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new tank controls.

Archive: 2 posts

i have recently developed a new control scheme for my tanks (or any other vehicle). its really cool and consists of 3 sponges with grab switches. one on each side of the player, and one below him. for the sponge on the bottom, holding it switches the tank between drive and aim mode (for the cannon). so that the player can easily drive the tank, hold down and R1, and then shoot the gun. the 2 sponges on the sides control driving and aiming (depending on what mode it is in). finally tapping the bottom sponge shoots the cannon. this makes for a great scheme as it is so simple and compact and is very reliable (hasn't failed yet). the only problem is that it is fairly big and takes up a fair bit of thermo, but is still very cool. i haven't published it in a level but will soon.2009-10-09 03:12:00

Posts: 255

very interesting. hope you release it.2009-10-13 01:13:00

Posts: 163

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