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EA failure

Archive: 16 posts

http://kotaku.com/5368824/nfs-shift-crashes-at-playstation-store-screen---on-a-3602009-09-28 15:57:00

Unknown User

I personally like the comment by one guy underneath:

RAGE QUITTER 'Shift is completely what it is without the 'h' and 'f'.
@Sabastian_Chadwick_McGirt: Sit is all the rage, I hear'

lol spelling fail.
2009-09-28 16:54:00

Unknown User

My god that is fail.
2009-09-28 17:15:00

Posts: 4291

Xbox was trying to hack PS3!2009-09-28 17:30:00

Posts: 744

This game won my "most buggy game of this generation" award so far. So much bugs that I actually sold it.


2009-09-29 04:27:00

Posts: 3901

Oh good lord almighty that can't be good xD2009-09-29 07:21:00

Posts: 342

Hahahaha... I doubt anyone really lost their job over this, silly stuff like this happens all the time.

Here's my assumption on what happened: Most of the UIs in commercial releases are based on some kind of template. The template basically says "logo here, text here, buttons can go here" .. etc. But then the application can change the properties and actions during runtime.

So basically, the template defaulted to using the PSN logo for some silly reason and the source code broke execution before it managed to alter the template properly (to show text, the right picture)... it's not actually trying to access anything, it's just a picture.

I learned something though, apparently the developers do get the appropriate logo images and make their own front ends to access the PSN and XBL stores... I guess that should've clicked with LBP.

It just usually went to a PS3 system menu for this sort of thing.
2009-09-29 15:13:00

Posts: 2278

Yeah, I was all O-o at this XD

I think EA had the PS3 instruction manual online for Battlefield bad company if you downloaded it off Live marketplace- or something O-o

But still... wow
2009-09-29 20:47:00

Posts: 10882

Q: How many epic fails until EA declares bankruptcy?
A: Keep dreaming, kids. Keep dreaming.

I mean, how the heck do you manage that.....
2009-09-30 20:53:00

Posts: 2046

EA can't go bankrupt, just because of Fifa. And Skate.2009-09-30 21:11:00

Unknown User

EA can't go bankrupt, just because of Fifa. And Skate.
and battlefield.
2009-09-30 21:14:00

Unknown User

yeah, that too

Can't wait for Fifa on friday
2009-09-30 21:42:00

Unknown User

This has got to be the worst EA bug ever.
The debuggers aren't doing their job properly before initial release.
2009-10-01 03:05:00

Posts: 315

Apaprently, when they are coding the game etc, all the buttons need to be big enough for both consoles icons. So as whatever some of the buttons on the PS3 version need to be longer, the game was based around that (for that screen at least) and they left that there, not expecting the 360 version to revert to that. The game crashed, and it showed the screen that they used while making it. Hence the bug

That is probably wrong. but i read it somewhere, i just have no idea how to word it myself
2009-10-01 16:58:00

Unknown User

This has got to be the worst EA bug ever.
The debuggers aren't doing their job properly before initial release.

In my experience I would say I'm pretty sure their testers found that bug. It's all about the production team deciding to fix it or not. This game was rushed out the door to release before Forza3. I'm sure they had to put thousands of issues in "Will Not Fix".

2009-10-01 17:54:00

Posts: 3901

In my experience I would say I'm pretty sure their testers found that bug. It's all about the production team deciding to fix it or not. This game was rushed out the door to release before Forza3. I'm sure they had to put thousands of issues in "Will Not Fix".


This, and regardless of bugs or not, it wouldn't outsell Forza on 360...
2009-10-01 18:17:00

Unknown User

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