Archive: 3 posts
There is a level out called "OPEN" and it is super addictive. Its a straight forward platformer made out of different types of blocks. Some blocks have timers and will dissappear after a certain amount of time and others are hazardous and will kill you. Its and ooriginal idea and lots of fun. There is a button to make it an option survival challenge, which i think is a must for the single player experience. Otherwise there is checkpoints scattered about, which is best for multiplayer. Sorry i dont have the author right now, if someone knows the author please add it to the thread, currently it should show up on cool pages. If your a straight up platforming fan i cant stress enough that this is a must play. | 2009-09-17 15:09:00 Author: deboerdave ![]() Posts: 384 |
Cool! I especially like the block platformers! I'll play this one soon. | 2009-09-17 15:44:00 Author: Sunrise_Moon ![]() Posts: 469 |
Oh Yeah I LOVE this one! Definately one of my favourite levels simply for its addictiveness (spelt right?) ![]() | 2009-09-26 16:37:00 Author: RobbieT_4 ![]() Posts: 77 |
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