Some recommendations by me!
Archive: 1 post
1) Digitized Reality: The Lab by steve_big_guns short overview: You have to activate some switches for a virtual reality machine to start working, you jump in and you come back in a wonderful world, full with nice made contraptions. 2) Spartan Showdown (Boss Battle) by Focker420 short overview: this has to be my favourite boss battle on LBP (warning: might not be for you), nicely done and you have to play it tactical. 3) The Kings Colorful Race 2 by Cesar_72 short overview: very nice visuals and very good if you want to play something small! 4)Assassins Creed (3D) by sckil short overview: you might be thinking "oh no, not another 3D level, gtfo" wrong, this is my second favourite level that uses the 3D effect, it really made me go "WOW", especially at the start. while there isn't any action, some bad grammar and very short, it's beautiful. eye candy at its best. enjoy! | 2009-09-10 18:50:00 Author: oldage ![]() Posts: 2824 |
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