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Need to make a piston move in and out...

Archive: 11 posts

This could be really simple or it could be really complicated, my brain is too fried to think about it properly at the minute.

Basically, I want to make a piston move in and out in one grab of a switch.

So you grab the sponge...the piston flies out and then flies back in in one movement. Even if you carry on holding the sponge nothing else happens. If you let go and grab the sponge again the same thing happens (so it's like a one shot switch in that respect) but obviously you can't connect a one shot switch upto a piston without it being on flipper...

So, what do I need?

EDIT: Nevermind I don't actually need this now...although I guess it would still be good to know so if anyone does have an answer go for it
2009-09-16 01:10:00

Posts: 1494

If i was going to do this, i'd use a little emitter logic. Set the piston key switch to directional, and emit a little key next to the switch. Emitter settings are 1 shot, so you can grab the thing whch triggers the emitter as long as you want, and it'll only emit once, and you adjust the timing on the piston and the emitter as to how long you want it to take to go in and out.2009-09-16 01:21:00

Posts: 3322

Perfect. As soon as you said emitter it was like 'Duh!' of course. I knew i needed something that would activate it only for a certain amount of time hence it flying in and out. Why I didn't think of an emitter I have no idea

2009-09-16 01:26:00

Posts: 1494

Perfect. As soon as you said emitter it was like 'Duh!' of course. I knew i needed something that would activate it only for a certain amount of time hence it flying in and out. Why I didn't think of an emitter I have no idea


Happens to me all the time. What makes me really mad is when I figure out a solution in my head.... piston here set to X, with this grab hooked to an emitter emitting this object set to a life of X that falls on this switch that is hooked to the piston..... then when I get ready to do it I cant remember the whole thing
2009-09-16 01:38:00

Posts: 340

I think everyone has momentary lapses!

I do it all the time where I make something that's pretty complex logic wise...then like a week later I'll have done something to mess it up a little bit or want to change something, and then spend about 2 hours trying to work out how the hell I set the logic up in the first place...tracing wires back to where they came from and tryring to work out what goes where etc...

It would probably be quicker if I just took all the logic down and rebuilt it!
2009-09-16 01:41:00

Posts: 1494

I'd do it without an emitter, just for thermometer and neatness' sake. It's just a personal preference to avoid using emitters whenever possible. So, how I would do it is hook the piston to a directional State/Toggle switch. For an input, hook a one-shot, two input OR gate up to the State/Toggle switch. The first input is the grab switch, and the second is a key which is triggered when the piston reaches the length at which you want it to stop and turn back. It's a lot simpler than it sounds.2009-09-16 01:52:00

Posts: 2325

I'd do it without an emitter, just for thermometer and neatness' sake. It's just a personal preference to avoid using emitters whenever possible. So, how I would do it is hook the piston to a directional State/Toggle switch. For an input, hook a one-shot, two input OR gate up to the State/Toggle switch. The first input is the grab switch, and the second is a key which is triggered when the piston reaches the length at which you want it to stop and turn back. It's a lot simpler than it sounds.

That would be neater, but probably not more thermo efficient. All the emitter job takes is a single block with a key...
2009-09-16 02:08:00

Posts: 5338

That would be neater, but probably not more thermo efficient. All the emitter job takes is a single block with a key...

That's true, so I guess I'm going to have to change my philosophy here a little.

If a process can be completed without the use of emitters and done within the same half bar of thermometer, I will choose that alternative.
It could just be my luck, but every time I place an emitter, it emits in the wrong spot even after fixing it several times, and it usually just takes a while to get working perfectly, and it's harder to follow if you are explaining it to someone.
2009-09-16 02:11:00

Posts: 2325

A toggle switch is an easier solution if you've got one on hand, i just like emitter logic as its easy to make a key block 2009-09-16 02:17:00

Posts: 3322

A toggle switch is an easier solution if you've got one on hand, i just like emitter logic as its easy to make a key block

While I will agree that emitter logic is easier and faster and in some cases more thermometer efficient, I have had several instances in the past where I have needed to retrace my logic, which can get incredibly dense and overlapping, and I haven't been able to because of the heavy use of emitters. Even with comments that I place around my levels, it can become more of a chore than it needs to be. I'm a visual learner naturally anyway, the emitters don't give me that "tangible" thing that I need to put two and two together.
2009-09-16 02:36:00

Posts: 2325

If i was going to do this, i'd use a little emitter logic. Set the piston key switch to directional, and emit a little key next to the switch. Emitter settings are 1 shot, so you can grab the thing whch triggers the emitter as long as you want, and it'll only emit once, and you adjust the timing on the piston and the emitter as to how long you want it to take to go in and out.

Make sure you aren't emitting dark matter keys here, or double taps on the grab switch will break your careful timing. I'd probably also go for an on/off output to the piston in question, rather than directional, this way you can ensure the in-and-out action happens completely, regardless of what the player does.

Seeing as the debate on emitters has gone purely subjective: I like emitter logic They are very efficient as well.
2009-09-16 09:34:00

Posts: 6497

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