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Some great Impossibly Hard levels

Archive: 64 posts

many of the 'elite' authors i am going to mention would probably be unhappy with me for posting this. They tend to fear that attention will cause n00bs to flock to their levels, ragequit, and give them low scores. I believe we as a community are better than that. If you cannot beat a level, you have no right to give it a poor rating. these levels are made for the 'elite'. It is your fault, not theirs if you enter a level that is too tough for you. If you beat the level, rate it however you want. if you can't, rate it 4 stars and be on your way.

furthermore, if you found any story levels to be remotely hard, had trouble acing the bunker, or found yourself ragequitting on danmaku rave, then forget this thread even existed, because there is no way in hell that you are going to enjoy the following levels.


over the past few weeks, i've become good friends with an lbp 'elite' named willtang1134. During the time we spent playing levels together, I have stumbled across some really amazing creations. therefore, i figured i'd give you a list of some very neat levels we played together:

riku's chalenge (series) by riku04

All of riku04's levels take place in an mgs style bunker, and incorporate a central gameplay element that remains constant throughout. There isn't much to say about this one, other than it is both fun and challenging. Do note however, that lives are limited in all her levels, so don't bother if you're the type that gets easily frustrated

Yukiki Residence by yukiki

I am particularly fond of all of yukiki's levels. It is rare that you see a level of such high quality be so challenging. In particular, i found Yukiki Residence to be extremely well done. Play these levels, you wont regret it.

Epic Fail by festered jester

What can I say about this level... This level features one of the most difficult obstacles I have ever encountered in a videogame. Don't let the infinate lives fool you: if you can't beat the above levels, don't even bother. (seriously, I ended up beating this one with will, and he literally had me turn of the controller [i suggested it], and spent about an hour trying that one obstacle while I sat there and watched in despair. Its freaking hard.)

All of the jester's levels feature seem to feature an undying love for a very particular obstacle. I won't ruin what this obstacle is for you, but my god is it cruel.

Hanging Challenge by will_tang

I really love this level. It has a great concept, a great design, and some great visuals. This is definitely one of willtang's best levels. It is also his easiest, so if you're good, but aren't "elite" as will would say, have a go at this level! I am proud to say that i have aced this level, so it should be pretty doable for most people. My only problem with this level is that will never gave me credit for sending him my 'grabable-ceiling conveyor belt', the jerk

So Freaking Hard! (an FJ tribute level - i dont remember the author. FJ did favorite it though, so you should be able to find it)

this unique tribute features 4 great courses, and 3 tricky bonus trials - all in one level! beat each section to earn a corresponding sticker. each sticker will grant you the ability to unlock a new trial. Be warned, however, these trials are freaking hard, and to unlock the 4th stage, you'll need to do some pretty ridiculous triangle climbing.

*note*, having gotten the 4th sticker, let me warn everyone that the 4th section has not yet been created. I highly doubt, however, that the author is going to change the sticker switch on the entrance, so it wont hurt to get it early.

Mysterious Garden by thug4life


all of xSurax's levels

xSurax's levels are all very very difficult, and are quite comparable with mysterious garden. very very tricky.

Fire Jumper (series) by ilostmypenny

a 1p only series in which you're only chance of survival is by jumping across a path of creature brains. These are not nearly as tricky as any of the above, but they are very fun and very clever. If you enjoy these, check out willtang1134's tribute levels (i believe they are called something along the lines of 'mountain peak fire jumper' or something like that)

oh yeah, the're all 1LCs so be prepared to choose 'restart level' quite a few times.


Thats all for now, I'll post more as i find em!
thanks for reading and have fun!
2009-10-01 06:23:00

Posts: 32

The Elite challenge by Dan_Westy that is difficult2009-10-01 07:48:00

Posts: 785


I am familiar with all of those levels, and they're all great.

If you're not aware yet brb_gymnastics, and I'd be surprised if you're not. We have a group here called Expert Platformists that you might be interested in. We also have a nice listing in our group. And if you've been keeping up, you'll also note that we have planned on posting an index for a long time which work has already started on.

Anyways, that's a nice little dose of extreme platforming. ^_^

And your comment about ratings is one of the things we stand for.
2009-10-09 04:56:00

Unknown User

I'm not remotely the type of person to play this type of level, but I am curious. I like to sometimes give it the old shot. Our own rtm223's Subterranean Setbacks is probably one of the hardest levels I've played, so I have no idea where that really stands in your scale of difficulty.

I may just give these a whirl next time I play, just out of morbid curiosity. I certainly don't plan on killing myself trying to beat them though! I just don't have the will. I don't ragequit so much as I calmly quit, then move to the kitchen, then eat cake icing with a spoon.
2009-10-09 05:39:00

Posts: 1937

I'm not remotely the type of person to play this type of level, but I am curious. I like to sometimes give it the old shot. Our own rtm223's Subterranean Setbacks is probably one of the hardest levels I've played, so I have no idea where that really stands in your scale of difficulty.

I may just give these a whirl next time I play, just out of morbid curiosity. I certainly don't plan on killing myself trying to beat them though! I just don't have the will. I don't ragequit so much as I calmly quit, then move to the kitchen, then eat cake icing with a spoon.

Good luck.

As for difficulty, extreme platformers are far and away harder than the level you mentioned. Not even close. If you want to try an easier one with high quality visuals, try Sickly Sweet by Festerd_Jester.
2009-10-09 20:39:00

Unknown User


I am familiar with all of those levels, and they're all great.

If you're not aware yet brb_gymnastics, and I'd be surprised if you're not. We have a group here called Expert Platformists that you might be interested in. We also have a nice listing in our group. And if you've been keeping up, you'll also note that we have planned on posting an index for a long time which work has already started on.

Anyways, that's a nice little dose of extreme platforming. ^_^

And your comment about ratings is one of the things we stand for.

Thanks for the words of encouragement I'm glad to see someone else is aware of these great levels!

TLDR: i'm very busy, so i don't know how much time i'd have for a social group
i have indeed seen the 'expert platformists' group, and i must say, it does indeed perk my interest. The main reason i haven't applied, if you haven't already noticed, is that i am not very active on the site. Unfortunately, school drumming, and friends (but mainly school ) keep me heavily occupied. as it is, i usually wake up at about 8, go to school, and get home at 7:30 (I am aware that this is not a normal high school schedule. I am enrolled in special classes). I would absolutely love to join your group, but i don't want to commit and be completely inactive for the majority of the time.

In addition, my good friend raocow (not an lbp player, dont bother looking him up) has expressed some interest in joint-developing a romhack with me when he finishes his first project. Plus, if a certain other person doesn't follow through with completing his end of a community hard level project we have been working on, i may have to do even more of it myself.

All that being said, I would love to get together with you and your group online, if you'd be interested. I don't know if you saw my other recent thread, but i expressed interest in recording walkthroughs of some of the above levels and posting them online - maybe the expert platformists would be interested in participating?

EDIT wow, i just realized that i totally gave away who i am. good job there me, good job
2009-10-15 08:42:00

Posts: 32

Thanks for the words of encouragement I'm glad to see someone else is aware of these great levels!

TLDR: i'm very busy, so i don't know how much time i'd have for a social group
i have indeed seen the 'expert platformists' group, and i must say, it does indeed perk my interest. The main reason i haven't applied, if you haven't already noticed, is that i am not very active on the site. Unfortunately, school drumming, and friends (but mainly school ) keep me heavily occupied. as it is, i usually wake up at about 8, go to school, and get home at 7:30 (I am aware that this is not a normal high school schedule. I am enrolled in special classes). I would absolutely love to join your group, but i don't want to commit and be completely inactive for the majority of the time.

In addition, my good friend raocow (not an lbp player, dont bother looking him up) has expressed some interest in joint-developing a romhack with me when he finishes his first project. Plus, if a certain other person doesn't follow through with completing his end of a community hard level project we have been working on, i may have to do even more of it myself.

All that being said, I would love to get together with you and your group online, if you'd be interested. I don't know if you saw my other recent thread, but i expressed interest in recording walkthroughs of some of the above levels and posting them online - maybe the expert platformists would be interested in participating?

EDIT wow, i just realized that i totally gave away who i am. good job there me, good job

Wow, definitly sounds like you're busy. As for the group, we have some members that aren't active at all in the group, plus you don't even have to be active here. You just simply need to have some interest in extreme platforming, whether you are an expert, or an aspiring expert, or simple a fan/spectator. That hard level project sounds interesting. We have an Expert Platformists level planned, although it will probably be some time before that gets nderway.

As for playing online, we aren't really a club, and the group is lots of people. We are an organization that hopes to provide a nice place for those interested in extreme platforming, which won't happen until our site is up, and bring extreme platforming to a wider audience. But I would love to play online, but everytime I play with someone, I experience very severe lag, and I mean more serious than the people I'm playing with. When I played with willtang recently, and even when XxWormholexX and I played, the lag is so bad I can't hardly play, the level warps and even breaks, sometimes I'm frozen or get thrown out of no where. Crazy stuff. Worm suggested it could be my cheap router. But will told me if I'm the host I won't experience lag, but I'm not sure if that's true as I have never been host except a couple times in the pod, in which case I sometimes experienced minor lag.

