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"Dragon matter"?
Archive: 83 posts
If any of you have noticed there's a new level on Cool Levels right now showcasing an invisible marterial, which for some reason they decided to call "dragon matter". I'm pretty sure someone here already found out about that glitch months ago. Also, I really don't see how this could be useful besides having invisible hazards and annoying the hell out of everybody. | 2009-10-14 18:53:00 Author: Arkei Posts: 1432 |
yeah im pretty annoyed about it because it was found months ago, hes just being ignorant and stupid thinking hes special and hes annoying the heck out of me! | 2009-10-14 18:59:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Hey i found that glitch a while back! I'm not sure if i was the first one to find it though - probably not There might be a chance that his were just thin lines glued together You shouldn't get annoyed over things like this anyway, it's bound to happen at some point | 2009-10-14 19:20:00 Author: Dexiro Posts: 2100 |
i know dex but i was annoyed at the fact he named it after himself i dont even think the layer glitch was named after bakscratch, SURE it said Bakscratches layer glitch but it wasnt called the Bakscratch Glitch was it? | 2009-10-14 19:25:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
i know dex but i was annoyed at the fact he named it after himself i dont even think the layer glitch was named after bakscratch, SURE it said Bakscratches layer glitch but it wasnt called the Bakscratch Glitch was it? I think if you said 'bakscratch glitch' people would understand you just as well | 2009-10-14 19:35:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
yeah but... What im getting at.... *hits ard with a baseball bat* you see? | 2009-10-14 20:12:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Another stupid glitch already? I just hope that this doesn't become a new fashion or something. I can already see tons of levels implementing this. "When the invisible bombs fell", "impossible invisible jumps", "kill bob sponge in his invisible mode", "a level that plays itself in the invisible way",... Seriously, when will arrive the day in which cool pages are actually, well, cool? | 2009-10-14 20:12:00 Author: Keldur Posts: 628 |
Yeah, I saw this last night as well. No matter who found it, when,whether it's named after that person, or if it's even the same glitch... I think it still has some great uses if you can make any material invisible. I actually need to figure out how to make this for a level I'm working on right now for mechanical issues I'm having with a vehicle's movement behaving eradically. | 2009-10-14 20:48:00 Author: Rustbukkit Posts: 1737 |
I played that one too. It's sort of rough but I have to agree with Rustbukkit. Glitches are sometimes useful for solving specific problems in LBP or they can inspire a new way of doing something. They are only as useful as the creator using them makes them though. Let the level design decide is a glitch is needed though - don't let the glitch dictate the level to you. | 2009-10-14 20:51:00 Author: Morgana25 Posts: 5983 |
I used this like, what, six months ago? I mean, come one, I used it three times in DMC IV. | 2009-10-14 20:54:00 Author: KoRnDawwg Posts: 1424 |
i know dex but i was annoyed at the fact he named it after himself i dont even think the layer glitch was named after bakscratch, SURE it said Bakscratches layer glitch but it wasnt called the Bakscratch Glitch was it? Oh right, noone said he named it after himself xD I guess that is kind of annoying, it's like he's claiming complete ownership of it. Let's call it the Dex glitch! | 2009-10-14 20:55:00 Author: Dexiro Posts: 2100 |
Yay!! DEX GLITCH! | 2009-10-14 20:56:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Actually, I was unable to find the person it's apparently named after... DRAGGONZY (or something like that?). As far as I know, the person who put the level up named the material after the creator. So until we have evidence that DRAGGONZY named the material after him/herself or they created a separate user account with the intentions of taking the credit for this, it's not really fair to attack that person imho. Fact is, it's a cool name for a glitch... even though it relates in no way to dragons or their mythology. I DO like the sound of the DEX glitch though. | 2009-10-14 21:01:00 Author: Rustbukkit Posts: 1737 |
yeah but wouldnt the dragon glitch sound better on something to do with dragons? | 2009-10-14 21:04:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
It looks exactly like the glitch that happens when you make one thin plane thick gas... To do that, you just make a one thin plane thick block, and add a VULNERABLE brain, and two legs. Then, drop it in gas, pause it, and capture only the block. Emit it with an infinite lifetime, and capture it again. There you go. THIN dragon matter. The thick dragon matter is just shrunken down rubber, I'm guessing... (The creator wouldn't know that any material can be invisible...) I quit the level half way through, because it was ugly. | 2009-10-14 21:10:00 Author: KlawwTheClown Posts: 1106 |
