Puzzle Race
Archive: 10 posts
Puzzle Racechrispy52x2006 My level consists of a race. It's quite simple, except for the fact that there is a path you must follow that runs back and forth, up twice and down twice. First you run right, jump up then run left, back and forth. You go up first, then down, then up, then back down; the whole time going back and forth. That's the end of the race. After that, you must then hit this character 100 times with the Paint gun to pass and get to the finish. all So, you may be wondering, "why is he making another thread?" Well, I'm taking Burnvictim42's advice and making a F4F thread. I couldn't find what that meant prior to the last thread, which is why I didn't choose it for the last one. I also didn't really want to come off as pushy/demanding in the last one. So if I come off as such in this one, it's really not my intention. Again nothing has changed. I'm really only looking for people to play my level, heart it, and to heart me; so that I may get the 4 trophies associated with that stuff. Again, if you want stuff back on your levels, let me know. I always heart both the level and the creator. I know it can be kind of hard to get those trophies so I'm more than willing to help others out in getting them. Also, I don't have a way to get pictures at the moment, otherwise I would post some. So please, take a gander, help out. I will do the same, just let me know. Thank you! | 2009-09-10 03:42:00 Author: chrispy52x2006 ![]() Posts: 6 |
BUMP. I would just like to say that though this thread and my other one has been viewed about 30+ times together, no one has really replied, nor has anyone played my level. All I'm asking for is that some people help out so I can get the 4 trophies associated with people playing a level. You don't even really have to like it, just give it a try, please. Thanks. | 2009-09-15 18:10:00 Author: chrispy52x2006 ![]() Posts: 6 |
Hi, Chrispy. I will play your level this evening and give you some feedback. It looks interesting. | 2009-09-16 12:25:00 Author: gonzinger ![]() Posts: 20 |
Thank you. I'll look for some of yours when I get the chance (soon). Tell your friends to check it out also, even if you don't really like it. These trophies are tough to get. | 2009-09-17 03:12:00 Author: chrispy52x2006 ![]() Posts: 6 |
Hi chrispy. Yesterday I tried to play your levels but I couldnt find them. I couldnt find you as a creator either. You can add me as a friend and I will give it a try. By the way you should not worry about trophies. Focus on having fun creating and sharing... trophies are just a prize you get if people enjoy your levels, thats all | 2009-09-17 07:54:00 Author: gonzinger ![]() Posts: 20 |
Did you type in all of my name Chrispy52x2006? I don't know if it matters if you do a capitol C or not. I found you, all lower case. And as far as trophies go, I find them to be just as fun as the actual game itself. I have OCD so the desire to get them is uncontrollable. Don't get me wrong, I find the games themselves to be great (LBP being really awesome) but I also find the collecting of trophies to be just as awesome. So that's where I'm coming from. | 2009-09-17 14:58:00 Author: chrispy52x2006 ![]() Posts: 6 |
I'll try again with "C" instead of "c" but believe me I tried many combinations and none of them worked ![]() This is not the first time (and won't be the last) I cannot find a level knowing its name and creator. The search functionallity seems to have some serious issues and I think Media Molecule should focus on repairing them as soon as posible. | 2009-09-17 16:58:00 Author: gonzinger ![]() Posts: 20 |
Hey! didn't i say something about reminding me if i didn't get to feedback?! Anyway, i stumbled upon this thread, and realized i'd forgotten :shame: Shame on me! I just did a search for your name, and also had the problem that your name didn't pop up. If you could leave a message on one of my levels, i can find you that way. You don't have to play any of them of course, i just need a way to find you ![]() | 2009-09-18 01:38:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
I tried to find you yesterday again unsuccessfully. The same as burnvictim. Post a comment in any of my levels and I will play yours. ![]() Bye. | 2009-09-18 10:00:00 Author: gonzinger ![]() Posts: 20 |
Alrighty then, gotten a chance to play this now, heres your long awaited feedback: I checked out your level, and frankly wasn't very impressed. Now that thats out of the way, heres why. The level is, as you described, a very long winding race, with a paintinator part. But theres not really all that much gameplay in there, and the only challenge is in racing against the clock and the two spike traps you put in. You're just jumping around a giant piece of rubber in order to get to the end. If you're looking to improve this level, i'd reccomend lowering the ceiling when you're jumping upward, using a triangle to cut out a gap, so that the player can jump earlier, it is a race. I'd also reccomend trying to put something more interesting scenery wise. Sticker or decorate your race, pretty levels attract people. I'd also reccomend putting in some obstacles, giving the player things to do will keep them engaged and playing your level. And another piece of advice: Around these forums we're not so inclined to giving out trophies, we give hearts based on merit, etc. As always, if you'd like more feedback, or feedback on other levels feel free to message me, sorry it took so long in the first place, that was entirely my fault. | 2009-09-25 05:29:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
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