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Halloween "Spooktacular" Level Design Contest

Archive: 281 posts


I love Halloween :eek: and would love to play a bunch of Halloween themed levels so let's have a level design contest!

Anything in the spirit of Halloween is fair game. Creepy or cute, scary or sweet, it's all up to YOU! Just keep in mind the MM rules about content so your level is not moderated.


1st Place - 500 exp
2nd Place - 250 exp
3rd Place - 100 exp

exp will be donated by MrsSpookyBuz and myself.


1. All entries must be posted in this thread and be published as playable to the servers no later than Midnight Central Time (US) on October 30th, 2009 - that way we can play them on Halloween

2. Only one level entry per person/team. (You may put a new level in to replace an older submission but only one will count) I have no problem with collaboration BUT before you do decide to work with another person, it's your responsiblity to determine how the exp will be distributed if you win. I don't want any fights or surprises come judgment time and I will not moderate problems that may arise between teammates. (You can handle this and if not you've been warned.)

3. Level can be a survivial challenge or a more "traditional" platformer style level and anything in between.

4. No limitation of DLC - If you have it and want to use it - go for it. If you don't have one of the packs you may need to think creatively about how to get what you have to do what you want. Amount of DLC will not affect judging but rather if it's used well it could help.

5. The LBPCentral.com sticker or item (see Takelow's level for item or Confused Cartman's level for sticker) must appear somewhere in the level. Doesn't have to be huge or in front but I'll need to be able to find it. It's a way to promote this great site and the least we can do for having a place to host contests like these.

6. All submissions must have been made during the contest period. No earlier levels will be considered.


I'll play all levels posted in this thread that have been submitted before the deadline. I may bring in other judges and I would prefer they don't submit levels into the competition for possible conflicts of interest issues. I'll work this out later.

Criteria for judging

Levels will be scored by adding up scores from the following categories:

1. Fun Factor/Playability - make 'em fun if you want points here.
2. Visuuals/Polish - how pretty is it or at least how polished and neat is it?
3. Lighting/Effects - either great use of lights and gas and other visual effects or a lack of them if the level calls for it. It will be dependent on if the level "feels" like it's been set up right for whatever the level is depicting.
4. Originality/Creativity - can be anything from a great story to good decoration use. Just make it your own and use all the creative juices you have.

k - If I missed anything or if you'd like to suggest a rule change I'm all ears. I'm really excited to see what this awesome community can put together to celebrate my favorite holiday!

2009-10-03 00:05:00

Posts: 5983

Halloween World by XTrophx (Joey) - will receive 100 exp
All Dressed Up by iGotFancyPants - will also receive 100 exp

Whispers in the Darkness by shindol - will receive 250 exp

Fear and the Phantom Town by Teebonesy - will receive 500 exp

I had so much fun playing all your levels that anyone who participated and didn't place in the top three I will be sending out 25 exp to as a small thank you for making this a great Halloween on LBP for me and the community!

Congratulations winners and Thanks again to everyone involved! Well done!

Complete list of Entries

Darker by Zmaximum

Spook House by enodrawkcab (see the comment in GrantosUK's From Siberia with Love pt 1 as this level is not searchable with the search bug at the moment)

Trick or Treat-ment by manny_wtk

A Fright to Remember by cromazonic

Halloween World by XTrophx (Joey)

Whispers in the Darkness by shindol

All Dressed Up by iGotFancyPants (if search can't locate the level or creator - stop by Argon_Vile's delicious delicious brains level and check the comments - that's how I found "iGotFancyPants" in LBP)

homeless by freddykrugerfred

The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas by CloudStrife_ca


LBD's Fright Fest Spooktacular! bylittlebigdude805

Escape From the Dark Castle by Olit123 - It is on my hearted list as Olit123 can't be searched using the LBP search option.

Escape from the Haunted Mansion by AdamKinnell (to find this level check the comments on my Chroma Stone 5 level)

LBPC Halloween Entry by Ayneh.

Trouble in Halloween Town by xDante95x

Fear and the Phantom Town by Teebonesy

Oogie's Bugs by Gravel
2009-10-03 00:14:00

Posts: 5983

Sounds like a lot of fun Also, amazing banner! Looking forward to playing some entries at the very least 2009-10-03 00:28:00

Posts: 3322

woot my first lbp halloween :eek:
ill have to put a hold on my project
ill start this right now!
2009-10-03 00:29:00

Posts: 1924

Ive got to be part of this really seeing as my birthdays on halloween! Count me in :eek:2009-10-03 00:30:00

Posts: 139

Count me in!2009-10-03 00:36:00

Posts: 941

I'm definitely part of this! I too have to move aside my current project but... this is gonna be great!

And I'm great with these kinds of levels :kz:
2009-10-03 01:03:00

Posts: 1355

Awesome! I love Holloween! I already have a few ideas in mind. I'm gunna get started on this right away.2009-10-03 01:28:00

Posts: 127

Alright, i now have a level design in mind and will be entering. I need to decide on whether i want to buy the monsters pack though =/ Guess i'll find a level showcasing it then decide.2009-10-03 03:52:00

Posts: 3322

This sounds great! I'll try to make something...2009-10-03 04:21:00

Posts: 4193

Great idea! I'll start on mine right away! 2009-10-03 05:36:00

Posts: 5551

A Hallow's Eve level, you say? Well, let's see if I can cook up some... "creepy" concoction... heh heh heh... :kz:2009-10-03 05:59:00

Posts: 5757

fix your sig jack
"THAT a never-was"
2009-10-03 06:10:00

Posts: 1924

omg omg omg omg yay cool ima enter this contest 2009-10-03 06:17:00

Posts: 758

I'm barely working on it as I post this. If you ask me why now, well it's because the update that I need to download.

Oh ya, I also posted here to bump this up for everybody to see. You can pay me now.
2009-10-04 03:08:00

Posts: 5551

Thanks I'm Really excited to see what you guys come up with.2009-10-04 03:11:00

Posts: 5983

I'll enter, but does it have to be Halloween themed or just scary? I would much rather just make a creepy level than a Halloween themed one. Then again, I could definitely make it relate to Halloween someway..2009-10-04 03:51:00

Posts: 3664

I barely made the intro. It's called, "Sabkboy's Halloween Spooktakular".

Now don't steal the name!
2009-10-04 07:13:00

Posts: 5551

well scary is cool so, yea I think that will work. I'd like them to be more Halloween based so zombies, ghosts, skeletons, stuff like that is cool if it's scary but scary like for other stuff not traditionally Halloween like might be a bit off. pm me with specific stuff if that dosn't answer your question.2009-10-04 08:09:00

Posts: 5983

*sigh*.... I already have 5 unfinished levels on the go and this month is going to be crazy busy with work, as well as looking for a new place to live Nov. 1st. As much as I'd LOVE to submit something, I'm afraid I won't have much time.

I will however, make it a point to play the submissions.
2009-10-04 08:27:00

Posts: 1737

I got the intro done, i'm working on the rest as we post. Mine is called "Trick or Treat-ment"
I already got a little story to go with it, but I don't want to spoil it for everyone.
2009-10-04 17:47:00

Posts: 127

can it be a dark horror level? does it matter if i break the theme near the end? i might enter2009-10-04 18:09:00

Posts: 396

Ok, I'm entering......I think IceMaiden's Halloween Spooktacular Level sounds fun 2009-10-04 18:32:00

Posts: 2645

You actually did it!!
I might enter something short just for fun but a full blown level is out of the question I think.
2009-10-04 19:40:00

Posts: 2173

I'll enter, I'm a rather crapy creater, but I might as well try some sort of competition.2009-10-04 19:52:00

Posts: 511

I'll enter this. I'm half way through making a Halloween level, so I may as well. Thanks for organising this competition Morgana25. I'm really looking forward to playing the other entries. 2009-10-04 19:58:00

Posts: 1341

can it be a dark horror level? does it matter if i break the theme near the end? i might enter

If it makes sense for your story - sure. I'm thinking a good broad concept to keep in mind would be if they wouldn't air your story on TV during Halloween it may not be Halloween enough. If there's any question - please pm me and I'll make determinations on a case by case basis.
2009-10-04 21:27:00

Posts: 5983

I think I'm going to drop out until further notice. Sorry for the unexpected news, but my TV also had some unexpected news for me, too.

Here's what I mean. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=17309
2009-10-04 23:06:00

Posts: 5551

I think I'm going to drop out until further notice. Sorry for the unexpected news, but my TV also had some unexpected news for me, too.

Here's what I mean. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=17309

Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you get sorted, and I'm sure there'll be more contests for you to enter in the future.

Take care
2009-10-04 23:15:00

Posts: 1492


thats right. :3 i am. not that ill stand a chance at winning with all you guys competing, but hey, it gives me an excuse to stop working on my current levels and make a halloween one!

good luck guys >_>b
2009-10-04 23:51:00

Posts: 886

this is absolutely brilliant. I've been looking for Hallow-e'en levels to play, and there's a bewildering scarcity of them. Actually, not too bewildering I guess, considering the game came out at Halloween last year and this is technically the first Halloween we've had with the game as experienced level creators.

You actually did it!!
I might enter something short just for fun but a full blown level is out of the question I think.

I think I may just do exactly likewise. I figure I should be able to put aside a night or two SOME time this month to just put together a little something. Nothing big or complicated.