heres the link :/ https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=17247 | 2009-10-14 21:17:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
heres the link :/ https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=17247 Good find, looks like you've had this discussion before.. lol. So it appears as if DRAGGY wasn't initially sure if this was a known glitch or not then. It also appears as though they named it after themselves, and that they are sure it's different from the Piston Matter. Case solved. | 2009-10-14 21:29:00 Author: Rustbukkit Posts: 1737 |
Good find, looks like you've had this discussion before.. lol. So it appears as if DRAGGY wasn't initially sure if this was a known glitch or not then. It also appears as though they named it after themselves, and that they are sure it's different from the Piston Matter. Case solved. The person who posted the level may have named it that, it's not clear right now because DraggyZ isn't who posted that level. Case not solved. | 2009-10-14 21:32:00 Author: BSprague Posts: 2325 |
yeah but he mentions making a showcase for it | 2009-10-14 21:33:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Just to clarify, I was probably the first to test and name "Piston Matter". I made a level about it way back in February. This is the showcase thread. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=8113) I'll check out the "Dragon Material" level and see if it's one and the same. Edit: Couldn't you just KICK yourself for not discovering it first? Edit: Well, it COULD be thin strips of invisible materials glued together. Either that, or a new glitch. His thread indicates that it's Piston Matter, although Piston Matter in no way can have any properties of materials. It can't even be glued. | 2009-10-14 23:39:00 Author: Sackdragon Posts: 427 |
Hello. I am the one who discovered it, atleast that's what I tought since I've been searching someone who may have discovered this before me from several sites, and I found nobody to claim it. So yeah, I think I may be the first discoverer of this material, I asked a guy, BaronYrth42 to test it too, since I don't have the MGS pack. I first wanted to call it Universal Glitch Material since it can be used to make invisible shapes easily, also be combined easily, and hide other objects inside it without messing with thin layers. It also has more properties of which I don't know much about since Baron did most of the testing. Anyway, dragon matter was Baron's idea. He wanted to make a demo level where a dragon was in the end and then if the person finished the level they could claim the prize of which is the material. Why does everybody think that dragon matter is made of few shrunk polystyrene lines with a lame name? If anybody has some more questions or just would like to flame me then c'mon, I'm here now. | 2009-10-15 06:21:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
Hello. I am the one who discovered it, atleast that's what I tought since I've been searching someone who may have discovered this before me from several sites, and I found nobody to claim it. So yeah, I think I may be the first discoverer of this material, I asked a guy, BaronYrth42 to test it too, since I don't have the MGS pack. I first wanted to call it Universal Glitch Material since it can be used to make invisible shapes easily, also be combined easily, and hide other objects inside it without messing with thin layers. It also has more properties of which I don't know much about since Baron did most of the testing. Anyway, dragon matter was Baron's idea. He wanted to make a demo level where a dragon was in the end and then if the person finished the level they could claim the prize of which is the material. Why does everybody think that dragon matter is made of few shrunk polystyrene lines with a lame name? If anybody has some more questions or just would like to flame me then c'mon, I'm here now. Glad you finally showed up! I've been researching piston matter and other invisible matter and indeed none of them seem to share the same properties as yours. I can't find you as a creator or your levels... only the one posted by your friend. I'm really interested to know how this is created, as I could use some for a vehicle I'm working on. I'm not generally one for glitches, but this one seems really useful the more I think of it. Any chance you can give us a run-down on how it's created, and the exact name of your level? Also, thanks for clarifying the name origin... I'll accept that at face value. Cheers! | 2009-10-15 06:59:00 Author: Rustbukkit Posts: 1737 |
I'm sorry, but I can't tell anybody how to actually make it. You can get a sample from my tutorial level though, if it gets some more plays I'll add a tutorial on where to get it from, but now that there are only a few hundred people who know about it, what's the point if it'll get patched in a few days if I'd actually add a tutorial? It's kind of difficult to shape as well, you can not corner edit or cut it, only way to shape it what I've found is to use bombs to blow up the unneccesary parts. EDIT: BaronYrth42 hearted me and my tutorial level so people can find it more easily and test the matter themselves. I hope you'll find some good use for the matter! | 2009-10-15 07:22:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
