Your favourite creators.
Archive: 97 posts
There may have been a thread started similar to this one, however, it didn't turn up on the "existing threads" list, soooo... The title explains it all. I've always been fascinated by who the people here admire or regard as their favourite creator, and let's face it (is it let's or lets?), even the best creators have favourites. Feel free to share, and if this needs a kick up the **** to start things up, my two favourite creators are rio_lotta and rattletrap, two Japanese and incredibly artistic creators who made "The Magic of Temple" and "Ancient Ruins" respectively. EDIT: I forgot Spooky and Zwollie! Yeah, sorry 0__0 They're awesome creators as well, Spooky's levels are always highly entertaining, and Zwollie, well, his art style is just immense. | 2009-10-12 20:50:00 Author: KoRnDawwg ![]() Posts: 1424 |
candyk and johnee Just....holy cap they're awesome. I think this is similar to the 'who do you want to see work together in online create' but meh. | 2009-10-12 20:52:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
My two favourite creators are Geosautus and TOBSn08. I'm sure all of you have played one of Geosautus' levels before, they are really fun and are very polished. I also love the themes he comes up with for all of his levels, they are all quite unique. The Tale of the Magnificent Ruby is possibly my favourite level. TOBSn08 is also an awesome creator who's levels look absolutely amazing! He made the Canyon Cannon Blast levels and A Diamond Love Story, he is also very creative like Geosautus. I'm sure I could come up with more if I had some more time to think about it. | 2009-10-12 20:58:00 Author: olit123 ![]() Posts: 1341 |
There may have been a thread started similar to this one, however, it didn't turn up on the "existing threads" list, soooo... The title explains it all. I've always been fascinated by who the people here admire or regard as their favourite creator, and let's face it (is it let's or lets?), even the best creators have favourites. Feel free to share, and if this needs a kick up the **** to start things up, my two favourite creators are rio_lotta and rattletrap, two Japanese and incredibly artistic creators who made The Magic of Temple and Ancient Ruins respectively. Well isn't it obvious? - you are one of my favorite creators. Just look at that stylish avatar you handsome devil. ![]() | 2009-10-12 21:00:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
The magic of temple? Don't you mean the temple of magic? lol! | 2009-10-12 21:01:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Thats a hard one.... Hmmm.... just to keep the list short I'm going to have to go back to creators I've admired for the last year... sorry, everyone else (there's just too many at this point): Jaeyden, MrsSpookyBuz, Wexfordian, NinjaMicWZ, Miglioshin, GrantosUK, JonMartin, OCK, Blorf, Gevurah22, Venemiera, xkappax, Takelow, Miglioshin, Geosautus, Neverynnal, Foofles, RangerZero, Thegide. | 2009-10-12 21:03:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Too many to list... comphermc, amazingflyingpoo, poms, Geosautus, Morgana25, Kn0cked-0ut, just to list a few | 2009-10-12 21:03:00 Author: Drakora ![]() Posts: 392 |
Defmunky666 was always one of my favorites, proving that lbp's multiplayer experience doesn't always have to be a lagfest of boringness. rtm223 still keeps me entertained with subterranean setbacks. The most mechanically overwhelming awesome level, with a perfect challenge for my skill level. Blast got lazy, so I'll just list the rest. Geosautus, Compermc, KCferrari | 2009-10-12 21:06:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Well isn't it obvious? - you are one of my favorite creators. Just look at that stylish avatar you handsome devil. ![]() Hey, stop trying to 'please' my Jagrevi - he's mine I tell you, MINE! ![]() ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anywhom, I'm quite surprised. I've only left it for a couple of minutes and BOOM. Already, six replies 0__0 EDIT: Just realised I missed a couple out 0__0 | 2009-10-12 21:07:00 Author: KoRnDawwg ![]() Posts: 1424 |
Oh man, this is so not fair, cause I'm going to leave someone out. Here are a few off the top of my head. if I forgot you, you have my deepest apologies. GrantosUK, Hardsync, Foofles, Ccubbage, MrsSpookyBuz, jackofcourse, Morgana25, CutieKabukichan, doodlebats, Avatar_of_Chaos, Marynor, mrsupercomputer, Drunkenfist_Lee, xnobodyx, FULLGORR, Jaeyden, wexfordian, Kiminski, Nattura, Pirate_Hat, poms, RagnarokRed, RenderFX, second---smile---, Teebonesy, Traxxer911, TripleTremelo, Vmethos ... I ran out of steam there. If I forgot you, again, I'm so incredibly sorry. My point is that there are so many, awesome, diverse creators, it's really hard to pick just one. Oh, and Ard is pretty good too, if he'd finish levels more quickly! (j/k, Ard ![]() | 2009-10-12 21:11:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Yeh, its hard, there are A LOT of really great creators whose levels i love. I can wrangle it down to about 5 or 6 who make my absolutely favourite kind of levels in most regards, which would be Geosautus, Kiminski, Mammet-Box, mrsupercomputer, Phife, Poms and CaptainCowboyHat. Charming/funny platforming is obviously my weakness. | 2009-10-12 21:35:00 Author: julesyjules ![]() Posts: 1156 |
