3 questions
Archive: 5 posts
ok i have 3 questions, but the one i want answered the most is the first. Ok so i played this level on lbp a month ago or so, it was like train takeover or something, but anyway you were on this non-stop train, it never hit a wall or anything... it just kept going. Im wondering how that person made it so the train never reaches the end of the level my second question is how long does it take to make a music level (about a minute long) and my 3rd is i just started this level (only like 10minutes into it, so no big deal) but i got a message when i tried to work some more on it and it said "failed to load level" or somethng, what do i do? | 2009-09-13 00:08:00 Author: Pityflame ![]() Posts: 14 |
ok i have 3 questions, but the one i want answered the most is the first. Ok so i played this level on lbp a month ago or so, it was like train takeover or something, but anyway you were on this non-stop train, it never hit a wall or anything... it just kept going. Im wondering how that person made it so the train never reaches the end of the level. The track moves and the train floats just above it. New sections of track keep being emmitted so it looks like it's moving. my second question is how long does it take to make a music level (about a minute long) That would take quite a while normally but it depends on how complex it is. and my 3rd is i just started this level (only like 10minutes into it, so no big deal) but i got a message when i tried to work some more on it and it said "failed to load level" or somethng, what do i do? It's a common glitch. LBP saves corrupt quite a lot. The best way to avoid it is to publish a locked version of your level on the servers so if anything goes wrong you can copy it as a backup. | 2009-09-13 00:19:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R ![]() Posts: 1606 |
Well ya, what sasgunner said lol | 2009-09-13 02:28:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
The track moves and the train floats just above it. New sections of track keep being emmitted so it looks like it's moving. k thanks, i think i get it | 2009-09-13 02:52:00 Author: Pityflame ![]() Posts: 14 |
If you still don't quite get the "infinite level" concept, there are flat pieces of track that are emitted and moved by a large row of wheels below them. | 2009-09-13 02:58:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
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