Of course, that's easier said than done.
2009-10-05 01:30:00

Posts: 1937

I'll try to design the level again Morgana25. I hope to bare my TV's,what I call, "3D of Death".2009-10-05 01:31:00

Posts: 5551

PSN: Zmaximum
Level name: Darker
2009-10-05 13:45:00

Posts: 1

Updated and republished 10-12-2009

Spook House - by enodrawkcab

Spook House ?by PSN ID: enodrawkcab
placed on Rocky Mountains in North America

?Having slid off the road during a scenic drive through remote mountains you find an ?abandoned? house to take shelter in until morning.?

Spook House is an eerie puzzle/treasure collection level with a minor plot which is starting to become a pretty good story. It makes much use of all three planes (forward, middle and back) to progress through the game. The path is far from being just left to right. It is mainly designed for single player play. It contains over 33 collectable items.

I am currently working on the next in the series... Spook House: The Cellar. As I work on The Cellar I am tweeking whole story arc which means I have been and will be revising Spook House so that the whole series will be a complete story. I am also going back and changing things in the original level as I find and discover better ways of accomplishing things I tried to incorporate into Spook House. Each level in the series builds on the story line in the previous level. The completed series will be Spook House; Spook House: The Cellar; and finally Spook House: The Mausoleum. I am hoping to have the Cellar completed by October 23. The completion date of the third level of the trilogy is up in the air... but I assume will be shortly after The Cellar as I am fiddling with ideas and making prototypes of the contents as I am working on the second. Hopefully... Spook House won't turn into a Rose Red... but it does seem to be reinventing and adding onto itself daily.
2009-10-05 14:42:00

Posts: 238

Oh, I will certainly join.

Tough, I wonder If I shall work on my werewolf idea, or making a new one, the idea is already in my mind, the name of it is called Paranoia Darkness, Where I will try to reflect what is in my darker side, and trust me that place is like a black hole
2009-10-05 17:38:00

Posts: 1627

Alright, a little update on my level! It will be called...*drum roll please*....
All Dressed Up

No copying please and thank you.

PS: It will be of Epic proportions...
2009-10-05 20:15:00

Posts: 1355

I'm done with mine, but I'm gunna hold off on publishing it.
I need to test it and probably add more stuff.
2009-10-05 21:46:00

Posts: 127

I got mine published:
Level:Trick or Treat-ment

P.S. The music from the start gate to the basement is original.
I will give it to anyone who asks for it.
You can either PM me or add me on PSN.
2009-10-06 00:56:00

Posts: 127

I was rather surprised to find entries this early in the game... until i stumbled upon a level on cool pages. Apparently LBPForum.net is also hosting a halloween level contest, so people who work on one for here might want to think about using it to enter theirs as well.2009-10-06 08:01:00

Posts: 3322

they could but I do have that rule about the lbpc sticker or item I suppose it's all good with me if it's cool with them 2009-10-06 16:03:00

Posts: 5983

No promises mind you...

I'm slow... 24 days... sounds like a recipe for failure... and just when I was ready to announce my retirement.

For you Morgana, I will try... and it will be something right out of your nightmares! This is, afterall, Halloween. Halloween!
2009-10-06 18:07:00

Posts: 1308

I started to make a scary lvl a few weeks ago can i use. its not based on halloween2009-10-06 18:29:00

Posts: 258

See my posts about theme (post #19 & post #27) and if your still not sure send me a pm with some of the basics of the plot and I can give you a yes or no answer. I assure you I won't share any details sent via pm.2009-10-06 20:22:00

Posts: 5983

See my posts about theme (post #19 & post #27) and if your still not sure send me a pm with some of the basics of the plot and I can give you a yes or no answer. I assure you I won't share any details sent via pm.

my doesnt have a plot though. can i put santa at the end of my level for a joke?
2009-10-06 21:35:00

Posts: 396

sure - as long as it makes sense in terms of your level go for it. I'm not out to stifle creativity.2009-10-06 21:39:00

Posts: 5983

I'm actually pretty fast with creating, but this project seems to be going slowly for me....

Don't worry about the deadline though! I'll get it in by then but it just feels strange....
2009-10-06 21:41:00

Posts: 1355

So, I've made the first section to my level. What do you guys think: Halloween Hell or Trick or DIE?

Anyway, I think I can finally start making high quality levels. I recently started using a couple magic tools: Grid and Corner Editor. I love them so much.
2009-10-07 03:15:00

Posts: 3664

So, I've made the first section to my level. What do you guys think: Halloween Hell or Trick or DIE?

Anyway, I think I can finally start making high quality levels. I recently started using a couple magic tools: Grid and Corner Editor. I love them so much.

trick or DIE
2009-10-07 12:40:00

Posts: 396

How about, "the tricks in the treat!"... not a choice huh?

I personally can not stand the grid. It cause me headaches and heartache. I refer to it begrudgingly out of necessity.

On a brighter note; I must be officially at work on a level b/c I lost it during an unexpected power failure due to extremely windy conditions... don't you just love tradition?
2009-10-07 20:29:00

Posts: 1308

we had massive wind last night too Gravel. Sorry to hear about the loss 2009-10-07 20:34:00

Posts: 5983

Sounds like a lot of fun. I'll give it a go. 2009-10-07 23:21:00

Posts: 155

A joke to lighten all spirits (except for evil people *cough* *cough*)....

What do goblins and ghosts drink when they're hot and thirsty on Halloween?

A. Ghoul-aid!!!
2009-10-08 00:13:00

Posts: 1355

A joke to lighten all spirits (except for evil people *cough* *cough*)....

What do goblins and ghosts drink when they're hot and thirsty on Halloween?

A. Ghoul-aid!!!

So lame I just have to use it in my level, how much do I owe you for that one?
2009-10-08 13:10:00

Posts: 2173

Holey moley, I've just come across this...How could I miss it? I am sooooooooooooooo in. I've had my share of gothic devil levels

Just...Need to be ungrounded first.
2009-10-08 17:17:00

Posts: 1424

Holey moley, I've just come across this...How could I miss it? I am sooooooooooooooo in. I've had my share of gothic devil levels

Just...Need to be ungrounded first.

OOooooh!! SNAP!!

Hey, There's always pencil-and-paper and a little imagination, and you can create the level just as good!

"and I'll just draw a piston here to connect the demon wings and... AW CRAP!! I should have glued down the arms first... Now it's all... Oh, great. REWIND. Okay, now I just need to glue the arms to the body..." *sssmmack!* "Did that... Oh are you serious? The arms glued TO EACH OTHER?? GREAT!! DETACH!" *SNAP!!*

AAAWWW!! Why did my STRINGS disconnect!?!! REWIND.... REWIND.... REWIND..."
*erasing furiously with pencil*

See? You don't need the game to enjoy all the magic that LBP has to offer!
2009-10-09 11:08:00

Posts: 1937

OOooooh!! SNAP!!

Hey, There's always pencil-and-paper and a little imagination, and you can create the level just as good!

"and I'll just draw a piston here to connect the demon wings and... AW CRAP!! I should have glued down the arms first... Now it's all... Oh, great. REWIND. Okay, now I just need to glue the arms to the body..." *sssmmack!* "Did that... Oh are you serious? The arms glued TO EACH OTHER?? GREAT!! DETACH!" *SNAP!!*

AAAWWW!! Why did my STRINGS disconnect!?!! REWIND.... REWIND.... REWIND..."
*erasing furiously with pencil*

See? You don't need the game to enjoy all the magic that LBP has to offer!

lol - sounds exactly like the day I'm having! Except for the demon wings
2009-10-09 13:29:00

Posts: 1492

See? You don't need the game to enjoy all the magic that LBP has to offer!

Just a really big rubber

... Hmmm... I have a feeling that might be misinterpreted by our transatlantic friends, but I shall leave it in for comedy value. I mean "eraser", of you prefer...
2009-10-09 13:36:00

Posts: 6497

@ Morgana25

Hiya! Looks like this is going to be quite popular, which is great. Just letting you know that if you feel a bit over-burdened with judging, I really don't mind helping out.

I know you're a super-wiz when it comes to judging and giving feedback, but I'll help if you want/need me to.

2009-10-09 17:49:00

Posts: 1492

Just a really big rubber

... Hmmm... I have a feeling that might be misinterpreted by our transatlantic friends, but I shall leave it in for comedy value. I mean "eraser", of you prefer...

WOW!!! Yes I DID misinterpret it! Before even reading your followup explanation, I spent a good minute trying to figure out what in the world you could possibly have meant, and making the mistake of trying to picture it.

"But... What would you do with... WHY would you be... Have I been playing this game wrong all this time??"
2009-10-10 00:09:00

Posts: 1937

Not sure if and how many judges I'm going tho have yet MrsSpookyBuz. I'm working that out in my head yet. Thanks for the offer.2009-10-10 00:20:00

Posts: 5983

Is there a limit on how long the level has to be? Mine seems to have a decent beginning but I want it to grow and grow... a lot. I'm only about 20% but its going well

BTW Zwollie you owe me 5 000 000 dollars for that joke.
2009-10-10 12:48:00

Posts: 1355

Hmmm...Not sure whether to make one now in 2 seconds or help with the judging (if there is any help needed in this area)...2009-10-10 14:48:00

Posts: 1424

BTW Zwollie you owe me 5 000 000 dollars for that joke.

(10 characters)
2009-10-10 15:00:00

Posts: 2173

Sorry I meant Zwoofles...