I haven't seen those other threads you mentioned. Walkthroughs are nice. I have also mentioned in the group about professional demo trailers, which is what they do in things like break dancing or certain extreme sports like skating, where the person puts together a video consisting of various clips from different videos in one showing off their skills, and the video usually has whatever music the person wanted playing during the video. Most people make one every year. Once I buy a recording device I'll be making mine, and hopefully other experts will follow this idea.

Anyways, I'll go let you into the group.

And yeah, you gave away a lot about yourself, lol.
2009-10-15 10:06:00

Unknown User

I was interested to see none of doboerdave's "Jumper" levels were in there... These are not only difficult, but some of the most well-constructed challenges I've seen. As most know, I enjoy difficult challenges - but it's a real artform to do one that is also technically cool.2009-10-15 14:04:00

Posts: 4430

I was interested to see none of doboerdave's "Jumper" levels were in there... These are not only difficult, but some of the most well-constructed challenges I've seen. As most know, I enjoy difficult challenges - but it's a real artform to do one that is also technically cool.

deboerdave makes some good quality challenges, however you can't be surprised as none of his levels are extreme difficulty, although parts come close. Some of those levels listed above are extremely popular and well known in the expert community for good reason. Also, out of the hundreds of extreme levels to choose from, he only listed a few. Mysterious Garden is probably the most well known level on that list (which has two versions, an infinite cp one recently released, and the original limited cp one), then there's xSURAx Blue and xSURAx Red levels, and yuikiki&love - Residence.

All of those just mentioned are visually nice levels, mainly the yuikiki one and xSURAx ones. Oh and the FJ tribute level he mentions, there's more than one. Festerd_Jester is a famous player with lots of fans, and some have made him tribute levels. But there's more than one. The most recent tribute level made for him was Elite-X. That's the title, but I don't remember the name of author.

And as for well constructed, every level mentioned is made by the best in extreme platforming and is very well constructed, as well as you're going to get.

I got a good visual one for you, and a rather easy level too, it's called Sickly Sweet by Festerd_Jester. Play that and tell me what you think. It's extremely well designed also.
2009-10-15 14:29:00

Unknown User

I was interested to see none of doboerdave's "Jumper" levels were in there... These are not only difficult, but some of the most well-constructed challenges I've seen. As most know, I enjoy difficult challenges - but it's a real artform to do one that is also technically cool.

Thanks for the nod CCubbage. I think my jumper levels can be difficult, but i think the difficulty aspect comes from a different angle than most of these level here. For instance the individual obsticles are not that difficult to get through in the jumper level, they are made more difficult becuase of the auto scrolling aspect of the level. But if you cut that aspect out i think you would find that it would be quite easy to navigate most of the obsticles and there is actually quite a bit of room for error. So once you get familiar with the level it is not too hard to reach the endpoint if that is your only goal. In many cases a lot of these hard levels that is really the only goal; to complete each obsticle, and the obsticles can be pretty bruatal as there is no room for error period. the high score usually goes to who died the least or who did the race section fastest if there is a race section (which also mainly goes to who died the least in that section when the obsticles require perfection).

For the jumper levels if you just reach the end scoreboard that is really just a sub-acomplishment. As there are all the bonus activators, and to really donminate the levels one should stride to activate all of these bonus activators. This adds a second dimention to the gameplay, and will up the difficulty once you try to activate all of these in combination of the limited time frame due to the autoscroll. The third dimension is the combo oppertunities. Now you have activated all the bonus switches yet have you kept the combos alive where they can be. I find this to be an interesting aspect when it is combined with the autoscrolling , as sometimes is better to let the screen advance ahead of you and sometimes you want to be as far ahead as possible to set up the next challenge in order to maximize your combo oppertunites (this will be the key aspect to maximizing the score, especially in my unreleased yet green zone.). For example in the red zone level in my mind someone that has really "beat" the level should be breaking the 10k mark on the scoreboard, rather than just getting to the final scoreboard. Anyone that can get near that benchmark must be a pretty good player, and without trying to reach this bench mark i dont think most can see and understand the depth of the level (even recently i have discovered another combo route in the red zone that i have yet to beable to put together with all the others in one run). In these levels it takes everyone the same amount of time to get to the final scoreboard and its what you can do with that time that is the real challenged here, getting to the final scoreboard is just realy scratching the surface. Note: if anyone can beat YoKu-Do (<<something like that) on the Red Zone. I would be very impressed and they should deserve some prize from me.

Glad that this thread poped up becuase i didnt get a chance to play all these yet as i been in create mode a lot and they kinda slipped my memory.
2009-10-15 18:32:00

Posts: 384

I agree with both of you (and will check out the levels s3xNstilettos mentioned)... one thing to keep in mind is if you're talking about difficulty, I look at the WHOLE package instead of just one aspect.

Doboerdave.... I totally agree that it isn't the platforming itself that is the difficult part in your levels, but its trying to grab the sponge to display the bubbles and get them as fast as you can... and then move on to the next part before the gas appears.

Just like with my "Destiny!" level.... it isn't difficult IF I REMOVE THE SPACE STORM CHASING YOU. But getting a high score and making it through all the obstacles IS the challenge - not just crossing the finish line.

If we're going to get into WHY something is difficult, that's a completely different story.
2009-10-15 20:16:00

Posts: 4430

Deboerdave said it best.

The one thing to know about extreme platforming, which deboerdave seems to have down great for knowledge of what makes one, is that extreme platformers require an incredible mastery of a platforming term called play control. Many obstacles in extreme platforming are often so difficult that the average player truly believes them to be impossible, that no one can pass that, like make your heart stop difficult with very little room, if any, for error. Therefor, just making the scoreboard in these is the goal, although a lot of us might try to get a higher score than the other experts, but only sometimes.

Deboerdave's Underground Volcanic Railroad is a visually amazing level, but in extreme platforming visuals of that quality is rare because creators of them focus more on the layout of the level and perfect construction of the obstacles, which more attention to the obstacles is needed the more extreme the level. If we focused more on visuals, then that would take away from thermo and allow less focus on the obstacles, which is what matters most in extreme platforming. But some extreme platformers are visually nice, like Sickly Sweet for example, and Yuikiki Residence which has a Japanese girl's touch to it. Yuikiki and xSURAx are both girls. Wait, I think xSURAx is, and thug4life that made Mysterious Garden is also a girl. The Japanese have a different idea of visuals in levels than the usual, which is hard to explain. So you won't find nothing like deboerdave's Underground Volcanic Railroad in visuals for extreme platformers.

So when looking at difficulty and visuals, you must first know the difference between extreme platformers, and all other platformers.
2009-10-15 21:07:00

Unknown User

Just like with my "Destiny!" level.... it isn't difficult IF I REMOVE THE SPACE STORM CHASING YOU. But getting a high score and making it through all the obstacles IS the challenge - not just crossing the finish line.

i like that level, i think the most nerve racking part is waiting to collect the scorebubbles while the storm is comming. its like do i want more time to beat the next section or do i want all the bubbles. i havent been able to collect all the bubbles and have enough time for all the obsticles. i think on my best score is skipping the section where you drop the pieces into the spinning wheel while using the jet pack. so i just pop my self as soon as the checkpoint moves. i get a higher score that way then the time i beat all the obsticl;es becuase i didnt wait for points
2009-10-15 21:52:00

Posts: 384

I'm not remotely the type of person to play this type of level, but I am curious. I like to sometimes give it the old shot. Our own rtm223's Subterranean Setbacks is probably one of the hardest levels I've played, so I have no idea where that really stands in your scale of difficulty.

I may just give these a whirl next time I play, just out of morbid curiosity. I certainly don't plan on killing myself trying to beat them though! I just don't have the will. I don't ragequit so much as I calmly quit, then move to the kitchen, then eat cake icing with a spoon.

I'll admit that Subterranean Setbacks was hard, but it is nothing compared to some of these. I just spent half an hour on the first obstacle of Festerd_Jester's Epic Fail level and I still haven't gotten past it. At least I was able to beat Subterranean Setbacks a couple times.
2009-10-15 22:07:00

Posts: 2325

Love this thread

I love a hard challenge of just pure platforming.
Don't never find the difficult "combo" challenges (where the emphasis is on getting high scores through combo's) that fun and I loose interest really easy

I prefer to be lead down a certain path where it's obvious what to do, but to do it is extremely difficult

After seeing this thread about a hour ago I decided to take a stab at Sickly Sweet which s3xNstilettos suggested.
I am EPICally FAILing at it atm, but I have good determination and a competitive nature to complete what others have shown possible. So I will not be happy until I can complete it
I'm not far into the level yet though and currently at the spinning X with spikes that you have to get passed to get up to the spinning circles. I just almost got across all the circles to drop down the shaft at the end and slipped on the last circle

Love this though and will keep trying from time to time to see if I can finish it


Played EPIC FAIL as well and all I can say is OMG!!!! at the spinning triangles lol couldn't get up to the second one
And the plasma balls bit I found hard to pass lol but persevered and got through

Also tried the ACID level of FJ's (the medium one lol) just to finish a level

Got in the top 10 for about a min then got knocked back to 11th lol

Love these levels and gonna try more soon, but I'm off to bed now
2009-10-16 00:14:00

Posts: 2767

I'll admit that Subterranean Setbacks was hard, but it is nothing compared to some of these. I just spent half an hour on the first obstacle of Festerd_Jester's Epic Fail level and I still haven't gotten past it. At least I was able to beat Subterranean Setbacks a couple times.