If I was making a list now it would be darn near impossible to name them all... it's much easier to go by favorite levels. I think now I'd definately have to add in JackOfCourse, mrsupercomputer, julesyjules, Poms, Ladylyn1, allerian, Jump_button, Morgana25 (who jumped up there on her last 2 - GREAT stuff).... | 2009-10-12 21:59:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I spend 97.5% of my time in create mode, so I don't play other people's levels that often. However, the levels I've played by GrantosUK, rtm223 and vOrtex 2002 have captured my interest enough to totally distract me from my own creative urges and to keep me occupied for repeated plays through an evening. I guess that makes them my favourite creators. Believe it or not, I've never played a level by Geosautus. Perhaps I should? | 2009-10-12 22:01:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
Believe it or not, I've never played a level by Geosautus. Perhaps I should? I'd definitely recommend it - at least depending on the level in question. | 2009-10-12 22:02:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
mmmm, Geosautus ![]() Sure, there's tonnes more - but Geosautus will always have the edge for me for now. Played all his levels at least...like a hundred times (even his awesome, mega-amazing new one) /fanboyness | 2009-10-12 22:05:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Oh I hate questions like this... I'd feel bad for singling people out and/or leaving people out... too much to name. I choose... Everyone! ![]() | 2009-10-12 22:10:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Geosautus is just amazing i love his style and all his levels are really great and fun as well Jump_button is also another favorite of mine i like his style | 2009-10-12 22:11:00 Author: rseah ![]() Posts: 2701 |
Oh I hate questions like this... I'd feel bad for singling people out and/or leaving people out... too much to name. I choose... Everyone! ![]() Whoo! I made someone's favorite creator list! Take that everyone else. ![]() | 2009-10-12 22:12:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
The 3 creators that stand out to me in terms of most inspirational are Geosautus, jackofcourse and SLS10. They each have very different styles and great features in their levels... ![]() | 2009-10-12 22:19:00 Author: iGotFancyPants ![]() Posts: 1355 |
Well apart from all the awesome creators on this site who are too many to list I would have to choose: BOIA and koknsun. They are in my opinion 2 of the greatest creators out there but are seriously underplayed and it's a mystery to me why they aren't better known. | 2009-10-12 22:39:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Ungreth, you ought to play "The sensation of percieving light." A phenomenal level by geosautus | 2009-10-12 22:43:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Probably CaptainCowboyHat. 2 months ago I hadn't even heard of him, but the OH NO levels are definately my favourite series, and he's probably the only creator who if I saw on here he made a new level, I'd immediately stop what I was doing and go and play it. Perfect balance of simple platforming gameplay and great humour. And he proves that the best levels don't ahve to be visual masterpieces. I also really like geaosautus and mrsupercomputer. And plenty of others. | 2009-10-12 22:46:00 Author: Nuclearfish ![]() Posts: 927 |
There are WAY too many on my favorites list to name them all. I also like different creators for different styles of levels. Gotta go to: CCubbage if you want challenge, innovation and replay fun. Wexfordian if you're looking for solid platforming, great cinematics and storytelling with awesome lighting. xkappax for brilliant story telling and characters. Jaeyden for amazing graphics and awesome fun! Zwollie for humor, story, and character development. CaptainCowboyHat for awesome platformer style and humor. Julseyjules for funny solid and always fun levels. MrsSpookyBuz for great gameplay and streamlined visuals. anpostteller for gorgous color usage/lighting and exciting gameplay. GrantosUK for brilliant layout of levels and action packed play. Icemaiden for drop dead gorgeous visuals and colors. NinjaMicWz for poetic, zany and always technically impressive levels. JackofCourse consistent and cool platforming in MM style. Vortex2002 amazing switchwork and story. BasketSnake sheer artistry and imagination Jwwphotos for sci-fi with a smile and attention to detail poms for overall excellence and creativity Teebonsey for smart, technically impressive and always visually impressive levels Jumpbutton & ArtofTyler for fun to play levels with solid visuals. mrsupercomputer for amazing visuals and innovative gameplay. Deftmute for his unique visual style and unappologetic difficulty. Ok - that's way too many already and still not nearly enough to list. There are just TONS of gifted creators out there that bring their own brilliance to the game. | 2009-10-12 22:49:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I have a lot of favorite creators, and I know I'm definitely going to miss a couple here, but a lot of them are members of the forums. Wexfordian, comphermc, Morgana25, GruntosUK, gevurah22, johnee, Voltaire, CaptainCowboyHat, Teebonesy, mrsupercomputer, xkappax, Jackofcourse, jumpbutton, OIL_, MrsSpookyBuz, and Icemaiden. I had to put OIL_'s name in bold because The Ancient Castle is probably the best level ever. | 2009-10-12 22:52:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Here are my favorites, I think they are the best when it comes to creating great levels: geosautus, jackofcourse, mrsupercomputer, IceMaiden, Jaeyden... And I'll put these creators in a seperate list because when it comes to people making there own lists they usually tend to pick their friends, obviously forgetting these great creators: EviLPaNda, mindphaser74, Ciao_PSN, rattletrap, dan_e2040, DarknessBear, TOBSn08, Wyth, thekillermiller, DrDhio, EarthMusic, Rayvolution, Second--Smile--, NekooGuy, Hyuga1987. | 2009-10-12 23:41:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
