Archive: 1 post
Check out this japanese creators levels. He/she has some very original and innovative gameplay and ideas and they must have some very clever logic stuff going on aswell. The levels are mostly in japanese unfortunately but the creator has made an effort to put a bit of english in some of them. Don't let that put you off though because they definitely deserve more plays than they have. You don't need to understand the text to get through them. I don't understad a word and finished them ok and really enjoyed the ones I've played so far. The God dragon bosses level is the most awesome boss level I've ever seen in LBP. It's very difficult but I finished it and the way it works and how much is in there are beyond belief. It's absolute genius !! For something more relaxing but nonetheless very clever try the animal levels with the cats/dogs/monkeys etc. Can't remember the full titles because it's a mix of japanese/english but one says something about a forest. There is a glitched material ( grabbable floaty glass/sponge ? ) that is used really cleverly and a very clever way of using the race gates whereby the start gate disappears when you complete the 'task' and the finish gate appears in the same place. The 'Cat Defense Force' level is lots of fun with the paintinator and is brilliantly designed. Try a few of their levels out and see what you think. I can only aspire to make levels this good. The logic in them is way beyond me !! | 2009-09-11 11:54:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
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