Epic Fail is definitly not a good one to start with. Lol.
And that first obstacle is the easiest one in the level. Wait, I take that back, the second easiest, because the one right after you drop down that whole towards the start is easier

Love this thread

I love a hard challenge of just pure platforming.
Don't never find the difficult "combo" challenges (where the emphasis is on getting high scores through combo's) that fun and I loose interest really easy

I prefer to be lead down a certain path where it's obvious what to do, but to do it is extremely difficult

After seeing this thread about a hour ago I decided to take a stab at Sickly Sweet which s3xNstilettos suggested.
I am EPICally FAILing at it atm, but I have good determination and a competitive nature to complete what others have shown possible. So I will not be happy until I can complete it
I'm not far into the level yet though and currently at the spinning X with spikes that you have to get passed to get up to the spinning circles. I just almost got across all the circles to drop down the shaft at the end and slipped on the last circle

Love this though and will keep trying from time to time to see if I can finish it


Played EPIC FAIL as well and all I can say is OMG!!!! at the spinning triangles lol couldn't get up to the second one
And the plasma balls bit I found hard to pass lol but persevered and got through

Also tried the ACID level of FJ's (the medium one lol) just to finish a level

Got in the top 10 for about a min then got knocked back to 11th lol

Love these levels and gonna try more soon, but I'm off to bed now

Wow, not bad. The fact that you can even make it to the triangles obstacle (hardest one on level and the same one brb_gymsnastics mentioned) shows you are not the average player. That definitly shows expert potential and ability. And if you like race levels like Acid Bath, check out willtang1134's account. He is the best expert platformist there is, a legend in the community, and he has plenty of expert levels, plus more mellow but still extreme levels, like his Meishaloo (Hard) level that him and his girlfriend made. For races check out his Jumping Survival Challenge (Hard) which is a straight forward one across jumping obstacles. He also has an older account Will_tang. He has 2 accounts because he has so many level that it requires 2 accounts. He almost has 40 levels, you'll notice the race ones, plus the non race elite ones from his new account, plus the old one I just mentioned. In his old account he just published Meishaloo 2 which was made entirely by his girlfriend this time rather than both. But if you want the more hardcore extreme platformers, try willtang1134's Elite level, which is the one with his name in the title exactly as I said it, plus his Skill Challenge levels. However, if you want to try the more difficult things, which you have with Epic Fail, it is best to start at infinite checkpoint levels, so Solid Elite (not the Up a gear version) by Festerd_Jester is nice, as well as the infinite cp version of Mysterious Garden, and so on.

However, there are two very famous levels that are absolutely beyond any of those in difficulty, that you should stay away from as a fair warning until you become really good, the two hardest levels in LBP, and those are Flyo's Nightmare by Flyojumper, and Wormhole's Elite Level by XxWormholexX. None of those two have ever been beaten, although willtang1134 has come the closest, along with X-Playa24. But they are possible to beat, but any player that could beat them would have to have a perfected play control, which is almost humanly impossible, as that would be like being a computer that knows all of the correct exact movements to make and button sensitivety and everything, but is possible.

2009-10-16 03:24:00

Unknown User

woah, I'm glad to see so many people taking interest in this!

Anyway, the FJ tribute level i was talking about was actually not 'Elite-X'. It was one called 'So Freaking Hard' by an author i still don't remember the name of (sorry mr author!).

If people would like, i think it would be beneficial to turn this thread into more of a 'hard level review' corner. You know, like a way of rating and reviewing hard levels without the bias of 'omg its too hard11!!1!' people rating everything with a 1.

So, if you have a level to offer not on this list, it'd be great if you could post it, and i'll add it to the first post.
2009-10-16 05:44:00

Posts: 32

Yeah I got the idea that the triangle is weighted where the little squares are on them. And I can get on top of the first triangle so I'm standing there with the weighted bit at the bottom, but I can't get high enough to get up on top of the smaller triangle that is in between the 2 bigger ones. I'm guessing you have to move slightly to the left to start the triangle spinning then run to the right as it starts to spin and jump from the tip to get enough height ???? (I can get to the smaller triangle so that I'm hanging beneath it and swinging, but don't know how to get up on top of it )

Or do you have to spin around whilst holding the triangle somehow and let go, to propel you up to the top of the small one ?????

BTW I just thought I'd let you know of one of my levels called RUN SACKBOY RUN which I made almost a year ago now and was made to be very hard but have that "one more go" factor. And at the time in lbp's infancy it was quite an original idea (still not played any level's like it really)
It is difficult, but no way in the elite category.
You only have one life and have to be constantly on the move or you die. The level only takes less than a min to finish but is hard to get there.
Just thought if you's like this kind of thing then you might want to give it a shot. Sure it will be well within your capabilities

Here was the thread about it (wow like 11 months ago )
2009-10-16 09:01:00

Posts: 2767

Yeah I got the idea that the triangle is weighted where the little squares are on them. And I can get on top of the first triangle so I'm standing there with the weighted bit at the bottom, but I can't get high enough to get up on top of the smaller triangle that is in between the 2 bigger ones. I'm guessing you have to move slightly to the left to start the triangle spinning then run to the right as it starts to spin and jump from the tip to get enough height ???? (I can get to the smaller triangle so that I'm hanging beneath it and swinging, but don't know how to get up on top of it )

Or do you have to spin around whilst holding the triangle somehow and let go, to propel you up to the top of the small one ?????

BTW I just thought I'd let you know of one of my levels called RUN SACKBOY RUN which I made almost a year ago now and was made to be very hard but have that "one more go" factor. And at the time in lbp's infancy it was quite an original idea (still not played any level's like it really)
It is difficult, but no way in the elite category.
You only have one life and have to be constantly on the move or you die. The level only takes less than a min to finish but is hard to get there.
Just thought if you's like this kind of thing then you might want to give it a shot. Sure it will be well within your capabilities

Here was the thread about it (wow like 11 months ago )

What you have to do on the triangle part is none of those. As I always provide aspiring experts, I will give you starting places. Try all of the following . . .

-Elite Training by Festerd_Jester
-Will_tang has a training level in his original account, which will have training in the title, but not the super jump training, just simply his training level. You'll have to check his account for it.
-from noob to pro by XxWormholexX

The Will_tang and Wormhole ones I don't have the exact title, just part or what I remember, but based on what I've said you can't miss them. The PSN names are all correct, so you can search for author. You have to super jump from the triangle to the head, and so on. You'll learn about super jumping in the training levels. There's more than one way to super jump, but those levels only explain the most common way, which will have to do until the day I make my Expert Platforming Academy (or University) level(s).

And yeah, sometime when I have time I will check that level out. ^_^
2009-10-16 11:44:00

Unknown User

What you have to do on the triangle part is none of those. As I always provide aspiring experts, I will give you starting places. Try all of the following . . .

-Elite Training by Festerd_Jester
-Will_tang has a training level in his original account, which will have training in the title, but not the super jump training, just simply his training level. You'll have to check his account for it.
-from noob to pro by XxWormholexX

The Will_tang and Wormhole ones I don't have the exact title, just part or what I remember, but based on what I've said you can't miss them. The PSN names are all correct, so you can search for author. You have to super jump from the triangle to the head, and so on. You'll learn about super jumping in the training levels. There's more than one way to super jump, but those levels only explain the most common way, which will have to do until the day I make my Expert Platforming Academy (or University) level(s).

And yeah, sometime when I have time I will check that level out. ^_^

Super jump as in when you stand on the edge to get extra height ???

Guess you need to land on the point to do that then

I'm round the parents house for the next few hours, but tonight I'm looking forward to playing the elite levels mentioned in this thread.
Gonna be a frustrating but fun night
2009-10-16 17:38:00

Posts: 2767

Yup, Setbacks was never meant to be an elite level, even the early versions that were significantly harder would never have matched this stuff. It's touted as hard because a lot of the less skilled LBPers are idiots and will 1 star rate if you can't complete the level holding R1. The full combos do require a lot of skill, with complex planeshifting and momentum control but that's about it - almost all of the jumps actually have at least a small grid square of leaway either side, if not more, and the hazards are mostly static. I wanted something that would challenge the average to good LBPers, yet really compel them to carry on, even if they wouldn't normally have gone for such a challenge.