Boy, where to start. Well, as a standard disclaimer, my favorite creators are those whose work I've followed and learned from. Off the top of my head I think of Vanemiera, OCK, donkey_show, NinjaMicWZ, v0rtex, snowflakecat, KAPBAM, Bridget and Voltiare. There's probably some others I'm forgetting, and I am certain there are many upstart creators I have not had the opportunity to learn from yet either. I rarely play LBP levels anymore, but I am hoping that will change sometime down the road. | 2009-10-13 00:49:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
julesyjules and Steve_Big_Guns Steve because of his amazing costume levels, Mario level, and Digitalized Reality. julesyjules because of her mind blowing star wars levels. | 2009-10-13 01:02:00 Author: UncreativeUserName ![]() Posts: 107 |
Some smaller than others, but... mrsupercomputer (working with you has been a blast as well), rtm223, CCubbage, ConfusedCartman (I've seen what he can do), SLS10, GrantosUK, CaptainCowboyHat, jackofcourse (you've taught me to embrace the corner editor), jump_button, Oil_, Vanemiera, IceMaiden, Teebonesy (I loved your latest, shhhhh), Spooky, SonicFlash (can't remember the exact name, but I love his upcoming level), antpostteller, wexfordian, julesyjules, Zwollie, Morgana, and many others that my short-term memory has failed me in remembering... I'll be honest, though, I haven't played nearly enough levels online. I feel behind with the times... which is probably why most of my creators are members here. I'm sure at some point I'll get the chance to play more levels by non-lbpc members, but for now you've got me satisfied. ![]() | 2009-10-13 02:15:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
There are way too many for me to name and my favorites include all of the creators already listed in the thread, so I'll throw up a couple names that I haven't seen mentioned yet: Keldur and Javi_haguse They have both really impressed me and I'm excited to see what they do next. | 2009-10-13 02:58:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
Whooa i forgot to mention comphermc... his levels are crazy amazing; those Aperture Science levels (may be spelt wrong). | 2009-10-13 03:22:00 Author: UncreativeUserName ![]() Posts: 107 |
Well, my fav creators are on this forum for the most part and been mentionned already. I could post my hearted creators list, I seriously don't heart a creator for nothing. . | 2009-10-13 03:31:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Whooa i forgot to mention comphermc... his levels are crazy amazing; those Aperture Science levels (may be spelt wrong). You got it right.... ![]() | 2009-10-13 05:04:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
yeah man, no problem. i can't believe i forgot THEE Comphermc!:hero: You got it right.... ![]() | 2009-10-13 05:11:00 Author: UncreativeUserName ![]() Posts: 107 |
X-NOBODY-X, pinkzep & squirlin. They might not be known for their gameplay, but their innovation... wowza. They're just phenomenal. EDIT: O_o... this is my 400th post? Wow... I thought it'd be more. | 2009-10-13 05:38:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
So hard to answer this. Especially considering that many of this game's greatest creators are regular users right here on this very forum. I figure rather than making a list all at once, I'll talk about a couple, and then later I'll see if I can revisit this thread and talk about a few more. I'll try to emphasize more obscure creators who are less likely to be mentioned, or who I just happened to not notice anyone bring up yet! Plus, EVERYONE mentioned here already I would include in my own list! Stampy83 made a really cool level incorporating poetry, featuring very clever use of lighting. I felt very proud to have been one of the very first to play it, to date his only level. I loved how he played with the very concept of how LBP levels by design tend to "lead" the player through, from A to B to C. this level frequently plays with this "signpost" style of design in clever and sometimes unexpected ways. Mikey-Flies was a creator who had an impact on me because he was prolific while I was just screwing around and kind of learning the tricks. He doesn't spend much time in LBP anymore, but to date I've spent more time in his pod and he in mine than anyone else I've played with, mainly playing around with a lot of his "toys" - he didn't just make levels, he really excelled at creating "toys" in the game. He's a master of the hidden secret as well. some of his secrets are unbelievably simple to get, but diabolically well-hidden. One is hidden in plain