Ghoul-Aid! That's my newest motto... yeah.

2009-10-10 15:35:00

Posts: 1355

Sorry I meant Zwoofles...

Ghoul-Aid! That's my newest motto... yeah.


I'm gonna change it slightly to avoid copyright, I'm sorry but that is expensive!!
2009-10-10 16:41:00

Posts: 2173

Hmm well I never was the cheap kinda guy (lol I'm actually very cheap)......

20 xp it is then!
2009-10-10 16:48:00

Posts: 1355

You are so lucky I don't give a "insert nasty word here" about xp, coming right up.

And now ladies and gentlemen we present you with: BACK ON TOPIC!!
2009-10-10 16:52:00

Posts: 2173

This will be fun,I have enough time to contribute to this and Evanesced!!!2009-10-10 19:28:00

Posts: 16

This will be fun,I have enough time to contribute to this and Evanesced!!!

Cool, you're entering! I'm still deciding
2009-10-10 19:55:00

Posts: 1424

.... I'm still deciding

*Ahem* KornDawwg you wouldn't like to enter! I mean with these troubling times and having just gotten the MGS pack you can focus on other things! No need to post an entry that will obviously not win!

Ahh just kidding! But seriously if you join I'll probably lose #-#

Anyways... don't listen to that and join.
2009-10-10 20:00:00

Posts: 1355

you can all stop working on your levels - because I shall win!

Nah I'm joking, here's all I have so far:

2009-10-10 20:12:00

Posts: 2645

Thats pertty.... I'll post picture in a second! RAWR2009-10-10 20:20:00

Posts: 1355

I can so tell I'm going to lose...

Oh well, at least this is something I can do with my life.
2009-10-10 20:27:00

Posts: 941


The world is just not fair!
My PS3 broke, and now it's gone for a MONTH or more for reparation:eek:. Isn't the world a sad place... I hate to say it, but I am out...

I think I am gonna cry.

BTW after the contest is finished can you post a comment, or thread wich announces the winners, and all the other levels, so we know what to search for?
2009-10-10 21:26:00

Posts: 1627

*Ahem* KornDawwg you wouldn't like to enter! I mean with these troubling times and having just gotten the MGS pack you can focus on other things! No need to post an entry that will obviously not win!

Ahh just kidding! But seriously if you join I'll probably lose #-#

Anyways... don't listen to that and join.
If I joined, I would crush everyone. There would be zero competition if I entered, so therefore I am generously sitting back and saving the contest.

(I do hope people realise that the above is merely a joke...I just cannot be ****ed to join. I wouldn't mind judging though.)
2009-10-10 21:32:00

Posts: 1424

I may have to get some inspiration,ive played crows spectral fear,but the question is,HOW DID HE DO IT!!!2009-10-10 21:54:00

Posts: 16

I may have to get some inspiration,ive played crows spectral fear,but the question is,HOW DID HE DO IT!!!

He was tripping heavily whilst watching The Ring.
2009-10-10 21:56:00

Posts: 1424

He was tripping heavily whilst watching The Ring.

2009-10-10 22:45:00

Posts: 1355

If I joined, I would crush everyone. There would be zero competition if I entered, so therefore I am generously sitting back and saving the contest.

Kudos for your modesty Don't worry, I read the small print, but even without it I would have known. It just makes me chuckle when really skilled people without egos put out false arrogance - makes a refreshing change from false modesty if you ask me

I'd actually quite like to enter this competition. But as it takes me months to produce anything, I'll probs be only be ready for spooktacular 2010...
2009-10-11 01:41:00

Posts: 6497

this contest is going to rock. i cant wait to see the finalists.2009-10-11 02:17:00

Posts: 123

Is there a limit on how long the level has to be? Mine seems to have a decent beginning but I want it to grow and grow... a lot. I'm only about 20% but its going well

BTW Zwollie you owe me 5 000 000 dollars for that joke.

No limit in terms of the rules of the contest. One level, any length, any style, anything goes..... just see my post about what constitutes a Halloween theme (I'm very open minded about this) and what MM rules are about content.
2009-10-11 02:28:00

Posts: 5983

K my level won't be very long (or inappropriate at all)

My level doesn't have the kind of story you would normally expect with a name like All Dressed Up. It will be a bit of a mediocre story but I'm not going for that. I'll make it as polished and fun as possible.

This will be a very, very good competition indeed.
2009-10-11 02:59:00

Posts: 1355

Mmm... If i have time, i'm gonna partecipate to this, or surely try the entries 2009-10-12 13:07:00

Posts: 504

Ive changed my mind,I will be joining the contestHopefully I will get finished in time lol.2009-10-12 15:37:00

Posts: 16

Great idea Morgana, looking forward to playing a few spooky levels soon 2009-10-12 15:55:00

Posts: 1904

Count me in! I'll try to make the numberous ideas I have!2009-10-12 18:35:00

Posts: 1712

ok i have an entry. It's called "A FRIGHT TO REMEMBER" by me cromazonic2009-10-12 20:53:00

Posts: 5

I think i'm gonna make something like "A nightmare Before Christmas" 2009-10-12 21:30:00

Posts: 504

I think i'm gonna make something like "A nightmare Before Christmas"

We will see how it compares to the other Nightmare before Christmas levels. I know that people have some really good ones already but it's always great to see how others do it.
2009-10-12 22:36:00

Posts: 1355

Wow, I saw Joey's entry today and it was really awesome 2009-10-12 22:40:00

Posts: 2645

Morgana, you should put all of the entries into a spoiler on the first page so we can see which ones to play! And it would be a lot easier!!! 2009-10-12 22:50:00

Posts: 1355

A good idea that I'd already had but hadn't had the chance to do yet... perhaps now would be a good time

EDIT: And it's been done

If you post a level in the thread but don't see it on post #2 after a day or two, just let me know and I'll be sure to update it.
2009-10-12 22:56:00

Posts: 5983

uhm idk if ill be publishing or not
friends say its an awsome level
but idk, i wanna start out on a good foot
maby i just dont have that same noobish drive
you know the one that makes them publish skateboards and ramps.
2009-10-12 23:14:00

Posts: 1924

uhm idk if ill be publishing or not
friends say its an awsome level
but idk, i wanna start out on a good foot
maby i just dont have that same noobish drive
you know the one that makes them publish skateboards and ramps.

LOL! Ramp jokes....

But, erm, yeah publish it! Everyone starts somewhere...
2009-10-12 23:18:00

Posts: 1355

ive already made levels that are better than some in the level showcase. The problem is im kinda afraid ill be ridiculed and be marked at a certain skill level. My friend uses the term "godly" when describeing my levels but...yea hes my friend...who kinda sucks at lbp but has also played really amazing levels. I think i just need a proffesional unbiased opinion!2009-10-12 23:25:00

Posts: 1924

Send me a key and publish is locked it you'd prefer. I can pm you some feedback if you want. If you want it to count for the contest you'll have to be brave and publish it unlocked eventually though. ok? We all have levels out there we learned from - try mine if ya like - it's a mess and still available (2008 A Sack Odessey)2009-10-12 23:33:00

Posts: 5983

not finished yet but it may be in a week or two, depends2009-10-12 23:40:00

Posts: 1924

Check out my Halloween Spooktacular level,its called,Ghoul Cavern.Its a race/obstacle course.Its short,but sweet.2009-10-12 23:51:00

Posts: 16

Just a really big rubber

... Hmmm... I have a feeling that might be misinterpreted by our transatlantic friends, but I shall leave it in for comedy value. I mean "eraser", of you prefer...

This is definitely sig-worthy.

For some reason I'm creating really quickly. It's the corner editing too, everyone. Complex shapes take seconds!

I feel like the Billy Mays for the corner edition tool, except everyone already uses it.
2009-10-13 01:45:00

Posts: 3664

Morgana!.. meh idk if i should publish my lvl already... should i? :S i don't know why hehe i just idk.. :blush:2009-10-13 01:50:00

Posts: 758

Morgana!.. meh idk if i should publish my lvl already... should i? :S i don't know why hehe i just idk.. :blush:

You can just touch it up if you want. There is always room for improvement. I think I will be publishing my level on friday! When all is going well. Just don't publish if you aren't sure about the finished product being truly "finished".
2009-10-13 01:53:00

Posts: 1355

i finish the lvl and is awesome.. like Coxy said and it have a awesome end... and i can't add more stuffs to the lvl cuz it got full.. but i don"t know why hehe i just like don't feel so sure about publishing it now... 2009-10-13 02:00:00

Posts: 758

Wow, how are you guys done already?2009-10-13 02:01:00

Posts: 3664

Joey always works fast It's up to you. Publish if you want to - you can always go back and change suff if you want.2009-10-13 02:06:00

Posts: 5983

not finished yet but it may be in a week or two, depends

ok turns out i can create faster than i thought
(and the thermometer woke up) so it will probablly be done by the end of this week. just need to make the big fanale (if it will fit) and make finishing touches if theres room.
2009-10-13 02:32:00

Posts: 1924

I'm just deciding what to do for the boss battle (which will be epic... I hope) I have a basic idea but I will need to brainstorm a lot. I'll for sure publish this friday and I'll post here so you know. I need one more gameplay section and then off to the boss I go!

