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Action figures

Archive: 4 posts

the other day my friend said that he had made action figures and he said using the doll parts were to difficult. Well i have proved him wrong!
I made a joker and batman action figure with all the male doll parts except for the head. I will be making a spider man and super man action figure soon and will hopefully soon have a big box of toys in my LBP object cupdboard
here is a pic of my current action figures:

by grabbing the jokers right hand (HIS right hand) you cause him to laugh evily. The batman is the same but he makes a sumo HUH! instead to act tough.
2009-10-15 21:28:00

Posts: 37

why did you post, if you have nothing to show....you should have waited.2009-10-15 21:37:00

Posts: 107

i guess... i just wanted to say what i was making.2009-10-15 21:46:00

Posts: 37

okay, i got a pic like i should've done before posting, sorru again.2009-10-15 22:38:00

Posts: 37

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