How do you create a score tracking system?
Archive: 9 posts
I played a level that had a soccer game in it and it kept track of scores as the sacks kicked the ball(s) in the nets. How is this created? | 2009-09-18 02:58:00 Author: Fleakitten ![]() Posts: 4 |
Im not sure but im guessing, You would use a sensor and when somthing passes it, it in turn spins a number wheel a little that shows the next number Just somthing i thought of real quick not sure how you would make the number wheel though. | 2009-09-18 03:02:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I'm guessing the ball had a magnetic key on it and in the goal was a one-shot magnetic key switch that triggered a mechanism which increased a scoreboard in increments of one. There are 100s of ways to make a scoreboard, so I'm not going to get into it, I'm sure there is a tutorial around here or somewhere on LittleBigPlanet. | 2009-09-18 03:11:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
He probably used a one shot switch like BSprague said, but it emitted a block, that would tell the scoreboard what to show as the score. If your playing the level I'm thinking of, the guy porbably made it so that a certain amount of blocks emitted ends the level... | 2009-09-18 03:51:00 Author: goldenclaw13 ![]() Posts: 224 |
Ah. I see! I'll try the magnet key switch. I've been trying to figure out how to accomplish this for a while. It's the only thing holding up my Blitzball level..that and the new water feature. | 2009-09-18 17:45:00 Author: Fleakitten ![]() Posts: 4 |
Ah. I see! I'll try the magnet key switch. I've been trying to figure out how to accomplish this for a while. It's the only thing holding up my Blitzball level..that and the new water feature. Blitzball?! That brings back memories........ FFX... such a good game... ![]() | 2009-09-18 17:55:00 Author: Powershifter ![]() Posts: 668 |
Blitzball?! That brings back memories........ FFX... such a good game... ![]() Yep. One of the best. ![]() | 2009-09-18 20:47:00 Author: Fleakitten ![]() Posts: 4 |
I think you posted in the wrong section... (I'm new though, so I'm not completely sure...) I think this section is just for tutorials, and for help you go to the Help! (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=42) section. I don't think it's that big a deal though, seeing as you're new. I just have a good eye for this, seeing as I go on the LittleBigWorkshop alot. (Where they don't have many sections, and if you post in the wrong section it gets moved right away...) But on topic: I don't know exactly what the level looked like, so I can only guess... A one shot switch, hooked up to a... YouTube - Little Big Planet How to make a Health Bar By ![]() That emits mag keys, into an LED Sign (http://forums.littlebigworkshop.com/lbp/board/message?board.id=creationgen&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=20389#M20389). (Links to BlahYourHamster's tutorial on LittleBigWorkshop.) It took me a while to find those links. ![]() | 2009-09-19 01:53:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
Very helpful tutorials! Especially the light up sign. Been wondering how people have been doing that. Sorry for posting in wrong thread, btw. ^^ | 2009-09-20 01:08:00 Author: Fleakitten ![]() Posts: 4 |
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