I think that people should stop finding useless glitches and create some good levels. And if you do find a glitch like this maybe you should tell Mm because its not i glitch i sould see using and its just stressing the engine. | 2009-10-15 10:12:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
I DID make some levels, I don't know if they're good cause I can't tell it myself, but I have put weeks into making them. Comparing to garbage like the Good/Bad Sackboy level I think my levels are quite decent. Like you said, I did not spend much time finding that glitch, I found it by an accident. My levels have been rated low, tagged as lousy and annoying, and I have got minimal hearts and plays. Now that I finally get a chance for people to actually try my levels you are here telling me that I should just let this opportunity go by me? | 2009-10-15 10:33:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
Well all i'm saying is you know little about this glitch and what its doing to the engine of the game. I'm not only talking about this glitch when i say mass producing these glitches to any person who plays you level could stress the software to the limit and the ps3 hardware to the limit. All the glitches that have appeared in the game may seem harmless to us but most of us aren't programmers. The arrival of a new glitch might really worry Mm and the fact is the more this glitch is handed out the more likely it is to get patched. While Mm are busy patching a glitch there spending less time on creating awesome DLC for us to get oour hands on. So on a whole i'm not disrespecting you or your "invention" I'm just saying your wasting Mm's time by forcing them to come up with a fix for this. | 2009-10-15 10:42:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
Not to be selfish here, but why should I care about some new dlc if I can't even buy them? I can't buy anything from PSN, and I'm trying to get my levels known a bit more...They might not be as good as some levels out there, but I have worked a lot making them and testing them. This matter I found did not come from doing some weird glitch or somehow glitching it, it's at it's pure form, and it hasn't done any serious damage this far. | 2009-10-15 11:22:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
I understand you want to be recognised as a creator so i hope the level works for you. I'm sorry that you don't get things from the PSN aswell. | 2009-10-15 14:40:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
invisible stuff been there done that, got thin thick and offset, although i might play the levels some time | 2009-10-15 14:59:00 Author: springs86 Posts: 785 |
I'm really not sure what all the fuss is about. Using the smear method it's easy to create resizable, corner editable, any thickness blocks of invisimatter within seconds. I've been busy at it today, and I didn't need someone's "special" little prize to do it...it was as quick and easy as picking my nose. | 2009-10-15 16:09:00 Author: Ungreth Posts: 2130 |
Well I finally found the level. The material given is basic styrene... on thick level. You can grab it and make it any layer thick you want. You can lethalize it as stated, and change it to most materials with the exception of floaty material (though I haven't tried them all). I haven't ever needed an invisible material other than to make small walls to keep players out of areas, and this material certainly beats using multiple tiny thin lines of dark matter stacked on top of each other. How Draggy made this... I couldn't tell, as I've never used the other methods mentioned before. All I know is it will suit my needs very well for several purposes, except for the fact that I could really use a circular piece. So in short, to all those who would jump to conclusions that this is not a new glitch and that it's completely useless, I would say go check out the level and see for yourself before adding more conjecture. Cheers everyone! | 2009-10-15 16:37:00 Author: Rustbukkit Posts: 1737 |
I haven't ever needed an invisible material other than to make small walls to keep players out of areas, and this material certainly beats using multiple tiny thin lines of dark matter stacked on top of each other. Here's one example of use for invisimatter, that doesn't involve blocking the player... Say you want to create a humanoid and articulate his limbs. Using a sheet of invisimatter on the thin back layer you can wobble bolt a thigh and a lower leg, or an upper arm and a forearm to it without having a conspicuous looking square of material behind/between them. If you get what I mean. | 2009-10-15 16:55:00 Author: Ungreth Posts: 2130 |
