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Little Big Gardener 6 : Angels Garden

Archive: 7 posts

Little Big Gardener Part 6 : Angels Garden, the sixth level in the series by koknsun.

I played this last night with mrsvista and it is without a doubt one of the most beautiful and polished levels I have ever seen.

I have to admit stunning visuals are just my cup of tea and boy did my cup runneth over when I saw this level. My eyes fairly popped,the beauty of it had me mesmerised. You know that sharp intake of breath when you can't quite believe what you are seeing, well that but I don't know how to spell it!

Along with some delightful puzzles and custom music, the craftsmanship here is astounding, I was in awe I tell you!!

This had seventeen plays and a few hearts, unbelievable, I shall play it myself thousands of times if necessary just to show koknsun how much I admire his work. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

If you try it peeps, I really hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

2009-10-02 10:11:00

Posts: 1057

Quite right Icey. Koknsun is one of my favourite creators. I would advise everyone to play the whole 6 part series. Even the first one is very good and beautiful but the progression you see throughout the series is nothing short of amazing.

His latest instalment as Icey says is truly stunning. It's beautiful, very detailed and has some really clever mechanics going on. I would love to be able to make something half as good as that.

Do yourself a big favour and check it out. Koknsun is extremely talented and deserves far more plays than he is getting. I don't think he has 1 level with 1000 plays out of the whole series. That's a disgrace when you see lots of rubbish on cool pages getting 50000 plays a day. Please show some support to creators like this who 'really' deserve it.
2009-10-02 18:18:00

Posts: 2210

Come on LBPCers, hear our plea, play these excellent levels, you don't know what you are missing.2009-10-02 21:12:00

Posts: 755

Just played it, and it's really a great!
As you said beautiful visuals, clever puzzles and amazing mechanisms!
Japanese guys are really talented...!

I also played part 4 of the series, and hearted the creator to don't forget to play the others!

Thanks very much for the recommandation!
2009-10-02 23:39:00

Posts: 1486

How could anyone ignore such eloquent and heartfelt pleas, lol! Anyway, taking mistervista?s advice, I have been playing the series from the start and he was absolutely right, it's fascinating to see how the creator?s skills and confidence grow as the series progresses but right from the beginning there are elements of great design.

So often when you get stunning visuals, the gameplay is secondary and there?s absolutely nothing wrong with that - I?m very happy to be presented with just a feast for the eyes. Koknsun however manages to combine his wonderful designs with challenging gameplay (that electrified dragon maze in Part 5 was the death of me soooo many times, lol!), great puzzles and nice fun touches (I loved the moped in Part 4 and the ladybird and bees)! I think my favourite levels were Parts 4 and 5 but IceMaiden is quite right, Part 6 is certainly stunning in an almost Baroque way.

Anyway thank you all so much for the recommendation. As you all say, Koknsun does indeed deserve more exposure than he currently has and hopefully your threads will help with that.

BTW what is it with really talented Japanese creators and the Sackboys they play as? JUNINHO8 has one who looks like Groucho Marx and koknsun has a little white haired beardy guy just like Father Christmas - too funny! (Sorry ? just ignore this last wholly frivolous remark!)
2009-10-05 22:20:00

Posts: 1455

I got a video of this one.
2009-10-16 02:36:00

Posts: 1125

I agree with you all, this stage blew me away with its delightful creative puzzles and angelic theme!2010-01-26 03:41:00

Posts: 24

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