To get GotY or not to get GotY....
Archive: 6 posts
Arg, I can't decide if I should get it or not, So many questions and such, think you guys can help me decide? Both people who do and do not have it. Now price isn't a big deal, I got a job, and a rarly spend the money I earn, and I can sell my original copy too. But what bothers me is saves and DLC, now I have all DLC, and i would be so steamed if it didn't work especially my crown and current saved stuff, yeah i know its probably not going to happen, but i gotta make sure ya know. Another thing is how these new levels have prizes, how many prizes are there? I got little profile space left, could I send them to my friends, (i know they can play the levels if I heart it) and last is the ModNation Racers, chances are I'm going to get the full game (but if there's a win/loss record......ugh, sorry but i got issues with those) anyway how much memory does it take to download it, and what does it all contain? Can we create and share tracks too, or is it just testing the online? If I do wind up getting, you can bet I'll be recording them for everyone, and maybe even ModNation Racers too (If I am allowed though, if they want to be discrete like how MM is doing with the Onlince create and water beta, then I won't record it) | 2009-09-09 22:49:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
No, there'll be other ways of getting into the ModNation Beta, you have all DLC, you can play the exclusive levels anyway. ![]() PS: ModNation Racer is a disc-based game. PPS: I misunderstood you there. The beta will be "a quite substantial part" of the full game. They said so somewhere, sometime ago. PPPS: No one knows how large it will be. Except maybe those that work for the makers or SOny. PPPPS: This is of course just my opinion. ![]() | 2009-09-09 22:52:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
I'd probably just say no. You said you have all the DLC, and you can play the levels off people who have hearted it. The only thing that you don't have access too right now is teh MNR beta- but its possible you'll get into that at another date (and thats a pretty expensive beta key if you ask me ![]() | 2009-09-09 22:56:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
Well I guess there's that, but say i really wanted the prizes...could someone make a prize level? | 2009-09-09 23:04:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
I think you can get the prizes o.o | 2009-09-09 23:10:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
well i guess one question remains....who has all the 18 extra levels hearted so i can heart them? (or that person if for i can't heart the 18 levels) | 2009-09-09 23:28:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
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