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Super Anti-Gravity Platform!

Archive: 8 posts

So we've seen all the gravity platforms lately which allow you to jump slightly higher or restrict your heigth etc.

I've developed another platform that catapults the player sky-wards! With no moving parts!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that this ability can be turned on and off.

And that i made a platform with the opposite effect where you get sucked through the platform completely!

Play my new level- BOUNCE! to win the platform and see how its made.
2009-09-27 23:19:00

Posts: 836

Sounds good. Anything visible or does it look as normal as the other platforms?2009-09-27 23:45:00

Posts: 321

yes I got that as a prize on your level and am very interested in it. How exactly does it work if you don't mind explaining.2009-09-28 06:51:00

Posts: 30

Sounds good. Anything visible or does it look as normal as the other platforms?

Glad to hear you're using this: I plan to keep it much more aggressively up-to-date than has been the case in the past, but don't hesitate to let me know if you find errors or need clarifications.
2009-09-28 07:49:00

Unknown User

Glad to hear you're using this: I plan to keep it much more aggressively up-to-date than has been the case in the past, but don't hesitate to let me know if you find errors or need clarifications.

What do you mean by that?

To find out, go into create mode and check it out! It isn't that difficult really, just play around with the piston.
2009-09-28 08:25:00

Posts: 836

Sounds good. Anything visible or does it look as normal as the other platforms?

It looks like the other platforms, nothing visible.
2009-09-28 10:00:00

Posts: 836

Cool! I think I know how it works because I was just wondering about placing a piston where the rod was supposed to be...
Edit: Just played and about to try and figure the platform out...
2009-09-28 12:33:00

Posts: 469

Yeha u r on the right lines!2009-09-28 23:09:00

Posts: 836

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