So in short, to all those who would jump to conclusions that this is not a new glitch and that it's completely useless, I would say go check out the level and see for yourself before adding more conjecture. Cheers everyone! You're the one jumping to conclusions, it's not a new glitch :/ I've already found a glitch that makes large blocks of materials invisible and so have a load of other people | 2009-10-15 17:14:00 Author: Dexiro Posts: 2100 |
I'm really getting interested in this. I have multiple "blocking" problems in my new level in the making that could use that glitch. . | 2009-10-15 17:36:00 Author: RangerZero Posts: 3901 |
You're the one jumping to conclusions, it's not a new glitch :/ I've already found a glitch that makes large blocks of materials invisible and so have a load of other people Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was you who pioneered the smear technique wasn't it? It's the easiest way to create invisimatter as far as I can see. | 2009-10-15 17:40:00 Author: Ungreth Posts: 2130 |
You're the one jumping to conclusions, it's not a new glitch :/ I've already found a glitch that makes large blocks of materials invisible and so have a load of other people There are various methods of doing this, if you look through the forums you tend to find a new thread every couple of weeks with a "new" glitch that does the same thing, insisting that you need their captured object to achieve it because they don't know how to reproduce it. I think I've linked about 4 different threads to your one, but it never seems to make any difference *sigh* . | 2009-10-15 17:51:00 Author: rtm223 Posts: 6497 |
You're the one jumping to conclusions, it's not a new glitch :/ I've already found a glitch that makes large blocks of materials invisible and so have a load of other people I think you misunderstood me or I didn't explain myself very well. I'm not jumping to conclusions at all. I'm merely stating that this could be a new material, and that I'm not sure as I haven't used invisible glitch materials before. I was trying to say that this material is what is says it is, and that it's properties are easy to work with. The materials you and others are familiar with may hold all the same properties with regards to ease of use (ie. changing instantly from one thin plane to three thick, or it's ability to be lethalized, grabbable, etc), but I don't know if they are as I haven't used them. One reason I'm not sure is because this material can not be smeared, as was one arguement in support that this is simply piston matter. On the remote chance that is in fact different in it's properties and ease of use, I'm suggesting that people actually check it out before immediately dismissing the notion. If it were the case, wouldn't it be a positive thing? I'm not interested in whether invisible material has been created before, I'm trying to discern whether this is new/different/or better in some way. I still have had no success in trying to re-create my own material using your methods to see if it's the same (not sure what I'm doing wrong?), and I haven't heard anyone say that yours or the others hold the same properties as this. When shrunk to it's invisible state, this material is almost 2x1x1 large squares in dimension. I'm trying to keep this on a positive note... that's all. There are various methods of doing this, if you look through the forums you tend to find a new thread every couple of weeks with a "new" glitch that does the same thing, insisting that you need their captured object to achieve it because they don't know how to reproduce it. I think I've linked about 4 different threads to your one, but it never seems to make any difference *sigh* . It could be that I've never noticed or generally ignored said posts as I've never been in need of this material really, so I'll take your word on that. One question to all those familiar with invisible materials... is there ANY way I can make round invisible material for wheels? I've not been able to even replicate my own invisible material as yet, and this would be of great help to me if anyone knows how. | 2009-10-15 19:12:00 Author: Rustbukkit Posts: 1737 |
I DID make some levels, I don't know if they're good cause I can't tell it myself, but I have put weeks into making them. Comparing to garbage like the Good/Bad Sackboy level I think my levels are quite decent. Like you said, I did not spend much time finding that glitch, I found it by an accident. My levels have been rated low, tagged as lousy and annoying, and I have got minimal hearts and plays. Now that I finally get a chance for people to actually try my levels you are here telling me that I should just let this opportunity go by me? Ok ok ok 3 words What The **** Seriously? Are you kidding? Wex's levels are 100x better then most creators out there. He's up there with gevurah and xkappax! :O | 2009-10-15 19:20:00 Author: Plasmavore Posts: 1913 |
