What if..
Archive: 14 posts
I wonder what would happen if Mm fixed the re-publish glitch. Would Jump Levels and bomb levels go extint? Would Good levels overshadow Bad levels more often? | 2009-10-04 17:08:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
No and no. | 2009-10-04 17:09:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
Levels that require many plays, like survival challenges and those levels that you have to restart many times to complete through trial and error, will always be at the top of the Cool Pages, because they receive attention through those repeat plays, which propagate into more people doing the same thing. Great levels would actually probably do worse, because I know several great creators who have to do that to get any attention for their level at all. | 2009-10-04 17:37:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
There would just be loads of random stuff all over cool pages, just anything that gets published would show up there | 2009-10-04 18:20:00 Author: springs86 ![]() Posts: 785 |
If you only new the real reason the "republishing glitch" works... | 2009-10-04 20:55:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
First of all it's not a glitch, it's "as designed". . | 2009-10-04 21:10:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
well, how would peoeple srtive to improve their levels? i mean those that really wanna make levels people will like....take that away and they wont really be able to improve...theyd have to keep deleting the level and putting the edited one up afterward...to much hasstle | 2009-10-04 23:25:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
Cool Pages does seem a bit broken... But what system could they possibly come up with to replace it? Sorting through a million levels to pick the best ones is no easy task. ![]() This is the only idea I can come up with: make levels rise up through Cool Pages based on the ratings they receive. However - here's the difference - don't consider every player rating to be of equal value. A good rating/heart from a respected creator should be worth much more than a heart from an inexperienced player, who still thinks cheetah racing is as good as it gets. So if an experienced creator - or even just a well-travelled player - rates a level highly, it should boost the level up Cool Pages much, much further than a good rating from someone with minimal experience of the game. That might reduce the number of poor levels racing to the top of Cool Pages. There are lots of methods MM could use to determine how experienced someone is at LBP; the number of levels they've played; the amount they've published; the number of profile hearts they've recieved. Any or all of the above. It's not a perfect idea by any means. But surely better than this weird republishing thing. | 2009-10-05 03:30:00 Author: Tig-W ![]() Posts: 106 |
Keep in mind, even though you can push a level to the top of cool pages by having a level that requires quite a bit of restarting, and get it to the top just based on republishing to get plays, a decent well-designed level can race to the top just as fast based on ratings and hearts - the system is balanced that way. Case in point - Splat Invaders III was running alongside quite a few bomb survival levels and ramp levels last week. Splat III, based on a decent amount of hearts and good ratings, was able to make it to page 1 with around 2000 plays - whereas those other levels were having a difficult time getting to page 1 with close to 10,000 plays. So, the system was smart enough to balance my level against those level and it was able to compete anyway. So.... that tells me there isn't really an issue where bad levels are getting to the top and good levels aren't.... it's just that, there are a LOT more lower-quality levels being published. So, if you design a good level it should do fine. | 2009-10-05 03:47:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Levels that require many plays, like survival challenges and those levels that you have to restart many times to complete through trial and error, will always be at the top of the Cool Pages, because they receive attention through those repeat plays, which propagate into more people doing the same thing. Great levels would actually probably do worse, because I know several great creators who have to do that to get any attention for their level at all. why are you so awesome | 2009-10-05 05:02:00 Author: siccology ![]() Posts: 279 |
why are you so awesome Because he brushes his teeth with Pepsodent toothpaste. http://www.webwiseforradio.com/site_files/483/Image/TONI/toothpaste(1).jpg | 2009-10-05 05:41:00 Author: Sunrise_Moon ![]() Posts: 469 |
Because he brushes his teeth with Pepsodent. explains alot | 2009-10-05 05:49:00 Author: siccology ![]() Posts: 279 |
I would cry. And bomb survivals would rule. | 2009-10-05 21:00:00 Author: KoRnDawwg ![]() Posts: 1424 |
I would cry. And bomb survivals would rule. would they...Rly? rule? | 2009-10-05 23:33:00 Author: siccology ![]() Posts: 279 |
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