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Multi Location Teleportation

Archive: 12 posts

Level Name: Teleporter Tech Demo
Location: Top of Africa
PSN: Burnvictim42

Recently i created a multi location teleporter in the work of a project, and decided to show it off

Teleport to ANY other teleporter from ANY teleporter, at player discretion.

No pics because theres not really much decoration

The current system in the demo is a network of 6 teleporters, others are very easily added. In the level i'm working on, i've got 10 running easily (though the bar starts heating up more)

The 6 system is a little over the 2nd small bar, the 10 system with an additional location with no link availability is around 4 bars. Obviously, the bar will change depending on the complexity of your chosen teleporters.

The teleporters i'm using work on a brain system, which means score jacking is possible, but giving a significant amount of points should combat that. (Or making a teleporter that works without brains, but this was easier ;p)
2009-09-11 20:31:00

Posts: 3322

wow sounds good, ill have to check it out. So does sacky choose what teleporter to go to? and how does the selection system work?2009-09-11 20:47:00

Posts: 485

I have the selection based on stickering, as thats my personal preference for selection. You sticker a square representing the location you want to go to (with any sticker), and that activates "the selection process" Its really not all that complicated, its just a bunch of OR gates linked up.

I'd explain it better... but i don't really know how to diagram it well lol
2009-09-11 20:53:00

Posts: 3322

(Or making a teleporter that works without brains, but this was easier ;p)
lol just use two pieces of dissolve with the proper mag keys and such on them. I never use brains for this exact reason. :3 No free points for you! Plus off screen brains only ever give player 1 points. :|
2009-09-12 09:25:00

Posts: 41

lol just use two pieces of dissolve with the proper mag keys and such on them. I never use brains for this exact reason. :3 No free points for you! Plus off screen brains only ever give player 1 points. :|

Whoa... wait... what? This is something i've never heard of, how do you use dissolve to get rid of a checkpoint door? o.o

A better version would involve destroying the door with dark matter, but the point system was really more than sufficient for my levels purposes.
2009-09-12 19:06:00

Posts: 3322

doesent the points that you lose when you die balence out the points you get from the brain being destroyed?2009-09-13 10:43:00

Posts: 485

Whoa... wait... what? This is something i've never heard of, how do you use dissolve to get rid of a checkpoint door? o.o I think he may be confused

Also, Offscreen brains give 50pts as normal

A better version would involve destroying the door with dark matter, but the point system was really more than sufficient for my levels purposes. Yup I'm pretty sure you get 0 points for effort here. Tsk Tsk
2009-09-13 11:16:00

Posts: 6497

doesent the points that you lose when you die balence out the points you get from the brain being destroyed?

No, dying takes out a certain % of your score, so if you had 900,000 points and then teleported, your score would drop pretty drastically.
2009-09-13 17:32:00

Posts: 2325

No, dying takes out a certain % of your score, so if you had 900,000 points and then teleported, your score would drop pretty drastically.

Exactly. And seeing as my level is a bunch of high point value race gates... you really don't want to die more than you have to.

I'm sorry, RTM, but seeing as its kinda a score challenge, the brains were nice
2009-09-13 17:46:00

Posts: 3322

Whoa... wait... what? This is something i've never heard of, how do you use dissolve to get rid of a checkpoint door? o.o

A better version would involve destroying the door with dark matter, but the point system was really more than sufficient for my levels purposes.

attach a emitter to some dissolve and make it emit checkpoints. You can do all kinds of things with it amazingly and if you have several of them they won't interfere with each other. Idk why but sackboy will just spawn at the last one he was at.

I've been working on a steam-punk based adventure style game where you walk through vastly different locations so to minimize walking the teleporters were necessary. Unfortunately I wanted a few platforming elements and things can occasionally kill you so I needed a constant spawn to make sure you didn't end the game early. To do this I added an emit that emitted checkpoints at a relatively fast interval where the only way they would spawn there is if no other checkpoints were around. And to the dissolve/emit trick is the best way to make a level without a home starting gate
2009-09-18 10:42:00

Posts: 108

I have no idea what you are saying here about dissolve. Are you saying you had a bunch of emitters, that emitted dissolve with emitters on, that emit checkpoints? Then add background logic that will only allow one of them to be active at once?2009-09-18 10:57:00

Posts: 6497

I have no idea what you are saying here about dissolve. Are you saying you had a bunch of emitters, that emitted dissolve with emitters on, that emit checkpoints? Then add background logic that will only allow one of them to be active at once?

lol no, that sounds like a thermo killer. I only use the dissolve emit technique for things like home gates in stead of finding a convoluted way to destroy the home gate and such. And sometimes teleporters screw up so having a backup is always nice. It is actually apart of the story. I'm building a level where you become an interim lab assistant and if you "KO" you end up in the infirmary via the prof's dog.
2009-09-19 01:59:00

Posts: 108

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