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Extreme Sports

Archive: 25 posts

Anyone into the ever growing world of extreme sports? I do rock climbing myself. I've also started going kayaking again with the college (not hugely extreme but oh well).
I'd love to set up some kind of climbing training centre in my home town.
One of the biggest problems with extreme sports I find is the cost of it though. Getting all the equipment in climbing can easily set you back over ?300.

Interesting to see what you guys up to and if you plan for it (or it already is) a part of your career. Maybe we could get some extreme sports pictures going if your into that kind of thing
2009-10-08 02:05:00

Posts: 321

I'm a climber, but mostly indoors aside from the odd free climbing on coastal cliffs. So not really that extreme.

Used to go mountain biking regularly, but than I moved to the Netherlands.
2009-10-08 08:27:00

Posts: 3193

Its not really a sport but me and some freinds often climb cliffs and quarries withought safetysome people call it crazy but we wont just climb random places if we feel unsafe doing it we wont do it. Some people will feel horrified by it but we are thrill seekers, I would love to climb something bigger though(With safety equipment)

Edit: i'm afraid of heights LOL
2009-10-08 14:43:00

Posts: 2662

Im into power kiting and snowboarding mostly. But I love all that adrenaline stuff. parachuting, bungie jumping..... anything that could lead to serious injury really 2009-10-08 14:55:00

Posts: 1904

I ride BMX myself, and encourage everyone to stop what they're doing, jump on a bike thats way too teeny tiny for them, and try and pull difficult and technical manoeuvres off objects that aren't built for it

not really, my bike is very expensive, so it can't break
2009-10-08 14:56:00

Posts: 785

I guess I'm pretty extreme. I do knitting!

Nah, not really. I wouldn't really say any sports I do are really extreme although I do crazy sports.
2009-10-08 14:58:00

Posts: 2079

I guess I'm pretty extreme. I do knitting!

I'm going to put that in my sig that made me lough.
2009-10-08 15:00:00

Posts: 2662

Im into power kiting and snowboarding mostly. But I love all that adrenaline stuff. parachuting, bungie jumping..... anything that could lead to serious injury really

Same here. You wouldn't guess it when you see me though.

I constantly contemplate what it would be like to jump off a cliff or from a building if I stand on the top. I might be slightly suicidal.

I rally want to go base jumping. In Norway for instance:

2009-10-08 15:00:00

Posts: 3193

I actually have a video of my fiancee running off of a cliff. not quite the same as base jumping but a good place to start to get you physced up for it.
YouTube - Flashpackers 07 - Paragliding, Sucre, Bolivia
2009-10-08 15:06:00

Posts: 1904

/ That looks epic fun , i'm so trying that2009-10-08 15:11:00

Posts: 785

Heh, awesome. I would love to do that.2009-10-08 15:12:00

Posts: 3193

Um. Wow. I've never even tried a roller coaster before... lol

The most extreme I go is paintball and blowing up watermelons with higher caliber rifles.
2009-10-08 15:16:00

Posts: 2278

Is parkour considered an extreme sport?2009-10-08 15:18:00

Posts: 2536

Is parkour considered an extreme sport?

It is when you consider some people do it jumping between buildings etc. Some crazy things you can do with that!
2009-10-08 15:20:00

Posts: 1904

Is parkour considered an extreme sport?

Yes! Love that too.
I sometimes do it on a less extreme scale when I go out for a run at night. Great fun running through the city in the dark with hardly any people around you jumping over stuff and climbing random walls.
2009-10-08 15:22:00

Posts: 3193

Yes! Love that too.
I sometimes do it on a less extreme scale when I go out for a run at night. Great fun running through the city in the dark with hardly any people around you jumping over stuff and climbing random walls.

Good way to get arrested?
2009-10-08 15:24:00

Posts: 2278

Probably would be if the city was bigger and the police would be on patrol at night.

PS: It's mostly harmless stuff I do, so even there was police around I doubt I would get arrested.

I ride BMX myself, and encourage everyone to stop what they're doing, jump on a bike thats way too teeny tiny for them, and try and pull difficult and technical manoeuvres off objects that aren't built for it

not really, my bike is very expensive, so it can't break

Can you do something like this (http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1137883380?bctid=21337502001)?
2009-10-08 15:26:00

Posts: 3193

I would love to try base jumping and sky diving one day. Even though I climb I'm terrified of heights. Fight the fears
Also I did get into parkour but slipped out again as I know no one else who does it.
2009-10-08 19:57:00

Posts: 321

love to start to do rock climbing but as i'm afraid of heights it might be hard to start2009-10-09 00:59:00

Posts: 1246

Im into power kiting and snowboarding mostly. But I love all that adrenaline stuff. parachuting, bungie jumping..... anything that could lead to serious injury really

Yeah i do kite boarding too! Also downhill mountain biking... so pretty extreme this end.

Also (side note) i went in a hot air balloon over the summer which was the inspiration behind my Whichever Way the Wind Blows Series! Although, obviously not the balloon breaking all the time!
2009-10-10 19:47:00

Posts: 836

mountain biking i used to do that, but now i don't live anywhere near mountains so its not very practical2009-10-10 20:13:00

Posts: 785

Amazing stuff. (http://cdn0.mpora.com/mporaPlayer2.21092009.1756.swf?id=uGQu2nZFk&site=live) (Something for springs)2009-10-15 17:58:00

Posts: 3193

I used to skate (as in skateBOARD, not iceskating...) I snapped all the ligaments in my right knee 2 years ago, and i still can't run without significant amounts of pain...2009-10-15 20:48:00

Unknown User

YouTube - Damien Walters Showreel 2009

Yes, it's old, but I still think it's amazing and what he does around 1:20 shouldn't be possible
Also I'm a bit jealous.
2009-10-18 16:09:00

Posts: 3193

/ wow i wish i could do that2009-10-18 17:28:00

Posts: 785

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