Good luck to everyone else! Can't wait to play everyone's levels
2009-10-13 02:39:00

Posts: 1355

Joey always works fast It's up to you. Publish if you want to - you can always go back and change suff if you want.

hmmm now i remember i have to change the logo color.. :O ima change it.. maybe fix some stuffs and publish it.. maybee.. :blush:
2009-10-13 02:40:00

Posts: 758

Hello Morgana

can I still join the contest please?

I'm going to start working on a halloween - horror story themed level but I'm not sure if it get's done in time for 31.10.

will try though and if it's not yet ready I'll put the game online with a to be continued mark

it will be a story driven level, no platforming or action, just a scary story like an interactive movie (cfr fahrenheit game).

the name of the story will be:

level name: Homeless
psn: freddykrugerfred

hope this is ok?

2009-10-14 10:02:00

Posts: 422

sounds great. Just post here when it's published and ready to play.2009-10-14 20:56:00

Posts: 5983

Yikes! I'm being bombarded with homework and my mom is constantly yelling at me so.... Might have to wait till sunday to get this done

If only I could freeze time...
2009-10-14 21:40:00

Posts: 1355

No rush - still have a little over two weeks. 2009-10-14 21:42:00

Posts: 5983

Ive been working hard on a level for this contest!! hehe i havent ever entered one before so i thought i will now. What a great idea Morgana & MrsBuz!!
When do i publish the level? Its nearly finished. Please can you reply to me on my profile.

And how do i post it on here? do i put the name of the level?
lol sorry im not that experienced with this site yet as i havent had time to learn as im always working!
Thank you
2009-10-15 13:08:00

Posts: 1969

level name: Homeless
psn id: freddykrugerfred
level type: a short horror story (fitting for halloween)
features: some dialogue to tell the story, some neat detailed locations (thermometer is 3/4 full) and a cool twist.

it's a very short level but that's really ok because I don't really need more scenes to tell my tale. it's all about the story here. You will not find gameplay here, this is more of an interactive bedtime story you tell kids on halloween

i've added a small picture of one of the big set pieces of the level near the beginning:


The level will be online on wednesday the 28th of October.

to do list:
* download a cool font to use in the level
* add more scenery to the opening scenes
* add lighting
* add sounds
* add final scene
75% percent complete at the moment
2009-10-16 12:44:00

Posts: 422

i've added a small picture of one of the big set pieces of the level near the beginning

You call 3264x2448 pixels small?

The level looks interesting, as do a lot of the projects going around this thread.
I'm working on mine in some capacity, more artwork on paper than actually realised in LBP at the moment..but...uhm...well, c'est la vie.

That reminds me that I really need to start scanning that artwork, I promised Bonesy in some other thread.
2009-10-16 12:52:00

Posts: 2173

I'm working on a "parallel story" of A nightmare Before Christmas, and the work goes well Good luck to everyone, let give to the LBP Community some great Halloween Levels!2009-10-16 14:42:00

Posts: 504

Yes indeed. I will play each and everyone of them that enter this competition.

Morgana can you keep an overview of all levels with a small description on the 1st page?

that way everybody can see the levels that have been created and as such they don't have to search for them in this thread.

The picture I've added on my level is indeed a bit bigger than small but o well
I'm adding even more detail in the next few days.
For now, most of the lines of dialogue have been added and already found a good font to use on the community levels.
2009-10-16 16:10:00

Posts: 422

hmm Ahem. dun duun dun duuuuunnnn *here is my spooktacular lvl!

ok ok well the lvl name is. Halloween World..

PSN: XTrophx..

soo anyways..
go through the halloween world.. and have fun.. (the lvl is really fun. and cute soo play it! )
hope you guys like it!

2009-10-16 16:34:00

Posts: 758

you can all stop working on your levels - because I shall win!

Nah I'm joking, here's all I have so far:


That's a pretty good gate - what material do you use for wirework?
2009-10-16 19:56:00

Posts: 1154

amazingly looking gate I might add.2009-10-16 20:38:00

Posts: 422

If I ever die and come back as a gate, I hope it's that gate.2009-10-16 22:39:00

Posts: 1937

That is a jaw dropping gate :O

Anyways, my level is called "Escape From the Dark Castle," about 1/3 done, I've been working on it for two weeks now, about 7 minutes long so far also. I just don't know if I'll be able to get it finished in time. :O
2009-10-16 23:06:00

Posts: 1341

*sigh* i lost a good chunk of my level, so next week i guess i could have it done but i might not be able to get a window of opportunity with my new found internet problems. so i will publish it someday if not intime for the contest but i hope that wont be the situation 2009-10-17 00:59:00

Posts: 1924

Morgana can you keep an overview of all levels with a small description on the 1st page?

that way everybody can see the levels that have been created and as such they don't have to search for them in this thread.

I have a list of all published and ready to play levels in post #2 of this thread. Once anyone who's submitting a level has it published and ready to play - post in this thread with the name of the level and I'll update the list. I don't mind you guys posting stuff in the works - actually it's kind of cool - but I won't put anything on that list until you post it's finished. Don't want people trying to find levels that aren't available yet.

So far the entries are awesome and from the work you guys are posting this is going to be a lot of fun to play all the submissions. Still have two weeks to go so keep at it!
2009-10-17 01:03:00

Posts: 5983

you can all stop working on your levels - because I shall win!

Nah I'm joking, here's all I have so far:


This is the most beautiful gate I have ever seen.
2009-10-17 01:03:00

Posts: 1057

Click for full size:
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/th_002-1.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/?action=view¤t=002-1.jpg)http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/th_003copy.png (http://s141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/?action=view¤t=003copy.png)http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/th_004.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/?action=view¤t=004.jpg)

There is some detail missing as my scanner doesn't seem to function as it should but there ya go, I am doing something.
This is my proof if the level never gets out there in time!!

Edit: It will probably be called: Night of the dancing dead. I dunno yet.
2009-10-17 09:54:00

Posts: 2173

Go for it zwollie

it seems the levels submitted will all be very different, which makes judging them very hard. I hope Morgana has a good way of evaluating all these masterpieces

my level takes 2 minutes to complete, it's a short story but I love it (personally).
2009-10-17 12:16:00

Posts: 422

Edit: It will probably be called: Night of the dancing dead. I dunno yet.

Ooh that reminds me of an awesome song by 'Magnum' called 'Les Morts Dansant'.
2009-10-17 12:22:00

Posts: 2210

I'd love to enter my level. This sounds like a great competition.
Level Name: Whispers in the Darkness
PSN: shindol
2009-10-17 13:10:00

Posts: 78

Hi mate !

Can you send me a private message with the ending? I never made it till the end and would love to know how it finishes
2009-10-17 13:45:00

Posts: 422

The competition is getting fierce, don't know how my level will fare 2009-10-17 15:04:00

Posts: 1355

A lot of great entries... It seems that LBP will have a great and spook first Halloween! (because the release date of LBP was 5 Nov, so after Halloween xD )2009-10-17 22:54:00

Posts: 504

well its not exactly what i planned but its some-what done. I need some people to test it for me and give some feedback so that i can make some changes before the deadline. If your interested do please send me a friend request so that i may send you your very own key 2009-10-18 02:18:00

Posts: 1924

Howdy all! Morgana, I published my Halloween level now! It's ready to play :kz:

All Dressed Up - iGotFancyPants
2009-10-18 19:33:00

Posts: 1355

i might leave my level for a while my save data keeps reverting & community objects keep corrupting 2009-10-18 22:31:00

Posts: 396

i might leave my level for a while my save data keeps reverting & community objects keep corrupting

Dude, just continue. Try your best to do what you can! Publish your level locked to keep data from getting gone :s
2009-10-18 23:02:00

Posts: 1355

Dude, just continue. Try your best to do what you can! Publish your level locked to keep data from getting gone :s

This happened to me! I lost about 3 hours of work today because it didn't save, even though it was NOT giving me the "can't save profile" error! GRRR...

Anyway... I just wanted to pop in real quick to give an update before I slump into bed and pass out.

I had a bunch of ideas for a Halloween level last night, so I started playing around a bit today to implement them.

Many many painful hours later, I'm now eye-balls deep in dirty, dirty level-making. So it looks like I'll be submitting an entry! It's still going to be a while before I can even dream of being done, but I'll be sure to get this done before Halloween. There's nothing sadder than a Halloween level after Halloween.

I've got a Christmas level, and it doesn't see much action, because nobody really wants to play a Christmas level for 10 very un-Christmasy months out of the year. It looks like I may be dooming myself to a similar fate with this one, but that's okay with me. So far I really love what I've got going, and I'm not taking it too seriously, which is always the secret ingredient to making good stuff, at least for me.
2009-10-19 14:26:00

Posts: 1937

Can the submissions be previously created levels?
...like mine? its scary....
2009-10-19 19:45:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

Levels must have been made during the contest period so very late September to October 30th. Sorry Javi - your level is awesome though

I've had the no warning profile message/not saving level issues too. I've started publishing my working level locked every time I work on it and that seems to be a pretty good backup. Until MM addresses this issue it's the best insurance I can tell ya about.
2009-10-19 19:57:00

Posts: 5983

Levels must have been made during the contest period so very late September to October 30th. Sorry Javi - your level is awesome though

I've had the no warning profile message/not saving level issues too. I've started publishing my working level locked every time I work on it and that seems to be a pretty good backup. Until MM addresses this issue it's the best insurance I can tell ya about.

