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Sarcophagus Catapult

Archive: 22 posts

Sarcophagus CatapultAdamKinnell
This the the first Completed level that I am happy with.

In this level you shoot a Sarcophagus from an ancient pitching machine, the further it goes the more points you get.
2009-10-07 00:40:00

Unknown User

This is pure evil genius!2009-10-07 06:29:00

Posts: 5112

Looks interesting, I will check it out later.2009-10-07 16:26:00

Posts: 37

Is it your first level?
The search bug doesn't allow to find neither your level nor your profile.
You must comment on someone's level, told us which one it is and we will be able to reach your profile through the comment.
2009-10-07 19:25:00

Posts: 5112

This is not my first level, It's the first level I have made that is Completed and that I am happy with.

I commented on your level OmegaSlayer
2009-10-07 21:34:00

Unknown User

hey. i just searched for your level but i couldn't find it (like almost every level lately).

i just saw that you commented on omegaslayer's level so i'll try to find you tomorrow.

greetings. anna
2009-10-07 23:09:00

Posts: 51

(I found this by checking OmegaSlayers comments section on Run For Your Freedom)

Played through this on my alternate account and it's funny. I managed to get all the way to the right after fiddling with it for just a little while. Concept is pretty simple but the graphics are nicely done and I like the Eyptian theme you picked rather than just a generic fling sackboy across the screen level. Cool mechanic you developed to get the box flung too.

I rated it 4 stars. Thanks for sharing it!
2009-10-08 07:54:00

Posts: 5983

Thanks for the feedback, Did you have any problems? Is there anything I could improve?2009-10-08 22:32:00

Unknown User

hi adam.
i just played it. it's a nice mini-game and i like it that you used egyptian style.

anyway, i'm not very good at playing it and it would be nicer if there's any other way of getting to the scoreboard than running over glass. haha. that's the only problem in my opinion... but it's probably the reason why you only have a 3 stars-rating.

greetings. anna
2009-10-10 12:53:00

Posts: 51

hi adam.
i just played it. it's a nice mini-game and i like it that you used egyptian style.

anyway, i'm not very good at playing it and it would be nicer if there's any other way of getting to the scoreboard than running over glass. haha. that's the only problem in my opinion... but it's probably the reason why you only have a 3 stars-rating.

greetings. anna

You can pop yourself, and you won't lose any points for it
2009-10-10 22:41:00

Unknown User

Hey I tried this and am returning the F4F...

I'm not too big on mini games in LBP, but i did enjoy playing this.

Like morgana said i like the mechanism for how this works, its orginal and not boring.

Yea i dont exactly see why you wouldn't pop yourself, saves you time and doesn't do much else (nothing at all really).

The game is fun, Took me two tries to get it far thou (lol on my part), but after i played it a couple more times i got some distance.

Fun stuff, I hearted and gave you a five. I dont exactly see how this would improve...maybe a scoreboard in the beginning to show your competition? Could work out.
2009-10-10 22:57:00

Unicorn Squad 4ev
Posts: 42

The one thing I did notice is I played it last night with 4 players and when we'd pop it would say we'd run out of lives. Not sure why as you have that infinite checkpoint up there but yea, 4 out of 4 times it did it.2009-10-11 00:43:00

Posts: 5983

i did kill myself but i just came back to the beginning, which was a little bit annoying.2009-10-11 14:08:00

Posts: 51

I have to say this is one that has peaked my interest for a little while now. I'll have to give this one a play too at the next opportunity.2009-10-11 23:58:00

Posts: 1154

The idea is brilliant but the result is bland.
You should add something more fun, like...
I don't know...
gas if you fall too short...
bombs falling if you fall mid distance...
bubbles if you go far...
some changes in the Global Lighting...
something like that to spice it up a little and add replayability.
Anyway, I rated it 3 stars, but if you tweak it, the level can even be a 5 star.
Use some imagination...
You have it otherwise you won't have done such a sick thing.
2009-10-12 07:10:00

Posts: 5112

The one thing I did notice is I played it last night with 4 players and when we'd pop it would say we'd run out of lives. Not sure why as you have that infinite checkpoint up there but yea, 4 out of 4 times it did it.

What is supposed to happen is that if you go past 25 metres, it no longer spawns a sarcophagus and it crushes the entrance and infinite life checkpoints so you respawn at the end, I will have a look at it.

The idea is brilliant but the result is bland.
You should add something more fun, like...
I don't know...
gas if you fall too short...
bombs falling if you fall mid distance...
bubbles if you go far...
some changes in the Global Lighting...
something like that to spice it up a little and add replayability.
Anyway, I rated it 3 stars, but if you tweak it, the level can even be a 5 star.
Use some imagination...
You have it otherwise you won't have done such a sick thing.

My main problem is imagination
I don't have many ideas which is why it isn't as fun as it could be, But if you can give me a bit more detail about what you think would make it better, I will happily do it

At one point I tried adding ramps and obstacles but for some reason on the slightest inclination it seems to completely stop moving which is why it is now just plain glass

I'll do some F4F tomorrow BTW

EDIT: Well I had a look at it it it happened to me so I put in a jet pack to have a look to find the problem and it didn't happen again so i got rid of it and now it seems to be fine. Weird!
2009-10-12 07:50:00

Unknown User

I've just had a go. It looks good and is fun to play. It seems as if you can either fail miserably by just dropping off the end ( I laughed at myself when that happened) or get to the other side by sliding across the glass. I played a couple of times and there was no in between. Fun to play though and a great Idea.2009-10-12 14:03:00

Posts: 78

Great level. I managed to get to 375 m. Great use of the History pack. It could of been better, but not much better. 4 stars and a heart.
Also, for F4F, could you look at my level, Generic Dungeon Crawler Level?
2009-10-12 20:01:00

Posts: 392

Hi, Adam

my rocket got to scoreboard but i still get only 2nd place. that's wierd.
But anyway, It was fun. I gave it 5 tries and managed to get the rocket get to the scoreboard. then there were nothing else to do.
why don't you try to make it longer and add the vehicles that can bring player to the scoreboard right away without having them walk

By the fact that it was fun plus my race instinct. I gave it :star::star::star::star:
2009-10-16 00:15:00

Posts: 59

I can't make it any longer, it already takes up the whole map, you can just kill yourself to respawn at the scoreboard.2009-10-16 05:42:00

Unknown User

The one thing I did notice is I played it last night with 4 players and when we'd pop it would say we'd run out of lives. Not sure why as you have that infinite checkpoint up there but yea, 4 out of 4 times it did it.

oooh yeh i remember that ^.^.. really funny.. teehee.. anyways Adam cool lvl! awesome idea. . i had fun playing it..
2009-10-16 06:16:00

Posts: 758

Hey Adam. I love the concept for this stage. Just the idea made me laugh.
I know it's not your fault... but it was REALLY hard to find this stage because of the buggy search, I had to find your comment like the others.

My 'official' review:

-Funny Idea
-Simple, yet fun gameplay

-You have to kill yourself to get to the end if you don't make it all the way
-As shindol mentioned, the score seems like an "all or nothing" type of thing
-The actual gameplay is short.

I did enjoy it, but it could have been a little more exciting.
Maybe if you had a vertical aim or something... but that would mean rebuilding the whole thing. Yeah, unfortunately it's hard to say exactly what could have made this more fun.
Well overall, nice job. I got a kick out of it.

I gave it a 3 stars, it could have easily been 4 or 5 if it was just a little more clean. When the gameplay is short, it's more important for everything that's in there to be really really tight.
Overall nice job, just not perfect yet.
2009-10-20 02:02:00

Posts: 23

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