Pong Survival Extreme (GRID MODE)
Archive: 14 posts
Pong Survival Extreme (GRID MODE)steve_big_guns Avoid the blocks that bounce around the screen, survive and collect points. all The idea for this level came about when I made a Pong and Breakout concept. I wanted to take the logic that i made for the moving blocks and apply it to an original idea. The blocks will change direction when they come in contact to another surface (wall barrier or another block). Its a survival challenge, similar in concept to a plasma ball one where you are equipped with a jet pack and have to manouver around the oncoming hazzards. 8 blocks are placed around the levels edge and are activated in sequence. In the grid mode there is a 9x5 bubble grid which has a 7 second re-spawn delay. The idea is to plan a path to allow for large multipliers. I tried to make something original and addictive. I hope that you enjoy it ![]() | 2009-09-28 07:13:00 Author: SteveBigGuns ![]() Posts: 423 |
I just unlocked the two versions now. I just made the classic mode a little easier as the feedback i recieved was that the sequence activation was too fast. | 2009-09-28 23:36:00 Author: SteveBigGuns ![]() Posts: 423 |
I remember playing this, this morning. Good level heh. | 2009-09-30 04:36:00 Author: Count ![]() Posts: 315 |
Played this yesterday. I really liked the look of the level and it was pretty fun too! =) 4* and a heart. | 2009-09-30 05:36:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
Thanks. I may try to make something else using similar logic techniques. ive got a few ideas. | 2009-09-30 06:47:00 Author: SteveBigGuns ![]() Posts: 423 |
Nice one! There's only one little issue with grid mode, being the perspective. If you fly exactly over a point bubble, you don't collect it - you always have to take the perspective into account and touch the bubbles on the right or left side in order to collect them. This can be especially annoying when things get hectical and you don't have time to line up with the grid. Well, you could just say that players need to take that into account in order to get points. However, I suggest enlarging the point bubbles by 1.5, so that you pick them up automatically when flying over the respective grid sector. Other than that, great challenge! Nice background tech, nice visual style, nice idea, nice survival! | 2009-09-30 09:41:00 Author: Treas ![]() Posts: 223 |
Thanks for the idea. Ill try it and see how it plays later. I hate switching all those emiters thoungh. | 2009-09-30 15:29:00 Author: SteveBigGuns ![]() Posts: 423 |
Oh, I know what you mean - I had to tweak a total of 92 emitters from 120s lifespan down to 60s lifespan ![]() | 2009-09-30 19:08:00 Author: Treas ![]() Posts: 223 |
i made the size adjustments. I hate having to do repetitive thing like that too. Mindless button pressing. | 2009-09-30 23:00:00 Author: SteveBigGuns ![]() Posts: 423 |
Nice! I agree, mass-tweaking your tech (emitters, pistons) after that you've set up the whole logics feels kinda mindless, but that's the way LBP works. Certain circumstances allow us for "mass-programming", making one change which will then be ported to all related tools, but most of the time, we have to tweak manually. But it's great seeing that you've done it nonetheless. I will play the updated version as soon as I get back to my PS3. | 2009-10-01 07:17:00 Author: Treas ![]() Posts: 223 |
Happened upon this level last night. Man, this thing is ADDICTING! I must have played 10 times in a row. Nice use of magnetic keys as collision detection! I don't really have any suggestions - visuals were perfect for what they were trying to be... anything fancy would have ruined the retro-effect. The design is great because even when the level is at it's easiest you're trying to fly around and collect as many combos as you can before it gets harder - which means if you're REALLY trying for a good score it keeps your pulse beating faster all the way through. Great job! :star::star::star::star::star: and a heart! | 2009-10-01 14:01:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
The grid mode was actually my first version of the pong mini game that I created. I then thought that doing another mode without the points grid would be a nice idea. as stated by CCubbage, the grid gives you some to achieve straight away. With the classic mode however, it only becomes challenging when about 6 blocks are in motion. To keep this from getting boring I decreased the activation sequence timing to about half that of the grid mode. Also the block speed has been increased a fraction. | 2009-10-01 18:59:00 Author: SteveBigGuns ![]() Posts: 423 |
I like the point bubbles idea more myself.![]() There's just something REALLY satisfying about grabbing those things. They're like little shiny pieces of kiddie-crack. | 2009-10-01 20:13:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Ha lol. It doesn't seem to be doing as well as the non bubble points system version though (CLASSIC). Maybe the majority of people like more simplicity in the gameplay. | 2009-10-01 23:52:00 Author: SteveBigGuns ![]() Posts: 423 |
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