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Invisible Walls...

Archive: 41 posts

So, a few weeks ago I somehow broke a piston on my Crawler which I was going to enter to CC07, but it was too unstable, so I had to leave it there, anyway, when I was still working on it, I heard a crack, since I didn't care for the thing much, I just started deleting it, and when I highlighted the area again, I found a strange thin layer square. I couldn't make it a thick-layer object though, but I saw several uses for it, though I haven't done anything with it yet.

Also, today, I was messing around with MM objects, such as boss-creatures. But one of them, namely Oni the Terrible had some strange blocks down it's feet, which upon shrinking became invisible! I smashed all the other parts with a large metal block, and then saved it as an object, and removed the rest of the parts. Now I got this "invisible" material object. Interesting, really, I tried turning it into dark matter, which made it completely invisible, no matter the size, I haven't tested it with other materials and hazards though, nor pistoning it, but it's quite amazing and you can use as thin or thick layers, and even shape it.

So, I was thinking if my finds are old stuff or not. I have previously found stuff which turned out to be old discoveries already, so I'm just wondering about it. Sorry if this is the wrong section for this, I'm quite new here and my english isn't good either...
2009-10-03 16:34:00

Posts: 51

I've not come across this before, maybe some other members could say whether they have or not.

And don't worry about your English - it's excellent!
2009-10-03 16:41:00

Posts: 1492

yeah i think its called piston matter.... i dont know much about it but it comes from copying and pasting something2009-10-03 17:37:00

Posts: 5078

Thank you both for the replies and answers. But what's the material under Oni's feet? If shrunk it turns invisible...It doesn't seem to have any negative sides like not being able to add stickers or decorations on it or anything.2009-10-03 17:58:00

Posts: 51

yeah theres a glitch similar to that called sharp materials il ltry to find the link2009-10-03 18:08:00

Posts: 5078

"Sharp materials"? Would that mean the object's shape? The invisible object under Oni's feet looked like a simple block, and did not have any pistons or motors or anything attached to it...2009-10-03 18:22:00

Posts: 51

its a glitch called sharp materials that becomes invisible2009-10-03 18:34:00

Posts: 5078

Shrinking material, then smearing it, then shrinking it again, etc, will make it invisible no matter what size it is. Works with anything. Before it goes invisible, it starts to 'mess up,' which makes rounded corners sharp (sponge, dark matter).2009-10-03 18:41:00

Posts: 342

Shrinking material, then smearing it, then shrinking it again, etc, will make it invisible no matter what size it is. Works with anything. Before it goes invisible, it starts to 'mess up,' which makes rounded corners sharp (sponge, dark matter).

Really? Would you mind breaking that down in a thread in the tutorial section? Something like this would be very useful to me. I assume it's not too complicated, but I really am dense sometimes. Does it allow for large squares of thin material, or just strips?

2009-10-04 03:04:00

Posts: 5338

Its a thermo hog and its unpredictable, unfortunately. But I once found a glitch that was incredibly cool and useful. If I took a square and copied it and used it to cut a hole out of something that something would get thin, sharp spikes all over that were random, but perfect and looked super cool 2009-10-04 04:46:00

Posts: 3251

Smearing it will make it invisible? I just shrinked the square object and it became invisible....Also, when I changed the material to dark matter it became completely invisible no matter the size of it like when it was in it's "original material".

Okay, so I was messing around with my newly found "invisibility material" and I found out if you will try to smear it, it doesn't allow you to, however, you can copy it and paste it inside the object itself, which would COMBINE the two same blocks! This is like the combining glitch I saw in a level, but much simpler! I think I'll make a level with this material as a prize, so we could learn about it and it's functions a bit more, if I don't find a level about it existing already.

Sorry, paintballs really can't go through it, he just made it really thin and tought they would go through, can't blame him, sorry for the confusion.
2009-10-04 05:51:00

Posts: 51

You can make selectable invisible thin layer of gas.
1. First make thick square.
2. Attach it to thin square.
3. Put brain on the thick piece and tweak it vulnerable.
4. Put wheel on thick piece.
5. Create wall of gas.
6. Drop creature at it.
7. Quickly pause.
8. Destroy all pieces. Leave the invisible thin piece.
9. Save it as object.
10. Emit with endless life time.
11. Save it as object.
2009-10-05 15:55:00

Posts: 282

The material I found works more simply. You can add an hazard to it, then shrink it only a tiny bit, and you will have a large hazardous invisible block! I'm making pictures at the moment, I'll send them in a jiffy.2009-10-05 16:31:00

Posts: 51

Bump. Sorry for the double-post.

There is a demo level now, it's made by BaronYrth42. You could just search "dragon matter" and you should find it. You can get it as a prize from my dragon matter tutorial.
2009-10-12 11:23:00

Posts: 51

isnt that a bit you know obnoxious calling it dragon matter? when it was found ages ago by another member, im telling you its called PISTON MATTER!!2009-10-12 17:33:00

Posts: 5078

The name sounds cool, but it has nothing to do with dragons lol....

