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switch with tweakable strength.

Archive: 11 posts

ever wanted to change the strength on a 2-way switch? now you CAN!

i was looking at an object from the collector saga, the iron cage (the one your friends are all locked in) and i noticed something about the switch, it had a hinge in the middle of it. when i tweaked its strength setting, it actually changed the amount of force necessary to pull the lever!

i tried adding a hinge to a regular 2-way, but it didn't work.

its fun, if you set it high, like 8-10, it takes more then one sack to pull it

ill get pictures later. its 3 AM in my time zone EDIT: i swear ill add pictures eventualy.
2009-09-19 08:34:00

Posts: 143

this sounds pretty cool. I guess i might have to start pulling things apart to look at their switches now o.o2009-09-19 08:57:00

Posts: 3322

Wow, nice find!
It could be helpfull and fun for multiplayer levels
2009-09-19 10:11:00

Posts: 1355

And to think I spent a good deal of yesterday trying to make something similar from scratch! 2009-09-19 10:29:00

Posts: 572

This sounds really neat, I can see people using it for multiplayer puzzles where three people pull one switch (because it's very hard) and one player does something else...2009-09-19 16:21:00

Posts: 224

Sorry to burst your bubble but I've seen some before on the level "Pyramid" by mysteriousK.2009-09-21 01:37:00

Posts: 3251

cant you do it by attaching elastic to the yellow handle, then you can choose ur own difficulty to pull it?2009-09-21 02:38:00

Posts: 479

cant you do it by attaching elastic to the yellow handle, then you can choose ur own difficulty to pull it?

yea, but thats hard to pull in one direction. plus, its not centered tword the middle.

oh, and @incinerator:

not surprised that im not the first in lbp to find it. BUT, i was the first to post it to lbpc!
2009-09-22 04:40:00

Posts: 143

Nice find! This is much like the tweakable laser from the MGS turret, it should be very useful. I'll need to find it and play with it later. 2009-09-22 15:45:00

Posts: 151

Nice find
Could be useful for people who can't squeeze in/don't want to take up space with other mechanisms like the "and" switch.
2009-09-22 21:17:00

Posts: 62

oh, and @incinerator:

not surprised that im not the first in lbp to find it. BUT, i was the first to post it to lbpc!

good point
2009-09-23 00:39:00

Posts: 3251

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