Agreed. I do that too most of the time. One thing I realized is that even if you save your level, you have to go back to your pod and let it save more. I know it sounds weird but whenever I exit the PS3 after just saving it or without leaving to my pod, it just doesn't save. It's strange
2009-10-19 20:02:00

Posts: 1355

yea it doesn't actually "save" when you say save. It saves down when you quit the game..... stupid I know. So even if you "save" and then your system crashes or you shut down in a strange way (any number of ways) the save won't actually save. It will load up the last remembered profile you have which may have been the one you started that day with and voila - lost work. Publishing to the servers is the only real way to "save" for that specific point in the level that's reliable. But then again there is the risk of the failed to load level error showing up. It's a flawed system to be sure but it's the one we have to work with. 2009-10-19 20:05:00

Posts: 5983

Can't wait to see all these great creators make something great! I'm sure this halloween will be great! :kz:2009-10-20 00:53:00

Posts: 1355

Levels must have been made during the contest period so very late September to October 30th. Sorry Javi - your level is awesome though

at least i asked..
2009-10-20 01:02:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

yes - and I appreciate you asking You make really awesome scary levels. If you can't get one made by the deadline at least you can play some other creators levels Hope that's something you'd enjoy.2009-10-20 01:32:00

Posts: 5983


No, srz. pumpkin-mobile. and pumkin monterz. and evn wl hav pumkin u go inzide!

2009-10-20 01:44:00

Posts: 3664

I would make one, but it would probably be no good...2009-10-20 01:55:00

Posts: 425

I'm going to try to make a level, but I'm not sure if I can get it finished in time2009-10-20 07:28:00

Unknown User

Holy crap. I'm going overboard here. I swear to God, I am completely unable to keep myself reined in with this game. If I go in to tinker with an idea, chances are, I'll go careening off the edge of reason and just go absolutely overboard.

I mean I'm sitting here, painstakingly laying out elaborate letters over backgrounds just to create custom stickers, just to plaster on tiny little barelyf-visible street signs, some of which are SIDEWAYS.

It's completely over the top. I'm at 3/4 thermo and less than halfway through the level. Maybe I should start making the ending and then hope I can meet myself in the middle...

Anyway, I'm really excited about this. It's easily some of the best stuff I've made to date in this game, I can't wait to get it finished.

of course, an entire day of work basically means I've made one tiny building, approximately 13 sack-steps worth. so it's going to be a while...

Maybe tomorrow I'll post some preview screenshots so youze guys can see what I've been slaving over.
2009-10-20 13:31:00

Posts: 1937

Holy crap. I'm going overboard here. I swear to God, I am completely unable to keep myself reined in with this game. If I go in to tinker with an idea, chances are, I'll go careening off the edge of reason and just go absolutely overboard.

I mean I'm sitting here, painstakingly laying out elaborate letters over backgrounds just to create custom stickers, just to plaster on tiny little barelyf-visible street signs, some of which are SIDEWAYS.

It's completely over the top. I'm at 3/4 thermo and less than halfway through the level. Maybe I should start making the ending and then hope I can meet myself in the middle...

Anyway, I'm really excited about this. It's easily some of the best stuff I've made to date in this game, I can't wait to get it finished.

of course, an entire day of work basically means I've made one tiny building, approximately 13 sack-steps worth. so it's going to be a while...

Maybe tomorrow I'll post some preview screenshots so youze guys can see what I've been slaving over.

So... we should expect this level to never be finished...?
2009-10-20 13:58:00

Posts: 5338

Im NEARLY finshed just need an ending and a level name now, got a bit of a mind blank

It'll definatley be published by the deadline day though.
2009-10-20 14:29:00

Posts: 139

yes - and I appreciate you asking You make really awesome scary levels. If you can't get one made by the deadline at least you can play some other creators levels Hope that's something you'd enjoy.

I got it!!
Maybe, I'll just republish it and call it "El Descenso 2"!!
lmao just kidding!! I'll be glad to see some other scary levels.
Good luck to everyone!
2009-10-20 15:19:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

Hello Morgana

I have published my little big planet halloween contest level now
I've managed to find the time to add some lighting and sound effects and now it's done. I could have implemented gameplay bits and some more cutscenes but then I wouldn't have made it for halloween. Did the very best I could on a great story level. Hope this gets appreciation as I worked hard on it

level name: homeless
psn id: freddykrugerfred
1 PLAYER LEVEL !! (it's not meant for multiple players at the same time because that can confuse the scripted sequences)

(picture see messages above from me)

Well I made it! It's a short story based level perfectly fit for halloween.
Even though I'd only had 2 weeks to create this (because I have to study for exams) I managed to put out a good level.

I hope everyone will enjoy this story based piece de resistance Remember, its all about the story so don't judge it on platforming or action elements.

Happy Halloween everyone !
2009-10-20 19:48:00

Posts: 422

So... we should expect this level to never be finished...?

It'll be done when the thermometer TELLS me I'm done!

*slaps a scoreboard down*
*level overheats*
2009-10-20 21:08:00

Posts: 1937

It'll be done when the thermometer TELLS me I'm done!

*slaps a scoreboard down*
*level overheats*

*Teebonesy posts*
*Morgana25 reads*
*Morgana25's co-workers eye her with suspicion yet again as she laughs at her desk aloud.*
*no one on LBPC is surprised*

Thanks for that Teebonesy. *hands tissue*
2009-10-20 22:20:00

Posts: 5983

*Teebonesy posts*
*Morgana25 reads*
*Morgana25's co-workers eye her with suspicion yet again as she laughs at her desk aloud.*
*no one on LBPC is surprised*

Thanks for that Teebonesy. *hands tissue*

*Morgana25 post*
*Joey reads*
*Joey laugh at Morgana's post*
*not surprised*

*Joey is bored*

awkward i know*
2009-10-20 22:38:00

Posts: 758

*Morgana25 post*
*Joey reads*
*Joey doesn't get it*
*not surprised*

*Joey is bored*

awkward i know*

*Fancy pants reads above posts*
*Fancy pants puts on a strange face*
*Fancy pants thinks*
*and thinks*
*and thinks*
*and continues to think*
*Fancy pants cries*
*Fancy pants get yelled at by parents for crying for no reason*

....*Fancy pants cries*.....

2009-10-20 22:48:00

Posts: 1355

*Fancy pants reads above posts*
*Fancy pants puts on a strange face*
*Fancy pants thinks*
*and thinks*
*and thinks*
*and continues to think*
*Fancy pants cries*
*Fancy pants get yelled at by parents for crying for no reason*

....*Fancy pants cries*.....


*Joey lolz at him*
*and ....*
*and ....*
*joey gives iGotFancyPants a tissue*
*Joey laughs at iGotFancyPants*
*Joey doesn't know why he laughs*

2009-10-20 23:00:00

Posts: 758

*Fancy pants reads above posts*
*Fancy pants puts on a strange face*
*Fancy pants thinks*
*and thinks*
*and thinks*
*and continues to think*
*Fancy pants cries*
*Fancy pants get yelled at by parents for crying for no reason*

....*Fancy pants cries*.....


*reads Fancypants' reply*
*stands awkwardly for a minute*
*walks slowly backward, quietly climbs out the window*

EDIT: D'aargh! Joey beat me to it! Either way, as long as we're all ridiculing fancypants, I'm in!
Grab your pointing sticks everyone!
2009-10-20 23:00:00

Posts: 1937

I just can't do that guys

*Morgana25 yells at parents it's unfair to yell at a crying kid*

So back on topic - Teebonsey - is your thermo really that tight?
2009-10-20 23:05:00

Posts: 5983

*reads Fancypants' reply*
*stands awkwardly for a minute*
*walks slowly backward, quietly climbs out the window*

EDIT: D'aargh! Joey beat me to it! Either way, as long as we're all ridiculing fancypants, I'm in!
Grab your pointing sticks everyone!

Yeah I'll go ge... hey wait a minute

*Fancy pants stares to the ceiling and yells at the top of his lungs*
*Fancy pants gets grounded by his parents for yelling*
*Fancy pants runs outside to yell where no one will hear him... only to realize his dad is outside*
*Fancy pants runs inside and cries*
*Fancy pants grabs pointing stick and points it at himself in shame*

EDIT: sorry just saw morganas post.

*Fancy pants is foiled again!*
2009-10-20 23:06:00

Posts: 1355

This is my first contest I've entered here at Little Big Planet Central, or anywhere for that matter as far as LBP creations are concerned. So I enter in my "The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas" published Tue, Oct 20.09.

You'll find the Little Big Planet Central logo near the base of my ending scoreboard, good luck everyone!

Here is abit about my submission for this Halloween contest...

Hey everyone, two months of hardwork have finally concluded today as I've finished and published my latest Little Big Planet creation in time for Halloween... The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas. This level takes place in Halloween Town and was painstaking recreated using photos from comic con, the actual movie and fan art. You'll find many of the main characters from the classic Tim Burton tale as well a few of my own original ideas.

There are currently 6 unlockable prizes at this time and although I'd like to add more, the Little Big thermometer was once again maxed out with several warnings the level was "overheating" due to the complicated shapes it took to create this new project. I'm especially proud of the lighting/ camera work in The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas, as hours were spent on those areas alone. I think you'll find this to be one of my most gripping levels yet and I invite everyone with access to Little Big Planet to try it out, You can search by the title "The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas" or by my PSN name "CloudStrife_ca" feedback is always welcome and appreciated... enjoy the new pics of the finished product!!


















