Musicman by deboerdave
Archive: 3 posts
This level is quit interesting for those interested in music. It's not visually stunner nor is it a platformer. but boy the idea is just amazing! You are what the title says a Music Man! While you run along the level you keep on continuing the music. It looks dull at first but once you get near the middle the music is just fantastic! It made me leap with joy! This is a great idea and I think all musicians should play this little neat level. Word of Note: Go up, don't drop down what ever you do ![]() | 2009-09-23 22:51:00 Author: snowyjoe ![]() Posts: 509 |
I was attracted to this thread because I thought this would be a level based on the play "The Music Man". Sadly, it's not, but this still looks (sounds?) interesting. I'll try it out tomorrow morning. | 2009-09-24 05:26:00 Author: StrayFelisCatus ![]() Posts: 178 |
Wow thanks for checking this out. I actually made it for the a music level contest that they had on this site sometime back. The level was originally my golf level that i made the main beat for and then i added to it with the other loops that you can trigger as you progress through the level. Basically it just a level to show off how i am reating my loops and triggering new ones to come in, and how i can make the music follow the player through out. Glad you enjoyed it. If you are more interested in how i got the music to stay with the player i have another level that explains how to build that. thanks again | 2009-09-24 15:01:00 Author: deboerdave ![]() Posts: 384 |
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