I just realised I wrote waaay more about my level than I meant to there. Sorry people. From my POV these elite levels are beyond my skill level, and the ones I have played have done nothing to compel me to continue. THey haven't even tried. The only aspect to them is the challenge and to me that's dull. I like levels to have a variety of aspects to them, so I can appreciate them on many levels. I don't tend to like purely visual levels or pure anything levels. I like seeing multifaceted creations were everything is blended well together. But that's just me.

It's partly that typical attitude towards visuals that you mentioned earlier s3xNstilletos. The idea that gameplay is king - which is fine, personally I'll always choose gameplay over visuals given the choice of one or t'other. But honestly, I really don't really see why I should have to choose. It always strikes me as a lack of effort on the part of the creator. Obviously that's not entirely true, but it just always makes that thought come up in the back of my head

Of course this is going on the few of these levels I have played, which just bored the crap out of me. I may well try some of the other ones mentioned, especially the pretty ones, and the ones that have more to them that "see if you can get to the scoreboard".
2009-10-16 18:07:00

Posts: 6497

As rtm explained and as I told Bridget elsewhere people can make the levels a bit shorter and make it a bit more appealing.2009-10-16 18:32:00

Posts: 5112

I think the point is that they are aiming for a very specific audience and that audience very much finds the length and the challenge appealing. Under that logic there is no need to change, and I think that is probably correct.

At the same time, I still feel that it's possible to please the proper elite croud and entice others with a little more effort. It all depends what your goals are.
2009-10-16 18:38:00

Posts: 6497

I can't finish Subterranean Setbacks.

Some rat that appears is completely unavoidable. I tried EVERYTHING possible and couldn't get past it. Either it was a bug or I am missing something.
2009-10-16 19:39:00

Posts: 1758

Did you try reading the hint? And then reading the text that tells you exactly what you are doing wrong after you die thrice?2009-10-16 19:46:00

Posts: 6497

Did you try reading the hint? And then reading the text that tells you exactly what you are doing wrong after you die thrice?

What a fortuitious and so perfect example of what you were talking about a couple of post before!

2009-10-16 20:10:00

Posts: 3901

Super jump as in when you stand on the edge to get extra height ???

Guess you need to land on the point to do that then

I'm round the parents house for the next few hours, but tonight I'm looking forward to playing the elite levels mentioned in this thread.
Gonna be a frustrating but fun night

Yeah, super jumping has been mentioned multiple times around the forums and our group, otherwise you wouldn't know about it, like what it's called. But either way, you should play the training levels also.

Yup, Setbacks was never meant to be an elite level, even the early versions that were significantly harder would never have matched this stuff. It's touted as hard because a lot of the less skilled LBPers are idiots and will 1 star rate if you can't complete the level holding R1. The full combos do require a lot of skill, with complex planeshifting and momentum control but that's about it - almost all of the jumps actually have at least a small grid square of leaway either side, if not more, and the hazards are mostly static. I wanted something that would challenge the average to good LBPers, yet really compel them to carry on, even if they wouldn't normally have gone for such a challenge.

I just realised I wrote waaay more about my level than I meant to there. Sorry people. From my POV these elite levels are beyond my skill level, and the ones I have played have done nothing to compel me to continue. THey haven't even tried. The only aspect to them is the challenge and to me that's dull. I like levels to have a variety of aspects to them, so I can appreciate them on many levels. I don't tend to like purely visual levels or pure anything levels. I like seeing multifaceted creations were everything is blended well together. But that's just me.

It's partly that typical attitude towards visuals that you mentioned earlier s3xNstilletos. The idea that gameplay is king - which is fine, personally I'll always choose gameplay over visuals given the choice of one or t'other. But honestly, I really don't really see why I should have to choose. It always strikes me as a lack of effort on the part of the creator. Obviously that's not entirely true, but it just always makes that thought come up in the back of my head

Of course this is going on the few of these levels I have played, which just bored the crap out of me. I may well try some of the other ones mentioned, especially the pretty ones, and the ones that have more to them that "see if you can get to the scoreboard".

I think the point is that they are aiming for a very specific audience and that audience very much finds the length and the challenge appealing. Under that logic there is no need to change, and I think that is probably correct.

At the same time, I still feel that it's possible to please the proper elite croud and entice others with a little more effort. It all depends what your goals are.

As I've mentioned before there are visually nice extreme platformers, but they have to reduce things to make the visuals nicer. There's no lazyness involved in making extreme platformers, because a ton of work goes into the obstcales, even obstacles that appear simple and seem to not require any work actually have to be measured right, especially when one obstacle leads right into another without a break between.

As I said this thread, here are some visually nice extreme platformers . . .

-Sickly Sweet by Festerd_Jester
-The willtang1134 and Festerd_Jester level (The Terrible Towers) by Festerd_Jester

And my personal favorite creator in all of LBP, Yuikiki . . .

-YUIKIKI&Love Sweets (try this one for sure)
-YUIKIKI&Love Residence (this one is like a collage, so if you don't understand the visual appeal of collages, then you won't see the visuals of it)
-YUIKIKI&Love Mountain

Those just listed are extreme platformers, though not the hardest extreme platformers out there, and she has some easier non-extreme levels for casual players that are also visual masterpieces like . . .

-one with a Japanese title, can't miss it
-YUIKIKI HOUSE (this level is her LBP home)
-Fashion Sticker SHOP ROYAL LOVELY
-YUI&KIKI stickershop
-plus others

She is extremely good with detail.

As for the choosing part, and why you have to choose. It requires an understanding of extreme platforming to understand why the obstacles matter as much as they do. If I payed attention to visuals most the time when extreme platforming, then not only would I loose the extreme focus required on the obstacles and die way more, I would go and play the visually stunning casual levels out there, where I am less focused on death defying obstacles (since there are none in casual) and can pay more attention to the visuals. In extreme platforming you'll notice the visuals style right when you enter the level, and that's it, or any other time during the level when there's a sudden change in visuals. These levels aren't made for sightseeing.

Also, all of the creators on that list actually have very nice levels visual wise going by extreme platforming standards, because most extreme platformers are extremely dull, nothing like on that list, dull as in uses create mode floor and background, and basic sponge, wood, etc as only materials.

But the Japanese creators and any that have followed them, brought more visual appeal to extreme platformers. So some non-Japanese have done this too in some cases. But the more visual appeal usually just means a theme, like specific materials used throughout. Only in rare cases like Sickly Sweet and YUIKIKI&Love Sweets is it more than just simply a material theme.
2009-10-16 21:01:00

Unknown User

If I payed attention to visuals most the time when extreme platforming, then not only would I loose the extreme focus required on the obstacles and die way more,[/COLOR]

Sooo, your saying that if they enhanced the visuals, then it would make the level harder? Are you scared of the extra level of difficulty this would bring? I put it to you that in fact you aren't as elite as you claim

Nah, as I said I'm only going on a couple of examples and they really were very bland. I understand that if the visuals were too busy it would be distracting, or even break the visual cues as to what's going on. But the elite levels I have played didn't even try for basic, clean, pleasant visuals, or even a colour scheme. Y'know, any attempt at aesthetics.

The thing really about visuals is that they don't need to be detailed and you don't have to be sightseeing to know they are there. Take the older wipeout games (I haven't played the newer ones so can't comment, but they look to be similar), there was plenty going on in the background, but no chance to actually look at it. You knew it was there though and, whilst it didn't improve the game in any way, without it the experience would be less rounded.

Anyway, I'll probably try the recommendations there, if they are pretty and not the hardest of the hard. Should be an eye-opener at least
2009-10-16 21:15:00

Posts: 6497

I also tried a few of the suggested levels, and I totally understand that there are gamers that will probably enjoy it.... but, as rtm223, I agree that the ones I tried were a bit boring. I had no REASON to continue except for the sheer challenge aspect. There were several times when the creator (I'm not going to single one out, unless you want reviews of specific levels) where, because of the material in front and the camera angle, it was difficult to SEE what was killing me for a while. I personally enjoy difficult levels, but I also think a difficult level needs to be fair.... when you die you should feel as if you SHOULD HAVE died.

Also, unfortunately the floaty nature and physics-heavy actions of sackboy don't help in making difficult jumps fair. The LBP physics actually seem to be a hindrance to unforgiving jumps. I'm not saying the way sackboy moves is done poorly, but it doesn't lend itself well to precise movement.... if you design sackboy's jumping pattern around this, it seems to work better.