I DID make some levels, I don't know if they're good cause I can't tell it myself, but I have put weeks into making them. Comparing to garbage like the Good/Bad Sackboy level I think my levels are quite decent. Like you said, I did not spend much time finding that glitch, I found it by an accident. My levels have been rated low, tagged as lousy and annoying, and I have got minimal hearts and plays. Now that I finally get a chance for people to actually try my levels you are here telling me that I should just let this opportunity go by me? Good lord.... "The Good, the bad, and the sackboy" is is one of my favorite series...... your levels must be the most amazing creations to ever grace the servers of LittleBigPlanet. I'm going to play them as soon as I get home... I'm expecting to look like that dude from the Memorex commercials where his hair is flying straight back while sitting in front of the stereo system! I will be entering a zen state and all the molecules in my body will lift, do a flip, and rearrange themselves in a moment of bliss only the best of levels can create! Any other form of entertainment will PALE in comparison to your level-creating skill being bestowed upon me! Anything less.... I will be disappointed. I'll rate accordingly. | 2009-10-15 20:02:00 Author: CCubbage Posts: 4430 |
Guys, he isn't talking about Wexfordian's levels. There is a level on the Cool Pages that tells you if you are a good or bad Sackperson, that is what he is referring to. | 2009-10-15 20:27:00 Author: BSprague Posts: 2325 |
Just for the record, here's how to create invisimatter using Dexiro's smear technique... Take dark matter or rubber as your starting material, and make a small square of it. Shrink the square until it can't be seen Put the grid on to keep straight edges (ideally) and smear the invisible square to create a bigger square. (You can select invisimatter by box highlighting it). Once you've smeared the square large enough for it to be visible again, cancel the grid and shrink it until it can't be seen. This time it'll turn invisible at a larger size than you originally needed to shrink it to. Repeat the process as many times as you want, until the invismatter is as big as you want it to be. If you want to corner edit or change the material, just enlarge it till it appears, do what you need to do, then shrink it again. You can change the layer thickness just the same as you would any other object. Easy peasy! Oh, and big respect to Dexiro for actually sharing his discovery instead of being a nob and keeping it to himself. I'm not sure where he originally posted this, but I'm sure you can all use the search function, right? | 2009-10-15 20:28:00 Author: Ungreth Posts: 2130 |
Guys, he isn't talking about Wexfordian's levels. There is a level on the Cool Pages that tells you if you are a good or bad Sackperson, that is what he is referring to. lol. That's all I have to say here | 2009-10-15 20:42:00 Author: rtm223 Posts: 6497 |
Just for the record, here's how to create invisimatter using Dexiro's smear technique... Take dark matter or rubber as your starting material, and make a small square of it..... etc etc...... just the same as you would any other object. Easy peasy! Oh, and big respect to Dexiro for actually sharing his discovery instead of being a nob and keeping it to himself. I'm not sure where he originally posted this, but I'm sure you can all use the search function, right? Hey thanks for the clarification. I tried it using his directions, and I'm pretty sure he said start with any material, so maybe that was the problem. I'll try this exact method using those materials later on tonight and see if it works for me this time. As for the mix up concerning Draggy's criticism of Good/Bad Sackboy (well deserved since it's a waste of good server space) ... it's totally understandable. I myself almost jumped on him for it before reading it again and realizing he wasn't talking about Wex's series. | 2009-10-15 21:20:00 Author: Rustbukkit Posts: 1737 |
Hmmm..... good thing I read this first.... I'll have to lower my expectation a tad. | 2009-10-15 23:29:00 Author: CCubbage Posts: 4430 |
for the record you shrink oni until the bottom piece is invisible, scale it up and change the material makes it unseeable, | 2009-10-15 23:47:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Just another Cool Levels idiot. Usually there's only one intelligent creator on Cool Levels at a time. Currently it's the "My Perfect World" guy. | 2009-10-16 02:18:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
Ok ok ok 3 words What The **** Seriously? Are you kidding? Wex's levels are 100x better then most creators out there. He's up there with gevurah and xkappax! :O Sorry about that, I should had mentioned that I meant that level on the cool pages named Are You a Good or a Bad Sackboy or something similar. I love Wex's levels, and the way how he can make really 3D looking intro movies. Sorry if I offended anybody, but there are quite a lot of levels with similar names. | 2009-10-16 09:35:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
lol. Just read through this thread now Im not offended, and Im glad you liked my levels. With a million plus levels out there, your bound to have very similar names on them. | 2009-10-16 10:42:00 Author: wexfordian Posts: 1904 |
