:05:00

Unknown User

Uhm, I don't mean to be a butt here but. It's not a good idea to brag about your objects and basiclly say it's the best out there. I have a guided missile and I have a friend that has one, you're not the first here on this

I'm not saying it's the best, I said I think mine is better than kcferrari's, and in an other thread I admitted that someone elses solution to a problem is better than mine. These are all perfectly valid expressions and have nothing to do with bragging. It sounds to me like your toes are just really long. Another point, I never claim to be the first to built this or that. That's just plain stupid, and I know that.
2009-11-01 10:20:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

I'm happy to announce that my guided missile level is online. Yeah, GUIDED missiles.

I'm not stupid. ^^ This is basiclly implying that it's something that no one's ever heard of before. I might be wrong but that's the impression I recived.

Maybe I was wrong and poo-poo'd on your parade, so I'm sorry and let's just forget it.
2009-11-01 23:33:00

Unknown User

Kcferrari purposely made his slow so the challenge wouldn't be impossible you know. Also, it was noobnugget's level I saw. noobnugget . His were really dang good, but they didn't look that much like missiles.

Out of curiosity how do your missiles explode? By magnetic key switches?
2009-11-02 01:00:00

Posts: 3251

Are you sure about noobnugget's PSN? I can't find anyone by that name.

I make my rockets explode by emitting impact explosives that are rigged to explode the moment they come into being (I stick an inverted mag switch on them with zero radius). I prefer this because it's a clean method. And yes, the emitters are triggered by a mag switch or player-sensor. If you want to disect my design, I've added prize bubbles to the level "guided missiles: tracking players". There's a challenge there too, a bit like kcferrari's (accidentally), and it isn't all that impossible either.
2009-11-02 18:20:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

Your missiles are funny! I tried your level and i had very fun xD I toke the prize bubble in the targets level, maybe i'm going to see how they work. I had a project for some guided missiles, but i think that i had completely another idea for make them work :hero:2009-11-03 17:42:00

Posts: 504

aweesome could do with this thanks for making it and posting it2009-11-04 10:50:00

Posts: 1304

I'm sure about noobnugget. Must be the screwed up search glitch 2009-11-06 00:17:00

Posts: 3251

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