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Track players across the level

Archive: 17 posts

Thanks to the new angle setting on switches, player tracking (a car or beastie in persuit, a following checkpoint, or whatever) across the whole level just became easy. I'm sure some of you already know where i'm going. For those who don't, there's always my level. Name is "Demonstration: player tracking across a level". Price bubbles included.2009-10-12 22:09:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

Are you just using a player tracking device (PTD) but making it really long? Or setting up a few in a row or maybe just found a different way to do it?2009-10-16 20:06:00

Posts: 836

I'm not sure what you mean with PDT, but i'm not using the old method well known from dawesbr's doublejump. Actually, I simplified that. You should visit my level. To show how flexible 'my' solution is (quotes, because I'm sure many people found it before me, as it's really simple), I'll be releasing a 'guided missile' soon - yes, that's right; a missile that hits a target anywhere within it's radius. Just have to finetune it a bit. It still has some blind spots.

On a final note, the max radius of (all) sensors is limited, so before a car (for instance) can track you across a level, it has to pick you up and not loose you (if you are moving faster than the car, you might outrun it and loose it alltogether).

*EDIT: Thanks Sunrise_Moon, and the missile level is up. It's called "Guided missiles demo!". Please check it out.*
2009-10-16 20:19:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

I'm going to check this out soon. I'll edit this message with feedback once I try it.

Edit: It's pretty good. Great job!
2009-10-16 21:23:00

Posts: 469

I'm not sure what you mean with PDT, but i'm not using the old method well known from dawesbr's doublejump. Actually, I simplified that. You should visit my level. To show how flexible 'my' solution is (quotes, because I'm sure many people found it before me, as it's really simple), I'll be releasing a 'guided missile' soon - yes, that's right; a missile that hits a target anywhere within it's radius. Just have to finetune it a bit. It still has some blind spots.

Lol just thought id let you know, the PTD (player tracking device) was probably made most well known from my level- 'The PTD'- and Reinheart's level- Day, night example.

Also, i think the missile idea you got might be on the same lines as a plasma gun i used in my Whichever Way the Wind Blows- RED level. You should check it out!

Sorry i havent got a ps3 to hand at the moment so i wont be able to check ur designs out.
2009-10-16 23:02:00

Posts: 836

Also, i think the missile idea you got might be on the same lines as a plasma gun i used in my Whichever Way the Wind Blows- RED level. You should check it out!

My missiles are quite different from your plasmaguns. There are some similarities, but then again, there always are. for one, I used sensors and so did you. But that's about it. Nice guns by the way, but it would be cooler if they 'follow you' in stead of detecting you when you cross their beam. A bit more parts and some stuff to hide but not that hard to do. But I guess it's a matter of taste too.
2009-10-17 23:43:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

Actually, I've found quite a simple way to create a smoother turning routine for any PTD-like device.

Instead of linking the 3-Way switches up to the pistons (which creates instant directional changes), set the pistons to 0 strength, make the core tracker out of peach floaty and add rockets to each side. balance it out so that it won't move while none of the rockets are active (you might want to add a tiny bit of friction/strength to the pistons to make this easier). Connect the 3ways to the rockets and tweak 'till perfection.

Instead of having hard turns, you'll get smooth directional changes.
2009-10-21 10:08:00

Posts: 223

You'll have to demonstrate it, because there's a bigger gap between concept and reality than you think. First of all, I don't think it's possible to create a spot where opposing forces just cancel each other out and the machine stands still. It's the same with creatures: they never stand still behind you, they just go back and forth. That's why I added a third chain to the three-way to block all movement when the car is right behind you. On the other hand, if you want smoother turns, that's very possible and would be a nice additiont to the library of tracking tech. But do you really need rockets? They're very bothersome I think, and I doubt they can be used to simplify anything at all.2009-10-21 10:24:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

Actually, I've found quite a simple way to create a smoother turning routine for any PTD-like device.

Instead of linking the 3-Way switches up to the pistons (which creates instant directional changes), set the pistons to 0 strength, make the core tracker out of peach floaty and add rockets to each side. balance it out so that it won't move while none of the rockets are active (you might want to add a tiny bit of friction/strength to the pistons to make this easier). Connect the 3ways to the rockets and tweak 'till perfection.

Instead of having hard turns, you'll get smooth directional changes.

Have you tried setting the prox switches to speed / inverted / 180 degrees, then make sure their detection areas overlap then wire them directly into the rockets. You should get a neat analogue negative feedback loop. You may end up with some oscillation around the centre point if you don't tweak it just right, but setting the piston to a low strength and forcing it to be permanently off should solve that.
2009-10-21 10:47:00

Posts: 6497

Actually, I've found quite a simple way to create a smoother turning routine for any PTD-like device.

Instead of linking the 3-Way switches up to the pistons (which creates instant directional changes), set the pistons to 0 strength, make the core tracker out of peach floaty and add rockets to each side. balance it out so that it won't move while none of the rockets are active (you might want to add a tiny bit of friction/strength to the pistons to make this easier). Connect the 3ways to the rockets and tweak 'till perfection.

Instead of having hard turns, you'll get smooth directional changes.

Wow, great idea! I'll look forward to experimenting with this some time in the future!
2009-10-21 13:36:00

Posts: 836

Have you tried setting the prox switches to speed / inverted / 180 degrees, then make sure their detection areas overlap then wire them directly into the rockets. You should get a neat analogue negative feedback loop. You may end up with some oscillation around the centre point if you don't tweak it just right, but setting the piston to a low strength and forcing it to be permanently off should solve that.

Jup, that's what is needed to get the whole thing running smoothly.
The only issue so far is that the rocket smoke gfx and the rocket sound can get quite annoying as there is no way to completely block them off.
2009-10-21 14:11:00

Posts: 223

sounds pretty good i will check it out later Personally i don't think i will be using it for a while because i have no need to but thankyou for posting it for the other LBPCer's i'm sure lots of people will use it2009-10-22 09:22:00

Posts: 1304

Yup. I need such device for me next level. I'm gonna check on your Ladylyn and can someone please point me out to other tracking devices maybe? Or maybe helping me create one?

I need a device I will attach a creature to (in a layer on front of it) so you have the illusion this creature is ALWAYS following sackboy horizontally AND vertically.

2009-11-04 20:34:00

Posts: 3901

Yup. I need such device for me next level. I'm gonna check on your Ladylyn and can someone please point me out to other tracking devices maybe? Or maybe helping me create one? .

My solution would work very well (see first post). It's much more simple than ladylyn's (I think), and works as well horizontally as vertically. Only thing is, what exactly do you mean by vertical movement? Is the creature attached to a an (invisible) frame of two pistons that makes both the X and Y movement possible? That would be quite easy to built (especially with my simple mechanic). Of course, it would also limit the movement of the creature to the size of the frame. I'd be happy to help you built it.
2009-11-04 20:48:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

It doesn't need to move up and down on great distance. Let's say one screen high maybe. I will make the level in question more horizontal than anything else. So yeah, I need the creature to "be with Sackboy" all the time, following him vertically and horizontally.

I didn't wrap my head around it all yet. It must not be all that hard to create actually.

2009-11-04 20:55:00

Posts: 3901

With that requirements in mind, it's not that hard indeed. I'll built you an example and you can do with it what you want. I'll PM you once I'm ready.2009-11-04 20:59:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

Nice! thank you very much

2009-11-04 21:00:00

Posts: 3901

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