I think you misunderstood me or I didn't explain myself very well. I'm not jumping to conclusions at all. I'm merely stating that this could be a new material. Yeah i suppose it could be a new method of creating invisible material. If he keeps it to himself we can only assume that he's using an existing method though | 2009-10-16 10:56:00 Author: Dexiro Posts: 2100 |
Thanks for being so understanding, Wex! I only discovered the matter, I haven't done anything to it, not glitched it any way, nothing, not even used any of the existing methods, except shrinking objects, but not to as small as you'd have to shrink most materials. There are about two dozen people per day who keep sending friend requests asking me how to make the matter! It's crazy! I think I'll have the publish how I found the material soon, though it won't be of much use cause it can not be shaped any way... | 2009-10-16 11:47:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
Keeping these things to yourself causes chaos. If you reveal it, you kinda have to tell us how to do it. | 2009-10-16 11:53:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
Keeping these things to yourself causes chaos. If you reveal it, you kinda have to tell us how to do it. Yeah, I can't believe bakscratch still hasn't spilt the beans on the layer glitch yet! | 2009-10-16 12:10:00 Author: Ungreth Posts: 2130 |
I was expecting this to be about the material the dragon in the 'bits and bobs' section was made of. I'll probably just create and angry level. | 2009-10-16 13:30:00 Author: TheMarvelousHat Posts: 542 |
Yeah, I can't believe bakscratch still hasn't spilt the beans on the layer glitch yet! To be honest, it's not all that hard to figure out. Obviously I agree it would be a lot easier if Bak told everyone, but he is my friend and I promised... Just play around for a bit. | 2009-10-16 13:33:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
Just play around for a bit. Gee, thanks for the hint. The problem is that it seems so easy in retrospect. We'd have no idea where to begin. There have been millions of hours logged 'Just playing around for a bit' in create mode, yet he was the only person to figure it out... hm... | 2009-10-16 13:38:00 Author: comphermc Posts: 5338 |
To be honest, it's not all that hard to figure out. Obviously I agree it would be a lot easier if Bak told everyone, but he is my friend and I promised... Just play around for a bit. Huh? So you know how it was done? C'mon then...drop us a hint. Nothing obvious, but a vague, cryptic clue maybe...nudge nudge, wink wink | 2009-10-16 15:36:00 Author: Ungreth Posts: 2130 |
Huh? So you know how it was done? C'mon then...drop us a hint. Nothing obvious, but a vague, cryptic clue maybe...nudge nudge, wink wink Yeah...Bak showed me when he found it back in like April. Fine, I don't remember the exact process, but it involves emitters. | 2009-10-16 15:38:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
Yeah...Bak showed me when he found it back in like April. Fine, I don't remember the exact process, but it involves emitters. Ah! Emitters, eh? Well, big repect for dropping a hint there, ARD! :hero: | 2009-10-16 15:52:00 Author: Ungreth Posts: 2130 |
Heh, I might have an idea how Bak made his layer tool. Off to testing... | 2009-10-16 17:26:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
Didn't bakscratch post a tutorial? I remember one being made, it was something like emitting an object to the back layer and then moving the emitter backwards | 2009-10-16 17:31:00 Author: Dexiro Posts: 2100 |
the "dragon matter" is made of the bit that Oni stands on... | 2009-10-16 18:52:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Didn't bakscratch post a tutorial? I remember one being made, it was something like emitting an object to the back layer and then moving the emitter backwards I don't recall that... I thought he was being all mysterious about it. Could it have been that simple? :eek: Personally, I've never had the patience for that glitch. Although it looks pretty sweet if used well, it just seemed like so much extra effort for a little extra eye candy. | 2009-10-16 18:59:00 Author: Rustbukkit Posts: 1737 |
Didn't bakscratch post a tutorial? I remember one being made, it was something like emitting an object to the back layer and then moving the emitter backwards Someone made that hypothesis once and a load of people, myself included, tried it out and it didn't work. I've serched extensively for any post on any forum where Bakscratch describes how the glitch was originally created, but to no avail. As far as I can tell he's always kept his cards close to his chest on this one. | 2009-10-16 19:29:00 Author: Ungreth Posts: 2130 |
Someone made that hypothesis once and a load of people, myself included, tried it out and it didn't work. I've serched extensively for any post on any forum where Bakscratch describes how the glitch was originally created, but to no avail. As far as I can tell he's always kept his cards close to his chest on this one. He's never publically revealed it. | 2009-10-16 20:39:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