Heres a few random facts as I usually add after publishing a new LBP level, just kinda interesting stuff that happened during the making of the level. 1. This level almost didn't make it after my PS3 - Yellow Light Of Death issue/ repair costs me the finished city Halloween Town, the level you're about to play was built a second time. 2. It took approximately 2 months (not including the first version before the YLOD) the longest its taken for any of my LBP creations. 3. It is possible to turn the Christmas lights on in Halloween Town. 4. I played with the idea of having one double life check point for the whole level, but thought it'd be a pain in the *** to have to restart from the beginning everytime. 5. Oogie Boogie's House was the toughest thing to build in this whole level, it looks disorganized but its very precise to have those angles come out looking like a "disorganized, organized chaos".
2009-10-21 01:08:00

Posts: 57

Hey Morgana!.. hmm i may make another lvl.. i dont know maybe.. ya know i can make a good lvl in 1 day ^^ soo ill see if can get online and go create it i just want to make something diferent and good....

*zomg ima own ya all!* jk
2009-10-21 01:34:00

Posts: 758

You can change your level or make a new one. Whatever you want - but I can only accept one into the contest. If your going to make a change or update it let me know here so I can go back and replay it. If you want to make a new level just let me know that too and I'll switch the post in post #2.

Cool CloudStrife_ca - I'll list it in post #2.
2009-10-21 01:51:00

Posts: 5983

I'm making a wonderfully delicious level of candy corn, and the many different ways to "grow" it. It's coming along quite well, but I'm not sure it will get done in time...2009-10-21 03:48:00

Posts: 941

Hey Morgana!.. hmm i may make another lvl.. i dont know maybe.. ya know i can make a good lvl in 1 day ^^ soo ill see if can get online and go create it i just want to make something diferent and good....

*zomg ima own ya all!* jk

Wow Joey you're amazing, if you can create a great level in 1 day like your previous entry I'll be amazed for sure

Mine was built in 2 weeks (only evenings) so that's something like 1 week and it's very short.
2009-10-21 16:58:00

Posts: 422

Hey, just wanted to let you know that my level will be published any day between Sunday and Wednesday next week, so be ready for it's epicness. 2009-10-21 19:37:00

Posts: 1341

Wow Joey you're amazing, if you can create a great level in 1 day like your previous entry I'll be amazed for sure

Mine was built in 2 weeks (only evenings) so that's something like 1 week and it's very short.

thanks.. i did that lvl in like 3 or 4 days.. but i used like 1 hour of each day to create it... :eek: lol yeah no big deal tho.. just..that. things come to my mind really fast lol
2009-10-21 19:40:00

Posts: 758

Yikes at all the good creators that are making levels!

People have told me my level is good but I dunno if it can stand a chance against these peeps
2009-10-21 19:52:00

Posts: 1355

This is my first contest I've entered here at Little Big Planet Central, or anywhere for that matter as far as LBP creations are concerned. So I enter in my "The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas" published Tue, Oct 20.09.

You'll find the Little Big Planet Central logo near the base of my ending scoreboard, good luck everyone!

Here is abit about my submission for this Halloween contest...

Hey everyone, two months of hardwork have finally concluded today as I've finished and published my latest Little Big Planet creation in time for Halloween... The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas. This level takes place in Halloween Town and was painstaking recreated using photos from comic con, the actual movie and fan art. You'll find many of the main characters from the classic Tim Burton tale as well a few of my own original ideas.

There are currently 6 unlockable prizes at this time and although I'd like to add more, the Little Big thermometer was once again maxed out with several warnings the level was "overheating" due to the complicated shapes it took to create this new project. I'm especially proud of the lighting/ camera work in The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas, as hours were spent on those areas alone. I think you'll find this to be one of my most gripping levels yet and I invite everyone with access to Little Big Planet to try it out, You can search by the title "The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas" or by my PSN name "CloudStrife_ca" feedback is always welcome and appreciated... enjoy the new pics of the finished product!!

Heres a few random facts as I usually add after publishing a new LBP level, just kinda interesting stuff that happened during the making of the level. 1. This level almost didn't make it after my PS3 - Yellow Light Of Death issue/ repair costs me the finished city Halloween Town, the level you're about to play was built a second time. 2. It took approximately 2 months (not including the first version before the YLOD) the longest its taken for any of my LBP creations. 3. It is possible to turn the Christmas lights on in Halloween Town. 4. I played with the idea of having one double life check point for the whole level, but thought it'd be a pain in the *** to have to restart from the beginning everytime. 5. Oogie Boogie's House was the toughest thing to build in this whole level, it looks disorganized but its very precise to have those angles come out looking like a "disorganized, organized chaos".

Argh! Another level of NBC! .... ...Ok no problem, this means that i have to work harder! I'll check your one soon, From the imgs, it seems a really good level. But, is your one about the real NBC story? My one is a "parallel" story, that has place in the same world, but many characters and places are made by mi insane mind :kz:
2009-10-21 20:40:00

Posts: 504

So back on topic - Teebonsey - is your thermo really that tight?

I'm not in dire straits yet, I'm actually HUGELY enjoying making this level... can you believe it?? Can you BELIEVE IT?? ME!! I'm enjoying creating... I'm... ENJOYING it... The words taste strange to me.

But there's this ominous thing on the left part of my screen, grinning knowingly at the despair that waits right around the corner. I know there's not enough juice to do everything I want. Right now I'm not compromising anything, but the time for killing my babies will come. Yes, that time always comes.

I'm making a wonderfully delicious level of candy corn, and the many different ways to "grow" it. It's coming along quite well, but I'm not sure it will get done in time...

Please, allow me to be the first to tell you that your idea is genius, sir.

This is my first contest I've entered here at Little Big Planet Central, or anywhere for that matter as far as LBP creations are concerned. So I enter in my "The Little Big Nightmare Before Christmas" published Tue, Oct 20.09.

Dude, it looks like you've made THE Nightmare Before Christmas level to beat. I've played a ton of "Halloweentown" levels, but yours looks absolutely stunning. Thanks for this. I can't wait to play it.
2009-10-21 22:09:00

Posts: 1937

Morgana: Thank you for accepting my entry Morgana!

Dante95: My level is basically about saving Jack from Oogie Boogie

Teebonesy: Leave it to a fellow Vancouverite to build a kick *** NBC level, enjoy!
2009-10-22 20:38:00

Posts: 57

Morgana: Thank you for accepting my entry Morgana!

Dante95: My level is basically about saving Jack from Oogie Boogie

Teebonesy: Leave it to a fellow Vancouverite to build a kick *** NBC level, enjoy!

Mine is similiar, Jack is missing too, but it will help you to defeat a new Halloween enemy, created by me I'm gonna try your level right now!
2009-10-23 13:38:00

Posts: 504

Unfortunately, it seems that time constraints are going to force me to drop out of this contest D: The way things are looking, theres no way i'm going to be able to finish the level before halloween. If anyone wants, i'm willing to share a bunch of props that i made, just send me a PSN message and i'll give you a pass to a locked, copyable level.2009-10-23 22:20:00

Posts: 3322

Click for full size:
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/th_002-1.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/?action=view¤t=002-1.jpg)http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/th_003copy.png (http://s141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/?action=view¤t=003copy.png)http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/th_004.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/albums/r80/Zwollie/?action=view¤t=004.jpg)

There is some detail missing as my scanner doesn't seem to function as it should but there ya go, I am doing something.
This is my proof if the level never gets out there in time!!

Edit: It will probably be called: Night of the dancing dead. I dunno yet.

WIN!!! I so cannot wait to see what you've been up to. I have yet to play everyone else's levels, I've only played Joey's so far and it's awesome

(EDIT 1: And just to ruin the feel and purpose of the message (which is to show appreciation and support), I am hereby writing this to fulful the ten mother ****ing characters that are required for me to send this message.
EDIT 2:In addition to this, I have only just realised that Zwollie's response was made three or four pages ago, so I apologise if this seems slightly out-of-place.)
2009-10-23 22:23:00

Posts: 1424

sorry to hear that Burnvictem42

Yea the levels are stacking up now. It's going to be hard choosing a winner I think But that's a good thing. ONLY one week left until the deadline! I can hardly wait!
2009-10-23 22:38:00

Posts: 5983

alright, here it is all polished up and ready.

PSN: littlebigdude805
level name: LBD's Fright Fest Spooktacular!

bring friends
most of the level is more enjoyable with friends but may need just a tad of coordination on the bungee jump ride (which can be played infinite amount of times(so can the one next to it)) to grab it at around the same time, not hard at all. Enjoy!

oh and have collect community objects on, just need to sneak one sticker
2009-10-23 23:43:00

Posts: 1924

alright, here it is all polished up and ready.