When I'm creating a challenging level, I personally choose to go a different direction with difficulty... the same as rtm223. I carefully design each challenge to seem fair, and try to fit an intriguing premise behind it that drives the player on regardless of difficulty. For instance, in "Destiny!" the challenges themselves aren't too difficult, but getting to the end of each challenge quick enough to collect the points before you die is pretty brutal. And I make it pretty obvious collecting the points in the face of danger is the challenge, so players aren't happy with simply flying through.
2009-10-16 21:52:00

Posts: 4430

Sooo, your saying that if they enhanced the visuals, then it would make the level harder? Are you scared of the extra level of difficulty this would bring? I put it to you that in fact you aren't as elite as you claim

Nah, as I said I'm only going on a couple of examples and they really were very bland. I understand that if the visuals were too busy it would be distracting, or even break the visual cues as to what's going on. But the elite levels I have played didn't even try for basic, clean, pleasant visuals, or even a colour scheme. Y'know, any attempt at aesthetics.

The thing really about visuals is that they don't need to be detailed and you don't have to be sightseeing to know they are there. Take the older wipeout games (I haven't played the newer ones so can't comment, but they look to be similar), there was plenty going on in the background, but no chance to actually look at it. You knew it was there though and, whilst it didn't improve the game in any way, without it the experience would be less rounded.

Anyway, I'll probably try the recommendations there, if they are pretty and not the hardest of the hard. Should be an eye-opener at least

Ha ha, you're funny!

As I already said this thread, the main reason is because more visuals take away from thermo. There is no need for visuals if players other than experts will never see them, and if the experts could care less about them.

And yes, you should check out my recommendations for visually nice and not the hardest of extreme platformers. Also, you might want to look at the uploaded photos of those levels also.

I also tried a few of the suggested levels, and I totally understand that there are gamers that will probably enjoy it.... but, as rtm223, I agree that the ones I tried were a bit boring. I had no REASON to continue except for the sheer challenge aspect. There were several times when the creator (I'm not going to single one out, unless you want reviews of specific levels) where, because of the material in front and the camera angle, it was difficult to SEE what was killing me for a while. I personally enjoy difficult levels, but I also think a difficult level needs to be fair.... when you die you should feel as if you SHOULD HAVE died.

Also, unfortunately the floaty nature and physics-heavy actions of sackboy don't help in making difficult jumps fair. The LBP physics actually seem to be a hindrance to unforgiving jumps. I'm not saying the way sackboy moves is done poorly, but it doesn't lend itself well to precise movement.... if you design sackboy's jumping pattern around this, it seems to work better.

When I'm creating a challenging level, I personally choose to go a different direction with difficulty... the same as rtm223. I carefully design each challenge to seem fair, and try to fit an intriguing premise behind it that drives the player on regardless of difficulty. For instance, in "Destiny!" the challenges themselves aren't too difficult, but getting to the end of each challenge quick enough to collect the points before you die is pretty brutal. And I make it pretty obvious collecting the points in the face of danger is the challenge, so players aren't happy with simply flying through.

You need to try the ones I suggested. And every suggested level in this thread by brb and myself are 100% fair. As for sackboy's movement, this is a common thing the less skilled players complain about, which is understandable since their play control isn't as developed. LBP is the ultimate platformer because the movements and button sensitivities allow for the most possibly precise movements in platforming, so it is the opposite of what you said. For example, if you take a glass circle and make it as small as possible and make it where to cross a gap, you have have to jump from one of those to another and so on across the gap, we can do that. That is one of the hardest forms of precision jumping in LBP as each of those GLASS planks is either the same size in width as one of sack person's feet, or smaller, and if we fall, it was entirely our fault as the obstacle is 100% fair.

There is only one thing in LBP that is faulty, which is not the physics system, it's the hitbox on hazards like spikes and electricity where you can die without even touching them. That is faulty, but we deal with it, after much frustration during obstacles where you without hitting them, but again that is our fault partly because the obstacle is passible, therefor if you know just how close you can get to the hazards without dying, then you can figure out proper timing and jump measurements.

But the only goal in extreme platformers is to get from point A to point B, which is made even harder with limited checkpoints.
2009-10-16 22:41:00

Unknown User

Ummm.... I don't really fit into the "less skilled" gamer category. I can certainly hold my own... I've been playing video games for about 32 years, and used to be a professional game designer...

My overview of Sackboy's movements come from experience. Sure, you can get used to controlling him, but for precise pinpoint control the original Mario games and classic 2D scrollers such as contra handle it better. Its not that I'm putting down the art of controlling Sackboy through a precision dangerous experience.... I just don't enjoy it as much as the precision of the classics where they weren't as Sackboy-physics-based. Also, the 3D makes it difficult to tell exactly how you are falling and what you're going to touch.

As mentioned, its not that I can't DO it... it's just that coming to a dead stop or falling straight down with perfect control doesn't seem to lend itself well to Sackboy..... IMO obviously.

But... hey... thats what LittleBigPlanet is all about - getting to play the types of levels YOU enjoy. Just keep in mind, there are different types of "expert" challenges that are just as challenging, but are different types of levels. If you can beat the high score in "Destiny!", I will be extremely impressed.

Also, if you can get through all the stages in pacman...
2009-10-17 00:56:00

Posts: 4430

s3xNstilettos pretty much said it all. However, I do think though that it is possible to implement visuals and extreme platforming at the same time - you don't have do necessarily go all out like yuikiki or xSurax, but you can improve the look by simply choosing your materials more wisely, and not throwing dark matter everywhere. All of the levels mentioned in this thread have at least this amount of visual aesthetic, even if the author wasn't even thinking about it when he/she built the level.

However, even in the scenario that the creator uses only 2 materials, and the level consists of walking along the bottom area of the wilderness background (why do we always use that one lol?), Gameplay is still the main factor. everything else is just bells and whistles.

Regarding the checkpoints comment, i think thats just a matter of personal taste, and not so much difficulty. Even in the game developing community, the quicksave vs checkpoint debate is very controversial.

I come from a school of romhacking, where players quicksave, rewind, and slowdown the game to crawl through our levels. Thus, I am strongly inclined to believe that difficulty better comes from impossible design, and not using the artifitial difficulty and gameflow presented by granting limited lives. I also just think that making the player do replay the level is a roundabout way of extending level playtime, and can be equated to backtracking. Yet, this is my personal taste, and my personal opinion. I have nothing against authors of ultrahard 1LCs; to the contrary, i am GLAD that they exist - without them people who don't prefer my tastes in difficulty would not get the same enjoyment from the game.

thats just my 2 cents anyway.

EDIT: To Ccubage

Lol. dude, like i said a second ago, i'm a romhacker. 99% of my free time goes into playing mods of the original mario games, and other NES classics. From experience, i can tell you that mario controls are equally faulty if not moreso. In fact, the games we romhackers make usually EXPLOIT the rediculous amount of glitches present in those old games. Go try playing pit of despair or Item abuse and tell me that mario games control well. No disrespect, i'm sure you're good at videogames, maybe even better than the rest of us. You just might want to back up your claim a little differently.

EDIT 2: Just to prove my point on both accounts (the controlls and the lives thing), here's a vidya for you guys showing what i'm talking about. also, yes i have beaten this, and yes it is very very hard. thats already been established.

YouTube - Pit of Despair the most difficult Mario rom hack level in the world
2009-10-17 00:56:00

Posts: 32

Don't need to backup my claim differently.... Sackboy attempts to more realistically reproduce physics (of a running sack of potatoes) which it does EXTREMELY well. I love the sackboy controls.... just not for stopping on a dime.2009-10-17 01:07:00

Posts: 4430

Edit: fair enough, we can agree to disagree. You have every right to your opinion; our differences only make little big planet that much of a better, well rounded place of entertainment.

sorry if it sounded like i was trying to cut you down. cheers man.

wow, this thread is REALLY getting derailed. can we please go back to suggesting hard levels, and not arguing about them?
2009-10-17 01:08:00

Posts: 32

I did. Very difficult looking game. And I can see in the video exactly what I'm talking about in the Mario movements - the movements look much more precise.

Once again, I'm not cutting down the difficult levels, I'm just stating my opinion on the movements of sackboy....

Edit: Totally agree.... I was trying to suggest difficult levels and was told they weren't hard because they posed a different type of challenge....

I've definately played a number of other levels I would consider "difficult". I'll try to think of some.
2009-10-17 01:15:00

Posts: 4430


I played and completed all 3 of the training levels last night that was suggested by s3xNstilettos. Actually was able to (luckily ) complete the fast spinning wheels of XxwormholexX's training level on the first try which was quite nervy

Some really nice play in them levels I played

Then just for the LOL's I thought I'd see what all the fuss was with these level's that haven't been beat before.
I tried wormhole's Elite Level (XxwormholexX actually has a message in the comments saying they actually completed it, but the score and pic failed to upload....ouch lol says they have proof in their lbpspace whatever that is)

I didn't get to see any of the level though as OMG!!!!!!!! that is some sick difficulty there
I played it like 100 times and only got to the first platform 3 times and only made it down to them red platforms once lol
Left a comment saying so and said I'll be back when I'm better

Also, how sick is that youtube vid that brb_gymnastics posted of the INSANE mario hack level
That really does look impossible lol

Really loving these kinds of levels and it's reignited my passion for playing lbp
Thanks for the thread and suggestions guy and gals.
2009-10-17 09:10:00

Posts: 2767

I just had to say, BRB, nice to see another here that's into romhacks and whatnot.

