Lighting Question
Archive: 5 posts
Is there anyway to add lights in the layer glitch? | 2009-09-10 19:11:00 Author: javi haguse ![]() Posts: 744 |
I believe you can add lights the same way you add objects... Heres a link to a good guide: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=14343 | 2009-09-10 19:15:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
I used ninjas method. (given in burnvictims post) with that you can create whatever you want using the normal planes and then just emit it in the background. Everything needs to be glued together thouigh or it will break up. no moving objegts either i think. | 2009-09-10 19:20:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
I used ninjas method. (given in burnvictims post) with that you can create whatever you want using the normal planes and then just emit it in the background. Everything needs to be glued together thouigh or it will break up. no moving objegts either i think. Each time you glitch an object with your method it goes into a glitched layer that still correspond to one of the normal ones we use. Stuff will break by moving because its are at the same place as something else in the corresponding non-glitched layers. I think we cannot glitch tools back there though so it would hard to create much movement! . | 2009-09-11 00:49:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
I haven't tried that method yet, but as of now, it looks complicated & confusing.. | 2009-09-12 18:13:00 Author: javi haguse ![]() Posts: 744 |
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