sight, and I spent 15 minutes trying to get it before I had to ask him, and it was a real forehead-slapper when he told me. Subgnosis did some really clever stuff in his Ephemera levels, and I just loved the opening to his Ephemera intro - "First there was nothing"... "then there was chaos"... using nothing more than a flat background and stickers, you literally run through the beginning of the universe. He was good at those occasional "wow" moments, like when you're thrust into an old memory, and the entire aesthetic of the level changes dramatically. We've seen similar things a lot since (Steve_big_guns' recent virtual reality level is one amazing example), but ephemera was I think the very first time I saw someone use this, the old "switcheroo". Similar to Act 3 of Wex's Good, Bad series. Seriously, who saw that one coming? Anyone mention RagnarokRed? The creator of Veins and other very early masterpieces. these forums are ridiculously full of highly talented creators, I feel like I could load up the member list and throw a dart and come up with something amazing. And then charge that person for the damage done to my monitor. "Why didn't you just make me use a suction-cup dart!?" I would demand. | 2009-10-13 09:05:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Amazed I ended up in some lists as my "good stuff" is mostly unpublished stuff and my published stuff is seriously outdated by now. :eek: Then again...the people that listed me also saw that unpublished stuff... If I have to choose a favourite creator I honestly couldn't answer it. I have so many, all with their special skills. That said, as a visual junkie I will always lean to my fellow visual junkies I think. The ones who are able to combine that skill with great & inspired gameplay are the true masters of LBP in my eyes. I really will not make a list of these as I fear leaving a lot of people out. | 2009-10-13 09:22:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
It's been a long time since I've gone about actually playing levels, but off the top of my head, I'm gonna have to say Neverynnal, Jaeyden and NinjaMicWZ. ...And Snowflakecat for making the first ever infinite-lives checkpoint. | 2009-10-13 10:49:00 Author: aer0blue ![]() Posts: 1603 |
I just revisited Luther420's "LB City" levels, and I really, really enjoyed them all over again. Incredibly detailed open-ended levels that are all a part of a consistent world - at the edge of the downtown level is the subway heading to East LB City, which is another level entirely (a more suburban environment), which also includes the entrance to the subway which leads downtown. It's just a really cool way to tie everything together. In East LB City is a house with a key on the roof, the key leading to another level of his, which is a detailed suburban house interior. He has a survival challenge which takes place in this same city on an extremely cool-looking stormy night. As someone who is personally interested in making "cityscapes" in LBP (just wait until you see my latest level), this guy's one of my personal favorites, and I particularly love that all of his levels are part of the same world, and are physically, visually linked together at the edges. It's all very fleshed out, and it's really cool that the cities are full of sack-people, moving around, going about their daily business. It's all lived-in. There are lights on in the apartments and houses, some of which you can even explore. The shops are open, there's traffic driving, construction workers are on the job. Very cool stuff. Faith_rip has also made some cool city levels. He's also made a short film (http://babel-research.eu/witb/stream/), and a level based on it, kind of a Half Life fan-fic that bridges the gap between HL1 and 2. His After the Rain level is a really cool Neo Noir that kind of feels like a Wong Kar Wai movie or even a bit like Blade Runner. Sort of a broken-down slightly futuristic police state - dilapidated, dirty, a grungy fluorescent twilight. I'm definitely drawn to interesting levels visually. I'm sort of deliberately avoiding calling out the LBPCentral regulars because there are SO MANY AMAZING ones, and I really, really don't want to leave anyone out. You all know who you are. Amazing ********. | 2009-10-13 12:08:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
A few that haven't been mentioned already, and probably won't be; sighwhatever - had MM+ quality in the first couple weeks, amazing character creations, writing, groundbreaking gameplay ideas and mind boggling puzzle designs... totally underrated, unrecognized, underappreciated, and underplayed genius clarkdef - the poor man's jackofcourse ![]() Shris - the poor man's jump_button heh JonMartin - an unstoppable creative juggernaut that could never be emulated Other than that, I could go on for awhile with obvious ones... | 2009-10-13 12:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Everyone who's been mentioned is just above average tbh. Russell FTW! | 2009-10-13 13:02:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Everyone who's been mentioned is just above average tbh. Russell FTW! "The Muscle". Truly a force to be reckoned with. | 2009-10-13 13:14:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
This post was deleted because it was too epic | 2009-10-13 14:33:00 Author: springs86 ![]() Posts: 785 |