I dont play that many of the SMB ones myself though..... they're REALLY overdone.... but every now and then, sure.

I have, however, seen harder than the one you posted there, if you can believe that. (dont ask me to remember the name, cause it's never gonna come to me, haha). That one's better DESIGNED, though, which is important.

Though, I tend not to like the type of design that forces you to use savestates; to me, if you have to break the original rules of the game like that, there's something wrong. That's just me though, and that kind of level can still be interesting at times.

So far most of my own romhacking experience is in screaming at Metroid. Im making a romhack of it. This involves great, great amounts of cursing and me throwing things. That game is so bloody BUGGY. It's just one wacky screwup after another. And then I go to test it, and I keep dying to my own stupid designs, which causes more swearing. It's a vicious cycle.

It's fun to do though, when it's not being an absolute snot. One that I'd really like to do is a hack of Kid Icarus, one of my personal favorites and a contender for "#1 bloody difficult platformer that makes me shout alot yet not want to stop playing it", but I havent found a good way of doing this. It's even buggier than Metroid! Just the fortresses alone give me a headache.


Ok, yeah, I'll let you all get back to what you were talking about now. *sidles out of the room*
2009-10-17 10:48:00

Posts: 334


I played and completed all 3 of the training levels last night that was suggested by s3xNstilettos. Actually was able to (luckily ) complete the fast spinning wheels of XxwormholexX's training level on the first try which was quite nervy

Some really nice play in them levels I played

Then just for the LOL's I thought I'd see what all the fuss was with these level's that haven't been beat before.
I tried wormhole's Elite Level (XxwormholexX actually has a message in the comments saying they actually completed it, but the score and pic failed to upload....ouch lol says they have proof in their lbpspace whatever that is)

I didn't get to see any of the level though as OMG!!!!!!!! that is some sick difficulty there
I played it like 100 times and only got to the first platform 3 times and only made it down to them red platforms once lol
Left a comment saying so and said I'll be back when I'm better

Also, how sick is that youtube vid that brb_gymnastics posted of the INSANE mario hack level
That really does look impossible lol

Really loving these kinds of levels and it's reignited my passion for playing lbp
Thanks for the thread and suggestions guy and gals.

You played the wrong one lol. The one where he CLAIMS he beat it FAIRLY is not the original as the original has limited checkpoints. He has an infinite lives version, which is the one he CLAIMS he beat FAIRLY. Since it's his level, this makes me skeptical, as well as many others. I can't say it's not possible, but if his comment was also on the limited cp version, well then he didn't beat it. Will can't even beat it and will is number one player in the world. But the infinite cp version is more realistically possible.

And if you're going to go back to Wormhole's level when you're better, I would make sure it's the infinite lives version as the limited lives version is a very unrealistic level, which is why a lot of experts consider it crud, because it isn't skill hard, it's no amount of skills will help you hope you have a ton of luck hard. The limited lives one is more realistic.

Check the Expert Platformists group here if you want a glimpes at the top 5 hardest extreme platformers in LBP.
2009-10-17 11:24:00

Unknown User

You played the wrong one lol. The one where he CLAIMS he beat it FAIRLY is not the original as the original has limited checkpoints. He has an infinite lives version, which is the one he CLAIMS he beat FAIRLY. Since it's his level, this makes me skeptical, as well as many others. I can't say it's not possible, but if his comment was also on the limited cp version, well then he didn't beat it. Will can't even beat it and will is number one player in the world. But the infinite cp version is more realistically possible.

Nope, the comment is defo on the limited checkpoint one, just checked.

Didn't even see the infinite lives one at first lol

I think I'll defo try that one next time as restarting was annoying lol
2009-10-17 14:24:00

Posts: 2767

I think this thread was only having a problem of semantics. The title says it's for "hard" levels but those "elite" sackboyers outta here don't realise that the difficulty they are talking about isn't "hard" for the common mortal but more along the lines of "extreme hard", "incredibly hardcore" or again "flasbergastingly super hardcore extreme mega split-your-nuts hard".

Anyhow, let have a lame plug now. To tell you guys than want to play a "hard" level instead of "extreme", try the bubble mode of my Crazy Train (hard version) level. The level is fairly hard in itself but to succeed in the bubble mode (beating the level in ONE streak combo of bubbles) is where the meat lies.

2009-10-17 17:20:00

Posts: 3901

How can you not have subbteranean setbacks!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!
2009-10-17 18:11:00

Posts: 3251

"flasbergastingly super hardcore extreme mega split-your-nuts hard".

I think the title of this thread should be changed to the above.... RangerZero is right - the confusion comes from calling them "hard" levels when you're really talking about a specific KIND of difficult level.
2009-10-17 18:39:00

Posts: 4430

I think the title of this thread should be changed to the above.... RangerZero is right - the confusion comes from calling them "hard" levels when you're really talking about a specific KIND of difficult level.


2009-10-17 19:31:00

Posts: 32

Perfect. 'nuff said.2009-10-17 20:42:00

Posts: 4430

I think this thread was only having a problem of semantics. The title says it's for "hard" levels but those "elite" sackboyers outta here don't realise that the difficulty they are talking about isn't "hard" for the common mortal but more along the lines of "extreme hard", "incredibly hardcore" or again "flasbergastingly super hardcore extreme mega split-your-nuts hard".

Anyhow, let have a lame plug now. To tell you guys than want to play a "hard" level instead of "extreme", try the bubble mode of my Crazy Train (hard version) level. The level is fairly hard in itself but to succeed in the bubble mode (beating the level in ONE streak combo of bubbles) is where the meat lies.


Your post was sexist. I'm not a boy, and the majority of extreme platformists are not boys either. It's like half and half. It's sack person, and the split your you know whats comment was also sexist.

How can you not have subbteranean setbacks!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!

I'm not sure if you were joking or not, but you obviously haven't read the thread, or played any of the levels on that list. ^_^



Are you kidding me?! That title is obviously inappropraite on many levels. For one it's sexist, and two it mentions vulgar language, unless of course you're referring to peanuts, which I doubt it is, and vulgarity isn't allowed in the forums since it's a family site.
2009-10-17 20:56:00

Unknown User

Ya, my bad lol... I don't know how hard these are. Which one's the hardest lol?2009-10-17 22:27:00

Posts: 3251

Ya, my bad lol... I don't know how hard these are. Which one's the hardest lol?

Go into the Expert Platformists group, and I have the top 5 hardest extreme platformers in LBP listed along with author name. It's easy to find as the group info box is neatly organized.
2009-10-17 23:56:00

Unknown User

Your post was sexist. I'm not a boy, and the majority of extreme platformists are not boys either. It's like half and half. It's sack person, and the split your you know whats comment was also sexist.

Look, you're looking too much into it. What is the name of the character you're playing with? "Sackboy". Is it sexist? no, it's the name they gave to this sex-less fabric cuty. Therefore I created "sackboyers", a word that means "those who use use/play with Sackboy". It's all perfectly fine in language and not sexist. It's your reader job to understand it properly. It's me who should accuse you of a very feminist reaction in fact. But i'm not accusing you because I'm over such details, such differences, I don't see sex, color, genders, etc. It's just human people searching for trouble imo. We are all brothers and sisters.

And the "split-your-nuts" thing is an expression. Here again it doesn't imply anything about anybody. There's alot of even more common expressions "that have a sex gender" if I can pull it that way. In french language, even common NAMES have a gender. Just throwing an example, a car is feminine and a truck is male. This doesn't imply we think women are smaller and more delicate than men or whatever you could interpret through this.

My post was an HYPERBOLE. And there's no law that tells you have to find it funny. I'm perfect fine with your choice there.


Also, LOL @ the title change.

2009-10-18 04:21:00

Posts: 3901

Nstilettos, i'm sorry the name change offended you - its just a joke. Please try to relax a little. no one here is trying to push any sort of male supremacy type of thing - split-your-nuts is a term of expression; from a linguistic standpoint, it could even be considered an idiom. while i do see where you are coming from from the inappropriate standpoint (although you DO have 'sex' in ur name...?), no one here is trying to insinuate any sort of feminine-masculine stereotypes - we are all humans, we should accept and love each other; assume the best in everyone, not the worst. I really am sorry you took it that way, and if you are still upset about it, I am perfectly willing to change the name back, regardless of the fact that, from what i see, most people find the joke quite funny.

anyway, i just wanted to make sure you were cool with everything. I don't want anyone getting upset because of my thread. As a friend, i don't want you to feel bad, cheer up yo

2009-10-18 09:35:00

Posts: 32

Look, you're looking too much into it. What is the name of the character you're playing with? "Sackboy". Is it sexist? no, it's the name they gave to this sex-less fabric cuty. Therefore I created "sackboyers", a word that means "those who use use/play with Sackboy". It's all perfectly fine in language and not sexist. It's your reader job to understand it properly. It's me who should accuse you of a very feminist reaction in fact. But i'm not accusing you because I'm over such details, such differences, I don't see sex, color, genders, etc. It's just human people searching for trouble imo. We are all brothers and sisters.

