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Middle Eastern romp

Archive: 4 posts

Middle Eastern rompFrozen50
Just a short, simple platforming level, with nice detail.
Hey, new here. I usually like to put a lot of work into my levels, but have found that they never get more than a dozen or so plays, and nothing else I do can get more plays. Instead of sinking down to the level of spamming level comments with "pls play my lvl", I decided to come here.

Just finished a little thing I started yesterday, and decided to post it here.

It's a simple platforming level. Nothing fancy. The biggest thing it's got going for it is some nice detail, which is something I enjoy doing most in LBP
So yeah, as far as depth goes, it doesn't have much. If you want that, perhaps check out my level "Watchful eyes"

But yes, I do plan on being as active as I can in the community. I'd be happy to help anyone if they need anything, and I intend to check out plenty of all of your levels here.

Here's a few screens of my new level:



Comments appreciated
2009-10-04 03:30:00

Unknown User

I just played the level, and the detail was great, but the level overall seemed empty.
-You should try to add more objects like curtains, carts, plants, and lights.
-There was no sound effects, I think you should add wind ambient or something.
-You should really add a background, it would add so much more to the level!
-It could be a little longer, and maybe have a story.
-You should add more gameplay than jumping, maybe dodging and leaping?

4 stars and a heart.
2009-10-04 03:48:00

Posts: 4193

Looks good - I'll give it a shot later.2009-10-04 04:31:00

Posts: 1154

I just played the level, and the detail was great, but the level overall seemed empty.
-You should try to add more objects like curtains, carts, plants, and lights.
-There was no sound effects, I think you should add wind ambient or something.
-You should really add a background, it would add so much more to the level!
-It could be a little longer, and maybe have a story.
-You should add more gameplay than jumping, maybe dodging and leaping?

4 stars and a heart.
Yes, all very true. Thank you for the constructive criticism.

I didn't really put much polish into this level, I guess. Oh well, there will be better things in the future.

Thanks again.
2009-10-04 05:26:00

Unknown User

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