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Meerkat Randomizer

Archive: 2 posts

Essentially, it's lottery balls and slavery put together. The result is a fast working device that generates randomized sequences of up to 6 different things (the colored blocks in the pics). I've also built a memory to go with it, that queues the output until it gets used by the next step in your setup. Here are some pics:

close-up of the meerkats sweathing:

The whole setup. Left shows how the output can be used, here just some lights that randomly flash on; middle part is the queue:

I won't say it's perfect, but it's certainly random. Also, I put some options in to fiddle around with the output, if you think, for instance, that you just get to much of a certain output.

The level is called "object demo 4: meerkat randomizer". Price bubbles are included. It's been a very long time since I spent some quality time in LBP, so I hope you like it! BTW, for those that get a deja vu reading this, I published a version of the randomizer months ago, but it was no good. Forget that one, this one actually works.
2009-10-10 21:02:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

wow that looks amazingly complex! it hurts my head to look at the pictures. Ill have to check this out.2009-10-12 20:14:00

Posts: 485

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