Faith_rip has also made some cool city levels. He's also made a short film (http://babel-research.eu/witb/stream/), and a level based on it, kind of a Half Life fan-fic that bridges the gap between HL1 and 2. His After the Rain level is a really cool Neo Noir that kind of feels like a Wong Kar Wai movie or even a bit like Blade Runner. Sort of a broken-down slightly futuristic police state - dilapidated, dirty, a grungy fluorescent twilight. Whoa! I had seen that short film before and was amazed by it, but never realized he was the same guy. Thanks for the link. How'd did you make that connection? | 2009-10-13 15:17:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
My favourite creator is /drumroll Me. And I'm serious. ![]() I hardly play anyone else's level unless it has been mentioned a thousand times and while there are many great creators and they inspire me, but I still like the level I create more than anyone else's. While that may strictly speaking more of an answer to "Whose level do you like best?" it is also my answer to the question asked. It's not that I think my levels are the best (they are not) or because I believe I am the most talented creator - There are many more talented creators - it's because I create the levels I would enjoy. They are what I like best. I create for me. I would love to be able to make more artistic levels, use a more refined logic or tell a better story, but I can't and that's perfectly fine, because I love them the way they are. No other creator can achieve that, no matter how skilled he or she is. Only I can do that and only I can make them better by keep on trying and taking the best bits from better creators. | 2009-10-13 18:19:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
Syroc, I don't think you're stuck on yourself or anything, believe me. I understand exactly where you're coming from. While I play a lot of levels by a lot of other creators, and I like many of these creators better than myself... My favorite level of all time is The Crystal Cave In Autumn. By me. Why? Because I made it and it's everything I love, rolled up into one level. There are levels better than mine, there are creators that are better than me ... lol, ALOT of creators that are better than me. But I still play Crystal Cave in Autumn over and over and over again because it just makes me that happy. Thanks for sharing that, Syroc. I'm glad to see I'm not alone in feeling this way. ps - I promise I am not stuck on myself. You're all better creators than me, trust me, I know that. ![]() | 2009-10-13 18:33:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Wow... the thought of voting for myself never occurred to me... Should everyone who posted on this thread come back here and vote for themselves? Who are my favorite creators? Me, myself and I! Me Me Me! Why? Because "I" write levels that "Me" likes, and "Myself" appreciates all things "Me". What kind of levels do I like? Well, "I" put everying "I" like into "My" levels, so obviously "I" would like "Mine" better than everyone elses! It also just occurred to "Me".... if "I" start writing "My" own books and producing my own movies, "I" can ALWAYS be entertained by "Me". I mean, who else could POSSIBLY entertain "Me" as good as "I" can? Too bad I don't play guitar.... "I" would LOVE to record the music that "I" listen to.... ![]() | 2009-10-13 18:51:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Kappa and Zwollie are my favorite creators because they talk to me when I'm lonely. ![]() | 2009-10-13 18:53:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Wow... the thought of voting for myself never occurred to me... Should everyone who posted on this thread come back here and vote for themselves? Who are my favorite creators? Me, myself and I! Me Me Me! Why? Because "I" write levels that "Me" likes, and "Myself" appreciates all things "Me". What kind of levels do I like? Well, "I" put everying "I" like into "My" levels, so obviously "I" would like "Mine" better than everyone elses! It also just occurred to "Me".... if "I" start writing "My" own books and producing my own movies, "I" can ALWAYS be entertained by "Me". I mean, who else could POSSIBLY entertain "Me" as good as "I" can? Too bad I don't play guitar.... "I" would LOVE to record the music that "I" listen to.... ![]() I knew I shouldn't have said anything about crystal cave. Everyone I listed in my first list is a much better creator than I am. I was merely saying that I loved my level because it made me happy. ![]() I'm sorry. ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2009-10-13 18:54:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I knew I shouldn't have said anything about crystal cave. Everyone I listed in my first list is a much better creator than I am. I was merely saying that I loved my level because it made me happy. ![]() I'm sorry. ![]() ![]() ![]() This isn't about YOU! It's about ME! ![]() Sorry.... I'm getting a bit jumpy today.... I just got my copy of Uncharted 2 (which I had nothing to do with the making of, so I may not like it)! (actually, Crystal Cave is one of my favorites too, so I don't blame you for feeling that way.... I especially like the one with the extinguished boss and the upside-down house) | 2009-10-13 18:57:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
