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Photo Frames

Archive: 4 posts

Have you ever wanted to make a picture that you could use to perfectly decorate a piece of, for example, cardboard, but got angry because it's rectangular shape covers other pictures? Well, my idea is that when you go to take a picture, you should be able to choose the shape of the picture, like square, or circle. There have been many times when I've wanted this, so what about you?2009-10-06 17:57:00

Posts: 392

like the eyetoy pic frames?

that would be epic awesome
2009-10-06 18:02:00

Posts: 785

Yes, like those. If you can get PlayStation Eye pics like that, why not pics from in-game the same way?2009-10-06 18:04:00

Posts: 392

Sweet! That's a great idea! It would revolutionize the sticker as we know it 2009-10-10 01:19:00

Posts: 3251

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