PSN: littlebigdude805
level name: LBD's Fright Fest Spooktacular!

bring friends
most of the level is more enjoyable with friends but may need just a tad of coordination on the bungee jump ride (which can be played infinite amount of times(so can the one next to it)) to grab it at around the same time, not hard at all. Enjoy!

oh and have collect community objects on, just need to sneak one sticker

I searched your level and I can only find your Jurassic Park level, a points level and a locked level, was looking forward to playing yours.
2009-10-24 05:00:00

Posts: 57

drat a month of work gone to waste. no wonder only two people have played it. gotta delete that jurassic park level :3 the rest idk were they came from. anyone got some advise on how to fix this?2009-10-24 05:26:00

Posts: 1924

ok i republished then backed up some levels and it showed it in the newest levels section so maby it will work now2009-10-24 05:41:00

Posts: 1924

agh someone save my level! from what im seeing is people are just stopping at some point and exiting and rateing 1 star and out of 20 people only me and some one else have finished it. maby its just a noob rush or something, cant be because its bad, already has afew hearts, hopefully this will balance out 2009-10-24 07:22:00

Posts: 1924

Played it last night and noticed 2 things - you have a gap before the scoreboard (middle layer) and in a 4x group we couldn't get the scoreboard to drop. 2009-10-24 21:06:00

Posts: 5983

Okay... I FINALLY finished the thing I was working on, and can get back into my Halloween effort. Although I'm exhausted from spending so much time in Create mode! I feel like the thing I was just working on probably hindered the quality of the final Halloween level because it just took it all out of me. As per my usual, when I started the other thing, i went in with the intention of doing it quick, in one session preferrably. Just a quick thing, get it in, and then go back to the other one.

and here I am, days later and working like a slave every day, and it's done, and now I can continue it all over again with the halloween level! hoorays!

But seriously, it is fun working on, and I'm really looking forward to wrapping this up and putting it out there soon.
2009-10-24 23:25:00

Posts: 1937

You're all in a good point of your levels... I have to work fast! I will not be at home this weekend, so i'm going to draw some projects... 2009-10-24 23:51:00

Posts: 504

Holy crap! I have to get this done fast! :eek:2009-10-25 00:26:00

Posts: 941

I'm so close to finishing, not completing this by the deadline would be ridiculous, but can I pull myself away from Borderlands? 2009-10-25 03:21:00

Posts: 3664

I can't wait to play everyone's levels. Sad to hear people have to drop out because of the deadline. 2009-10-25 16:56:00

Posts: 1355

me too!

By the way, Igotfancypant's, your level will be reviewed next week.
I have to study for an exam but don't worry the review is coming
2009-10-25 17:13:00

Posts: 422

Ok, good to hear. I was beginning to think you forgot about me

2009-10-25 18:04:00

Posts: 1355

Since I am 60% sure I wont get this finished in time, only managed to start it today, I decided to share some work in progress shots.

Worst case scenario: I will still be able to make a regular monster level since it has no real links to halloween...yeah.

Do you have a reservation?

Looking down upon the player in a cutscene: Sackpeople?

Your ride to the party has arrived.
2009-10-25 21:35:00

Posts: 2173

yeeeaaa the middle layer needed to be clear in order for the fireworks to work best so i had to make the sacrafice and try to block people from going in there. idk what you mean with the scoreboard though, give an example? does it raise when only one person is on or something? maybe i forgot to set it to "everyone must be present" 2009-10-26 22:44:00

Posts: 1924

We all stood behind the pumpkin in one place and the scoreboard won't come down all the way. It just goes up and down.2009-10-26 22:57:00

Posts: 5983

We all stood behind the pumpkin in one place and the scoreboard won't come down all the way. It just goes up and down.

Lol yup i was there
2009-10-26 23:09:00

Posts: 758

supposed to go in the pumkin,why did you go behind it? aslong as you stand behind it you will be picked up on the proximity switch and it will remain up there.2009-10-26 23:46:00

Posts: 1924

other than that was it enjoyable? it was rushed (clearly) and i lost sight of things but it was a good learning experience. i dont have a single reveiw though so im abit worried.2009-10-26 23:50:00

Posts: 1924

I liked it but I can't get into details since I'm judging. I'll post feedback on your level thread after judging. I just can't give pre-judging feedback for everyone and I don't want it to be unfair. Make sense?

well, we were behind the front layer - don't know if that's inside or not. LOL guess I'll have to check it again.
2009-10-26 23:58:00

Posts: 5983

yea i guess that makes sence.

i probably just forgot to set the switch to "everyone" i didnt encounter this problem the few times i played with friends though.
lbp can be a mystery sometimes
2009-10-27 00:04:00

Posts: 1924

Y'know...I just have to see someone make an over-the-top gore-fest of a level...2009-10-27 22:36:00

Posts: 1424

Y'know...I just have to see someone make an over-the-top gore-fest of a level...

I haven't seen one yet..... you volunteering KornDawwg? Besides, it would run the risk of moderation wouldn't it?

Heads up everyone - This Friday is the day! Remember levels must be posted here in the thread and published as playable before midnight on Oct. 30th.
2009-10-27 23:00:00

Posts: 5983

I haven't seen one yet..... you volunteering KornDawwg? Besides, it would run the risk of moderation wouldn't it?

Nah, I can't do it, just saying that there's always one Not necessarily at Halloween, but still...
2009-10-27 23:04:00

Posts: 1424

Only found out about this contest a couple of days ago.

Working hard on it but not sure if I can finish by Friday, darn.

Here's hoping!
2009-10-28 00:16:00

Posts: 2454

Good Luck 2009-10-28 07:37:00

Posts: 5983

Oh my god. Work just picked up really heavily for me. I don't know HOW I'm going to get this thing finished in time. I might have to rush the end stuff. Boo-urns! Why time gotta be all PASSING BY and stuff??2009-10-28 09:05:00

Posts: 1937

I've submitted my entry for the contest, you can find it here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=18067)2009-10-28 09:43:00

Unknown User

I'm participating with my level ''Escaping Hell''

You can read more about it here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=319300#post319300
2009-10-28 16:59:00

Posts: 342

Teebonesy! If you don't finish your level I will go to Petsmart and buy you a cat. You will fall madly in love with this cat. Then, one night when you're sleeping, I will sneak into your house and punch you in the face.

(This is a joke from Glee, not made be me... still awesome though LOL)

Anyway, good luck finishing
2009-10-28 22:32:00

Posts: 1355

Hahaha - Okay, I promise this level will be finished. ScoutsBoo PMed me earlier and offered the advice that for the contest deadline I could always just slap a "to be continued" at the end and then finish it properly a bit later, so I might end up doing just that.

What I'll probably do is just kind of rush an ending, making it smaller than originally-planned, and THEN later go in and flesh it out a bit more.
2009-10-28 22:46:00

Posts: 1937

Well, it's almost halloween !

can't wait to see the results
2009-10-29 21:15:00

Posts: 422

OK.. so like I participated, but because of feedback on my level I changed it, so it doesn't fit this contest anymore so I'm out.2009-10-29 21:49:00

Posts: 342

I made a level a while back called "the lighthouse", which is sort of spooky.
I'd like to enter it if possible, it's a darknessbear-esque level so it won't be scoring high on originality but worth a shot anyway.
2009-10-29 22:00:00

Posts: 511

I made a level a while back called "the lighthouse", which is sort of spooky.
I'd like to enter it if possible, it's a darknessbear-esque level so it won't be scoring high on originality but worth a shot anyway.

Hello! I think I played level this a while back. If I remember rightly, it was a great level. Good stuff.
2009-10-29 22:11:00

Posts: 1492

OK.. so like I participated, but because of feedback on my level I changed it, so it doesn't fit this contest anymore so I'm out.

Sorry to hear that. Thanks for trying anyway.

I made a level a while back called "the lighthouse", which is sort of spooky.
I'd like to enter it if possible, it's a darknessbear-esque level so it won't be scoring high on originality but worth a shot anyway.

I sent you a pm regarding when the level was made. Depending on the answer I may or may not be able to include it. Just let me know.

EDIT: The level was made too early for the contest. Sorry but I hope you enjoy playing the other submissions
2009-10-29 22:11:00

Posts: 5983

Wait...we can enter levels that we already made? I was going to make a level for this contest, but all I made for the level was a pumpkin, a ghost, and a bat(for objects I was going to put in the level).

I would like to enter my level The Monster's Mansion. Thanks!
2009-10-29 22:15:00

Posts: 4193

Just so everyone is clear on this......

In order for levels to be considered they must have been made during the time of the contest. So if you made your level prior to the last week of September it will not qualify for the contest. I wanted everyone to have the same ammount of time to work on their levels so it was fair. If your level was made from the last week of September through October 30th at midnight you can submit it.
2009-10-29 22:30:00

Posts: 5983

Just so everyone is clear on this......

In order for levels to be considered they must have been made during the time of the contest. So if you made your level prior to the last week of September it will not qualify for the contest. I wanted everyone to have the same ammount of time to work on their levels so it was fair. If your level was made from the last week of September through October 30th at midnight you can submit it.

Oh! Sorry, I suppose I might not have a level then...
2009-10-29 22:32:00

Posts: 4193

No problem It didn't hurt to ask so don't worry about it.2009-10-29 22:35:00

Posts: 5983

Hello! I think I played level this a while back. If I remember rightly, it was a great level. Good stuff.

Thank you . It means alot coming from such a good creator like yourself.
2009-10-29 22:49:00

Posts: 511

OUCHIES. Just to give people a little update here. I'm having some baaad issues in my level. Need some help. I might post in the help forum, but for now maybe someone knows what the deal is.

I can't put any piston at .1s speed, it just plain won't work.

Spontaneously, without my doing anything, and in PAUSE mode, my level will occasionally all of a sudden jump up over a notch on the thermometer and OVERHEAT. It says "use less shapes and collected objects". I can't find any stray emitters or anything. Again, it happens in PAUSE mode. The piston thing is just strange. I had a movie object which got completely destroyed.

