Puppet Dance
Archive: 4 posts
Puppet Danceladylyn1 I just thought i'd try something original and make some puppets! They do a cool little dance that's quite funny. Take a look, its a good laugh. And you also get to see the logic but obviously its pretty hard to work out what's going on without all the wires. Have fun! Also, I might add this to a proper level in the future. Would be nice to hear anyone's opinion on the theme of the future level u'd like to see this in! Thanks! all | 2009-09-18 12:00:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
yeah i played this a while ago at first i thought it was just too simple then i went up and saw the hands and was just amazed at the amount of switches needed to make a simple chain of movements. im pretty sure you could do something grand with this sort of mechanism. | 2009-09-18 21:33:00 Author: mat1629 ![]() Posts: 55 |
oh wow. simply amazing. the logic is incredible. how long did it take to make this? | 2009-09-18 22:24:00 Author: gofurr360z ![]() Posts: 886 |
I made it in one evening... hm 3 hours maybe! not too long... the dance was hardest to program but the rest didn't take too long to put together. | 2009-10-30 14:45:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
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