BTW, are you DraggyZ ?
2009-10-12 20:47:00

Posts: 3251

The name sounds cool, but it has nothing to do with dragons lol....

BTW, are you DraggyZ ?

Yes he is, according to his PSN.
2009-10-15 02:42:00

Posts: 427

isnt that a bit you know obnoxious calling it dragon matter? when it was found ages ago by another member, im telling you its called PISTON MATTER!!

I found piston matter before discovering this new matter...Actually, finding piston matter was what made me look for a new material in the first place!
I was pretty surprised to find a matter capable of many old glitches but more simplified, I tried finding if anybody else had found this before me but I found nobody to claim it...
2009-10-15 07:49:00

Posts: 51

I call it poop matter lawl.2009-10-16 02:20:00

Posts: 3664

You can call it whatever you like. =p2009-10-16 04:44:00

Posts: 51

im gunna take a gander sometime after im done playing DiRT 2
2009-10-16 05:10:00

Posts: 279

Dragon matter sounds so geeky. You should re-name it to something like.. Fredrik matter. ;D2009-10-16 12:53:00

Posts: 342

Obviously, since I'm the one who has just read this thread here, we call it "Treas Matter".

Seriously now. Does it matter? (pun unintended) Draggy calls it Dragon Matter. You can call it piston matter. I call it "invisible square stuff". Everyone can call it like they want to, and we're all fine.
2009-10-16 15:06:00

Posts: 223

K if that's the case I think I'll name it Awesome-o super fun invisible squishy hard killing cute grabbable matter.2009-10-16 16:11:00

Posts: 342

What's wrong with you people? How many times do I have to say that I didn't name it? The jokes about the name are really starting to get annoying...2009-10-16 17:23:00

Posts: 51

Anyway, it isn't piston matter. He found this out after making some piston matter. This dragon matter comes from that one boss who's name I cannot remember :-/2009-10-16 19:16:00

Posts: 469

if you look up GreenPikaNoob he has a level on piston matter
goes into depth about it and gives you it as a prize his level is called piston matter
2009-10-17 10:03:00

Posts: 279

if you look up GreenPikaNoob he has a level on piston matter
goes into depth about it and gives you it as a prize his level is called piston matter

Read post above yours! >.<
2009-10-17 17:29:00

Posts: 469

dragon matter piston matter w/e its called its the same thing isnt it?2009-10-17 19:40:00

Posts: 279

dragon matter piston matter w/e its called its the same thing isnt it?

It isn't piston matter! That's what I had said. He discovered this after he found out about piston matter, but it is completely different from piston matter. It comes from the Terrible Oni boss.
2009-10-17 22:56:00

Posts: 469

I think you should call it Tesla Matter!2009-10-18 04:08:00

Posts: 3664

Maybe you should call it invisible material. lol.2009-10-18 04:13:00

Posts: 3251

tesla matter sounds good!2009-10-18 20:33:00

Posts: 5078

tesla matter sounds good!

it does indeed sound very appropriate...and it would stop all the arguing...maybe...(lol)...I have read i don't know how many pages of blah...all about this stuff...whatever its called, I couldn't really build without it!...well, alright, maybe I could...lol...and I'm sure that no matter what name it's known by we can all agree, its fabulous!
2009-10-25 07:39:00

Posts: 6

i have a decent name for it! GHOST MATTER!! Because it turns invisible2009-10-30 20:20:00

Posts: 5078

How 'bout "Matter that is invisable"?
-stating the obvious,
2009-10-30 21:58:00

Posts: 1063

ugh, i hate this. i come across it WAY too much while im building.

your lucky if this is the first time getting it.
2009-10-31 05:59:00

Posts: 281

ugh, i hate this. i come across it WAY too much while im building.

your lucky if this is the first time getting it.

Wait...Are you telling me that you use Oni the Terrible every time you're building something? Cause that's the only place you can get dragon matter from.
2009-10-31 18:13:00

Posts: 51


No, i randomly get it from deleting pistons and stuff attached to them, just didn't realize it till now.
2010-01-21 07:39:00

Posts: 250

Can you attach pistons and sensor switches to it?
And, can it be one layer thick?
Because I need an invisible P.T.D and this Dragon Matter sounds perfect for the job!
2010-01-21 08:18:00

Posts: 1518

Why do some people still think I'm some newb who just found out piston matter/invisimatter/shrunken dark matter?! It's getting annoying already, m'kay? Dragon matter is an unique object gotten from Oni the Terrible, there are several tutorials on it, mine, some made by somebody else, some copied from me, and some leeched from me. It's basically an object that can be used to create medium-sized invisible walls, blocks or whatever. You can also hide some objects inside it, like prize bubbles, by simply placing it on a prize bubble via copy-paste. You could also just copy it, and keep paste'ing it into one spot, which stacks it, and if unglued and unpaused, it explodes, kind of. Using that trick, I was able to make shockwaves. Turned it into pink floaty, shrunk, electrified, stickered, stacked.2010-04-12 13:25:00

Posts: 51

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