But, in short, this stuff is killing me, and I've basically hit a wall. Any ideas?
2009-10-29 23:18:00

Posts: 1937

The closing date of the contest is 30 October at 23.59 Central Time... What time is it in Italy/Europe? I think that is something like -6, so in Europe we have time until the 6 AM of the 31 October... Right?2009-10-29 23:19:00

Posts: 504

Yes midnight Central US time is 6am in Italy.

Just in case anyone else need this.


@Teebonesy - Check with GrantosUK - I think he's had that level jump in pause mode issue before. My Chroma Stone 5 level kept giving me that error and freaking out too. I'd take it out of pause for a second or two until it stopped overheating. Not sure what causes that. Not sure about the piston issue either. I ended up replacing some of mine on CS5 but no clue why they fail without warning.
2009-10-29 23:37:00

Posts: 5983

can't wait to play them..... :kz::kz::kz:

But srsly... srsly this is gonna be intnse srsly
2009-10-29 23:49:00

Posts: 1355

Lol i agree with fancypants.. this will be srsly srsly intnse can't wait for tha BOOM ^-^2009-10-30 00:12:00

Posts: 758

Wow, so this has to be up tomorrow? I better work hard as hell, I got a whole last half and boss to make. Curse you Borderlands!!!!

2009-10-30 01:51:00

Posts: 3664

Morgana if you have issues finding my level, please let me know I've had several people say they've had issues finding it and for whatever reason when I search it by name or through my PSN name, I can't seem to find it myself, its like it hasn't been pinned to my name yet... I've tried republishing a couple times, has anyone else has this issue?2009-10-30 07:30:00

Posts: 57

I found it 2009-10-30 07:37:00

Posts: 5983

*pant pant pant*

I'm almost there... I'm aaalmost there.

I have a halloween party to attend tomorrow night, and work during the day, so I may have to weasel this in a bit after deadline. I'm hoping I can pull this off early tomorrow though.

I'm putting a bit of extra into the finale, I want to make sure it's cool. But there are a few places here and there that are a bit rushed through. So, compromise here and here, go crazy there and there. That's how I'm rolling.
2009-10-30 15:31:00

Posts: 1937

*pant pant pant*

I'm almost there... I'm aaalmost there.

Good Luck!

Just about 13 hours left to go (how fitting)
2009-10-30 17:07:00

Posts: 5983

The time zone stuff confuses me, so I'm submitting my entry now to be on the safe side.

It's called LBPC Halloween Entry. It might be easier and quicker to search for my PSN which is Ayneh.


It's nowhere near being finished, only got around to filling 1/3 of the thermometer so it's a short level.

I think the boss fight is good.
2009-10-30 17:36:00

Posts: 2454

cloud i had same problem, try and republish then publish a locked level and it should bump it out of that situation. atleast thats how i got mine out.2009-10-30 20:56:00

Posts: 1924

*pants pants pants*


2009-10-30 21:26:00

Posts: 1355

I'm unable to access to the servers! It gives me Error 403! Please can i publish my level tomorrow? It's like 4a.m Central Time! I worked hard for this...2009-10-30 22:29:00

Posts: 504

oooh that suuks :O2009-10-30 22:38:00

Posts: 758

im sure servers will let you back in on time
if not
DISQUALI-i mean exeptions seem to be in order
2009-10-30 22:59:00

Posts: 1924

ok - in light of technical problems with the LBP server I'll extend the submission time.

How about noon on Saturday US Central time. If the servers are still down I'll adjust it again. It gives an additional 12 hours to anyone wanting to polish up their level as well. If you've already submitted your level you can still adjust stuff until noon as well. I'll replay them all on Saturday afternoon.

Sound good?
2009-10-30 23:14:00

Posts: 5983

ok - in light of technical problems with the LBP server I'll extend the submission time.

How about noon on Saturday US Central time. If the servers are still down I'll adjust it again. It gives an additional 12 hours to anyone wanting to polish up their level as well. If you've already submitted your level you can still adjust stuff until noon as well. I'll replay them all on Saturday afternoon.

Sound good?

Oui oui! Merci beaucoup! (practicing my french xD)
2009-10-30 23:33:00

Posts: 1355

cela va vraiment faire plaisir a beaucoup de gens ici

this will really make a lot of people happy here

moi aussi je peux parler francais sans probl?mes ;-)

I can speak french as well without problems
2009-10-31 00:20:00

Posts: 422

Oh god i can't handle the french!!! Ahhh!!! xD

Anyway... better go polish my level
2009-10-31 00:31:00

Posts: 1355

I found it

Awesome! so relieved... off to carve my pumpkin now!
2009-10-31 04:14:00

Posts: 57

I was coming on here to say I wont make the deadline... and wham! Its extended. Now if 2 wk old goes to sleep there is an off chance...

Anyway will definitely publish whatever I have on Halloween so please look for it.

Its called "Oogie's Bugs". Considering all the technical problems this level has undergone and how slow I am it is quite remarkable I am anywhere near finished in 26 days... that's a record for me.

Just a little somethin' somethin' for those with love 4 me.




2009-10-31 05:27:00

Posts: 1308

zomg awesome Gravel 2009-10-31 06:35:00

Posts: 758

Whoooa, that's tripped out! Especially that second shot with the concentric hollow cylinders...

I can't wait to see this thing in action!

By the way, just to give an update, I've ensured that I have a really cool finale. It is now time for me to fill in the big tough blank spots that I've been putting off like the plague since I started this level. OOOOH lawdy.
2009-10-31 08:55:00

Posts: 1937

Wow, alot of great entries, i havent played any yet, wanted my holloween to be special
w00t! gunna have alot of fun in 12 hrs or so.
2009-10-31 10:18:00

Posts: 127

Published my entry "Trouble in Halloween Town". Thanks Morgana for the extra time 2009-10-31 15:48:00

Posts: 504

well apparently I am quite finished as in... done in by the thermometer. I like this level though and its' possibilities... I think I'm gonna leave it up and puffing for breath...

and try to rework it from scratch a little more smartly. I know I can get it all to fit... It did once! For anyone who cant fathom it I think I'll start giving personal tours... Anyway it's got some missing pieces ( i suck!) and its not just me who thinks so... I mean it is a broken level... but whoa! I think the time/space/vortex/tree did in its fair share of visitors... As well, Happy Halloween everyone!
2009-10-31 15:51:00

Posts: 1308

Happy halloweeeeeeeennnn!!!!! 2009-10-31 15:54:00

Posts: 1355

*rips shirt off*

*tapes pieces of shirt together, puts back on*

So my Halloween level is published. IT IS PUBLISHED! What a horrific nightmare today's been getting it done! It CONSTANTLY overheats, and the only way to get it to SHUT UP is to let it sit in play mode for a while. everytime I enter the level in edit mode, it instantly is overheated. Really - REALLY - frustrating.

The level is called:

Fear and the Phantom Town
Published under PSN: Teebonesy
Available in the Pacific Ocean.

The story: It's Halloween night. Rumors are spreading that a strange ghostly town has appeared in the distance - and some unusual things have been seen coming out of the moon! To top it off, eerie black-cloaked figures have been spotted in town...

What could this mystery mean??

And as this night of trick-or-treating gets more and more dangerous, will Zwollie, xKappax, Teebonesy, and Morgana survive the night??
(yes, all of these familiar sackpeople make appearances in this level)
(Not that Teebonesy is a familiar sack-person, but so far my dapper sack has made a cameo in all of my levels).

I've also put together a more in-depth showcase thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=321372#post321372). But for now, here's a screenshot to tease and entice.

2009-10-31 16:11:00

Posts: 1937

/cries because can't find ps3 controller
/cries and cries
/waits for level showcase... while crying
/runs around frantically to find controller
/punches sister in the face

Gawd i wanna play that level, looks great teebonesy!!

EDIT: I found ma controller! Must play!

EDITx2: Just played it and it was great! the dog peeing and the kids egging the house was a great addition! xD
2009-10-31 16:14:00

Posts: 1355

I put up a showcase thread for the level. I'm really nervous about publishing it, because it's been rushed for the deadline, it's quite complicated, and I'm sure people are going to run into glitches/issues. I just hope these aren't too frustrating for anyone.

Here be the link to the showcase! (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=321372#post321372)
2009-10-31 16:46:00

Posts: 1937

ok - my internet was down all morning but I'm up and running!

Happy Halloween!

So here's the gameplan. I'm playing the ones I haven't played yet now and I've asked a few people to weigh in with their votes too. Hopefully by this evening I'll have some results for you guys!

Thanks so much for such a great response and for ALL the hard work. I know some of you guys had a lot of technical problems and time pressures and I appreciate all your effort! Good Luck to everyone and I'll be back with results as soon as I can.
2009-10-31 20:12:00

Posts: 5983

Morgana, will you be playing the levels you already played as well? I made some changes to mine which i wouldn't want to go unnoticed.

Thanks, and cant wait for the results!
2009-10-31 20:48:00

Posts: 1355

yes i am 2009-10-31 21:45:00

Posts: 5983

Does anyone know a place to find Dante95's level - not coming up when I searched it. Or if there's a comment somewhere I can use to find the level?

EDIT - nevermind - figured out his psn name (fill out your profile Dante95 it will help )
2009-10-31 22:58:00

Posts: 5983

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