Amusement mag French Article Translation (Nothing new, but an interesting read)
Archive: 15 posts
Wow, well that just took a lot longer than I thought. I just spent the last 2 hours translating this article, where french met with Alex and Mark. It was in response to this thread. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=28325#post28325 Where I said I'd translate some of the written articles. Enjoy. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mediamolecule/2864942769/sizes/l/ Rare are the games that you expect to enjoy for several years. And LittleBigPlanet does in fact do that. "Play, Create, Share". That is the motto of this abnormal game that invites us to create our own levels?to share it with the rest of the world. In the occasion of it's release in October, AMUSEMENT (Name of the mag) puts Sackboy, it's character fetish, on the scene, and meets Alex Evans and Mark Healey, the two creators of this creative playground, unique and infinite. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mediamolecule/2864945031/sizes/l/ Mr Do It & Mr Yourself! LittleBigPlanet is a dream that most people have in common, the ability to make a game. AMUSEMENT to meet the creators of this unique title that permits the whole planet to concede an amazing disposition?and to share it with the rest of the world. An occasion with them to bring out the unexpected sources of their creativity, which features Lego and paper cardboard. From now on, Mark Healy and Alex Evans are part of the top 10 video game designers. Exhibit A: It suffices to spend 1/2 an hour with their game, LittleBigPlanet, to figure out to what point its principal is disruptive and its possibilities infinite. Phase 1: The creation of the character. The Sackboy is a true puppet, where it's possible to move every part of its body, to modify the facial expression, and where you can color or disguise. Since the beginning, the creators have been focusing on 3 things: Good humor, a good feeling, childish creativity. But it's after the creation of this character where things get serious. LittleBigPlanet invites you to show off your own gaming level, from the hundreds of elements brought to you by the other players?or simply, made by yourself. From a blank paper, a blank canvas, you're going to have to imagine all the elements to have the game developers confront every day. Should I put a trap here? What should it look like? What kind of lighting should I use? How is it going to advance with the actions of the players? What happens if I put this rope here as it bounces off that other thing? The possibilities brought to you by LittleBigPlanet are simply infinite, until your imagination reaches its limit. In an unexpected way, this title makes a big difference with professional creation tools, and the super big sharing sites like youtube, for making them common with the rest of the world. Imagine: I create my level, another one takes it up and makes it harder, and then another one decorates it, then I take pick it up again and add more motifs?The principal is too make people co-operate with each other, a general mixing by the internet. You understand this; MediaMolecule didn't just make a game, even if you can travel through 50 levels like any other platform game. They made a real numeric tool that competes that needs to be dated in the history books graphic interface, next to Windows 3.1 and Photoshop. Because it lets you create things which other tools don't allow. LittleBigPlanet is without a doubt one of the most important titles in the last few years. Meeting with the creative geniuses that invented a game where you can invent. Q: How do you feel with the approach of the release date of LittleBigPlanet? The Concept is extremely new but also with unanswered questions. Alex: In fact, we were pretty surprised. When we just started to explain the concept of the game, we were thinking that no one would truly get it. It's weird, it's a bit like Lego bricks, and it's direct with an artistic part. Then, we started to notice that the public understood it by its own way by looking at videos or by occasionally playing it. Like Mark says "Sometimes, you show one of your creations to someone, and he takes it for something else." It's the bad misinterpretation. But in reality, it's a great thing. People started to grasp the concept of the game, and made it better for us?basing themselves from unexpected instructions. What would you say defines the possibilities of LittleBigPlanet? Alex: In fact, LittleBigPlanet gives us the moral to do anything we want, something amazing. What's interesting in this game is that we didn't realize at the beginning the process of the creation. And now, we can create almost anything extremely fast, by using the tools, qualified and trained people. The next phase was "How do we re-do it so our professional tools are in the game for everyone?" For Example, our level designer Dany, came to me once and asked "I want the lighting to be like this". I replied "Yes, I can code this right now, just by moving a finger, no problem". Then he said "How do I arrange it so it'd be in the game!?" Our rule is, if it's possible to do it, then you must have it. Now, I couldn't translate the rest (1 paragraph left), due to the the last column being extremely blurry..Actually, the whole page was blurry. I'll kill the guy who scanned it -_- So, this is what, both detailed and not, the article says. Always nice to read one. Edit: Also, so if this might not be 300% accurate. I was doing it pretty fast. | 2008-09-18 18:00:00 Author: Forsaken ![]() Posts: 950 |
Fantastic work Forsaken thank you for that it is very much appreciated. Cheers QuozL | 2008-09-18 18:38:00 Author: QuozL ![]() Posts: 921 |
Nice translation ![]() | 2008-09-18 18:38:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
Cool, you know what, I might actually read it here instead of squinting at those scans up on flickr! Thanks ![]() | 2008-09-18 19:03:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
Wow, excellent translation work, there. Now, French and English do have similar grammar forms, but still! I thought that Photoshop comparison analogy was very interesting, and I've never heard it put that way before. (Extra plug for Windows 3.1, which I remember very well...) Very high quality article, overall. | 2008-09-18 23:15:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
Thanks guys ^^ Cool, you know what, I might actually read it here instead of squinting at those scans up on flickr! Thanks ![]() Man, it was extremely annoying trying to read it <_< I tried several programs, to see which one shows it to you the clearest when zooming in. Wow, excellent translation work, there. Now, French and English do have similar grammar forms, but still! I thought that Photoshop comparison analogy was very interesting, and I've never heard it put that way before. (Extra plug for Windows 3.1, which I remember very well...) Very high quality article, overall. Wow, thanks a lot Stroyer. This post really means a lot me xD I actually enjoyed translating it, even though it took a while. | 2008-09-19 01:44:00 Author: Forsaken ![]() Posts: 950 |
Man, it was extremely annoying trying to read it <_< I tried several programs, to see which one shows it to you the clearest when zooming in. So which program works the best for zooming, I'm actually really curious to know! | 2008-09-19 01:46:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
So which program works the best for zooming, I'm actually really curious to know! I wasn't using my laptop, so I didn't have that many programs. I used: Windows Photo Gallery; MS Paint (Yes I did <_<) ; QuickTime Picture Viewer; Microsoft Office Picture Manager ; and Nero CoverDesigner Essentials. All of these pretty much suck xD I would've checked Photoshop if I was using my laptop. But Microsoft Office Picture Manager won in the end <_< | 2008-09-19 01:52:00 Author: Forsaken ![]() Posts: 950 |
That's an awesome translation man! Great job! If only I could still read French ;_; | 2008-09-19 03:13:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
Yeah, sorry, responded to the wrong thread - this is a superb job. Thank you so much for translating from a scanned doc! Amazing commitment to sharing with the LBP community! ![]() | 2008-09-19 10:05:00 Author: mrbobbyboy ![]() Posts: 304 |
Good effort young man, nice work. Good read as well. ![]() | 2008-09-19 13:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hello, I the publisher of AMUSEMENT. Thank you very much for having translated the texte into english. If you feel like translating the whole interview, you can find the whole PDF of the article here : http://www.amusement.fr/pages/divers/AMU050-065.pdf ![]() Abdel Bounane www.amusement.fr | 2008-10-28 11:03:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Haha, hey! Welcome man =D | 2008-10-28 11:05:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
well done fskn. As ever the devoted LBPC member that you are ![]() | 2008-10-28 11:52:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
This thread's been dead for ages guys. Please don't bring them back. | 2008-10-28 11:57:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
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