WHY YOU! CCUBBAGE! (shakes fist) You should be nicer to me! I'll take you off my list if you're not careful! | 2009-10-13 18:58:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
![]() Of course I could have listed a dozen creators who I think are great but than a) I had to exclude a few dozens and b) they already have been listed anyway. ![]() Edit: This is all directed towards Cubbage in case you are wondering. | 2009-10-13 18:59:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
Most of the creators I was thinking about have already been listed, except for Trindall (I didn't see him mentioned). I thought his Lightbringer level was awesome. | 2009-10-13 19:04:00 Author: Powershifter ![]() Posts: 668 |
My favourite creator is /drumroll Me. And I'm serious. ![]() I hardly play anyone else's level unless it has been mentioned a thousand times and while there are many great creators and they inspire me, but I still like the level I create more than anyone else's. While that may strictly speaking more of an answer to "Whose level do you like best?" it is also my answer to the question asked. It's not that I think my levels are the best (they are not) or because I believe I am the most talented creator - There are many more talented creators - it's because I create the levels I would enjoy. They are what I like best. I create for me. I would love to be able to make more artistic levels, use a more refined logic or tell a better story, but I can't and that's perfectly fine, because I love them the way they are. No other creator can achieve that, no matter how skilled he or she is. Only I can do that and only I can make them better by keep on trying and taking the best bits from better creators. I agree with all of this. So shoot me! Actually though I want to edit in julesyjules. Exellent levels. | 2009-10-14 12:24:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
I looked at my hearted creator list yesterday, I haven't seen Sosaku mentioned, I particularly liked the Mukashi Mukashi series. There's a lot of great creators on this forum, and I haven't played enough levels to be any judge, but jackofcourse springs to mind as a top creator. | 2009-10-14 12:55:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
ZX497 is an amazing creator with some highly-polished levels. He seems to specialize in squeezing LBP's glitches to do things that you wouldn't think were possible, like some of his anti-color levels. The thing that blew me away more than anything else was his "Ikaruga" inspired boss fight in "Bipolar Negatives". It was amazingly clever and worked surprisingly well. | 2009-10-15 02:11:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
I had forgotten about ZX497, shame on me! He really was amazing! My favorite part about anti-color 2 is that people were saying to him "this level isn't special! He just used a glitch, blah blah!" so he came back with part 2, and pulled out that ikaruga boss fight, which, as you mentioned Teebonesy, was clever and just downright awesome! | 2009-10-15 16:00:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
hallm3, Geosautus and Keldur. hallm3 level are really fun. Keldurs seem really official and look amazing. Geosautus levels 'The Amazing Ruby' and 'The Scary Factory' are amazing. | 2009-10-16 20:45:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
ZX497 is an amazing creator with some highly-polished levels. He seems to specialize in squeezing LBP's glitches to do things that you wouldn't think were possible, like some of his anti-color levels. The thing that blew me away more than anything else was his "Ikaruga" inspired boss fight in "Bipolar Negatives". It was amazingly clever and worked surprisingly well. Oh god I miss ZX... Makes me miss Beethy too, now those were the days. | 2009-10-16 21:06:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
Yeah, I was just thinking about Beethy the other day. His review of Centralia was really the single reason that that level did as well as it did. His review was hilarious, too.. ![]() | 2009-10-16 23:14:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Eh, I don't like Beethy's dead baby style humour tbh ![]() | 2009-10-16 23:20:00 Author: olit123 ![]() Posts: 1341 |
Amazingflyingpoo No other creator even comes close to his greatness. I am very suprised to see that he isn't on many people's lists... His levels are really groundbreaking... Making a "Point and click"/"role playing game" style level in lbp is incredible... and the amount of logic that must be behind all of the changing dialog, day/night changes darkness constantly approching and best of all an incredibly well thought out story. It really makes me wonder how sombody could choose a creator that hasn't made something that is completely new to the lbp universe. | 2009-10-17 09:54:00 Author: elzbenz ![]() Posts: 86 |
Yeh. an obvious one.... ME!!!!!! lol no probbably mrsupercomputer,lil klash16, fijski8, steve big guns, mdaj, Lil_aNdre, julesjulees(thats not how u spell it but close enough,) poms, wexfordian, PINZEP IS AMAZING! Rio_lotta , biddle666, cuzFeeshee, ummm, Barb marly, gruntosUK, geosautus, lots more im sure of it | 2009-10-17 13:02:00 Author: Tawarf ![]() Posts: 457 |
wait..... NOBODY MENTIONED ME YET! or russels musscels! | 2009-10-17 13:16:00 Author: Tawarf ![]() Posts: 457 |
