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Invisible wall. (Not your dark matter barriers)

Archive: 6 posts

Invisible wall.

Alright so I was playing with giant plasma balls (don't ask why) when something peculiar happened. Every time the balls would disappear and the giant ship that was attached the the balls would drop to the floor I would hear a breaking sound. I have gotten into the habit of reversing a couple steps back to make sure I can find out what breaks. After a while i accidentally highlighted an invisible block that had the checkpoint thickness. It seems to be a hitbox of some sort. You can attach most things to it except for decorations if anyone is interested I'll make a level with it included. If it was a thin layer I could see many uses for it but since it takes a thick layer. It's applications seem very limited. Although you can use it as a "sheild" for when you have a delicate piece of work that needs to go through some rough spots.
2009-09-12 06:08:00

Posts: 108

Wow... i can really use that. What property is the invisible wall? Is it light, heavy, grabbable?

I was thinking of using invisible walls but didn't want to use those really skinny darkmatter ones (they are such an hassle)

Please show me its!
2009-09-12 08:21:00

Posts: 509

LOL I LOVE stuff like that.

"SO I was messing around doing some stuff I probably shouldn't be doing, but I found this awesome thing because of it!" XD

This sounds interesting. Would like to see what it is like.
2009-09-12 09:22:00

Posts: 41

Is it the infamous "broken piston material"?

If it is, it would be the size of a square of small grid, invisible, checkpoint or thin layer thick (I never actually checked mine since I have yet to use it) and a perfect square.
2009-09-13 22:08:00

Posts: 572

Is it the infamous "broken piston material"?

If it is, it would be the size of a square of small grid, invisible, checkpoint or thin layer thick (I never actually checked mine since I have yet to use it) and a perfect square.

You may be on to something because I was attaching pistons to plama balls earlier but there was a whole pile of these things. They aren't shapable and they kind of take an entire thick layer which is quite a hassle for what I originally wanted to do with it. I'm making a few items that I'm just going to throw out in a level and make they sharable.

I just bought a dingoo a320 so more than likely I'll be playing with that for a while, but hey LBP is nice to play to get the brain going when your burned out from studying so much (why does i pick 18 credit hours of clases:eek
2009-09-16 05:44:00

Posts: 108

You can get it (or something very similar) in my Creator's Menu level under Misc.... Mine is a thin layer piece.2009-10-03 03:36:00

Posts: 8

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