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Simon - The Electronic Game of Memory

Archive: 11 posts

Remember Simon (http://retrothing.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/simon.jpg)? Well, I've recreated it, LBP-style. Not the first to do it, but I think the first to make it feel and play like the real thing. Get more points by beating it fast and dieing less. It's not easy and it's always a unique game. If you check it out, let me know what you think.

2009-10-03 03:54:00

Posts: 8

Cool! But I'd move this to the Level Showcase as this is more of a game than an object. I'll check out the game tomorrow when I get on LBP.2009-10-03 04:25:00

Posts: 469

Sounds fun - I'll check it out.2009-10-03 04:32:00

Posts: 139

omg I loved this game as a kid. One time I got to 252 remembered. @.@ Literally took like 3 minutes just to input the code each time towards the end. (Alas, my memory has vanished and I can barely remember simple things anymore. -.- Silly aging process...robbing me of my awesome Simon skills.)

Can't wait to try this. <3
2009-10-04 10:02:00

Posts: 41

252???? That is crazy! 25 almost seems impossible to remember (but it's not!!) I want to see you at #1 halomcap!

*Moderators: can you move this thread to the Level Showcase forum, please??
2009-10-04 18:17:00

Posts: 8

omg I loved this game as a kid. One time I got to 252 remembered. @.@ Literally took like 3 minutes just to input the code each time towards the end. (Alas, my memory has vanished and I can barely remember simple things anymore. -.- Silly aging process...robbing me of my awesome Simon skills.)

Can't wait to try this. <3

Whew! I've played this and enjoyed it immensely. Spent a good chunk of time trying to get on the scoreboard. Halomcap: you're not alone. I better stock up on Ginkgo Biloba and try this again, lol. (hi guneye).

2009-10-05 19:35:00

Posts: 184

This is fantastic. Must have taken some careful logic.2009-10-06 05:34:00

Posts: 663

This is freaking awesome.

Btw I did take #1.

Bow chica bow wow.

My only problem is that I couldn't input the codes fast enough, lol. I was getting jittery because I was worried I might select the wrong color on accident (which I was doing a lot of on my first game). In my first game I was jumping to use the green and kept missing and hitting yellow or red. :blush:

But on my second try I figured out I could simply reach up and bam...#1 is mine. Oh yeah.

lol I enjoyed all those bonus points at the end there.

Edit: Had a look at your logic...seeing as how I didn't build it myself I have no idea what's going on. XD Good job though. Pretty intense. :3
2009-10-06 10:23:00

Posts: 41

yeah Simon
good job guneye this a great game you got here
i looked at the logic with him and have to say it pretty complicated
and quite an achievement as it works flawlessly
2009-10-06 17:17:00

Posts: 384

halomcap: nice job. 25 notes are not easy to remember at all!! I beat it once, but that was before the bonus points at the end so I have nothing to show for it. Plus, before you could pass it if you failed (as it still advanced you to the next round), but now it doesn't. I have to get lucky enough for an easy sequence to beat it.

thanks deboerdave and thanks for coming up with the stepping method. the sliding method was just too sporadic towards the end. I could've infinitely tweaked it, but with the stepping method, it's guaranteed.
2009-10-21 00:10:00

Posts: 8

blimey this level looks fun i got a modern version of simon a while ago and i loved it cant wait to check out your lvl thanks for posting this here well done it must have taken ages with all the logic buttons and switches and emmiters lol2009-10-22 08:29:00

Posts: 1304

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