Eh, I don't like Beethy's dead baby style humour tbh ![]() No, i agree with that. The review for Centralia was probably the tamest one. The crystal cave level review was kinda offensive. | 2009-10-17 13:48:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I like his style ![]() That review of Geosautas's ruby level was funny as hell ![]() I know it's sick, but so I am ![]() | 2009-10-17 15:47:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
Amazingflyingpoo No other creator even comes close to his greatness. I am very suprised to see that he isn't on many people's lists... His levels are really groundbreaking... Making a "Point and click"/"role playing game" style level in lbp is incredible... and the amount of logic that must be behind all of the changing dialog, day/night changes darkness constantly approching and best of all an incredibly well thought out story. It really makes me wonder how sombody could choose a creator that hasn't made something that is completely new to the lbp universe. AmazingFlyingPoo is definately great, and I love his style of doing original content. There are DEFINATELY quite a few on peoples list that did original experiences in LBP. Gevurah22 creates a new style of gameplay in just about every level he makes, rtm223 and CompherMC are VERY good at switch logic and creating unique experiences.... but then if you take thought in a different direction you could also count unique CONTENT... which several creators such as xkappax and Morgana25 excel at. Looking at all-around game creating skills which are beautiful and balanced, Geosautus is up there. GruntosUK has an incredibly unique style of level flow which is highly original. And I've never seen ANYTHING like Miglioshin's "Platforms Madness" levels. Most of the creators listed, in fact, have come up with highly original LBP experiences. | 2009-10-17 16:55:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I don't have a favourite creator, theres no way i could pick just one | 2009-10-17 17:26:00 Author: springs86 ![]() Posts: 785 |
I dig Qugz' Maxed Out levels. I've given him brutal opinions on Maxed Out 3 which had some bugs and sections he should remove but it's pretty great. Hope he'll release it this generation. | 2009-10-17 17:37:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
Chosen out of a large list.... wexfordian (I love the stories in your levels and the remakes of films and stuff) xkappax (Your levels are beautiful and always have really interesting storyies) Jump_button (I love you abstract style) MsSpookyBuz (Because you're awesome) Morgana25 (I love all your levels, and they all have cool ideas implemented in them) Jagrevi (From your teaser level I can deduce that you are a master of logic and making your levels pretty. I am highly looking forward to your series!) Me (Just kidding, I kinda suck) | 2009-10-20 14:13:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
God he seems to have done a **** fine job oh i was censored i didnt know that was a bad word | 2009-10-20 14:58:00 Author: deboerdave ![]() Posts: 384 |
Prometheus - best living pottery I've ever seen. he seems to have done a **** fine job. | 2009-10-20 16:30:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
Trying to choose your favourite creator is like trying to pick your favourite musician. Right now I'm listening to the soulful sounds of the Blind Boys of Alabama. Tomorrow, it could be Bob Marley. The next day I could be in a dance mood with Groove Armada or Basement Jaxx. My point being, there are so many great creators with VERY different styles its hard to compare and come to a definitive conclusion as to which is the best. So.... ummmm....yeah... thats all I got ![]() | 2009-10-20 16:42:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
wait..... NOBODY MENTIONED ME YET! or russels musscels! It might be because you're some underground gem like me. ![]() . | 2009-10-20 17:13:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
mrsupercomputer is by far my favorite creator, everytime i play his levels i just want to start creating![]() | 2009-10-20 22:35:00 Author: Sonic5411 ![]() Posts: 712 |
lets see... Nattura, second--smile--, and Morgana25. what can i say? im definately a sucker for teh fantasy levels. oh, and that poorjack fella. i hear hes pretty boss too! lols also Metal_Josh and the dude who made 'Legend of Lurban' his name slips my mind... also the creator of 'Yggdrasil' how do you pronounce Yggdrasil? | 2009-10-20 23:01:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
Nattura is one of my fav's too - think I forgot him on my list. RangerZero also got missed on my initial list (sorry) he's probably not the last either. | 2009-10-20 23:14:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Well you know the Russelsmuscles guy? What a god. I worship him and his amazing levels centered around lies and obnoxious obstacle courses, and description and titles written in all caps. Because when you see "AWESOME JUMP CHALLENGE REACH THE END TO SEE REAL WATER" you immediately think "I got to play that level" [/falsestatement] Anyways... One of favorite creators is probably Mrsupercomputer, I love the detail put into his levels. Im pretty sure he was my first F4F back in the day. Ive actually never seen works by top creators on this site, such as Coxy, mainly because of the faulty LBP servers (Which never work when I want them too and always seem to work when Im not using them, such as when im creating) So I guess you could my judgement is slightly impaired. ![]() | 2009-10-20 23:20:00 Author: King_Tubb ![]() Posts: 435 |