And the "split-your-nuts" thing is an expression. Here again it doesn't imply anything about anybody. There's alot of even more common expressions "that have a sex gender" if I can pull it that way. In french language, even common NAMES have a gender. Just throwing an example, a car is feminine and a truck is male. This doesn't imply we think women are smaller and more delicate than men or whatever you could interpret through this.

My post was an HYPERBOLE. And there's no law that tells you have to find it funny. I'm perfect fine with your choice there.


Also, LOL @ the title change.


Not everyone uses a sackboy. I use a sack girl. Your comparisons have nothing to do with the point. The point is that this is a universal family site, and that title definitly has a 'join the boys club' feel to it. And I know that is an expression, but the expression is a male one, much the same as 'bust your b*lls'. Those expressions have always been aimed at males, because it refers to something either frustrating or annoying or hard to the point of you know what to male privates, though it's just figuritive language.

Nstilettos, i'm sorry the name change offended you - its just a joke. Please try to relax a little. no one here is trying to push any sort of male supremacy type of thing - split-your-nuts is a term of expression; from a linguistic standpoint, it could even be considered an idiom. while i do see where you are coming from from the inappropriate standpoint (although you DO have 'sex' in ur name...?), no one here is trying to insinuate any sort of feminine-masculine stereotypes - we are all humans, we should accept and love each other; assume the best in everyone, not the worst. I really am sorry you took it that way, and if you are still upset about it, I am perfectly willing to change the name back, regardless of the fact that, from what i see, most people find the joke quite funny.

anyway, i just wanted to make sure you were cool with everything. I don't want anyone getting upset because of my thread. As a friend, i don't want you to feel bad, cheer up yo


As for the expression, I know that, as you can read my response to Ranger this same post so I can avoid typing part of it again, but the thread title is not very attractive on a universal appeal. Titles like that tend to draw males more, and this thread is suppose to be about hard levels and welcoming to everyone. The old title for example was great, or something like the one now but without the split so and so part. As for my name, no I do not have that word in my name. I have s3x in my name. The 3 is there for a reason.

If extreme platforming wasn't something I love, then I wouldn't take such offense to the title, because we are trying to bring extreme platforming into the mainstream and appeal to a wide audience, so that new title just sort of narrowed the audience now. The split your so and so part just feels like a tought manly way to say the levels are hard which it is as that expression has always been that, rather than a universal appeal.

But I don't care. I'm fine. Everyone else can have their fun.
2009-10-18 11:14:00

Unknown User

[COLOR="Magenta"]Not everyone uses a sackboy. I use a sack girl.

Nah, the character of the game is "Sackboy". It's because you can dress it as you wish and therefore name it along, like making a word play. You dress as a girl it becomes "sack girl", you dress it as a crocodile it becomes "sack crocodile". The character behind it all, the trademark, the sack thing you control behind it all is "sackboy". That's what I meant.
Lastly, as a male I will tend to express like one. Especially here I wasn't trying to suggest a name for the thread anyways.

Anyhow, let's not derail the thread more. It's already too much, I don't want to spoil it too much.

*group hug* (this doesn't sound family friendly in a way. lol)

So what are the extreme levels you found/played today?

2009-10-18 12:51:00

Posts: 3901

Nah, the character of the game is "Sackboy". It's because you can dress it as you wish and therefore name it along, like making a word play. You dress as a girl it becomes "sack girl", you dress it as a crocodile it becomes "sack crocodile". The character behind it all, the trademark, the sack thing you control behind it all is "sackboy". That's what I meant.
Lastly, as a male I will tend to express like one. Especially here I wasn't trying to suggest a name for the thread anyways.

Anyhow, let's not derail the thread more. It's already too much, I don't want to spoil it too much.

*group hug* (this doesn't sound family friendly in a way. lol)

So what are the extreme levels you found/played today?


let it go dude, she clearly isn't enjoying this.

2009-10-19 02:26:00

Posts: 32

I said I'm fine. Everyone else can have their fun.

So even though it upsets me about the title not reaching out extreme platforming to wider audience. I don't care, because from the EPA once our aite is done and I have the index of extreme platformers posted here that I first brought to peoples' attention a month ago, then this won't really bother me because then there will be a universal appeal formal title. It was just that fact that since extreme platforming hasn't become mainstream yet and there's a misunderstanding going around about what it is and the kind of people that play them, then that title definitly doesn't help the cause, unless of course you're a male.

I realize your intention is to not care about extreme platforming becoming more mainstream and people getting a better understanding of it like those of us from the community like will, Festerd_Jester, Worm, etc have begun movement for this purpose. But that's okay, and that wasn't meant to be an offensive statement though I realize it sounds like it.

I just always assumed you were a supporter of professional platforming, but then I realized you probably don't know any of this. I just assumed you did since in the group we mention what our goal is.

2009-10-19 04:52:00

Unknown User

I said I'm fine. Everyone else can have their fun.

So even though it upsets me about the title not reaching out extreme platforming to wider audience. I don't care, because from the EPA once our aite is done and I have the index of extreme platformers posted here that I first brought to peoples' attention a month ago, then this won't really bother me because then there will be a universal appeal formal title. It was just that fact that since extreme platforming hasn't become mainstream yet and there's a misunderstanding going around about what it is and the kind of people that play them, then that title definitly doesn't help the cause, unless of course you're a male.

I realize your intention is to not care about extreme platforming becoming more mainstream and people getting a better understanding of it like those of us from the community like will, Festerd_Jester, Worm, etc have begun movement for this purpose. But that's okay, and that wasn't meant to be an offensive statement though I realize it sounds like it.

I just always assumed you were a supporter of professional platforming, but then I realized you probably don't know any of this. I just assumed you did since in the group we mention what our goal is.

- People will play games they enjoy.
- Many enjoy hard levels, but not necessarily "extreme platforming" levels
- There is no sexism on this site. Morgana25, xkappax, MrsSpookyBuz, and IceMaiden are there to smack us on our little sackperson heads if it ever crops up.

I personally think the title to this thread has a HUGE potential to raise awareness of the "cause". It really grabs your attention.

On topic - I've personally found "Bridget_" designs some of the most polished "hard" levels I've seen. I'd love to know what you all think of these levels.... are they what you would consider "extreme" platforming, or do they look too good?
2009-10-19 19:18:00

Posts: 4430

I just always assumed you were a supporter of professional platforming, but then I realized you probably don't know any of this. I just assumed you did since in the group we mention what our goal is.

The basic judgment error you make anyways is too think extreme platformers will become more mainstream. It's a niche and it will stay that way. "Extreme types" never become common otherwise they wouldn't be extreme, exceptions, etc, they would simply be the norm...

2009-10-19 20:15:00

Posts: 3901

- People will play games they enjoy.
- Many enjoy hard levels, but not necessarily "extreme platforming" levels
- There is no sexism on this site. Morgana25, xkappax, MrsSpookyBuz, and IceMaiden are there to smack us on our little sackperson heads if it ever crops up.

I personally think the title to this thread has a HUGE potential to raise awareness of the "cause". It really grabs your attention.

On topic - I've personally found "Bridget_" designs some of the most polished "hard" levels I've seen. I'd love to know what you all think of these levels.... are they what you would consider "extreme" platforming, or do they look too good?

I said I'm fine lol. My words always come out wrong often, as most on this site know by now. Now in the first post or two I did somewhat mean it how it sounded, but in tht last post just now it wasn't meant to sound the way it did. When I read my last post it sounds like I'm being kind of sarcasmic or smart alec putting brb down saying he obviously doesn't care about supporting extreme platforming, when really when I say he probably doesn't know about the cause I was being serious.

As for Bridget's levels who happens to be on our staff, those are extreme platformers, though they are among the easiest group of extreme platformers (although Nightmare Redux is a mid-range difficulty of extreme platformer as it's not the easiest or hardest), but still hard enough to be extreme. But I've always been a fan of his levels, which is why I was probably the only person that would testplay Nightmare Redux before it came out over and over, which I did. And what do you mean "or do they look too good?"? What kind of silly question is that? Lol.

If you've been reading this thread, you'll notice where I say visuals are the least important in extreme platformers, as the only purpose of extreme platformers is to design cruel obstacle courses for expert platformists. We could care less if the visuals are good or bad in extreme platformers. Our focus is on the obstacles. The balance plays out more focus on obstacles, and less focus on visuals. This is why Bridget himself says his levels don't look that good because 1. he can't do art he says, and 2. he'll even tell you visuals aren't as important anyways in levels (extreme platformers) that are aimed at a certain audience of expert platformists since non-experts won't see much of the level anyways, although Nightmare Redux is the best looking one yet of his platformers. However, there are quite a few visually nice extreme platformers as I've mentioned in this thread. Take Sickly Sweet, it is visually nice, but a very short level due to the focus given to the visuals. Or YUIKIKI Sweets, which is not that short, but has simpler obstacles because of this, but the level is loved the same as an EP (extreme platformer) of less visual appeal. Actually, YUIKIKI Sweets doesn't even get as much attention as some of the more famous EPs of less visual appeal.