He has a thread that says something like "All these 3D levels have gone too far. I told MM how to do the glitch." What I don't remember is whether or not he explained how to do it :'( | 2009-10-17 02:04:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
Thanks a lot for revealing that KernelM, I am forced to create that tutorial now... I can't believe I'm the first one who stumbled upon this material, kind of strange cause I expected most glitches and tricks being out already. | 2009-10-17 05:35:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
Thanks a lot for revealing that KernelM, I am forced to create that tutorial now... I can't believe I'm the first one who stumbled upon this material, kind of strange cause I expected most glitches and tricks being out already. he said it numerous times lol | 2009-10-17 05:59:00 Author: siccology Posts: 279 |
Didn't even notice that lol. | 2009-10-17 10:25:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
lol it didnt seem like you did so i thought id point it out i cant seem to find your level either | 2009-10-17 10:36:00 Author: siccology Posts: 279 |
Yeah...Can't even find my own levels with the cursed search function. BaronYrth42 who made the more popular demo level about dragon matter hearted me and my tutorial level so they would be simpler to find. | 2009-10-17 12:51:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
erm my bro is already working on a tutorial how to make it.... i could tell him to stop but he wouldnt listen | 2009-10-17 15:55:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Nah, it's good, the more tutorials the better, mine is lousy anyway, didn't bother to make a better one cause nobody plays it anyway... | 2009-10-17 17:47:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
I can't find any of your levels when I search @DraggyZ... | 2009-10-17 17:50:00 Author: Sunrise_Moon Posts: 469 |
I can't find any of your levels when I search @DraggyZ... lol it didnt seem like you did so i thought id point it out i cant seem to find your level either Yeah...Can't even find my own levels with the cursed search function. BaronYrth42 who made the more popular demo level about dragon matter hearted me and my tutorial level so they would be simpler to find. Swoooop :kz: | 2009-10-17 17:51:00 Author: ARD Posts: 4291 |
He has a thread that says something like "All these 3D levels have gone too far. I told MM how to do the glitch." What I don't remember is whether or not he explained how to do it :'( There was a level explaining it. | 2009-10-18 00:34:00 Author: Sackdragon Posts: 427 |
okey dokey back on topic, there seems to be alot of comments.... | 2009-10-18 10:54:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
I made some of this. It better than invisible matter but harder to make | 2009-10-18 15:50:00 Author: Unknown User |
With a million plus levels out there, your bound to have very similar names on them. This is why every project I do in this game will have some kind of nonsense word in the name. | 2009-10-19 19:05:00 Author: Jagrevi Posts: 1154 |
This is why every project I do in this game will have some kind of nonsense word in the name. thats a good idea trying to stay original and unique | 2009-10-23 04:21:00 Author: siccology Posts: 279 |
man i hate these "it's a secret promise you won't tell" glitch things....you aren't cool for hoarding secrets for yourself and only giving hints to people and acting all special...you know there is a word for an organization for people like this .....we call them the government | 2009-10-24 05:01:00 Author: Shadowcrazy Posts: 3365 |
To make it take the Oni boss object and change everything except one of the blocks it standing on to dissolve and connect the dissolve to a switch. Then activate the switch. Take the block and unlethalize it. Change it into any material you want then shrink it down. It'll turn invisible. The guy said what to do i think too | 2009-10-24 21:20:00 Author: Unknown User |
man i hate these "it's a secret promise you won't tell" glitch things....you aren't cool for hoarding secrets for yourself and only giving hints to people and acting all special...you know there is a word for an organization for people like this .....we call them the government So being secretive means that I'm an egoist? What's so wrong with wanting to get my levels a bit more publicity? I worked on them for months and none of my levels have even reached 500 plays...Except for the dragon matter tutorial I made, but only cause BaronYrth42 credited me in his dragon matter demo levels, and before the publishing of his level Dragon Matter 2 my tutorial was the only place to get a sample from. | 2009-10-25 01:28:00 Author: Draggy Posts: 51 |
Disagree or agree, people have all the right to keep secrets. Still, just a friendly reminder to keep things respectful. | 2009-10-25 03:00:00 Author: aer0blue Posts: 1603 |
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