hmmm well um.. here it goes. Morgana25 Nuclearfish Zwollie xkappax Wexfordian CCubbage Jwwphotos ![]() | 2009-10-21 01:07:00 Author: Joey ![]() Posts: 758 |
Too many to list here, but a few that come to mind right now: -CENTURION24 -Jaeyden -EviLPaNda -NinjaMCWiz -deboerdave -willtang1134 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=802&pictureid=7063 | 2009-10-21 02:20:00 Author: SHENOA77 ![]() Posts: 184 |
could i just see one person put me down??? | 2009-10-22 14:07:00 Author: Tawarf ![]() Posts: 457 |
oh and sjepap, every time i play lost in the pacific i get the urge to go and create an excat imatation! | 2009-10-22 14:08:00 Author: Tawarf ![]() Posts: 457 |
could i just see one person put me down??? I have to say.... honestly..... My favourite creator is Tawarf. | 2009-10-22 14:12:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
I have to say.... honestly..... My favourite creator is Tawarf. Well, of course! I was going to mention Tawarf myself but I figured that one would be too obvious. I mean, this is the guy that made.... wait.... what did he make again? | 2009-10-22 15:07:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I mean, this is the guy that made.... wait.... what did he make again? Didn't he made that level called Land of the Double Posts and Bad Spelllingkt? ![]() | 2009-10-22 15:40:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
It's so hard to choose just one. As Wex said, favourites change from day to day. Gun to my head I'd say JackOfCourse as the FlamingTimberland levels are for me the best I've played. So far anyway. Ask me again next week and I'd probably give you a different answer though. | 2009-10-23 01:33:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
Didn't he made that level called Land of the Double Posts and Bad Spelllingkt? ![]() xD That's made of pure win. ![]() | 2009-10-23 01:46:00 Author: iGotFancyPants ![]() Posts: 1355 |
Treas, Miglioshin, Festerd_Jester, willtang1134, CENTURION24, Morgana25, Jaeyden. | 2009-10-23 03:44:00 Author: divemonkey1 ![]() Posts: 41 |
i have a couple, but if allah was to put a gun to my firstborn child and told me to tell him who my favorite creator was or else he would shoot him and then shoot me in my leg and arm and kneecaps after robbing my house and earth of everything i cared about, and my firstborn had the cure for aids on his head where the bullet would go through, i guess i'd day i really dont know... but i do like anpostteller, ricky-bobby91, okadam, hemflowhotflop, and icemaiden. teehee. | 2009-10-23 06:02:00 Author: Voodeedoo ![]() Posts: 724 |
Wow, reading all the previous posts I am in complete agreement with all of you. Great choices everyone! A few that I haven't yet seen mentioned are Rayvolution, O-Tera, Cstrfk, andCaptain CowboyHat | 2009-10-23 13:13:00 Author: NinjaAssassin26 ![]() Posts: 34 |
I know he's a molecule now but johnee is my favourite creator...I still don't think anyone has impressed me as much as he has. Second would be amazingflyingpoo, he's a great creator but still manages to be quite down to earth. Third would be tin-cup-70, he's got some great platforming levels and I really enjoyed creating with him in the beta. Honourable mentions... RRR3000 - very innovative creator bludhound & mnniska - Good platforming levels (mnniska's are a little crazy!). I had the pleasure of creating with both of them in the beta and learned alot! Wexfordian - He's got a real polish in his levels that many creators don't (myslef included) | 2009-10-23 15:18:00 Author: dsgeeno1 ![]() Posts: 76 |
Thats easy, my favorite creator is YOU (as in the person reading this) | 2009-10-23 22:48:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
Thats easy, my favorite creator is YOU (as in the person reading this) Aww, gee thanks bonner! (lol) I forgot to mention this somewhat obscure talent by the name of lexfordian, or dexfordian... or something-fordian, wait I think it's wexfordian... no that isn't right. Anyway, he makes pretty decent levels. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=802&pictureid=7063 | 2009-10-24 00:32:00 Author: SHENOA77 ![]() Posts: 184 |
yogh_wayne is my absolute favorite. His levels are from the beta but they are so original and fun you cant help but think WOW. Runners up -mrsupercomputer -Mamett_Box -Syroc -Vacant_Face -jump_button | 2009-10-24 01:03:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
YAY! people put me down! and i made Randomosity and Stiched orange silly people! AND YES IM BAD A SPELLING! OOOOooooo O_o maby i will make a level on lamps! | 2009-10-24 12:27:00 Author: Tawarf ![]() Posts: 457 |
Wexfordian and Morgana25.![]() | 2009-10-24 13:13:00 Author: Flame Dragon ![]() Posts: 312 |
RRR3000 - very innovative creator Agreed, I love the multi-player competitive bomber-man level he made. | 2009-10-24 16:04:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
Probably jump_button. Not that I don't appreciate the efforts of wex, mdaj, morgana and the rest, its just I really like his art style and recurring themes. | 2009-10-26 14:14:00 Author: Asbestos101 ![]() Posts: 1114 |
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