But thanks to the Japanese, that gave birth to extreme platforming, most EPs do follow either a material theme, or in rare cases like YUIKIKI Sweets, visually artistic. Even non-Japanese extreme platformists have followed this trend like Festerd_Jester. Material themes are the most popular, as they are not ugly, but at the same time visually simplistic. Ugly examples would be, as I mentioned earlier, EPs that use basic materials and the create mode editor as the background and/or floor. But these creators know the visuals do not matter in these kinds of levels. Take the level Sack in Danger (Extremly Hard), it uses basic materials and creat mode background, yet the level is almost garunteed to get 5 stars and a heart by an expert/extreme platformist because the obstacles were extremely well done.
2009-10-19 21:38:00

Unknown User

The basic judgment error you make anyways is too think extreme platformers will become more mainstream. It's a niche and it will stay that way. "Extreme types" never become common otherwise they wouldn't be extreme, exceptions, etc, they would simply be the norm...


SORRY FOR DOUBLE POST!!!!!! But I feel this post is of importance . . .

Your reply here is the most offensive small-minded post I have ever seen on this site. For 1. You technically just insulted all the extreme platformists out there, and 2. You are saying that extreme platforming will never go anywhere, when extreme sports and gaming have already moved from small community into mainstream. Everything started in a small community before becoming well-known. Extreme gaming is already big in Japan, and professional gaming, mainly in FPS at the moment and fighters, is already mainstream.
2009-10-19 21:47:00

Unknown User

My words always come out wrong often

i like this quote
2009-10-19 21:50:00

Posts: 384

This thread is getting ridiculously derailed.

Everyone, either talk about the levels recommended here, or recommend your own. If you want to talk about how sexist or insulting the thread title or anything else is, take it to Private Messages.

Thanks and Good Luck for everyone tackling these levels.

2009-10-19 22:12:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

This thread is getting ridiculously derailed.

Everyone, either talk about the levels recommended here, or recommend your own. If you want to talk about how sexist or insulting the thread title or anything else is, take it to Private Messages.

Thanks and Good Luck for everyone tackling these levels.


I changed the freaking name, so everyone just stop it ok?

Anyway, I didn't even realize until last night that there even WAS an infinite life version Mysterious Garden. As soon as i saw it, I of course went and finally completed it (w00t!). I gotta say, I'm pretty proud of myself lol.

after reading nstilettos post about wormholes elite level, I immediately decided to completely disregard the warning and go play it (well, the infinite lives version). yeaahhhh, that was totally unreasonable - even for a hard level. I loved it, but its so far over my head that I don't plan on trying again for a very, very long time.

I managed to get to the fifth 'mini-circle' along that series of circle jumps before giving up. Its in that section right above the glass triangles sloped up that angled electricity. (i realize that was the very, very begining of the level. stop laughing at me, i know your laughting. I SAID STOP IT).

Since we're getting more on topic now, i've been thinking of ways in which we could document all the hard levels for reference. as of now i've had two ideas - both of em suck:

first option - we use this tread (as it was intended) as an index for hard levels. but instead of just posting walls of text and having people fish through it, we'll use a sort of submission template. after posting this, I'll copypasta the submission into the first post. this is how the submission would look...

Level Name by Author Name
difficulty rating of 1 to 5 (in stars); 1 being something like "hanging challenge", 5 being like "XxwormholexX's elite level"
player type (ex: 1p, 1-4p, 2-4p, 4p)
life type (infinite, limited, or 1LC)

here's an example:

Flyo's NightmareFlyojumper
1p only

second option - we (extreme platformist group) create a special PSN profile. we all know the username and password, but we DO NOT SHARE IT. when we find an awesome hard level that we like, we log on to this profile and heart it. WE DON'T USE THIS PROFILE TO PUBLISH LEVELS, OR PLAY LEVELS, ONLY TO CREATE A SPECIAL HEARTED LIST. I am not sure if the eula allows us to do this, but I'm pretty sure it does. this idea may be kinda, lame, but if people used it properly, and didn't give it out to irresponsible people/non extreme lbp platformists, then it may work really well.

so yeah, those are our options. Please comment on which you would prefer, and if you would like, start submitting levels in the above format. If we can get enough approval for one or the other, this could become extremely beneficial to all of us!
2009-10-20 05:50:00

Posts: 32

Sorry brb, but I have been working on an index already for a really long while now, as many members here know.

Of course there's no rule saying you can't, but your thread the way it is now makes it yours, otherwise if you turn it into an index you're technically making all my work go to waste, and yes the index is a professionally made index since it's coming from the Expert Platformists Association, and it's also open to submissions.

I would of had it up already, but I have been waiting for Festerd_Jester to get back to me on our logo, which is what's keeping many threads from being posted, including articles.

EDIT: I just realized brb, you aren't familiar with what the Expert Platformists is are you? But that's my fault, as you're new and might not be aware of all this. It's not a club or something like, we're actually an organization providing the most helpful resource, and official resource (much the same as the NFL is the official source of football) for extreme platforming, or professional platforming as another word. This includes a website not yet up, but coming, and even global rankings and sanctioned play for those that wish to pursue that. It's HUGE, but you wouldn't know it just seeing the group here. I really need to put an explaination in the group, as some are aware of this while others are not, so then when I speak of extreme platforming the ones that aren't aware of this think I'm speaking from opinion rather than facts, lol.

EDIT: I don't know what to say about the index brb, while I've been working on one, and waiting to be able to post it, at the same time I don't want to be a party pooper to you wanting to do index. I feelstuck in the middle now, like I have a choice between, be fine with brb doing index, or not be fine and annoy brb even more after the title conflict happened.
2009-10-20 09:23:00

Unknown User

Thank you Whale....

This is my favorite thread in ages and it was really annoying me that it was becoming one big argument

Your all very passionate people and if you need to put your point accross please speak in private/profile messages as it was spoiling it for everyone that is interested.

Anyway..... Lol

I'm away with work atm and can't play lbp for a bit (can't wait for lbp psp)

I'm itching to get on some of these and beat them lol

Thanks again for this great thread and bringing these levels to people like me who likes this but wouldn't have seen them otherwise
2009-10-20 10:14:00

Posts: 2767

Sorry brb, but I have been working on an index already for a really long while now, as many members here know.

Of course there's no rule saying you can't, but your thread the way it is now makes it yours, otherwise if you turn it into an index you're technically making all my work go to waste, and yes the index is a professionally made index since it's coming from the Expert Platformists Association, and it's also open to submissions.

I would of had it up already, but I have been waiting for Festerd_Jester to get back to me on our logo, which is what's keeping many threads from being posted, including articles.

EDIT: I just realized brb, you aren't familiar with what the Expert Platformists is are you? But that's my fault, as you're new and might not be aware of all this. It's not a club or something like, we're actually an organization providing the most helpful resource, and official resource (much the same as the NFL is the official source of football) for extreme platforming, or professional platforming as another word. This includes a website not yet up, but coming, and even global rankings and sanctioned play for those that wish to pursue that. It's HUGE, but you wouldn't know it just seeing the group here. I really need to put an explaination in the group, as some are aware of this while others are not, so then when I speak of extreme platforming the ones that aren't aware of this think I'm speaking from opinion rather than facts, lol.

EDIT: I don't know what to say about the index brb, while I've been working on one, and waiting to be able to post it, at the same time I don't want to be a party pooper to you wanting to do index. I feelstuck in the middle now, like I have a choice between, be fine with brb doing index, or not be fine and annoy brb even more after the title conflict happened.

fair enough,

why don't you post your 'index' here until the site goes up? that way, we can get suggestions from people and help it move along; then when the site goes up, i'll have the list removed, and just post a link to it.

2009-10-20 16:00:00

Posts: 32

fair enough,

why don't you post your 'index' here until the site goes up? that way, we can get suggestions from people and help it move along; then when the site goes up, i'll have the list removed, and just post a link to it.


Our logo isn't done, so that's why I haven't begun posting things like the index, articles, etc. Sure, we've already done our first preview which was for Nightmare Redux, which is one of my 3 blogs I've already done here, but there was no logo. So I haven't put anything up since whether in blog or thread. The index has a TON of levels in it already and growing.

So I guess just do yours, and once ours is ready, you would still have yours here but could link to ours, or we could post ours here also, or I don't know. Something along those lines. Either way your submission for your thread here is something you want to do, and I don't want to seem like I drag or bad friend, lol. Besides, even though there are official sources for things out there in the world, there are always unofficial things done by fans, or players, etc for what they love. So that plan sounds nice.

Awesome thread you have here, so I'll be checking it frequently to see what extreme platformers have been submitted.
2009-10-20 22:23:00

Unknown User

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